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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 17, 2025

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Three possibilities stand out:

  1. Actually, there are no Epstein files. We already know everything that there is to know (or at least everything that it is possible at this point to know). This is the null hypothesis.

  2. Epstein was an Israeli intelligence asset, and thus releasing the files would damage US-Israeli relations (I’m sure some of our less-plilosemitic users will gladly explain how exactly this translates into leverage over the Trump Administration).

  3. The contents of the Epstein files personally implicate Donald Trump.

I mean, it's obviously (3) right? Trump is in the Epstein flight logs and address book. In 2002 in a New York Magazine profile of Epstein, Trump described him:

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

There's also the Fox and Friends clip from last year, where Trump is gung ho about declassifying the JFK files but very cagey about releasing the Epstein files, insisting there's some "phony" stuff in there. Add to that Trump's own history with younger women. Of course, Epstein's "suicide" was also in federal custody in 2019. Who was President in 2019?

Since when has the FBI, or any intelligence agency, been able to contain anti-Trump leaks? They are so bad at infosec WRT Trump that they leak fake stories about him, invent their own fake stories about him, etc.

This by itself doesn't seem insane to me but the corollary to this theory seems to be that Team Obama/Biden are just insanely incompetent not to release it or are themselves implicated. If it's the latter, then Epstein's network was insanely effective and (based on US policy fluctuations over the past five terms) there's only one or maybe a few things they really care about (because US policy in many areas has widely varied in ways you would not expect if a Secret Group had turbo-blackmail over literally every single President).

And frankly I'm not sure Biden or Trump treated Israel with the deference one would expect if they knew Israeli intelligence services had turbo-blackmail on them. Definitely not the Obama administration, unless Israel is engaging in a lot of kayfabe over the Iran deal and such.

They wouldn't have to be on the list themselves, they'd just need to have enough friends and supporters on the list that it wasn't worth throwing them all under a bus to maybe get a solid hit in on Trump.

How hard would it be to leak the relevant documents to press and leave out the parts you don't like?

I feel like dirty political hits are not exactly rocket science, here.

I don't know, you'd think if there was Trump implicating stuff in there they would have used it by now. Even if you have to redact everything that touches anybody else out of it, it'd be a powerful political weapon.

I think it's a lot more likely that it's because spooks are involved and they don't want a light shone on their operation. No idea if that's American, Israeli or any other type of unscrupulous operator, but mass kompromat production on influential people of all sorts doesn't just happen.

It'd be very embarrassing if the US benefited from or deliberately setup a child sex slave ring, which very likely happened in some form or another.

Acosta supposedly said that Epstein "belonged to intelligence" - why the assumption that it's Israeli intelligence?

I think the reason is because of some of Maxwell's connections, but it seems plausible that Epstein was a U.S. intelligence asset. Not mutually exclusive with working for Israeli intelligence!

I think the Maxwell connection makes Israeli Intelligence unavoidable. The only open question is whether it was a collaboration among several agencies, or they kept him all to himself. Wouldn't be unprecedented. I recall a cyber attack (Stuxnet?) on Iran's nuclear weapons program that had the fingerprints of US, Israeli and German intelligence agencies.

Yeah, great example. I would not be shocked if there was something similar here.

Fourth possibility:

The files implicate one or more politically powerful figures who are not Trump or member of his administration, and negotiations (aka blackmail) are currently underway to see how much mileage can be wrung out of the files.

Even more boring: the files implicate intelligence collection methods that would be embarrassing to admit existing. "We know he's not an Israeli asset because we've wiretapped the entire country of Israel and nobody ever mentioned him as an asset" is probably overstating the US power level, but is an example of something that isn't directly germane but would cause international relations trouble if it got out. IIRC there was that incident involving Merkel I think a decade or so ago.

Sigh, thats probably the correct explanation, given the universe so often defaults to maximize boredom.

The files implicate one or more politically powerful figures who are not Trump or member of his administration

I know this isn't anything provable, or even probable, but I think it's interesting to see just how accommodating Chuck Schumer has become lately.

Maybe Trump calling him a Palestinian just gets under his skin that much.

I think this seems most likely. The entire Epstein thing sounds like a blackmail operation with the goal of getting very highly placed people in a situation where you can easily threaten them by simply having their names on the list. This is a list of people who flew to an alleged pedophile island. And if there’s on thing that’s still career and basically life ending it’s being a pedophile. How much would a person be willing to pay or do to not have their life ruined forever? I wouLd imagine it would be a lot. As to who Epstein is doing this for, no idea. Could be Jews, Mafia, Russia, just about anyone.

It could very well be that... Epstein was doing this for himself. Charisma and balls to the wall risk taking will take you far if you have no morals and run in the right circles- both of which are true. Of course it could also blow up in your face and it eventually did.

Blackmailing rich people, especially societal elites, is just so so much easier than making an honest living. And his entire life appears to be doubling down on balls to the wall risk taking to blackmail societal elites, with himself as a major beneficiary. Living on a private island in the Caribbean with a harem and palling around with the richest and most popular people in the world while being immune from tons of laws is an appealing life for many.

I agree. If you look at Epstein’s life he was a gambler. He followed the Sam Bankman-Fried philosophy of taking every single bet that he thought had a chance of not-failing, except he was both more intelligent and (crucially) attractive and charming.

Actually, there are no Epstein files. We already know everything that there is to know (or at least everything that it is possible at this point to know). This is the null hypothesis.

What do we know so far? I mean do we even have the list of people who went to the island?

Epstein was an Israeli intelligence asset, and thus releasing the files would damage US-Israeli relations (I’m sure some of our less-plilosemitic users will gladly explain how exactly this translates into leverage over the Trump Administration).

Yeah this is plausible I suppose... but dude if the intelligence agencies are covering up for huge pedophilia rings like... what the hell?!

The contents of the Epstein files personally implicate Donald Trump.

mmf good point. Didn't think of this one, but you know it does make sense. Sigh. I wish Trump wasn't so morally degenerate.

if the intelligence agencies are covering up for huge pedophilia rings

I mean, they generally don't have to; they had a few running in Afghanistan and that was relatively public knowledge at the time.

Of course, because in that case they were foreign brown boys, and in this case they're domestic white women at peak female insecurity age, so the difference in the public's level of care is trivially predictable- one is routine/character-building, the other is a sacrilege/high blasphemy.

My null hypothesis is that the intelligence agencies aren't covering for huge pedophilia rings (and by that I mean "actual little kids", not physically mature teenagers) because there aren't enough sufficiently powerful [male] pedophiles for them to be viable in the first place. The traits that predict 'obligate' pedophilia are likely statistically underrepresented in that group anyway given the most prominent examples are researchers and other academic-types.

I think people’s priors for this are higher because of high profile cases like the Catholic Church where a huge bureaucracy was indeed subverted to protect the interests of paedophiles.

I think that, much as with homosexuality, you err in assuming that a propensity for child abuse is primarily an aberrant genetic mutation that affects desire, as opposed to a willful choice to perform a transgressive evil for the sake of it. I think that the people running American society won't allow anyone into their club - they won't allow anyone else to have any of their power - until they've proven that they really are completely soulless, empty, and evil. Anything we'd recognize as sexual - the whole limited hangout archetype everyone's rambling about here, with an entrapment sex party featuring jailbait - is essentially incidental. You have to be on the record participating in the sadistic torture and execution of a few innocent people before they let you into the big leagues, and you need to seem to enjoy it, too. They're Satanists, and they only want to share the halls of power with fellow Satanists. Those are the people who made America. Freemasons. Those fuckers.

What the hell?

I guess I should tap the evidence, specific groups and maybe speak plainly signs. Somehow, I don't feel like that's sufficient. This is not a place to vent about how much you hate "those fuckers."

Fair; I felt the need to emotionally underline my point, but it felt un-The-Motte-ish as I did it, a feeling I should have paid more attention to.

I think you're onto something, but there is an element of reeling people in with these sorts of evil initiations. I think the jailbait entrapment is the first step. Then they either get girls that are progressively younger, or they encourage the mark to act progressively rougher, or both. There's probably some level of drug use to facilitate this. Something like cocaine or amphetamine would decrease inhibitions, increase aggression and sexual desire, and numb feelings of empathy.

I agree with you that there's a cabal of ghouls operating high up in the realms of power. But I think this cabal is better modeled as a self perpetuating group of evil elites actively seeking out other elites to corrupt and blackmail into joining. I don't think it makes sense as a "you must be this evil to join" club.

Regarding taste... I think there are a lot of evil appetites that increase as they feast. Many of the people strung along or blackmailed into extreme sadism or pedophilia may come to like it over time. Then they go on to perpetuate the cabal.


Ah, so that's why they call government agents G-Men!

you err in assuming that a propensity for child abuse is primarily an aberrant genetic mutation that affects desire, as opposed to a willful choice to perform a transgressive evil for the sake of it.

I don't actually think [the former], and as such should have chosen my words more carefully; this is all molestation, not pedophilia, since the details are (as you mentioned) completely incidental and [from the supplemental videos linked in other comments] it's all about who presents the easiest target of opportunity. Though, I will point out that of all the things you could get up to, "fucking a willing 16 year old of the opposite sex" is probably the least actually destructive one (and the stupidest "transgression", since the social opprobrium over it is fake and gay anyway) you could ask for in a shadowy elite.

You have to be on the record participating in the sadistic torture and execution of a few innocent people before they let you into the big leagues, and you need to seem to enjoy it, too.

They generally have established patterns of that behavior beforehand so I'm not sure "being willing to do that, except with a slightly cuter human being" is really helping them. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility, but these are already bad dudes.

much as with homosexuality


Yeah this is plausible I suppose... but dude if the intelligence agencies are covering up for huge pedophilia rings like... what the hell?!

I keep meaning to read Chaos about how the CIA "created" the Manson Cult. Supposedly it's very well researched, and if it's somehow all smoke and no fire, I'd be amazed.

I just re-listened to that book on audible. It's very good, but it's very convincing in like seven different directions so it's at least mostly smoke.