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No one is coming. It's just you.

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joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


User ID: 333


No one is coming. It's just you.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


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User ID: 333

Still on Master and Commander as my falling asleep book.

I'm quite enjoying it and didn't expect it to be so positive, but I guess it being written in the 70's inured it against cynicism.

Thanks. For me it's a relatively new inability to read at very close distances (eg phone with small text in bed). I've got a pair of off the shelf reading glasses from the department store which covers this so I'm going to hold out as long as I can.

I'm putting off a first visit to an optometrist. I know what's coming.

Others have covered this, but from my experience it sounds like overtraining which can be mitigated somewhat by allowing your nervous system more time to recover over hours before sleeping. I don't lift heavy weights or go running after 7pm for this reason. Morning through afternoon workouts are fine. If its a regular issue I would have my workouts in the morning and scale back intensity until I found the sweet spot of exertion that allowed me to sleep.

Do yourself a favour and try other non-exercise related sleep remedies such as reducing caffeine. I found a shocked nervous system (via overtraining) could be further irritated by electronic stimulation so try to cut out screens before bed. Books and audiobooks are encouraged in the hour before sleep. Magnesium as a muscle relaxant before bed is also good for getting to sleep (but not necessarily staying asleep).

Ban him! Ban him!

My drinking crept up after doing solo drinking at home on weeknights. I thought it was harmless to have a beer or two after work, but tolerance is a thing with regular use and that leads to the ratchet like you say. I don't have a liquor cabinet/wine rack any more these days.

My wife took a less-than-helpful stance in telling me to just have a beer as she insists I am much more personable and, probably, interesting, than when sober.

I came to the sober (heh) realisation a long time ago that I'm much more charismatic when I'm drinking. However I've cut my drinking down for my own benefit, not for others and if sobriety damages my relationships, so be it.

In the past I'd have these Tinder dates where the girl was really into me on the first date when we were drinking and then would lose interest on the second date when I was sober. It happened quite a few times until I realised I needed to switch to coffee so they could see more of who I really was day to day.

Regarding ritual, I've had mild success with switching to uncaffeinated herbal teas in the evening to have something to do when I couldn't shouldn't eat or drink alcohol. I've had mixed success with zero alcohol beers when socialising with drinkers. They still seem like they want you to get drunk with them.

It would make sense. There would be this period of discrimination and living horror that old people would have to endure (100 years as a fragile elder?) before reversal technologies were developed.

He does retweet AI generated images of himself in costume that are created by his army of sycophants (that are more likely looking for a view/follower boost).

It would be a pittance for the world's richest man to buy a character, have one commissioned, or otherwise have it power-leveled by a ghost player when he's not using it. Plenty of Whales who are lazy/time poor do this, that is why there is a market for it. So you could say why not.

But why stream? This type of display isn't going to get him mainstream credibility. It might not be deep insecurity, but there's something going on. What 50+ year old man would pass off a relatively childish achievement as his own? (I mean childish as in how it perceived by the mainstream. We aren't talking Everest here. I say this as a lifelong gamer)

Sorry to hear about your mother. Make sure to be very kind to yourself and don't be surprised if emotions come out of nowhere.

Anyone with any mature experience of death understands that people process it in different ways. I've never seen anyone judged for not performing grief in the 'right way' (except for obvious rude or garish behaviour at the funeral/wake).

Consider at least trying to not be performative (which is to say; be yourself) and see how it goes. If you get several people disapprove then you can always change back to the 'right way'.

It's in lazy audiobook form so I can rest my eyes before sleep, but I've started the Aubrey/Maturin series (Master and Commander). I enjoy stories set in the Age of Sail/Napoleonic era and it hasn't disappointed so far with lots of detail about how the Royal Navy operated during that period. I've also got the Hornblower series lined up after that (I enjoyed the tv film series), but if I get sick of naval I could always switch to Sharpe.

I think Eric Weinstein alluded to certain branches of physics possibly being forbidden by the government due to their potential weaponisation.

Agreed. OP is purity spiraling. Impassioned flameouts do not convince people to change their minds. They must be exposed to information and incontrovertible evidence slowly and allowed to change their opinions over time.

The OP seems like he's undertaking the influencer equivalent of burning the boats so there can be no retreat from radicalism.

Great life lesson delivered in a painful way (as most are).

Crazy. I'm pretty sure I was telling my dad what a brontosaurus brachiosaurus was at age 4. Very fond memories of dad taking me to the public library and say 'pick any book you like'.

I've got a lot of memories of certain films that were overplayed on free to air TV in my youth. I am so so sick of the original Wizard of Oz, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sound of Music etc.

I later had some exposure to the actual operations of a TV Station and know that the videotapes/presentation department usually has a small locker of standby movies in case something goes wrong with normal programming (broadcast computer goes down, live sport rained out creating a 3 hour gap in programming, disruption of satellite feed from the network etc etc). These 'appropriate for all ages' films are the go-to when normal operations are interrupted for whatever reason.

And they use the same ones. Over and over again. For years on end.

Edit: Should make it clear that things are different now in the digital age, but this is how things used to be done.

Also the very high IQ's with social skills disappear into the crowd (or lead it).

At some level there is the IQ > Extreme Wealth > Surrogates or similar understandings with women (eg the Elon pathway).

You could buy the retirement house now and rent it out?

The gifter seems to know it might not be real. Tell them it's not (in private of course). Then wear it or not at your leisure depending on how likely it is that others can spot the fake or how much you care.

I'll be aiming for this if, and when I get there.

Neverending Story is pretty good, but I'd recommend the kids be 6+ minimum with the younger ones having a parent next to them for a cuddle (wolf scenes).

There is clearly something going on with autism. It could have always been there, and in the modern age we are suddenly finding it. Or, there is something environmental. We should investigate.