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Women demonstrate more agency than men when it comes to getting romance or finance scammed, abusing drugs and alcohol, or murdering people

What do you mean by this? For example, men do most of the murder, and murder is a high-agency activity. Agency doesn't mean "good outcomes".

Man, we have definitely gone too far in the other direction, but Gen-Xers are truly an insufferable generation.

Sounds like a show I'd really enjoy, but each time I think about its runtime, I flinch.

To quote the incoming vice-president of the United States: do it one bite at a time. It's definitely more of a young guy's anime, though.

Yes. The differences between this and shroud is that this lets spells and abilities target the permanent, and then it "nullifies" the effect. If nullifies = counters, then this works similarly to the new mechanic "ward", except there is no "turn off" condition, and that it also works for your own effects. The material difference is that effects that can't be countered will bypass this protection.

On the other hand, if "nullifies" does something different, it would essentially be shroud with the very fringe upside that you can throw away your own spells to increase your creature's toughness (might be relevant if some of your spells are useless, like removal against control), and the maybe relevant downside that you could enable your opponent to cast spells with multiple effects, that nonetheless require a valid target (for example, using searing blaze as straight up burn, which would not be possible against a shroud creature).

It depends on what "nullify" exactly means, rules-wise. It could be strictly better shroud, though the situations on which it's better are so narrow as to be basically the same, but if "nullify" means "counter" then it's a weird ward: very strong, but symmetrical.

By "Pilot" you mean the first episode, or the movie with roughly the same plot, because I found the latter rather enjoyable.

Maybe I have a higher threshold for what "hyperinflation" is, but I think you can print your way out the debt without getting all the way there.

I do wonder about the second order effects: The USD is the reserve currency, central goverments have large stockpiles of it, and, all over the world, entire asset classes (like real estate) are denominated in it.

It's a scary time to be long bonds. Of course, it's a scary time to be long stocks as well.

The boomers aren't entirely wrong? Instagram is a perfectly functional social network that's reasonably good to stay in touch with people, stapled onto a constant feed of slop; as far as I know, TikTok is just the feed.

Funnily enough, Facebook is better for that purpose, but you have to go where the people are and, as such, FB has become an AI infested wasteland.

Well, I don't know how it is now, but making fun and being cruel to people was perfectly aligned with being a pinko-sj hellhole.

It was a personally formative experience coming into contact with goons and goon-adjacents, and seeing them use SJ rethoric as a moral patina for their abuse of others.

Lmao, this sounds like a parody of what right wingers believe about leftist tactics: From "we are a tiny wittle minority, uguu, you have to wespect our wights" to "We are the majority of the world, we get to say how things are done"

For this reason, I don't think it'll have much staying power.

I am sort of peripherally aware of some of the "sex pest" stories that occasionally circulate in rationalist circles, and certainly I am aware of the polyamory (and e.g. Scott's occasional defense of it). Apparently it can work, for some people, at least for a time. But more often it seems to end up like this: if you want an open marriage, probably you don't really want a marriage in any robust sense of the term. And wealthy, powerful men who do not commit themselves to monogamy wholly and from the outset, Pence style, will be promiscuous, and it will eventually create headaches for them, of one kind or another.

I think the sort of binary thinking that's been ingrained into these discussions is part of the problem: Infidelity is wrong, but discreetly (discretely?) having a mistress is not the same as carelessly sleeping around, which itself is not the same as whatever degenerate stuff this guy was doing (some other comments mention shit and vomit, I'm disinclined to inquire further).

If "consent" and "fidelity" are your only measures of correctness, and only on a "yes/no" basis, you're bound to end up with a Puritan <-> Borderline Sex Criminal barbell.

Aesthetic reasons? Executions are srs bsns: it'd be undignified, and maybe a bit grotesque to carry them out with laughing gas.

I don't think this is totally true. Unless you go full degenerate, the modal outcome of self-directed investment is lower returns while having wasted a bunch of time, or a level of outperformance so low that doesn't justify the amount of time invested, not ruin.

a couple things I would recommend are Matt Levine's Money Stuff column in Bloomberg and Patrick McKenzie's Bits about Money.

I second this recommendation, and add Byrne Hobart's The Diff.

That's just what being an ashkenazi is: Some sort of combination between Levantine and Italian.

There is also great value in market depth and liquidity, which these actors also provide.

Intuitively it does seem like there's some point past which there isn't any more "real" value being added (like the difference between transaction in a second vs a quarter of a second, or whatever), but the processes which get to that point are what enable all the good stuff that came before it.

I feel similarly about LBOs: they seem like a stupid legal trick, but all the conditions that allow them to happen are things you want your economy to have.

Paul Rudd is 100% ashkenazi and widely considered a handsome actor (for his age etc but also in general).

He's considered handsome for a comedic actor.

Italians all over the world will claim that their own specific variation of Italian food is the best one (also the best food, period).

Are there any sports club near you? I am much more confident on my ability to homeschool my eventual kids because I know they can get pretty much all their socializing from our club. It also doesn't lock you into a sport they don't enjoy, they can drift into the one that interests them.

Allowing them to vote would mean that the Republican party would never win another national election in its current form.

I thought this as well, but if you give statehood to each province, wouldn't you end up in a similar situation as you already are? That is, lots low density red states and a few high population blue states, you might still have an electoral college advantage.

who largely built his following organically and on his own.

Genuine question, did he? Did he not get a huge Rogan boost?

I can't stand interviewers who just badger guests trying to get them to say/not say certain things

I more or less agree, but it's one thing to not antagonize your guest, or try to catch them off-guard, and another to add basically nothing and just have them talk their book. I think a great point of comparison is his interview with The Zuck vs the one from Dwarkesh Patel. While they're a bit apart in time, so there were some developments between them, they're both generally very friendly, but Dwarkesh just gets so much more out of Zuck by actually engaging him on the subjects he's talking about.

Is there data on the average age of marriage for these racial configurations?