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more evidence it was just some ridiculous mistake.
Mens rea doesn't matter in blasphemy/sacrilege cases.
you'll probably never give them a new kids book, would you?
Kids media (books, movies, games) have, as a general rule, always been complete shit.
This is mostly because the stereotypical kid media isn't actually made for children- they're made for adults who think that's what children like (and they kind of have to be, considering that's who's buying the tickets).
Meanwhile, consider this kids' toy and the fact that the movie it's based on is in a rating category such that theaters would refuse to let the person who would [want to] own that see.
Now, consider that scene where Robocop shoots that guy's dick off. That's going to trigger alarm bells in the adults who see it, but not the children; for the adults, it's "yeah, they're trying to rape the woman", for the children, they're probably not going to get the full implications of "hair down there" (or kinda just roll their eyes a bit)... but "he got shot in the dick lol" still has universal appeal. That's true for most of the superfluous sex scenes in other movies, for that matter- the main downside is not that they'll get it and enjoy it a little too much, but that it degrades the movie to pander to an audience that isn't them. They see sex scenes [and sexuality] the way everyone else sees wokeshit; and ironically the only movies to point this out are themselves 'kids movies'. [Shrek is another one, but is far more explicit about shitting on it, a lot more literally, in the first scene of the movie.]
At best, it's integrated organically into the story- hard to take the sex scene out of Terminator because the entire story is built around it- but if you show a kid that movie I guarantee you he's mainly going to be stomping around the house making robot sounds and saying "I'll be back" way too much, not trying to act out movie sex.
Anyway, so Tolkien is like that. The "wokeshit"/moralizing that is there (which is... mainly bog-standard Christianity in a way that isn't quite as blatant as Lewis' is) isn't all that jarring, as there's a reason for it to be there and it's generally intended positively rather than "Remember Kids, Leave Room For Jesus"-style messaging (like "see, the race of rock people are all gay, remember that being gay is OK" in the middle of a mediocre-to-bad superhero movie).
It's not all that accurate to group "elements of media that adults like" as "adult" to then exclude "not adults" from it. It's OK for most things to be universal.
Yes he's a comedian and he's playing it for laughs, but it works because both he and the audience know how true it is.
What else are they going to offer? Pussy?
(Actually, come to think of it, there are some exceptions to this: cougars are what women-offering-dick looks like, and "male-offering-pussy" is the trap archetype. 'Masculinity' and 'femininity' are derivatives of this, but they mean different things to each gender.)
I won't lie - it was quite the turn-on.
I think being able to provide/appreciate the "virgin experience" is an underrated part of relationships (and creates certain anxieties in people who don't understand that -> simultaneously overvalue and undervalue virginity, in the sense that it's very important to be one, but whether you otherwise act like one is irrelevant).
It's also not really an itch that video porn in particular, being spherical-cow-in-vacuum sexuality, can scratch beyond just saying magic words (and is an underservable market for exactly the reasons one might feel you'd have to lie about/downplay wanting to do that specifically).
maybe they have to go on welfare
You misunderstand. The government job is the welfare.
It is in the best interests of the people receiving the welfare that a significant fraction of the public perceives them to have been removed from the dole without cause to maximize the chance of being back on the dole if and when welfare is expanded again. That's a much harder sell if they're removed for cause.
This is instinctual behavior, which is why it doesn't require any tho(ugh)t-leader on Twitter to say "just comply with it, don't resist". Compare parents who tend to be cowed into submission should CPS threaten to take their children away.
This is also partially why removing the probationary welfare recipients is probably a sounder tactic than it would seem at first- people who aren't used to it yet are [politically] easier to wean off of it than people that are.
And the people that have been there for a long time aren't going to be employable once they're fired because, like a coal miner in his late 40s, his skills won't transfer no matter how smugly you say "learn to code"... which is why, when the mine's shutting down, you offer the motivated ones several months' severance so that they may buy and attend training for a different job, move to another area, or leave the workforce entirely- the other reason being that, because they're competent, they can throw their weight around much more effectively if the reason the mine's closing is a political decision on the owner's part; if you're going to purge a group, and the group will 100% find out before it occurs, it's best to offer favorable terms of surrender to the ones that could make a real mess before the purge occurs (obviously blind-siding everyone costs less, but democratically-elected politicians can't do that for obvious reasons).
Combine this with the fact that physical courage seems to be dropping across the board
"Lying flat" is a type of strike/collective bargaining. It's not generally recognized as such because the people in power and the people who are thought to be on the side of collective bargaining are the same people, which is why China tries to suppress it.
the group who tends to have the most physical aggression and willingness to go occupy a building or storm a castle
Young men need to have an incentive to do that. They haven't had such a thing for 2 generations now- things have gone downhill for them since the '80s due mostly to enclosure by the old (through various justifications- environmentalism and safetyism being the most popular). In places that have less enclosure, people are doing better- TFRs are higher, wages are higher/costs of living are lower, the police force actually functions, military recruitment remains very high, R&D budgets are high, etc.
Now, young women generally benefit from that because young men will generally compete and distinguish themselves more for access to young women. But they've just discovered that the reward they offer to do those things- that being themselves- is insufficient. Their social credit card has been declined, and if you've spent the last 20-50 years forming your entire identity around having limitless social credit (and men fighting for the privilege to pick up your tab)?
Yeah, I can see how that could be existentially demoralizing. The lies stop being fun to tell when people stop believing in them.
Combine this with the fact that physical courage seems to be dropping across the board
The old also actively punish young men for exercising this virtue. If you remove them and create institutions that reward this it'll come back, but that's going to take some time and require investment.
“What if she’s actually hating this right now? And she’s going to tell her friends or social media followers how bad it was later?”
Yeah, I have no idea why that expectation would be related at all to the collective consciousness or male willingness to unironically commit to a woman considering most of the popular media is all about celebrating women doing literally this.
seems like goalpost-moving
If sex and relationships had nothing to do with each other, maybe.
This idea that all of her songs are breakup songs is
what you're naturally going to converge on if you turn on any random Spotify playlist. It's not so much a meme as it is what actually gets played; I have no problem admitting that not all country songs are some variation of the guy's wife/dog/truck leaving him, but it's most of what actually makes it onto the airwaves.
If you're tied up about it specifically needing to be about the sex act itself, sure.
That doesn't not make every Taylor Swift song the PG-rated version of that.
What evidence is there that indicates that the US is headed towards organized political violence?
Headed towards? Organized political violence was all over every major city in 2020- the last time anything of that scale (and with that excuse) occurred was 1992, and the political violence was comparatively less organized and restricted to one city.
these songs are being written by (((Them)))
Taylor Swift is neither Jewish nor a Zoomer, but you're correct: every single one of her songs is about exactly this. And she's been Top 40 for over a decade, so you turn on the radio (yeah, implying zoomers use radio, but this is true on random streaming sites) and you'll usually hear one within the hour.
Alternately: "cuntry music".
And she’s going to tell her friends or social media followers how bad it was later?
Which is kind of interesting, considering the traditional standard is that women are generally more embarrassed by bad sex than men, where men would be more likely than women to be extra proud of the fact it happened in the first place. But then again, this is the age of competitive simping (whether the above is correlated or causative, I couldn't say), so the fact the man couldn't satisfy the woman is the more salient point.
I don’t know how Zoomer men are supposed to function if this cultural norm is exacerbated further.
They throw literal bags of money at "woman who doesn't hate you"-as-a-service products. Unfortunately for real women, technology makes this easy to scale. And that's ignoring the AIs.
the only vehicles I'd specifically avoid for that reason are Nissans
It's their CVTs that are the problem. Toyota gets around that problem in their CVT models mostly by having a gear for "first".
My impression was always that Honda made some of the best automatic transmissions around.
Honda makes the best transmissions more or less period.
manual transmissions are much more repairable and durable than auto-transmissions
You also get to the point where shifting a manual is automatic- a background process that lives in your head and hand motions that you don't consciously think about. It helps if the transmission isn't terrible; if you have to fight it into gear you're not going to like that very much, but otherwise it's... well, automatic.
I don't like them that much for city driving, though. It's kind of a pain in stop and go traffic.
Technically, the best answer to this is to buy a car whose engine has enough torque to pull it forward simply by letting the clutch out. 300 ft-lbs is enough to do this to a car that weighs 3500 lbs (250 is only enough on level ground).
Every zoomer always describes any sex they had as awful.
Men, women, how many of each? I can confirm n = 1 described sex this way and "not being ready", which I was actually kind of shocked to hear him say given who I learned he was.
Meanwhile, the ones that probably should be having lots of sex (and are guaranteed to have better sex when they do just because of the way they are) are too afraid or depressed to make that attempt.
or that maybe the loss of the sacred aspect of sex has made it all seem very vulgar
And this is supposed to change things, somehow? If you're going to treat sex the way you'd treat any other more standard aspect of the relationship, it seems logical that the way you treat the other aspects of your relationship is going to dominate the way you have sex. If you're shit at relationships, you're probably going to be shit at transactional sex.
We had free love in the 1960s and 70s because fucking everything was free- men were the same, but the modern/ancient existential dread of "tfw no hymen" just wasn't there, so there must have been some other thing going on to make that possible.
They were terrible, their partner was terrible, it was just generally miserable and sticky and depressing.
This seems to be describing a type of people who don't see sex (or the things and desires that lead to sex) as a general extension of intimacy more broadly.
I truly do not understand these people.
Maybe the stakes for that are higher, maybe the people worthy of that kind of intimacy are fewer and farther between, and maybe some to lots of people merely see sex as transactional as an inherent property of either modern relationships or relationships in general (where marriages are treated, or viewed by one or both participants, as an exclusive prostitution agreement- which is biologically predictable, as men and women are different).
Perhaps in that case the feeling one is "owed" an orgasm dominates, where if that doesn't happen the sex was a failure; contrast fooling around.
Speaking of which... "fooling around" is very looked down on as a concept by zoomers: you're either Very Adult and Having Sex(tm), or you're in child mode and thinking about sex in "fooling around" mode is a massive problem because Sex + Child = Pedo. Which is how you get communities full of teenagers calling each other pedophiles about being attracted to fellow 16-year-olds (something I've also seen zoomers do in person).
And I actually do blame the porn (or perhaps more saliently, society's reaction to it back in the '80s), and the pretenses about the Holy Age Gate of Sex, for that one. Even without that paradigm, at 25-30 you're out of the stage of life where you can afford to take sex less seriously (both because relative poverty, but also because of a lack of time- if you're orgasmmaxxing, why would you bother with an inexperienced partner?).
is typically how easy it is to squat land around the cities
Note also that "squatting land and building a shack" is just a specific form of development in general; when the commons outside the city are enclosed (for reasons that are real- like lack of physical land or lack of accessible water- or fake like environmentalism or democratic capture), prices skyrocket.
also seem to bond better with dogs
Dogs are predictable, cannot speak, and can't generally pose a martial threat.
Cats are like that too, but they aren't predictable; they're more advanced/internally mature than dogs but (partially as a consequence) are completely useless. Some autists make their peace with that, or accept that fickleness as the price of having an animal that doesn't beg to be let outside at 2 AM, but judging by the above e926 link dog-furry art is twice as popular as cat-furry art so they clearly aren't as highly regarded.
Humans are very unpredictable, speak, and are technically capable of killing you (either directly or by proxy) without warning roughly coincident with their having learned a language. They're much more complicated and interacting with them is extremely dangerous.
Being autistic means a statistically higher chance of being furry or faceblind or both.
Reference: I can't picture faces in my mind, but that's probably downstream of being unable to visualize anything. If I want to imagine what someone looks like I have to back-propagate from distinctive features and hope I get lucky, or simply trust that the inaccessible part of memory that holds face data remembers. Which, generally, it doesn't.
I don't expect humans to look like dogs or cats, because humans do not look like dogs or cats. Then again, I don't think most furries expect that either.
We humans expect snouted faces.
Humans kind of do have snouts, though. They tend to become more pronounced when they are distressed.
Compare G4, contrast G5. See that, compared to the anime girl examples, G4's faces are much closer to that pattern than any of the earlier generations- just like the above examples, the snout is "cheated" and forms the lower part of the eye in profile, making it look less pronounced than it should be. In 3/4ths, the 'nose' begins just above where the eyes end.
Furries, by contrast, tend to heavily accentuate the snout, which you'll notice is a [small] part of G5's changes; the switch to 3D doesn't help, partially because 3D can't be similarly cheated (so you get the snout as distinct from the eyes rather than blending seamlessly). It helps that since basically all the G4 cast is female (and the male character that gets the most screentime isn't a pony) they can get away with rounding the snouts; contrast the other side male ponies and their squared-off snouts.
For Generation 5, they deliberately reduced the horse-like haunches of G4 to dog proportions to reduce the “male gaze” appeal.
G5 characters look quite a bit more childish than G4 characters do- by comparison, G5s have truncated lower faces- (note specifically the one on the left)- and are generally lankier than G4s were. That, combined with being less objectively cute/aesthetically pleasing than G4 (big heads, huge eyes, blended well) generates uncanny valley concerns that aren't present with G4.
Look at that damn thing and tell me that it has much relevance to proto-lemurs.
I dunno about proto-lemurs, but I think that homonculus has the most conclusive case of yaoi hands I've ever seen.
Yes, but traditionalist conservatives don't generally describe themselves as "feminist".
has mostly disappeared
Well, 2011 was 14 years ago and the fountain of content was just opening up; G4 was just starting its second season. It's not like I have much of an opportunity to bring it up in conversation; though once a brony, always a brony.
I tend towards "ex-man" and "ex-woman" for this, for 3 reasons:
- Doesn't allow useful information about that person to be lost
- Is indicative of how the person in question feels about having been in that category (and suggests parting on bad terms; contrast 'former'), while at the same time, doesn't force me to validate any further Special Snowflakery
- Is a comic book reference, and that series tends to be at the very least inspiration for these kinds of people (for obvious reasons)
Slow and gradual reform by the standards of history is decades.
I'm not so sure. Justinian reforms took less than 10 years from start to finish. They were so successful that they're still in use today.
Unless you count "slow and gradual reform" as "the entire government collapsed and reformed, but the country's name didn't change"- and seeing as how most countries (or rather, the government that claims those same borders and the same name) have only existed for 30-70 years I think "no reform, then massive radical reform" matches history a little better.
it’s being used as a cope
Why do you believe men feel the need to use it as a cope, and why is there anything to cope with?
please give it back instead of making us build a second one for no reason
The conservative then proceeds to holds up a mirror. "Just build your own foreign aid organization."
Gay is an identity (something you are).
Banging other dudes is an action (something you do).
Men do, women are, so men naturally assume that when you ask them this, you're asking them to apply the woman's label. Unless you're a man predisposed to Gayness (which forms part of the problem with Gays, from the average man's perspective), that is inaccurate, insulting, and outright dangerous.
Of course, that also means they won't be part of any discussion when women and Gay men are trying to create an identity to describe this phenomenon, so it's not like the mistake theorists in those groups are even going to get a chance to know that. And the conflict theorists do it intentionally because male-coded sexuality bad.
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Musk is African-American, so their hatred of him is stereotypical even ignoring the fact he's wildly successful.
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