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joined 2024 June 02 04:58:53 UTC


User ID: 3087



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User ID: 3087

They don't show more agency, they don't do those "bad" things. Agency is actively making choices that don't strictly follow others. This is the same mistake as thinking someone too incapable to commit crime virtuous.

I'm Gen Z. They're still playing Street Fighter/Tekken and rambling to me about Dragon Ball Z.

I'm going to be in Manhattan for a week on a business trip. What should I do/see outside of working hours?

Often you're not getting just money from a VC fund. You're also getting their prestige, connections, and """mentorship""". Sometimes the legitimizing effects of those secondary things is worth more than the money you raise in the first place. Many prestigious and well connected funds have minimum check sizes that are quite large.

There are other incentives to raise more than you need. If you have a failed startup on your resume, people will use how much it raised as a proxy for how far it got. There's also some weird recursive perception things where raising money improves the perceived value of the company. This can frequently result in your stake rising in value more than it's diluted.

I like frogs.

I'm going to be more kind to my friends and knit a hat that looks like a frog.

I ended up getting a fake Rolex as a gift. Person giving it to me said they inherited it and honestly didn't know if it was real or not. I can't find anything that looks the same on the Rolex website, and other parts of it feel off. Still considering getting it fixed up and wearing it in public. What's The Motte's advice on the fake Rolex? Wear it anyway and tell anyone who asks it's a fake? Spend $700 and get a legitimate watch?

I really wish we had the level of UI accessibility of that game combined with the deep mechanics and settings of alpha centauri. Friends have played beyond earth with me, nobody wants to play alpha centauri.

The vibes are great, the mechanics are deep, the controls and discoverability were dogshit. Or maybe I'm just too zoomer brained.

Snuggies are too loose to be attractive. I'm a big fan of the onesie. Feels great to hug a gal in one.

Would you say it's immoral for someone to intentionally burn themselves so they could get a cool scar? What about smashing their own (non shared) things in a fit of rage?

Was that based on anything or just a typical smear job?

I don't doubt this phenomena exists, but I've never witnessed it first hand. Maybe people I know don't give off simp vibes?

Maybe they've been maximizing shareholder value a little too hard. Maybe society would be better off if they didn't maximize as ruthlessly.

There's a sweet spot of moderate to low dosages where it enables intentional, manual rewiring. I don't really get the fixation on macrodoses.

Sounds like an improvement.

I recently got a Sega Dreamcast and have been enjoying games I first played on the Game Cube. Soul Calibur holds up really well and looks beautiful. Sonic Adventure... not so much. Anybody else been getting into retro game stuff?

It's simultaneously profound and trivial that BDSM is a safer way to satisfy the same urges that lead to domestic violence. Too much of the "community" is tied up in consent ideology and PR to really dig into the implications of this.

Yeah he's gone public with his name after the whole NYT doxxing thing and the shift to substack.

My first instinct was that drugs categorically different because they cause physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms. A quick google search tells me that gambling withdrawal is a thing, but all the sources are treatment centers, and all the symptoms are psychological. Withdrawing from amphetamine left me pretty much non-functional for weeks. I doubt gambling can cause that sort of nervous system damage.

I think we exist in numbers, but we're less represented among frequent posters.

Thiel commented on SSC? I read the comments section pretty religiously and completely missed that one.

I'd be interested in reading further if you have any references on this topic.

Knowing what printer was used isn't that much of a threat if you plan around it. People leave out perfectly good printers on the street when they move. They sell them in yard sales without taking ID. Collect a few without being traced, print the fraudulent ballots, then dump them somewhere.

Also wonder how hard it would be to hack a printer to change the dot pattern it imparts.

Eh, I don't think weed causes much cross talk. More like putting a thick layer over everything. Psychedelics on the other hand? It's cross talk central.