A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
All alliterations are accidental.
User ID: 83
This idea is a bit foreign to me, are there people actually arguing that?
"Arguing" is giving it too much credit. There actually are people (generic everyday wokes, leftists-by-default, young women who want to maximally exploit their sexual market value right now damn the consequences) who reflexively claim as much, but it's strictly arguments as soldiers. Christianity, the Patriarchy and Capitalism are to blame for absolutely everything ever, no need to explain or differentiate, and obviously the natural state of things is some utopian vision of free love, don't you know that Science has proven it (i.e., she once read a magazine article that vaguely gestured at studies)?
This may sound uncharitable, but I have encountered it often enough.
Apart from a minor thought about how I'm not sure we actually still have all the know-how on how to build authentic medieval buildings (but we could probably make do with a little research and guesswork, if it hasn't been done already), that's what I mean. We can't do it because it's not up to code, nobody has time for that, most people don't want to live like that, etc.
I keed!
You what?
They worked really hard on a strategic game mode, but ended up having to give up on it for various reasons in order to focus on the core tactical gameplay. Very recently they released an update that significantly improved the tactical AI so that you can get a meaningful single-player skirmish experience, and they announced the development of a single-player classically scripted campaign mode.
As it stands, you can actually go and play the strategic mode they worked on, as they left it in an opt-in branch on steam, in just the state they aborted development in. I haven't tried it yet. IMO it was a very interesting concept, and I do kind of hope they revisit it eventually, but I somewhat doubt it'll happen.
That said, the multiplayer is great and I invite you to come play. Or we can just skirmish against bots, if you're dead-set against competitive MP.
Big Crunch or Big Rip, which is it? Either there's an ending coming.
Infinite size with finite mass just means there is an infinite amount of nothing between any specks of interest.
I don't really like baroque, no. What I meant earlier was that baroque, like Gründerzeit, produced tolerable buildings - not necessarily what I like, but something that I can pass by without cursing - unlike the abominations that are being built since the war. I was very unprecise about that up there.
I really do prefer the late medieval buildings. Towns that actually preserved their fortifications and integrated walls and castles rather than bulldoze them are especially pretty. Of course they're rare and impractical and impossible to build from scratch, but that's what I grew up with and everything else looks fake and gay by comparison.
"Fine" as in tolerable? Alright, I'll bite that bullet. It's a style I can live with, though not one I actively desire. A little too overdecorated and playful to my taste.
Fachwerk though. Mhmhmmm.
I read all the Flashman books and I greatly appreciate the Three and Four Musketeer films based on the screenplays he wrote. I will readily second the recommendation.
But now I have to ask myself why I haven't read more from the man. I guess it just never occurred to me. Will have to remedy this.
Here's my view: Doomerism overestimates the speed, globality and uniformity of collapse, and underestimates the ability of individuals and economies to adapt.
Proof: Every prediction of doom ever compared to the actual outcome.
Of course this will be true until it isn't, but so far it doesn't look to me like we'll be relieved of the burden of having to live in this grotesque dystopian hellscape (thanks @naraburns) anytime soon.
Well fair enough, I was thinking more of Germany. I should probably preface all my posts with "Meanwhile, in the land of the Germans...". And our best and most beautiful buildings are usually survivors from the late middle ages, or baroque, and you can't exactly build that way anymore. Our immediately-post-war architecture is offensively ugly and our later buildings are so expensive that it makes you wonder how they could achieve such price tags without making the roofs out of solid gold.
Looking at those, they are all somewhat pompous. Maybe that's appropriate though? Not that ours are any better, mind you. The predominant style there just doesn't appeal much to me personally.
What would your personal favorite style be?
On the one hand, you'd want public buildings to be agreeable to look at from the inside and outside. Possibly even as an architectural example.
On the other hand, you know that any such building project will be an extravagant waste of taxpayer money every step of the way.
So I have no favorite. Anything the state builds for its own sake and that of its servants will be a horrible insult to the people.
No. To many women, and not just urban millenials and zoomers, gayness is equivalent to goodness. This is not universal but also not rare at all. The gay man is the man with all his toxic masculinity stripped away. The gay man is docile and domesticated. The gay man is an ally against the patriarchy. The gay man has the positive qualities of the woman. The gay man is not a threat. The gay man is gentle and good to have around. The gay man is not an inscrutable, terryfingly physical, emotionally unavailable, violently competitive machine. The gay man is not to blame for everything that is wrong in the world. The gay man did not ruin the woman's life. The gay man has no intention to enslave a woman for her fertility. The gay man is man as he should be.
Is it for someone who normally really has no taste for Opera?
I was gifted a copy of Sapiens, and I didn't make it in very far because my overhwelming impression of the guy was that he takes little to no evidence and from that spins a yarn that flatters his preexisting world-view.
Go cold turkey. Just stop it with the sugary crap, entirely, no exceptions. Think of it as "not something that I eat". Sugar gives you cravings for more sugar. Cut the loop by not consuming sweets at all, categorically. You don't need sweets to live.
My office break room is stacked to the roof with cookies, chocolate, candy, gummi whatevers. I walk in there, see a pile of shit-that-messes-you-up, and walk past it to get at the can of unsalted peanuts, cashews and almonds I keep in there. You can snack without screwing with your appetite. See sweets as the horrible drugs, the makers-of-the-obese that they are.
Even PMC members here in Germany, who have no stake whatsoever in the matter, faithfully talk those points as gospel truths.
The religious caste convinced itself that it was the working caste.
Billy Budd, Sailor, by Herman Melville. Only getting started. It's in an anthology book and I keep getting distracted by opening the wrong page and reading whatever else is in there.
For others? Probably quite a bit. The non-autistic millenials that I used to play with often had a very competitive streak to them and seemd to be genuinely invested in how they ranked relative to others.
The zoomers...oh man. The zoomers keep talking to themselves. It seems to me they all imagine themselves to be the next big streamer. Or maybe it's not even conscious, and they just naturally adopted the monologuing from watching too much Twitch and Let's Play.
The autists are just fine playing against bots. They seem to prefer it, even, for predictability.
As for myself, where multiplayer is an option I strictly prefer it to playing against bots. Not really for the social aspects, those are rather tiresome, but because playing against bots invariably becomes an exercise in exploiting the AI's predictability, which feels like a waste of time. In playing against humans, I can at least semi-credibly tell myself that I'm exercising my mind a little bit rather than just consuming product.
Yesterday I spent 30 minutes before going to bed playing a round of Nebulous: Fleet Command, and I rammed my Beam Battleship into the enemy Cruiser formation just right. It was pure dumb luck, of course, and a game at a fairly low average skill level, but still. Against bots that would have been meaningless. Against was still just dumb luck, but infinitely more exciting - they could have countered this! Nobody on either side knew what to expect! And so it was a lot more satisfying.
Well fair enough, it did that job and hasn't really stopped doing it either, I suppose.
Occupied by whom? I mean, I hear stories along those lines often enough, but so far they seem firmly in the tin-hat territory.
That Germany has been culture-formed into a suicidal self-hatred, that I will buy, but actively occupied and controlled by specific foreign powers?
Honestly I just wrote by ear, and "Merz" or "März", sounding the same, is usually encountered in the context of the month of March "März", so I instinctively went with that one.
But if you like, we can treat it as suspicious. I just don't know what it is you might suspect.
AfD, without a doubt. I'm an FDP member, but right now Germany doesn't need reasonable miniature reformers who make some reasonable tweaks here and there to maybe let the average Michel have a few more coins jingle in his pocket by the end of next year. Germany needs strong fucking medicine, needs to have the leftist mind-viruses that have plagued it for the last half-century blasted out of it, needs the overton window rammed back into a less exasperatingly retarded position, and as quickly as possible. We can already see some success in this - strong words from the CDU, the FDP reconsidering in how far its progressivism needs to be aligned with that of the left, and even the leftist parties aren't so sure of themselves anymore. It's small potatos for now; too early to stop administering the bitter medicine. But it is working. It needs to do more work. And if the only thing that can scare the other parties straight is the AfD, then the AfD it will have to be.
It may take another twenty years. It may fail to have the desired effect. But right now I want Germany to put up a fight against its internal enemies, those who hate it and those who opportunistically see it as a mere economic zone, and this is the only way. If the only ones who will stand up for it are the neo-nazis and their suit-wearing front-pieces, be they in Russian pockets, be they dumb as bricks, be they the second coming of Hitler himself, then come hell or high water, they have my vote.
Also, there is still, after so many years, a giant graffiti on a large piece of public infrastructure right in view of my window, ordering people to give not a single vote to the AfD. They tried to mess with the wrong contrarian.
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