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joined 2024 September 01 16:16:53 UTC


User ID: 3236



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User ID: 3236

I'm not an expert on this area, and could use some help.

Was the Department of Ed created via statute, or was it created by the executive to enforce a law that didn't specifically call for its creation?

I don't necessarily want AI banned, but I'd like to see heavy moderation against a few common failure modes.

The first is that it's often used as an argument to authority. "I'm right because the God machine agrees with me" is a bad argument, but it seems to be a common one in the LLMposting on this site.

The second is that it seems to be used to pad the word count of a post. Word count as a proxy for quality is already a problem on this site, and AI posts make it worse.

If someone is using it as an augmented search engine that's fine, and should probably treated as such. Bare links to Google would trigger a ban, so why wouldn't dumping pages upon pages of AI output?

Thank you, but I painstakingly plan all of my free jazz in a fugue state, and it is then revealed to me as I play in the form of coincidental symbolism in the venue's wallpaper.

I'm asking because the general argument against immigration is an indirect economic argument.

Put bluntly, the people around me who get busted stealing catalytic converters from cars and stabbing women in the ass with box cutters aren't named McDonald or Orbison.

It used to be that if you could make it to Harrisonburg you were safe. These days I don't even know how far you have to go to avoid it.

respect regional, traditional, and classical architectural heritage

I won't believe this until I see a NYC federal building that's decked out like a bodega.

Plus, they're all fit. I don't think I've seen an obese Patriot Front member, ever

They also have a suspiciously high rate of Oakley sunglass and Danner boot ownership.

Are Hoteps actually…common? Outside of hand-wringing news columns feeding off the latest Ye controversies.

I threw darts and ate beef jerky with one in Lexington Kentucky in 2019, so they definitely exist.

I haven't really pressed, but I get the impression that a significant number of them didn't actually go out and vote. They all talked like they didn't want to participate in a Harris win, but assumed it was fait accompli.

Harris lost 15m biden voters because she was too cosy with Cheneys? Is this the 'democrats weren't woke enough, so their supporters stayed home' argument?

I live in a deep blue enclave of a blood red region, and what I saw is that yes, she did alienate left wing voters by not running hard to the left. Her prosecutorial history in California and her stance on Gaza were both highly unpopular among the University set.

She simultaneously alienated centrists and and squishy Republicans by running too hard to the left, but on different topics. Trans stuff, DEI, and gun laws all came up when talking to people outside the boundary.

It seems like she was uniquely bad at activating her base, but also rallied her opposition.

use a consumer drone

He was in rural Pennsylvania. One hard overhand toss would put it in in a forest thick enough that they can't even find prosecutors.

I don't disagree with anything you said here.

My main question is still "why Altoona?"

"Second most notable city in the country for shitty pizza and industrial decay" is a weird place to stop for a burger while on the lam.

Oddly, that McDonald's being shown in the news articles is the one by the highway, not the two closer to the terminal.

That could be lazy reporting, but it's unusual

What's peculiar to me is that he ended up in Altoona PA, of all places.

For those of you who aren't familiar with central PA, there's a big-ass mountain range that runs diagonally across the state. Large portions of it are taken up by state and national forests, and even the parts that aren't tend to be sparsely populated without much in the way of paved roads.

There isn't really a good way to get from NYC to Altoona. You either have to drive 45-60 minutes north from the turnpike, drive 45-60 minutes south from interstate 80, or you have to wind your way through miles and miles of land so rustic and bleak that it has been used more than once as a shooting location for post apocalyptic horror movies.

I've stopped at that McDonald's on my way North before. It's not bad so far as fast food goes, but not worth going to jail over it. Why stop and eat inside, rather than hitting the drive through or even carry out? Why hold on to the fake ID? Why hold on to the murder weapon? Why hold on to the silencer? Why carry a manifesto on your person? It almost seems like getting caught was a personal choice.

But if getting caught was a choice, why Altoona? Why not Bellefonte or Bedford? Why keep driving to Altoona? It's very odd.

It's also possible he bought a solvent trap off eBay.

Expect to see more private security

I'm placing a prediction that the shooter will end up being private security, and possibly recently fired private security at that.

To shoot this man the way the perpetrator did, you'd need to have:

  • Familiarity with the area
  • Some knowledge of the victim's travel plans and schedule. (While investment info could do this, firsthand knowledge seems simpler)
  • Firearms training sufficient to clear multiple malfunctions
  • Some measure of physical fitness to haul ass to central park
  • A rough idea of where cops and cameras are
  • Enough know how to either build a suppressor or buy parts for one in the gray market

Somebody with all those qualifications in New York City seems like they would cluster somewhere around law enforcement, private security, or extreme /k/-type autists, and /k/ommandos generally aren't in shape and don't go outside.

When you say "homemade", do you mean the general case of "didn't buy it from a licensed FFL"?

The paranoid part of me assumes this is going to be one of those "totally a solvent trap" models that you can buy on AliExpress.

I can't drive down twenty miles of highway without seeing a nurses wanted sign, usually with a prominent signing bonus advertised as well. Maybe it's a regional thing?

I wish that infographic could include population change on the z-axis, in addition to the voting change.

I live in an extremely blue enclave of an extremely red region, and one thing I've seen is that all the aspiring PMCs move as close to the blue enclave as they can manage, or they flee to the DC/Baltimore/Philly/NYC megalopolis, never to be seen again.

What can I do.

The best thing I ever did was accept that it was happening, hit the gym, and embrace it.

It makes sense when you think about it. The elites in the capital have already made it; they have nothing to prove.

The plebians in the provences, however, must express sufficient zeal to be above suspicion.

further demonstrating that Fuentes is controlled opposition.

While this seems highly likely to anybody who looks at Fuentes' past stances and actions for more than five minutes, has anyone found any tangible proof of this fact yet?

I appreciate you taking the time to expand on your reasoning. Thank you.

can't say how I'd react when put into a similar position

Would you have threatened the livelihood of 100,000,000 citizens unless they submitted to an unconstitutional mandate that abrogated their right to bodily autonomy? Even after massive concerns from multiple constitutional scholars?

If so, could you elaborate on that a little?

My personal prediction is a 270-268 Harris win, with the Democrats taking PA and all three great lakes states by ~1% in each case.

This is not a policy election. It's a GOTV and political ratfucking election, and the DNC has massive operational edge in both.

This is a low confidence prediction.