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User ID: 887



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User ID: 887

There's little evidence that those countries will exceed Israel in competence anytime soon.

Who said anything about them not being allowed to be a place? They are not allowed to be their while doing a thing no one else is allowed to: Permanently/Semipermanently occupying it. Often engaging in black market commerce. None of this has any things to do with bathrooms. It is fine for bathrooms in expensive areas and bathrooms in cheap areas to have different prices of entry. Again, the number of homeless people outside of a high end department store who are just walking to a job or a bus is approximately zero. They are there to peddle, steal, and commit various other legal infractions.

In my opinion, the polity that is non-Jewish inhabitants of that territory includes a majority of people that cannot tolerate the existence of Jews (or Christians) in their vicinity. My evidence for this is that such populations in adjacent states populated by persons similar to Islamic Palestinians have also been ethnically cleansed or genocided over the last century.

In other words, we have centuries of evidence that polities consisting of Arab Muslims are evil, and Palestinians hew closely to the norms of said polities. In fact, they often embrace them to the extreme.

OTOH Israel's response to the provocations of its neighbors has been historically judicious, particularly given their military advantages. If they wanted, there would currently be zero Palestinians in Palestine. But not only that, zero Jordanians, zero Syrians, zero Lebanese. This is similar to the US in Iraq/Afghanistan. Our error was in being too concerned with casualties, when in war they often are the point.

It is generally considered unacceptable (at least in the West) to put someone in a position in which they have no choice but to violate the law, and then punish them for doing so. As people do not cease to have bodily functions when they cannot legally perform them, there needs to exist places in which someone can exercise the Greater and Lesser Conveniences, even if they cannot pay to do so.

Homeless people aren't birthed into this world as penniless drug users at a corner in the business district. They chose to occupy that premium real estate because it affords them some other benefit. Typically the easy ability to harass people for money and targets for retail theft. He always had the option of staying where he is from where people know him and would let him use the bathroom. Or going to a shelter for the homeless and using that bathroom.

The important reframe of modern homelessness that will help just about understand what we are talking about is this: They are on premium real estate, and there is no right to use some of the best, most expensive land in the country in whatever way you desire. I cannot go to Lincoln Park and start a hot dog stand next to the lion's exhibit. There is no reason a homeless fellow should be able to occupy the same space and fill it with stink and feces instead of delicious Chicago dogs.

The Jews of Germany were not trying to kill every ethnic German they could get their hands on.

protections against retributive genocide

This is incongruent with the population of Gaza being given political power. Even if Israel for the last 50 years had engaged in solely defensive actions, accepted mass bombings as a thing that happens, and never did any counterstrikes, the Arab Palestinians would still try to genocide them.

Indeed. To the detriment of the court for many years. Barret is mid.

This is a large underplaying of DEI/Woke, particularly within corporate HR, and within the Biden administration proper. He may have run as a centrist, he governed as a wokist. Media kept calling him centrist of course. Perhaps even attacking him from the left as he invited naked gays to the White House.

So how if woke stuff never polls over 60% in California are there pride flags in classrooms in Galveston, TX, entire wings of hospitals dedicated to choppping off 12 year olds penises and breasts in Nashville, TN, and admissions departments giving scholarships to Black Lesbian 'B' students with a 24 ACT and stumbling over themselves to keep out a 4.0 White Dude with a 35, in Gainsville, FL?

The phenomenon is that so many people in the mainstream refuse to have enemies to their left. This meant moderates never critiqued the extreme leftists until they had already been expunged (as we have seen at basically all mainstream media organizations, most are to the left of Elizabeth Warren). So only institutions subject to market pressures (and most big business and all education has been shielded from these recently) and anonymous voting were able to resist wokism for the longest time.

Now perhaps we have gotten to an inflection point where the insanity of it is exposed. But again, perhaps not, perhaps it is merely a speedbump, the wokists certainly will not stop trying, and few will be reformed.

My theory is in my above posts. The entryism starts because the legal environment is hostile to a non-DEI company. Its either coming from the funds, who already had been entered, or the law firms advising the startup, who also have been entered. Why do those continue on? Because legacy profits at most of our larger firms in the US are significant and there is also the issue of the entire education-industrial complex being a captured institution that is slowly burning its legacy reputation in service of DEI.

Do you think anyone carrying out DEI policies would agree "My job is to hire incompetent people who hate me?" I suppose a very cynical person who actually hates DEI but just does it because it's their job might. But surely you can imagine what an actual believer would say that would make sense from their perspective.

The person carrying out the DEI policies is likely a DEI candidate themselves. The job is not to hire people that hate her (statistically) its to hire people who hate the core employees so they can, in the long run, execute a coup and take over the company.

No one thinks there aren't some DEI true believers. The problem with your hypothetical is not that. It is that thinking people at a dynamic startup (statistically started by a small group of white & asian men with technical backgrounds) are all of the sudden going to go through an organic switch from thinking about bringing in people they know can do the job to thinking about hiring in a different way. And they then, again, organically start hiring based on the criteria that the university scolds who discriminated against them before would like them to?

No, that is a terribly unlikely mechanism. Because they had too munch money to spend they hired DEI candidates? Thats not how engineers work. They loathe on-boarding even competent people. They would rather buy 1000 servers to sit in an empty closet.

DEI as a plan doesn't make any sense under this theory though. You are a startup. Your first 10 guys are all still there. You know them. They aren't DEI in the slightest. You went to the same school as this potential DEI hire, you thought she/he was a dunce not worthy of being part of your SR design team that is now literally your company.

The only reason you are going for DEI is because your funders want it. Why they want it is a black box to you, but it is because either the government or their funders are demanding it. This will always be the case because DEI is the most inorganic type of movement. People will often refer to it as race communism, and usually such ridiculous descriptions of large movements are not well founded, but that one is. The demands of DEI ask a team to violate both ingroup preferences and competency preferences. Your job under DEI is to hire and promote incompetent people who hate you. Such a system will almost never be ground up or organic.

He responded significantly quicker than Pelosi and McConnell and there is significant evidence that Trump was spending most of his time attempting to convince Secret Service to take him to the Capital so he could lead his people towards a peaceful outcome.

What of Trumps actions? Engaging in legal actions against the results of the election? I dont think the UN or US NGOs would have certified the 2020 election if it was conducted in exactly the same manner, but won by a right winger in Ukraine.

The fake electors scheme has been ginned up by lawfare from the left. In reality, all of them claimed to be alternative electors that believed they needed to be appointed by a said date in case Trump's team reversed the results of the election in court. There is precedent for such a scheme. Once again, only over the top leftist hysteria has made a simple technical maneuver into something that it never was intended to be.

Last, Trump gave a speech in DC. Again the most legitimate place to give a speech on this topic.

But how is that an improvement? It is a classic example of tradeoffs. For the people paying the fee because they think it is superior to the time spent (or have no other option) it is worth it, for everyone else it is a detriment. Less people utilizing a certain street isn't some sort of pareto improvement. If it was empty streets would be the best streets of all.

Yeah, this particular post is odd. Either he lives in Africa and his calculations are irrelevant or he works 1-2 hrs a day, at which point, yes you shouldn't be in transit to your job longer than you work. The real problem with the congestion fee is its just an additional tax with no offsets and taxes are bad. No one seriously thinks there will be less crazy people stinking up subways and erratically lunging at people or pushing them in front of trains as a result of the congestion fee.

What is important to note is that almost all of these people were already picking the car over the bus/train for a reason. This is just a tax on cars. In other words, why do so many people not currently like the state of the public transit? Will this fix those reasons? Obviously not. Thus, its another tax resulting in DWL as taxes usually do.

Most people account for 15-30 minutes of bad luck when they commute by car. So you would probably need to show that kind of reduction, and it would need to be consistent, for people to consider it a successful program.

I currently think its mostly a money grab. The trains will not be improved. That is obvious.

Will people cheat? Here in Seattle, people drive without license plates, have fake temporary ones, register in different states, and put covers over their plates which make them invisible to cameras. You cannot be pulled over for this, so it's basically an honor system. I assume NYC will be similar.

This is not true in most places. Driving without valid plates in Illinois is one of the number one (probably number one) reason people get picked up on warrants, and also represents a large percentage of people caught in possession of illegal drugs or firearms.

Indeed. The whole argument is based on MattY's and his fellow DC residents' anxiety about Trumpists and Jan 6 being an objective evaluation about society. No one else thinks so. Some Republicans at the time were swept up in the anxiety and have subsequently came back to reality. Others like Liz Cheney have not.

I've seen someone else on The Motte say that Republicans view political violence as an on-off switch, while Democrats view it as a dial. On that day, in the context of the BLM riots that weren't that long beforehand, I think Trump saw violence as a dial. People who continue to see if as a switch either condemn Trump for attempting a coup (switch was on) or dismiss the entire thing as a nothingburger (switch was off).

This doesnt make sense. Trump is clearly telling people to go home, AKA OFF SWITCH.

Also, on/off isn't about coup/not coup. It is about what the proper police/citizen response is. If people are mullling around you let them mull until they do something other than mulling. If people throw shit, you hose/pepper spray them. If people steal shit or try to hit you at a disarming distance you shoot them.

Coup/not coup is about intent, prep, etc. That sort of thing isn't particularly important to the on/off switch discussion. You can (and usually should) execute a coup in "off" mode.

I saw this MattY thread contemporaneously with him putting it up and I think it is a classic example of left/progressives still not understanding right/conservatives at all.

What MattY and others need to ask is this question: What if people who freaked out about Jan 6 were just...wrong? What if people in Republicans in the orbit of DC that went along with the freakout initially were just swept up in a wave of panic because their neighbors were leftists and probably anxious leftists at that. And I remember Meghan McCain once said about Jan 6 that even going into it she'd never seen the people of DC on such edge. Well what if that was all, when evaluated neutrally, stupid. I think it was. I think most/all of the people who have flipped have flipped in the direction of it being stupid. And people flipping in that direction are correct.


Well, to start, Jan 6 is initially a political protest of the actions of the government. Held in the capitol city. And it progressed towards the building that houses the members of the government body being protested. In other words, there is no more legitimate time, place, and manner to conduct a protest. They were protesting government actions happening inside a government building in the vicinity of said government building. To think this was an illegitimate protest is to think protest itself is illegitimate, in which case, go join the Moldbug party.

Then what happened? A riot ensued. This happens from time to time with protests. But why did this one become a riot? The answer is simple: Incompetence by government officials. Security was understaffed. They did not establish a proper perimeter. THEY COULDN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW TO CLOSE DOORS AND LOCK THEM. Let us really describe what happened on Jan 6: A cadre of armed men in body armor failed to hold the equivalent of a 16th century fort against unarmed, uncoordinated, mostly old people. They also happened to kill an unarmed woman who was jumping over some hastily assembled chair fort (are the Capitol Police toddlers? why are they making chair forts?).

Further, it has been revealed that intelligence about the size of the crowd was intentionally withheld from the leader of Capital Police. In addition his requests for overtime and other additional staffing requests were refused. In addition his requests for aid by outside agencies both before Jan 6 and on the day of the event were refused and/or delayed by several hours.

On top of that there are the less objective, but still suspicious things like the pipe bombs, Ray Epps, and other things that came out that increasingly made Jan 6 look like it was instigated/manufactured by anti-Republican/Trump elements within the federal government.

What does this boil down to? If you think Jan 6 is/was a big deal you are/were wrong. If you are right of center, there is a good chance you are religious or religious adjacent. If you are religious, what do you do when you were wrong? You repent. Now, Trump is not god, so you need no confess to your priest, but if you are a politician or media personality you need to confess to your constituents/readers. And I even Nancy Pelosi should do this. She should acknowledge how wrong and hysterical she and her movement were. But it is all the more pressing for someone on the right because of the culture and because of the fact they should have known better. The DC culture is almost a perfect reverse weathervane. They knew that and temporarily forgot it.

So this stuff has nothing to do with loyalty to Trump or authoritarianism. It all is about what a proper person does when they realize they were incorrect. Leftists can't see it through this lens because they dont understand the right because they 1) Can't see how Jan 6 isn't what they thought initially; and/or 2) Dont understand what repentance is.

You are describing various forms of promiscuity including having sex with people he has just met at a club. That's not a safe sex practice. 10x+ so for someone who knows how prevalent life altering STDs are in his preferred partners, and now in his own body.

Having sex with someone who lied to you and with someone you just met wherein an honest conversation is a "boner killer" is not practicing safe sex

Yet 100k or less triggered housing crises in NYC and Chicago. Both have governments more similar to those of Canadian cities. Conservatives would just chalk this up to leftism being incompatible with itself and reality.