Future apocalypse survivor
User ID: 3273
Her being more eager to text/call you are good signs, the opposite is not. As long as you do not appear needy, you should be fine for a while. I turn off girls routinely over the phone and on text because I overgame them or go to the opposite end. As long as you are able to not care too much about the worst-case scenario, you should be fine as caring too much always leads to you being needy.
I don't think this is a good strategy if things are already serious.
I have never had a relationship. Those who I learnt from, yareally in particular mentioned that if you have friends with benefits who you meet once a week or more, then she will eventually fall in love with you, conversely if you are not around a girl physically, keeping attraction alive is hard. In your case, you already are doing fine. Refrain from texting her obsessively.
You can try having communication be centred around calling instead of texting since texts can eat up far more time, and convey way less and you can always just be a notification whereas calls let you be yourself far more.
Lastly, be ready to walk away, 4 years ago I was given the same advice here and I ignored it which led to my now infamous post about that one girl and learning pickup. You seem like a fairly upstanding guy so you should be fine but in case you think it is going sideways, be willing to walk away knowing you can always recreate special things.
What are the signs you know it will work?
Her investing more in you is the only visible sign. In every interaction, one person invests more than the other. I completely ignored this and thought that texting more meant more windows to make a girl like me, instead, I should have texted less, and not cared too much about her at all.
“There can be no doubt that gods have appeared, not only in ancient times but even late in history; they feasted with us and fought at our sides. But what good is the splendor of bygone banquets to a starving man? What good is the clinking of gold that a poor man hears through the wall of time? The gods must be called.”
- Ernst Jünger, Eumeswil
I first saw this on Calling the Gods on Arya Akasha By Curwen Ares Rolinson
Yeah, beyond just the aesthetics, adding all that stuff in different combinations makes it taste pretty good. I used whipped honey.
Thanks! I had with sparkling wine, India has little to no meats to offer, cold cuts are even harder to sort so I had to make do with salamis of various flavors, cheeses not so much but I wanted to do a good job instead of whining about it. The guests at my dad's birthday really liked it too. Honey, cheese, meat, and something briney like olives go really well together. I never thought I would add honey to a snack with salami.
There are no Italian meats here, I do wonder how good the original french one tastes given it originated there.
I think so many people's attention spans are fried.
Yes and mine is terrible in particular, need to work on it more actively.
He is very verbose. If you want a quicker intro into NRx, check out on the Wayback Machine. I would recommend an open letter to an open-minded progressive. The entire book is really good, and here is a quote by him I really like.
If you accept Dr. Watson’s fallback position, his intellectual Torres Vedras—as Professor Gates does—the Cathedral is already a goner. Its defeat is not a matter for further research. It is a matter of freshman philosophy. The Cathedral has chosen to fortify, not as a minor outpost but as its central keep, the position of not-A and not-B (actually, since not-A or not-B would suffice, the typical insistence on both is a classic sign of a weak position). Its belief in the statistical uniformity of the human brain across all subpopulations presently living is absolute. It has put all its chips on this one.
And the evidence for its position is really not much stronger than the evidence for the Holy Trinity. In fact, the Holy Trinity has a big advantage: there may be no evidence for it, but at least there is none against it. There is plenty of evidence against human neurological uniformity. The question is simply what standard of proof you apply. By the standards that most of us apply to most questions of fact, the answer is already obvious—and has been for at least thirty years. If not a hundred.
This is really good for 2008, 16 years is a long time. His work led to Nick Land writing the Dark Enlightenment and Xenosystems, Spandrell writing BioLeninism and IQ Shredders, Jim Donald writing, fosetti, hestia society, the evolution of Jims blog into sub branches like written by a long time dutch commetor there named Alf and Setting the record straight by Aidan Maclear. Passage press, Mytery Grove, Imperium Press, Amazon all have at least Moldbug if not land.
He is verbose but very much worth reading. NRx is now hard to differentiate from Rx or reaction, what makes them neo afterall beyond Lands CCRU transhumanism ideas. I have not seen many explicit differences, maybe I need to start reading this stuff properly again this time around, have not in a while.
They are anti abrahamic faiths, into physical culture, sex, degeneracy but racist lol. Quite funny, some follow me for god knows what reason.
Sure, Bronze age pervert, raw egg nationalist, tom roswell (survive the jive), howlingmutant, landsharkrides, follow the people they retweet or converse with.
What, why, is meat, cheese, crackers, fruit preserves, some dips and nuts not how it works?
I had mine with some sparkling wine that had some gold flakes in it, two glasses, not a lot though I do feel a little elated now. I need to move out asap so that I can do this more often.
Faust, it is just dense and I have no shame in admitting that I get lost everytime I pick it up.
I only recommend his blog before the substack. What is the dark elf thing?
We finally hit reset, Mencius Moldbug had an unqualified podcast with the NYT. I can distinctly remember back in 2019 when the word NRx got you looked at with suspicion, now the guy who NRx has gone past, the pioneer is getting mainstream awareness. Moldbug is not the force he once was and his older stuff is where his talents lie but seeing him on NYT still makes me feel like that the horizon is indeed made of canvas.
This can also mean that Yarvin has sold out but I still find that highly unlikely, his views have influenced me a lot, a lot of you reading this too must feel this way. Will we have Nick Land next, will the thermidor continue? who knows, for now, Neo reaction arrives from the future.
The take I've seen that best explains him is that he has been taking lots of testosterone.
Him and Jeff Bezos represent the flirting vs harassment meme pretty well, going from very nerdy looking to far more imposing. Not accusing you of being a fanboy, his public image means more money for his firms at the very least, I do not think he is trolling at all, if he were it would have been funny. Pretending to be a world champion at chess and then playing like you only crammed some openings is not funny which is how his stituation looks like.
lol thank god. I do not want to sound like a guy who starts fights since twitter is there for that. I have with a mixed group of jews irl but interacted with mostly ashkenazis online since the online people I meet are not in Pai partying though the former was a far more fun experience.
Anyone here familiar with charcuterie boards? My dad has his birthday today and my ma wants to make one for the first time since no one in India eats this sorta food. I bought some gouda, crackers, nuts, olives and other widely available things like salamis to add to my board. Not much in terms of cold cuts or cheeses is widely available here plus those who drink don't drink wine at all given how bad wine locally made here is which means people don't pair it with food the way euros do. I am also helping her make some curry, hummus and toum. Cooking takes up a lot of time, wont like to do it again.
But back to boards, are there food or beverages you guys pair together regularly? The most complex I ever got was irish cream I made alongside crackers.
Edit - here's a photo of the board I made, had it with sparkling wine.
If Indian representation in the US is the people you named then I would prefer them not being represented at all. The leftwards lean they have makes sense to me since I know leftism will only get worse with time yet the Indians in the US are the ones who will suffer due to it.
The name alone makes me mad, Ro, just use your first name pal, it is not as hard to pronounce as mine.
I would like to apologise if my comments seemed insensitive, the decline thing was something I saw for the first time on slatestarcodex, due to marrying out, you do eventually lose out on more members. Indian castes dealt with it by banishment to preserve cushions of better people from a paltry median.
How is the group difference like within other tribes of hasidic people like the super otrthodox ones? I know of ashkenazis but have been told there are other groups which are not as well represented due to ashkenazis making up the bulk of american jewish populace.
Ok this is a fair point, I'm a little hesitant with matters pertaining to group differences because I'm not as well versed with stats as I should be. My main aim isn't a total denial of ashkenazis being a smart group, I have some skepticism which may be wrong.
The left and right in the mainstream simply use the word culture to avoid stating Ingroup bias or being smart whereas the truth is a combination of both which magnify results. This is the correct thing to do by all accounts, the purpose of an Ingroup is to help its people
I simply can't fathom the vast differences in their performance agaisnt Indian or Asian Americans who not only are nearly the same size or higher but likely have the same median iq if not more. These are self selected stem immigrants who are some of the highest earners, even the average h1b who isn't a smart person is probably at least 115 if not more.
I linked the article no to state that they aren't smart but it's the collective sentiment that exists alongside it which gets ignored or at best given lip service to. They are smart and have a good amount of group biased which is a healthy thing that modern society despises, white nationalists even more so.
Assuming the Ashkenazis have an average IQ 4-5 points higher than that of the "Asian" distribution
I doubt that given test scores which are a good measure of G. Asians and Indians were selected for maximising these test scores, you have far more Asians and Indians in the highest percentiles of test scores. The collectivism only works because they are smart to begin with, but the collectivism makes the differences so dramatic in these things. I appreciate ingroup biases since that is natural human behaviour. If Jews are half a standard deviation smarter than white gentiles, then how do Asians and Indians do so much better than both in various tests?
I am not an asian supremacist, tails being fat is a real thing especially given how Asians likely have thinner ones compared to other people in the conversation.
This is not trolling at all, he is not Elon Hyde who hides behind layers of irony, is his twitter addiction which is itself a full-time job given how active he is an effort at trolling people?
Asmongold made a joke that he is either lying about his gaming or he is lying about running 6 firms, what makes people uncomfortable about this info is that if he is this willing to lie about something as pointless as video games, the things he must lie about in his businesses must exist, you don't just lie about trivial things and then develop morals around what matters.
Well, the problem is that if you simply go back to the top of the hill, all you can do is slide back down. If liberalism in general doesn’t work, you’re just going to end up exactly where we are now, except that it will be “the future” when it happens,
It is not thought, western Europe is like the US where both will have a majority minority birth wise in a few years.
I am unusual here because after thinking about it, I think the “bad idea” might well have been the enlightenment
Yes it was, that's why I am a reactionary and the Nick Land called it the dark enlightenment. The problem is not the plebs voting but elites who want more to deconstruct society, families and even your sex life.
The plebs are not at fault here, never were.
I found this point wierd too, the case in general does make sense though. A difference of half a standard deviation can't explain collectivism, which is what I am arguing agaisnt here. Indian Americans or even Asian Americans have a sizeable population, probably higher iq than average, their representation in various prizes, exec postions, number of public intellectuals etc is far lower than Jewish Americans. Figures estimate Indians to be 4.8 million and Jewish to be 7 million.
So all Asians put together somehow seem to not have the same pull at all, this isn't even mentioning the political side of things or aspects influencing things. Academic Agent is half Welsh and Half Persian, so that makes him a little biased
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I come from the only place where this system existed overtly, the warrior always needs a good priest to jutify and give mandate of heaven. Chandragupta Maurya happened due to Kautilya. Yarvin is a mischling.
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