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This week, in review:

High: had a first date that I think I'm actually more excited about than Ms. Definitely, and there will certainly be a second. Not quite as much in common, but still a lot, still brilliant and attractive, and just...better vibes. More stable and peaceful.

Low: buried the dog.

Dutch weed is around the 8-15% THC range and it’s nice in Amsterdam, you can enjoy it without becoming a vegetable like on current US strains.

I think a different standard should apply for vape oil or whatever and I agree true degenerate stoners are always going to get their fix (same with true alcoholics in places where they make booze hard to come by, like Greenland), but I think if weed was cheaply and easily available in dispensaries but capped at 12-15% (and vape carts etc at proportional levels) most regular people would stick with that.

Then you ignored past evidence. As such, no reason to link it again when you can easily see for yourself if you search.

If it's easy, you should do it and paste the links here.

If it's not easy, but you expect persuadable people (at least persuadable third parties) to be reading, you should definitely do it and paste the links. (this is the case I suspect is true, as a persuadable third party who didn't see anything on the first results page for "gaza doctors access", although I vaguely recall seeing stories along these lines before)

If you don't expect anyone persuadable to be reading, why bother writing at all?

+1 to spaced repetition.

The other technique I will add, which I think underlies memory palaces, is...let's call it "deep engagement." Rather than just trying to remember rotely, deeply engage with the knowledge by connecting it to other knowledge. You've now added multiple recall points to your brain for the single fact, and as long as any of them are intact, you can get the fact.

In the case of memory palaces (which I find overhyped and not personally useful), that knowledge is a location in the memory palace. E.g. if yours is Pokemon, and you are trying to remember a grocery list, maybe you pictured Pikachu eating a watermelon. The element of the memory palace itself (Pikachu) is by design easy to remember. The visual of Pikachu eating a watermelon connects to enough other things (my memories of eating watermelon, a chuckle at the visual there, etc) to provide redundant encoding of "watermelon."

In the case of learning physics, you can:

  1. (no deep engagement) cram equations in your brain, regurgitate them at the top of a test, then reference them, OR
  2. (deep engagement) derive them, graph them, do experiments to measure them, think about their asymptotics, etc

In the case of politics, you can:

  1. (no deep engagement) memorize the latest fact about the advancing troops in Ukraine
  2. (deep engagement) think about why that movement was made, what might happen next, the experience of the soldiers during it

The deep engagement approach gives you more threads by which to remember.

Yes, but for a non-repeatable event it’s also very easy for a pollster to say they were right. After all, even someone who predicts a 95% likelihood of A winning can say “well, the 5% likelihood of B winning happened to be the outcome in this scenario, my forecast was in fact entirely correct” and this is completely unfalsifiable.

Write it down , periodically refer to it by glancing at it and mentally reciting it, at which point it should be easy to commit it to memory. Look for patterns in numbers or words.

But on the plus side, Biden seems to hate Kamala


If you're eating a variety of food groups, don't fixate on protein quality scores. Deficiencies in one food group are made up for by another.

Harry Byrd Sr.

Huh, they don't seem to be related, especially since the name is because Robert was adopted, but Robert and Harry bear some resemblance IMO. Weird.

Being from West Virginia where 50% of buildings and public structures are named for Robert C. Byrd (citation needed), he's a memorable fella.

The only reliable/efficient way of memorizing large amounts of information I'm aware of is spaced repetition. I'm too lazy to make Anki cards, but I do try and apply the practice to reviewing the copious amounts of notes I need to memorize, and it does work.

On the nootropic side, ashwagandha is more or less robustly shown (going off last time I read up on it) to have mild benefits for memory. There's not really much you can do to improve it above your usual baseline unless you're a dementia patient needing memory enhancers really.

"Great writers" such as Gwern or Scott both do their best to note down things, and are also blessed with great memory by default, which strongly correlates to intelligence anyway.

I pretty much gave up on smoking weed because all the legal options are way too strong. One of these days I'll grow my own weak weed.

The idea that refugees have to apply for asylum in the first safe country comes from a misreading of Article 31 of the Refugee Convention, which says that refugees can't be penalised for illegally entering a country if they are crossing from a dangerous country to the first safe country. But a refugee doesn't cease to be a refugee just because they illegally cross from one safe country to another - the second safe country can prosecute them for illegal immigration but this doesn't solve the problem that you can't (without violating the Refugee Convention) get rid of them without finding another safe country willing to take them.

My understanding is from the below link, which states (emphasis mine):

What is the Dublin Regulation? The Dublin Regulation determines which country is responsible for considering an application for protection. An asylum seeker can only have his or her application considered in one of the Dublin countries.

The main rule is that an application will be processed by the first Dublin country the asylum seeker comes to. If the asylum seeker applies for protection in another Dublin country, he or she will be sent back to the country that has already considered his/her application or that is responsible for considering the application.,the%20collaboration%20as%20Dublin%20countries.

Maybe I am misreading, so I encourage you to post on it.

I'd really love to improve my memory, but the popular approach to this sort of baffles me. Memorizers construct large memory palaces and winding trails to recall specific, precise bits of information, like numbers or the words of a speech down to the letter, and this is synonymous with memory improvement. But is this not just trivial recall that could be handled easily by a computer, or a scrap of paper? Consulting my internal memory palace is no different from consulting a library. And it's obviously additional. When we talk about memory, we really mean that natural faculty through which things float into our mind as they appear relevant, the source of all creativity. This faculty of memory can be improved through exercise and health and frequent use, and reduced through idleness and so on.

...But is that it? This memory pretty much determines your intellectual life, it determines whether a book will benefit you or be meaningless. Memory is everything. So where are the great writers and studies showing how to optimize this function? Surely it's not just "eat vegetables, do cardio, sleep well", right?

I do have to say it's concerning that this election runs through several of our nation's most corrupt cities: Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Atlanta.

I won't make specific claims but it's the height of naivete to think these cities can run an election correctly.

Could someone point me to good resources to better familiarize myself with the facts around the Israel Palestine conflict?

What are the best arguments on the side of those who are pro- and anti-Israel?

Hofstadler's Law of polling mean there is always a shy Tory effect, even when you correct for Hofstadler's Law.

Prediction markets are well-calibrated when there is sufficient liquidity.

A 20% chance is not a 0% chance. It will happen 1 in 5 times. When it does happen, the prediction market is not "wrong".

This is what Nate Silver had to say over and over again in the wake of 2016 when he made a "wrong" prediction by giving Trump only a 30% of winning. Most people simply fail to understand how prediction works.

Oh yeah, I'm with you. And we also can't escape the fact that many swing states have serious flaws in their election security.

A lot can still happen. I would expect a maximally damaging and fake news story to drop against Trump in the next few days. (50% chance). But on the plus side, Biden seems to hate Kamala so some of the levers that the current administration can pull (like sabre-rattling with Iran) won't get pulled.

My province caps THC at 30%, that is generous for flower but is too low for concentrates to make any kind of sense. Ultimately people consume more of the less potent stuff to compensate, or go find the potent stuff outside of the legal market. That's how it's been for me when I was partaking and letting my tolerance build up. I could always reach the same level with flower than with, say, THC crystals, I'd just have to chain vape for 3 hours to get there (easy with the degenerate setup I had).

See also: “to see the mote in your brother’s eye while ignoring the beam in your own”

Assuming this is your real sentiment and not just trolling, have you ever been in a team attempting something truly difficult? Not just something that needs lots of structured man-hours and money, but something you don't even know if possible, and other people shy away from?

Leadership really REALLY matters then. It is not the only thing that matters, but you can have every other ingredient aplenty and it will never work without someone truly exceptional leading it.

if you’re the kind of Ghanaian wealthy enough to go through 10+ years of tertiary education in the US

Yes a lot of such cases are already local elites, but not at all. Scholarships can do wonders in this category if you were a bit savvy as a teenager (or your parents were)

And what does "protect cryptocurrency investments" even mean? Providing a price floor for them? Making them more regulated? How?

There's three interpretations in my head of what that could be, and considering what the Biden admin has been doing and how it's likely to be exactly the same people in charge under Harris, there isn't really any doubt which one it is.

Crypto traders and users want the governments to protect the ability to use and trade cryptocurrency by keeping the knee off the neck of the industry.

The crypto industry wants governments to give clarity as to where it will intervene and where it won't, so that the industry can finally know where and how they will be allowed to operate.

Governments wants to make the cryptomarket as "safe" and regulated as regular finance (and by doing so, kill opportunity in that market for the plebs).

I have similar experiences with European healthcare. People don't care much about "average life expectancy" type of stats when they judge healthcare quality typically but simply how easy it is for them to get attention when they feel they need it. Also European healthcare is typically heavily drained by old people and tries to salvage costs by gatekeeping young people which doesn't help perceptions either.