A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
I only pretend to speak English. Please excuse everything rude or dumb that I say as the unintelligible mutterings of an uncultured barbarian from the foggy woodlands of Swabia.
User ID: 83
Fair point, getting to slowboat technique on a newbie whom you don't need to go with 100% at to stand a chance actually is valuable in its own way.
couldn’t have foreseen in 1791 the developments of unwieldy muskets.
Muskets have been around since the 16th century. What are you talking about?
Since my HEMA club is two hours away by car, and the nearest other club is hardly any closer, I've barely made it to training at all in the last year, and not at all this year since me and my family have been getting sick repeatedly now that my daughter is going to Kindergarten and bringing home all the good stuff (flu, it's always the flu).
So I signed up for a nearby "grappling" (read: BJJ) school a few weeks ago. And never made it there because I'm either sick or taking care of sick people.
By the time I do make it there, I will have been out of serious training for about five years, am thoroughly out of shape and with a few permanent injuries to boot. I can only imagine that the reaction of the people there will be something in between "this guy is made of paper WTF do we do with him" and "please go to the gym first, come back next year".
Sick, taking care of sick people, and sick again.
I tried setting up a github repo for the Unreal project, but so far failed because many files are too large. For most of those files, I'm not even sure what they do or whether I can safely gitignore them. Git suggests using Git Large File Storage, and I suppose I should look into that, but so far I'm not even sure what it is.
Also did a little more worldbuilding, but as always it's dangerously close to outright trash.
Thanks for asking.
"do they have any reason to [react negatively]"
"do they have any reason to react well" was my intention, so the opposite, but the answer works either way. Thanks!
LLMs are trained on text corpora -- how do you map those text tokens to sound data?
Just feed the text into a text-to-speech device or software, then use the output from that for the mapping.
Markets have not reacted well so far
Do they have any reason to? Honest question.
I thought he was going for military-adjacent without transparently pretending to be an actual soldier.
"Hi! I'm [insert your own kid's name]'s dad. Who are you?"
Never presume that knowledge is universal. Someone always manages to live on the far side of the moon somehow.
The copying process may not be perfect. There could be bit flips. And that's assuming that your pattern will actually think like you go; that the difference in hardware will not matter and that the uploading process actually captures everything that makes you tick.
Understandable. It's exactly what I hope to get out of it, though.
Last week I finally finished Montaillou. Took me the guts of a month to get through, what a chore.
Was it worth it?
would mourn my passing.
Or feel relief about not having some progenitor who's seen as more-real-than-you hanging aroung anymore.
I suspect there will be all kinds of dysfunctions with the uploads themselves and revolving around them. The psychologists of the future will have their quackery cut out for them.
So does wasting taxpayer money on promoting absurd ideological causes. Sometimes you need to cut healthy flesh to get at the tumor.
If it looks like a social contagion, spreads like a social contagion, and quacks like a social contagion...
Have you tried drugs?
Oh, wait.
What makes the standard of living? The people or the institutions? Which of the two are fungible? You and I probably share an opinion on this, but it is not the politically correct opinion.
Peter Jackson's The Lord Of The Rings adaptation presenting in a positive light the struggle of white Middle-Eartheners agains the swarthy Orcen hordes attempting to immigrate to Gondor and Rohan.
I agree with your overall point and share your general sentiment. Which isn't to say that I think cjet is wrong; I respect his opinion as well.
But on the topic of doctors: German doctors aren't one whit better than the Indian doctors you describe. The doctors themselves blame the buerocracy, and I'm sympathetic to that complaint, but somehow it feels like they aren't all that unhappy to minimize their time with their annoying, idiotic patients.
Not sure if joking. Please clarify.
If so, then I think we should tread with some care. Stoicism is a worthwhile ability to keep around; I thoroughly despise the drama queens who will turn everything into an outburst worthy of being put on social media.
Obviously there are harmful extremes in both directions. But the happy medium is, IMO, a little towards the cool side. But of course I would say that.
I'm not really up to date on your life story. I vaguely recall a mottizen telling of his dialysis struggles a few years ago, was that you? Or are you doing this out of altruism?
For practical writing, I stand by it - the quality metric is [information conveyed / effort spent to communicate by both parties].
For other writing, especially for entertainment - see my third paragraph above.
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Ah, fair, I guess I misread that.
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