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Renrijra Krin

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joined 2022 November 02 23:32:06 UTC


User ID: 1783


Renrijra Krin

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 02 23:32:06 UTC


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User ID: 1783

I mean I think the social contagion aspect is ignored far too often (in fact, outside of anti-trans politics it’s rarely discussed), and the working assumption is that any person, child or adult who expresses any sort of negative feelings towards their natal gender must be trans.

But especially for children this doesn’t make sense. Kids are impressionable, they tend to believe and accept what adults tell them. They’re pretty conformist as well and therefore will be quite aware of the ways they don’t fit in with their natal gender roles, they actually don’t necessarily quite understand that sex, gender, and gender roles are not all the same thing. They might well believe that being a boy means liking football and cars, not have interest in those things and instead prefer things they perceive as female, like cooking and art. Adults understand that men can like cooking and art and gardening and still be a man. But could a small child? A girl who is active and loves sports and climbing trees might well understand these as male-coded interests, and not understand that they can like those things and still be a girl.

Because the adults are pushing to normalize this, and will not only affirm but celebrate any kid who goes down that road, it’s something that might well be attractive to a kid who doesn’t fit in with the lifestyle of their natal gender. Add in the medical establishment being uncritical of anyone who claims to be trans, and the social contagion becomes a konga line to hormones and surgery.

I think this version makes sense simply because it just so happens to be a guy from The Atlantic, which is a liberal news source, but not one known for hard news. It’s just doesn’t seem like it’s the kind of newspaper that the Secretary of Defense would have on his phone. They’re mostly culture war journalists, unlike a NYT that pretends to be unbiased hard news.

Israel and Palestine are a result of the rules based international order creating a perception of a “right to an ethnic homeland, and forcing both sides into internationally coerced “ceasefires” and land swaps that have kept the two from fighting the long war they’ve been in since 1948 to its conclusion. It’s not a natural phenomenon in the least. The reason we’re still watching this flare up about every decade is that it’s a war that isn’t being finished. If the war in 1948 had been fought until capitulation as wars were until we decided that we’d rather have a series of stalemates, then one way or another it wou be over. Either Palestinians would be conquered and living under the thumb of the Jews or the reverse, but whoever lost would understand and likely accept their fate, and would consider themselves an ethnic minority in a nation rather than continuing to attempt to force a state they don’t have the military ability to actually claim. We did the same in the American south. Once Georgia was burned and looted they understood that whether they liked it or not, they were part of the United States and would remain so.

I’m a bit deeper than that. When someone uses “the science” in a political or social argument, I pretty much assume that the studies are suspect. There are just too many ways to get the results you want: funding the studies yourself, reinterpreting the results to say what you want tge results to be, p-hacking, or doing a one off study that never replicate but you won’t know that for decades. Psychology, sociology, and psychiatry are completely captured and rarely if ever do real science research in a dispassionate and objective way. Nutrition is another one that has so many vested interests that basically everyone is claiming the science shows that their product is good for you or that it doesn’t cause obesity (honestly, I think the best advice is CICO and avoid foods that your ancestors in 1900 wouldn’t have recognized as food). I think given the absolute weaponization of “the Science” as distinct from the actual scientific method and actual intellectual honesty, it’s generally best to assume great grandparents were right and the new political and social ideas are at best suspect— unless they come with serious receipts.

Trans and Covid simply revealed the rot at the bottom of academia where most science is done to further an agenda rather than to increase human knowledge.

Neutrality isn’t good simply because the needle is so fa to the left on campus that I think using antisemitism to clean house, even if overzealous, cannot help but make things better. Colleges should be places of learning and research, not places where kids become leftist anarchists. Unless those anarchic elements are removed, you really cannot get to free thought or speech. Kids are afraid of blowback from expressing even mildly conservative opinions on campus because of those mobs and in class because the professors are leftists and they need the degree for their future careers. Removing the leftists from college campuses is a good thing for free speech.

Well, so don’t go to big protests when you’re not a citizen, problem solved. It’s not even a permanent thing, just until you are granted us citizenship. It’s not asking them to take sides, to the contrary, it’s asking them to not take sides. Which I think is reasonable because you’re not a citizen, can’t vote and have literally no stake in the outcome of the political process in the USA.

I do think they want to fix the problem. It’s really hard to find a group of people who insist on doing the exact opposite of what everyone who works with young men is screaming for them to do and not eventually come to the conclusion that the problem is “they just can’t figure out what to do.”

What has worked for pretty much all of human history is a purpose, a sense of responsibility, and feelings of competence. There are ways to do this, it’s not even that hard. Get them out doing useful things, competing in sports or other activities. Give them male only spaces. They’ll be fine. And if you pay attention to what kinds of messages young men gravitate to, it’s messages exactly like that— calls to purpose, to doing hard things and building something worthwhile. They eat up Jordan Peterson, Jocko, and other similar figures.

With the correct direction so obvious, I find it weird to think that all of the phDs worried about young men have absolutely no idea how to make them healthier. I don’t see it, I see people who look at boys as failed girls and men as failed women and goes about trying to turn the young men into women. It’s doesn’t work, but I’m not convinced it was ever supposed to make men more mentally healthy. It seems more about making sure men are in a sense as domesticated as women are by nature— willing to sit down, shut up and do as he’s told.

Wouldn’t the line be some sort of contractual obligation for some sort of pay? If I’m doing chores to be nice, then there’s no obligation to do so and no expectation of getting anything in return. If she’s watching children and keeping house in return for something— education, shelter, or money, that’s pretty clearly work. Making something you sell is work, making something and giving it away isn’t.

I’m not inclined to take the story charitably simply because in a lot of cases where lawyers are involved and the terminology in vague, it’s because it’s not particularly helpful to the client. If she were helping with farm work, or cleaning the house or something of that vein, even if she’d instagrammed it, it’s something that you could explain. If she uploaded a comic or a piece of art from America, that’s something you can’t easily get away with because you are a professional artist uploading art sample for purchase. I can’t say as to what the ICE officer saw, but given that the defense is extremely vague on the point, it’s probably more than just washing the dishes twice a week.

I tend toward a soft colonialism just because I think it’s actually more peaceful and stable, while allowing for the development of land and resources that ethnic tribes might not be able to do.

It’s more peaceful because as I see it the “every tribe needs and deserves a state” is a cause of strife, rather than a prevention for that strife. Most ethnic groups are too small or weak to actually achieve independence. They assert a right the global elite tell them they have, but they actually can’t for geopolitical reasons. Palestinians will never have a state. They cannot take one any more than the Cherokee could in America. But the Cherokee who were sent to a reservation in 1840 or so live in relative peace and safety because they are not trying to assert a “right” they don’t have and frankly never did. Palestinians are still fighting, and committing war crimes while doing so, because they came to the same position in the post war world where everyone is entitled to an ethnostate. Who’s better off, Cherokee or Palestinians? And in some cases like Ukraine, they’re “independent” but their neighbors are much stronger than they are and thus they must go along mostly with that stronger neighbor because they can’t afford to get in a war they’d lose.

It’s more stable because it doesn’t have various tribes fighting over strips of land nearby for farming right, water rights, minerals, or strategic advantage. The border is drawn and that’s it.

It allows for development because the most advanced society tends to run the empire and thus have the technology and skill to extract resources and use the land efficiently. Britain knows how to run a mine. It’s rather doubtful that the Zulu can do the same. If some rich natural resources sit under Zulustan they’ll stay there because people who live in mud huts can’t run a mine like the British can.

I don’t think she really expected to stay, which is why she only did so after she’d already decided she was leaving, and decided to basically quit spectacularly in a way that she hoped would shame her boss into fighting Trump. I’m kinda assuming her end goal is to leverage her “do something” screed into a sinecure at a legal NGO fighting for liberal causes. She was probably job hunting before this in that sector and hoped that the fame she got for resisting would get her noticed.

I’m not buying it simply because I don’t see anything to make me believe that he’s ramping up to start a war. No reporting of troop movements even on the Canadian side, no announcement of anything of that sort. It’s not something you can just do on a whim. Canada isn’t just going to roll over and become part of the USA. You need tanks and planes mobilized on the border.

I’m rather partial to the idea that this is a collapsed society in some sense. It really explains quite a lot.

First of all, the technology itself doesn’t seem to progress much throughout the series as we see it. The millennium falcon is high tech in ANH and is still high tech a full generation later. There are few if any improvements on much of anything. Even things like displays, weapons, communications devices, and tools don’t seem to improve over time. If anything, they’re worse.

Then looking at the way technology is used, kept up and repaired, it often appears that much of it is left over from a previous age and kept up by ad how repairs by the owner of the technology. Everything in that universe is old, used, breaking down, falling apart. The Falcon is in service for fifty years, and was a used ship won on a bet when Han got it. It might well have been built 75 or 100 years ago and repaired by the owner as needed. Speaking of which, I don’t think, other than the battle droid factory, there’s much evidence of wide scale production of high tech goods. There’s not even an advertisement for new models of personal spaceships.

Further evidence of the collapse is seen in the state of law and law enforcement. No matter who is in charge of the galaxy, it’s pretty lawless. Piracy is common, slavery is common in the outer rim, mafia like gangs hold entire planets along the outer rim. The Empire or Republic only really seem to have symbolic control. They stick up a flag, but other than that, I don’t think they actually control much beyond the core worlds. I’m not even convinced that most people know who runs the government of the galaxy, and even if they did, it’s too far away and weak to actually matter, where the local warlord governing your planet matters quite a bit in most people’s lives. Tatoine residents probably worry more about what Jabba thinks and wants than Palpatine or the current head of the Republic.

I just followed the advice of the guy above me and replaced Th with Ð. That’s all I did. If you think it’s Jamaican cool. I like the idea of simplifying th3 phonetic system, and I think adding ć for ch and ś for sh would be cool as well (both come from polish)

But of course it’s probably never happening, so the kids will have to suffer digraphs.

Śe sold seaśells at ðe seaśore just looks cool.

Not only that the “tax the rich” thing only works until you start living on your own and get into a permanent job. It’s popular with college kids because they don’t pay taxes and would get free money, essentially. But once you see your first check at a full time salaried job and realize that you’re paying nearly 40 of your check to the government, the appeal of “gibs” goes down a lot.

It’s one of the biggest red pills that people get alongside having a child and owning a house. Once you see how these things affect your life and family, you get cured of socialism really quickly because you realize that you are the one who will pay for it all.

Ðis is ðe way.

I don’t think there’s a window, but I think the limit comes with the complexity of texts that would hold the attention of a child that age. First graders are fine with very simple stories using simple words and concepts. A fourth grader wants to read more complex stuff.

I think it’s less about the teachers and more about the kids. Somehow teachers started to think that they need to be “entertaining” to get kids to learn things, so things that work (like learning phonics, or memorizing times tables, or memorizing the dates and people in historical events) but are boring for kids don’t happen. Instead, there are a lot of silly but fun trendy ways of teaching— dramas, artwork, imagining yourself as someone in that event, etc. they don’t work, but the kids have fun and that’s what matters especially for elementary school teachers. Then the kids who don’t know the basics eventually reach a plateau and the methods that they could use to figure out what they don’t know are things they never learned to do. Whole word and guessing based on pictures doesn’t work when you’re reading a dense textbook with no pictures.

I think we’re largely on the same page. I honestly think that most o& the trends end up hurting the below average kids. And when adding in the reduced instruction time to make room for The Narrative, those kids are toast. A smart kid can learn on his own so taking away class time for LGBTQ stuff or Black History or whatever isn’t a big deal. If you have a kid who’s falling behind, he needs every second of help he can get.

Although to be honest, I think most of the problem of education is that we don’t track kids as many other developed countries do. Every kid is put on the college bound track unless he specifically wants off, and the culture pushes college to an absurd degree meaning that unless they’re introduced to other tracks, the current will carry them to university and they won’t be able to keep up. If you track kids, not only can you tailor the methods o& instruction to what best serves that group of students, but you can make sure that they end up with skills they can use to support themselves.

I mean, I think it depends on the person. People in tech and entertainment want to be in California because those industries are centered in California. That does create a certain demographic who wants to live in California because they’re wealthy enough to pay to live there.

Even in red states, you find people clustered in red areas around blue cities. People want to work in the big cities because the high value industries are clustered in cities. If possible, they prefer to live in red counties that surround those cities because it’s cheaper and has less crime. And I think the reason for the people willing to live in California for those industries, it’s a combination of those industries being very lucrative and the relative distance between LA or San Francisco and the nearest available cheap red state housing. In my area, you can live in bright red Arnold MO and commute to bright blue St. Louis in about an hour. Most middle class people do that because it’s cheaper, safer, and easier than trying to live in the city.

I think the idea that the states won’t ever do their own work in some form or fashion is false. And this is the entire premise of DOGE — much of what the federal government is doing is not something it should be doing, and in fact so much of it has not only not helped, but has caused real harm. We have a Department of Education that not only doesn’t educate our kids, but wastes our money basically standing in the way of kids learning the very basic concepts they need to understand their world. They’ve been pushing to waste limited class time on woke propaganda, and have pushed “trendy” schemes on schools that simply do not work. They spend billions of dollars to basically stand in the way of kids trying to get an education. Worse, they destroy the potential of those few kids who are thriving in schools by forcing them to learn at the pace of the slowest kids in the class.

Turning education back over to the states has some advantages. Because the department is smaller, it simply doesn’t have the funds to mandate weird trendy ideas of education. They need to have programs that work well and work cheaply. No more sight words and guessing based on pictures, instead learn phonics and sound out the words. No more new mathematical trends, use the stuff that has worked for generations. Furthermore, because the state is much closer to the people, it’s not going to be able to get away with pushing propaganda that’s wildly out of step with what the citizens of that state believe, if they do so at all. The citizens of Oklahoma want bibles in their kiss’s schools, they voted for that. The people of California would push a more liberal ideology. This is how federalism is supposed to work. States are smaller and much easier to bring to heel by the voting population.

I think you’d have to demonstrate that the program in question was of actual benefit to anyone in the public, and in far too many cases the benefits are: promoting progressive values, serving as safehouses for drug users, and occasionally providing something educational to a kid.

This. I use libraries occasionally and for the most part ours (fairly red part of the Midwest) are not super overt with the pro LGBT stuff, but it’s still, even in a red state there, and while I don’t have kids myself, I can understand the complete frustration that they can’t even take their kid to a library without having to police the area first to keep their young child from being exposed to sexual content. And it’s only going to get worse if there’s no strong pushback. I’m not sure that such a thing couldn’t be done by coming up with a sort of Hayes Code for books appropriate for kids under 16, but it’s very clear that something needs to change. And Trump now has their attention.

I don’t think it’s going to be an easy transition, but I absolutely believe that schools need to go back to teaching the basics of literacy, numeracy, and scientific literacy. One thing that tends to stop that is the rather large list of special interest topics that schools are required to teach, the educational trends that get pushed by tge bureaucracy, and the fact that all of this takes time away from the actual education kids need.

Just taking history for example. Kids are graduating high school unable to tell you when very key events in American and world history took place. They don’t know when the civil war happened, but we need to shoehorn lots of “specialty history” into the narrative to induce kids to believe The Narrative instead of making sure they know the names dates and actors in historical context for the major events in American or for that matter world history.

Or you could take literacy. Kids are going off to college needing to catch up on reading and writing. Kids go off to college in some cases having never read a nonfiction book. They are used to skim reading a couple of paragraphs to find keywords and phrases but cannot go much deeper than that. And writing is just as bad if not worse.

To me the issue is that none of these calls are really about what they’re claiming. It’s about creating a situation to be exploited by people looking to game tge system for people who are not even plausibly legal. And it happens all the time. Delay for extra discovery, delay for looking for documentation, delay by forcing the LEO to defend himself from baseless accusations that he didn’t follow every procedure to the letter. A good defense lawyer can tie up a case for months on procedure. And as the system crumbles under the weight of having to spend months on each case, you end up overcrowding the holding facility. Annnnd we’re back to catch and release with almost no progress on the backlog.

If we want to actually deport some of the estimated 15-20 million people who snuck into the country over the last four years, you have to do so at a pace of probably 10,000 a day. You can’t do that if everyone gets the liberal definition of a fair hearing.