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I see that you’ve edited your previous comment too, because I don’t think I read this paragraph when I last replied:

That the cultural mores change and the signals with them is not a failure of tradition. It is in fact how tradition works and how it is eternal, despite the specific instantiations of it being ephemeral.

This is an argument I have never heard before. I have only questions, as many as you’re willing to field, please:

  1. What information does society need to function that it can only obtain by the costly closing off of an entire avenue of expression? What disasters have occurred by the loss of these signals? (Sure, adult children are much more empowered to stand up to their parents these days, but in and of itself I don’t see that as a disaster despite how much it offends conservative sensibilities around familial loyalty.)
  2. How many avenues of expression need to be sacrificed for such information? How would we know that it is not enough/too much?
  3. By the atomization of life, I presume that you mean that individuals are isolated from each other instead of forming healthy communities. But how would closing off a form of expression help individuals connect? (Eg I have seen many strangers with tattoos get to first know each other by appreciating each other’s tattoos and the meaning behind them)
  4. Is the aforementioned atomization what you mean by “fungible shapeless good”? And when you say that traditional institutions must not reduce individuals to this, do you mean that they should not (but sometimes do), or that liberal values prevent them from doing so (and therefore it’s impossible for them to continue to exist)?
  5. What are some good previous discussions on the effects of sex segregated spaces on mental health?

Whoops, got them mixed up. Apologies.

Israel is second place in world youth happiness?! Israel is at war. Am I missing something or shouldn't this be hot-take level shocking?

Part of epistemic hygiene is keeping away from people who themselves, don't argue in good faith. You yourself suggested that I not take everything written online seriously!

You can figure out how the world works. But the best way to do that is through direct experience. You yourself were forced to resort to Ultima Ratio - your own personal experience. That's also what I'm doing. What I was told did not correspond to my lying eyes. What should I do? Check myself into an insane asylum?

Again, you fall back on the research. But it's not obvious to me what guidance the research gives. If you perform calorie tracking and get an incorrect result, like a TDEE estimate that is too high, there's no study that can tell you why you got an incorrect result or what to do about it.

Sadly Nasrallahs death may not mean that much in the end. Hezbollah may be literally crippled as an organization and truly destroyed as an entity following the loss of all its comms networks and leadership relationships, but that does not translate to the Lebanese state or even another nonstate entity picking up the pieces. The Lebanese state is entirely crippled, with a paralyzed legislature, lacklustre domestic law enforcement, and especially an utterly broken economy. The state or another entity picking up the civil functions of Hezbollah will be possible, but nothing will replace the Iranian dollars flowing into Hezbollah member wallets.

Lebanons economy has been semi functioning for the last decade almost purely off the back of diaspora remittances and purchases of financial products by Gulf states, especially the USD-LBP high yield deposits. The Lebanese banking crisis of 2019 was probably more devastating than the civil war, because it bound the economy to external obligations hitherto absent to the Lebanese. A scheme of guaranteed high interest yield cash deposits with advertised fixed convertibility between Lebanese Pound to US dollars at pegged rates ballooned Lebanons financial sector, but it was ultimately a ponzi scheme. Investors buy LBP-USD fixed deposit products, expecting the products to yield USD. However, Lebanese are paid in LBP, and the state borrows ostensibly in LBP, and receives payments in LBP. Supporting a LBP-USD peg requires continual purchases of USD to keep the value of the LBP and keep the fixed deposit products viable... unless you just don't, and pay out depositors in USD from new USD payouts from new investors.

Specific attention csn be directed to the Maronite central banker Riad Salameh who was responsible for engineering this scheme in the first place. He built his career in Paris in the 70s, an opportunity specifically maintained by the French who maintain a somewhat protective relationship of the Maronites. From there Salameh built up a strong network and career, and likely contributed significantly to the early Lebanization of the professional sector of the Gulf states. It is strangely coincidental that vast amounts of gulf money found itself so readily moved to the aforementioned high yield deposits, despite the fragility of such a system being obvious to any banker or even moderately read individual.

This is the dire situation Lebanon is in. They have no external capital investments to nationalize, an external debt burden to the very people that were their economic product (and now unwilling creditors), an economically unviable local populace due to terrorism and lacklustre domestic industrial development, and now a shitload of restive cripples cut off from their external sponsor. Hezbollahs destruction is a good thing, but whether the Lebanese can capitalize on it is a different issue.

Turkey has the second biggest army in NATO and relevant geography for anything involving Russia or the Middle East.

Is that supposed to be a disagreement of some sort?

Most of What You Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People

I imagine that bots have begun to displace the trans-rights tumblr furries in the 6 years since that post was written but the principle holds.

I feel like I am peering into some kind of lower class bubble where displays of masculinity and femininity need to be that much more in your face because there isn't that much of it to begin with?

I think it might be worse than that. Sites like TikTok and Instagram take the worst tendencies of the extremely-online typifified by Twitter, 4chan, Tumblr, Et Al and market them to the masses.

They aren't looking for influencers they're looking for influencees

Historic flooding in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Whole towns washed away. People retreating to their attics as water levels rise. People losing everything.

Tragic. Horrific. But this is the Culture War thread so I am going to ask the insensitive question, what does this mean for the election in <40 days?

My first thought is that there is a certain irony that these states are among those that just limited the forms of ID allowed at a voting booth. Someone who has lost their house is less likely to have all their documentation, and getting new copies will take longer than the time before the election.

Rural areas that were wiped out will have a harder time finding their polling location under the mud and timber. Mail-in voting will be difficult without a mailbox.

People are going to watch the Biden-Harris's administration to see how they respond.

Do these factors make it more likely for these swing states to turn Blue or Red? Buncombe County, one of the hardest hit, went 60% for Biden in 2020.

North American housing crises are manufactured. There are no limiting resource constraints. Limited zoning limits the number of houses. Fewer houses means for expensive houses. There are other factors at play, but zoning is the disproportionate cause for high prices across the continent.

YIMBY may be associated with the Left and all its social dysfunctions and annoyance these days, but the economic consensus on this one preceded the Left's adoption of YIMBY. Pretty much the only dissent you see, academically, is from the further Left, who ultimately wants only publicly owned housing and is offended by the sheer existence of market rate housing and, even then, their work sucks.

A century and a half ago, NYC had more than a million utterly impoverished immigrants dumbed on it when the city and the immigrants were vastly poorer than they are today. This was no problem, from a housing perspective: They threw up a bunch of apartments and tenements and housing stayed under 15% of even the very low income of those immigrants.

Sample of four kids, they tend to eat everything when they are under 2.5, then start to balk at things that they liked previously.

I have one kid who will skip every meal except breakfast if we don't offer at least a serving of bread/crackers/tortilla that has not been contaminated with anything.

For every other kid, I have one rule that works. Everything the grownups are eating goes on their plate. They have to smell the food at the least. It they want seconds on a food they like, they have to take one bite of the food they are avoiding.

For the kid this doesn't work with, she has a higher than average aversion to lots of things. Every floating object is a bee, every thing that touches her unexpectedly is slimey and disgusting, finger paints are a reason to screech.

Your comment is triggering Poe's law for me. The sarcasm is too sincere for me to be 100% sure. I'm hoping my reply makes sense irrespective of your intent.

Rapid change of any sort doesn't work. It's practically a law of nature. Wealth (20th century Saudi), Land (South Africa), Agency (Liberia) or Demographics.

A progressive may support the logical endpoint of their philosophy. But even in ideal circumstances, truly redistributive outcomes cannot be achieved overnight. It's well known social science, but progressive countries ignore it. They utilize 'rapid immigration as national policy', but never stage their immigration to allow for win-win outcomes.

Singapore does it right (Lee Kwan Yew is always right. Motherfucker). America brute forces it, hogs the literal best of the world and wins. But, Western Europe & Canada seem to be confused about what they want in their immigrants.

If you want model citizens, then don't import low skill men, aged 20-30. They're are bad immigrants everywhere. This cohort commits the vast majority of crime. If you want them to integrate, import young college students (to schools with majority Canadians) or 30+ low skill men with families and toddlers who can be 'civilized' from day 1. Your nation needs nurses and women are good start nursing programs. If small towns need labor, then sprinkle families which have incentive to drop roots and integrate....rather than bringing all young men to 1 town, who room-up and ghettoize.

Sweden, Germany, Southern France, Canada....It's all the same. The immigrant group differs in each place. But the haphazard and almost suicidal choice of how immigrants are sub-sampled guarantees bad outcomes. Honestly, 'refugee' and 'asylee' are such shit categories. Too easy to game when you come from a desperate situation from your home country.

At least one such troll keeps a list.

Isn't the issue that Canadian doctors & especially nurses move to the US ?

And why wouldn't they? Identical culture, no further than Canadian cities are from each other and an immediate 2-3x pay bump.

Same applies to Tech & Finance. Canada is facing the exact same problem as middle America. All jobs are in the regional economic hub. Not enough young to run these small towns, because the young are leaving. Those regional hubs are in Coastal USA : primarily California and the NE corridor. A Nova Scotian is both physically and culturally closer to New England, than many American states are to each other.

staff completely replaced

We're the previous staff out of a job or did they more to better things ?

I don't want to make it sound like I'm make light of what's clearly a drastic change. Seems like the locals didn't want it. And small towns can't sustain their existing culture in the face of such rapid change. I empathize.

One question. How do these towns of 4000 survive in the first place ?

Nova Scotia is the world's largest exporter of Christmas trees, lobster, gypsum, and wild berries

Sounds like a low skill resource based economy. It doesn't sound like immigrants are coming in to take the jobs. Sounds more blue-collar owners have stopped working, and started delegating. Canadians aren't reproducing. The few young are leaving for urban areas. Someone has to catch the fish and cut the trees. IMO, might as well be immigrants. I understand if people don't want immigrants. But, are there any young locals to do these jobs at all ? How do you think these villages would survive otherwise ?

Today, every age group under 25 is now less than 50% non-Hispanic white. There’s no reversing that.

Not with that attitude!

When the "graves" were dug up and showed that the interpretations of ground penetrating data were not evidence of graves, the narrative immediately pivoted to 'starting a conversation'.

Its the rallying cry of idiots caught with their pants down, and our mistake is thinking being caught out is a bad thing for these grifters. The point of a grift is attention. They don't need to be correct or right, just be the juiciest butt progressives can parasite their social media onto for self edification.

North American housing crises are manufactured. There are no limiting resource constraints. Limited zoning limits the number of houses. Fewer houses means expensive houses. There are other factors at play, but zoning is the disproportionate cause for high prices across the continent.

Canada is facing the worst of it because of the immigration tsunami and a shoddy economy. But, that's like blaming the rain for leaks, when you've got a gaping hole in your roof. Any place in the world would be affected just as adversely, if housing policy was this hostile. Sydney & Honolulu are 2 such examples. It's tempting to think you can trudge along like coastal US cities. But, coastal USA gets around it through sheer brute force. The economies of coastal USA can sustain any level of dysfunction. Be it California's $100b HSR or NYC renting out the whole city's hotels as refugee shelters. Other places aren't so fortunate.

Canada needs to build a shit ton of housing ASAP. The country has practically infinite lumber and just imported a ton of low skill labor. Put up some 4+1s and this will be solved in under a year.

There is no mincing words. Canada's shambolic housing policy is a wealth transfer program from the young to the old. Canada's economy is not doing great, and you'd expect it to affect everyone's QOL equally. Through this (almost direct) wealth transfer, the liberal govt. has decided to let the young bear all the misery, while the geriatrics have the world's greatest retirement.

P.S: I'm Indian and Canada's current immigration policy is a joke even within India. To quote Trump, "They’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us". India's best don't aspire to go to Canada. They go to the US, Urban India or Western Europe. The OP talks about housing costs and Canada's wider problems with productivity. I'll stick to that. Can always talk about immigration later.

Unlike others I won't disagree with you, though I'd suggest that what you say is true arguably only after he has reached a sufficient point in life that he accepts the notion that any girl might find him attractive. Many, many guys take a surprising number of years to figure this out, despite the eyelid batting or coquettish arm touching of whatever female has been pitilessly tasked by destiny with sharing space in time and a Buick with him. (Oh for the return of bench car seats).

I suppose this doesn't even bear reiterating but I'll state it anyway: Boys need time to figure out their role in dating. This has always been true, and if it's never modeled for them by anyone (or is modeled, but with grave inaccuracy, in, for example media) the process runs the risk of turning them into man-boys or themselves feminine enough that they wait around for some luckless girl to brain them with a metaphorical steam iron of romantic know-how.

I recall my first prelude to actually having sexual intercourse (apologies if this is TMI but I won't get graphic) I was with a woman considerably older (or so it seemed at the time I was 22 and she was 31). We were sprawled on some church steps under the African night sky, having left our companions at some outdoor bar. Her exact words to my fumbling passivity: "Are you afraid to screw me?" Only the fact that she was clearly wanting me to pursue the matter (I didn't, not at that moment, that would occur another night, in a tent, largely by accident) kept me from having to excuse myself to step out into the bush (no pun. I mean actual bushveldt) from the shame of it. I felt like a boychild both rewarded and scolded at the same time. This rapidly accelerated my level of prowess however. I did not immediately become Rico Suavé (I probably never did) but through this moment and others like it I reached a level of sufficient competence that enabled me to function romantically. And though I eventually broke up with this same woman rather (unintentionally) cruelly, she taught me a lot.

Whenever I hear of a couple who hitched up young and with both having relatively little or no experience, I think they're either extraordinarily lucky or just blessed with great tolerance.

Isn’t permanent demographic change already inevitable? In 1950, the United States was 89.5% white, 10% black, and 0.5% other. By 2000, the U.S. was 75.1% white, 12.3% black, and 12.6% other. As of 2020, the United States is 61.6% white (57.8% non-Hispanic white), 12.4% black, and 26% other. You can see stats on other years here. Today, every age group under 25 is now less than 50% non-Hispanic white. There’s no reversing that.

No comment on the bulk of your post, but regarding reddit I'm not convinced the vast majority of the posts in any advice subreddit (in particular relationship subs or AITA ,[Am I The Asshole]) aren't just the same random people typing imaginary, usually wildly implausible scenarios for trolling purposes and/or to keep the subs active.

Receive resources I need to live and thrive (and more, that I want but not necessarily need, besides) without having to physically claw them out of the hands of the haves (if that would even be possible).

A permanent low-status existence is also not ideal even if I got the material things. Status is zero-sum.

Most colonized societies didn't have anywhere near the ability to do this.

And now you see the difference between them and the colonizers.

I’d be curious to know how representative their sample was. (Were the Palestinians included?)

Usually no, since they're not Israelis.

I’d also want to see where Israel has ranked on that same report in previous years.

Israel places high in all those various happiness surveys, top 10 is common.

Israel has been engaged in a decades-long violent campaign, with periodic mass-casualty events on both sides, against a hostile ethnic group within its own borders.

I actually think that's part of it. Americans and Europeans seem to be obsessing over unsolvable low-stakes nonsense, or making new problems up, or generally complaining about richest-country-in-the-world problems (maybe besides immigration, which is a huge deal your politicians don't seem to be taking seriously enough). Having a war once in a while, and especially one where the population is confident in winning, helps keep things in perspective.

Any country where a full one in four of its citizens is from an ethnolinguistically and religiously different group from the other three is, by definition, not homogenous.

Jews and Arabs are very self-segregated though. Each community lives in their own towns, have their own educational systems, their own religious institutions and even get to apply different religious rules on their own communities. Same goes for the smaller minority groups like Druze or Circassian.

Intra-Jewish political friction does exist, but [EDIT] it doesn't manifest itself in actual IRL day-to-day hostility. [/EDIT]

Why do you assume an Iq advantage for samurai? It seems more likely to be reversed in class terms of we assume the class system existed long enough to have a breeding effect.