🟦 All human beings are equal, **even when they aren't.**
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User ID: 290
It's probably something in the water, given that obesity rates are lower in the mountains and highest at the mouths of long rivers....
free prostitute
How, exactly, is that not a contradiction in terms‽
"Latinx: a word used only by gringxs."
Where do you stand on 'Latines' or 'Latinaos'?
I mean, is every revolution in history actually just based on vibes?
The Boston Tea Party started after the British lowered taxes on tea (and eliminated taxes on several other goods), but kept a small tax to make the point that 'we have the right to impose taxation without representation'.
Are those views that it's great and sweet and opposition to it is Everything Wrong With The World These Days?
More complicated than that.
Because if not you should start a new op so we can discuss it.
Will do; where should I post it?
"If you want to marry a virgin, you should leave a few of them around!"
So his argument proves too much? (Note that I myself have Views on that particular composition....)
the men of Sodom immediately try to rape the angels
Because the angels were foreigners. The men of Sodom were not motivated by desire for the angels; they sought to degrade them, for having the temerity to exist as foreigners. (Some interpretations speculate that the mob wanted to interrogate the angels, 'knowing' them in a more literal sense.)
Lot's offer of his daughters was not a contrast between same-sex and opposite-sex attraction, but an attempt to protect his guests by whatever means he could think of. (Sacred hospitality was considered very important in the Ancient Mediterranean; cf. the Classical myth of Philemon and Baucis, in which Jupiter and Mercury visit a village incognito and are turned away by everyone except the titular couple, who invite them into their small home, resulting in the village being turned into a pond and the inhabitants into fish, the house of Philemon and Baucis being turned into an ornate temple, and the granting of their request that they would die at the same time as each other, at which time they were turned into trees [an oak and a linden].)
Doing away with no-fault divorce would also help in the long run
When France legalised no-fault divorce, male life expectancy went up by a year.
Note that Genesis does not specify exactly what sins the people of Sodom had committed.
However, the book of Ezekiel, chapter 16, verse 49, describes it as:
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
The Talmud further expands on Sodom's mis-deeds; they generally involve either callousness towards the poor or hostility to foreigners.
Getting the girl to sleep more is the first choice.
True, but there is a difference between 'address why she isn't sleeping' versus 'ignore her goals and just issue a decree'.
They did ask why she wanted to stay up that late. The answer was that she was scared to miss a message and that any delays in responding to messages might decrease her social status.
That would not have been my first guess: I would have suspected either the standard circadian-phase differences¹ or bedtime procrastination².
If someone finds 'loss of social status from not responding to messages quickly enough' to be a worse outcome than 'lack of sleep leading to poor concentration'; the answer isn't to force her to endure the former, but to find a way that she can avoid both. (Note that when she is fully grown, she won't have parents there to limit when she can respond to messages.)
¹There has been much research showing that adolescents tend to function on later time-zones than other ages (possibly as an evolutionary adaptation ensuring that someone would always be awake to tend the camp-fire and watch for hostile mega-fauna), and that later start times for secondary schools would be beneficial.
²A phenomenon in which someone stays up late because they perceive that that is the only time that they have to themselves.
Not necessarily; loss aversion is a thing....
The parents found it easier to give their 12 year old daughter a schedule II drug than to set a simple limit that would have made her healthier.
I don't think either of those¹ should have been the first choice. Maybe ask why she wants to stay up until 0100-0200, and address that.
¹Beware the false dilemma!
I suspect that those people would have been more sympathetic to Mr Penny if Mr Neely had been responsible for the cessation of the metabolic processes of an order of magnitude more Americans than Usama bin-Ladin....
I literally had fights with my dad since I wanted to stay home and play video games, he told me "what are you doing on a friday night at home? Go out and get drunk!"
There's always a relevant xkcd....
I wouldn't be particularly surprised if half or more of the frequent posters are young women without children, but some child-related degree/occupation that makes them feel like they know what they're talking about.
Or possibly having been a child....
"Moderate drinking at 17 damages developing brains" is only relevant if you think everyone was brain-damaged in a relevant way back in the day.
...which is, IMHO, not that far-fetched of a hypothesis.
feminine methods of obtaining power.
Can you elaborate on what you mean by 'feminine' vs. 'masculine' means of obtaining power?
In Rumania even the S.S. were taken aback, and occasionally frightened, by the horrors of oldfashioned, spontaneous pogroms on a gigantic scale; they often intervened to save Jews from sheer butchery, so that the killing could be done in what, according to them, was a civilized way.
Things became so bad that the local Nazi representative, German noble Manfred von Killinger, intervened and asked them to stop and defer to the Third Reich’s own efforts. I feel like when a Nazi named “Baron von Killinger” is horrified by your brutality, it’s time to take a step back and evaluate whether you may have crossed a line.
(Slate Star Codex, Review of Eichmann In Jerusalem, January 2017.)
And if the Nations didn't want Jewish people to conspire internationally to blah blah blah, maybe don't try to wipe them out every time you're looking for a scapegoat.
(I don't believe there is any international Jewish conspiracy¹, but if there were, I'm not sure I'd blame them.)
¹"I can swear to you, there is no Jewish banking conspiracy. Do you know why? Jews can't agree with other Jews on where to go for dinner! There's no way we control the banks! We couldn't even get that meeting started! 'Alright, Saul, Morris, everybody sit down, we're gonna start the meeting to control the banks.' 'Oh sure, who died and left you king? No, sure, start the meeting, I'll sit over here, I'm nobody, I'm nothing, I got no opinions.'" -- Jon Stewart
Would Putin accept any settlement short of "I get some of what I want now, and come back for the rest later."?
had a wife he slapped around occasionally and kids he'd over-discipline when drunk
We're definitely too soft on that sort of crime.
Many bad things are hypothetical, but we guard against them anyway. It's quite hypothetical that Mozilla headquarters catches on fire, but we still insist that they have fire-alarms, sprinklers, and stairwells with doors and walls that won't burn through in less than two hours.
Furthermore, the CEO having given support to government discrimination against gay people signals to gay employees 'You Are Not Welcome Here', to homophobic employees that they are more likely to get away with mis-conduct aimed at gay people, and to managers dealing with said mis-conduct by sub-ordinates that a vigorous response to said mis-conduct might not be appreciated.
It seems that you have a strong belief that there is no acceptable reason (without animus) to treat one group of people separately from another. Is this correct?
I believe that right and wrong consist in how one treats individual human beings; 'committing a wrong against a group' is an abstraction of wrongs committed against individual members of that group. Thus I would phrase it more as "Membership in a group is not an acceptable reason to treat one person worse than another."
Likewise, a heterosexual marriage is not literally exactly the same as a homosexual marriage: in one, two people of the same sex are marrying, in the other, two members of the opposite sex.
Anyone can regard this distinction as being relevant or as being irrelevant.
The distinction is irrelevant with regard to the State. For legitimate government purposes, 'same/different genital configuration' of the persons marrying is approximately as relevant as 'same/different astrological sign', or 'same/different final digit in Social Security Number'.
Someone who believes that marriage is primarily about financial cooperation, or about publicly celebrating subjective affection, may regard the distinction as irrelevant. Equally, someone who regards marriage as being the joining of two complementary sexes to form a well-rounded whole, or as the basis for the creation and nurturing of genetic offspring, will see the homosexual / heterosexual distinction as highly relevant.
The government's interests in marriage largely involve 'financial cooperation', along with things like 'this person is in hospital, unconscious; whom do we ask about their wishes: the person with whom they have lived for two decades, or their parents who kicked them out when they were 16?'.
'The joining of two complementary sexes to form a well-rounded whole', being, if not a religious belief per se, at least religion-adjacent, is not a legitimate foundation for government policy. 'Nurturing of genetic offspring' is also, while easily pattern-matched to the legitimate government interest in ensuring that children are cared for by someone, not a valid argument against same-sex marriage, as a same-sex couple can adopt children or conceive via surrogacy or gamete donation, and opposite-sex couples in which one or both members are infertile are not excluded from government marriage.
This applies to civil marriage; a church which teaches the doctrine of 'complementary sexes forming a well-rounded whole' and thus only solemnising opposite-sex marriages is a different matter. There were proposals made that the State withdraw from the business of marriage entirely, issue 'civil unions' to couples without regard to gender, and leave 'marriage' to religious organisations, which could set whatever criteria they darn well pleased.
If such a proposal had been on the ballot, support thereof would not constitute animus against gay people.
At the time of Eichgate Eichpot Dome Eich Mobilier Let's go Brendan whatever we're calling the matter, I was just beginning to follow the rationalist sphere; the wokists, then called 'social justice warriors' or 'SJWs', had not yet burned all their credibility, and I still looked with favour on the movement, despite dis-agreeing with it when I felt it was wrong.
I thus held the following Views on their actions:
- Desiring that the State offer privileges to opposite-sex couples that are un-available to same-sex couples, ceteris paribus, constitutes animus against gay people.
- A person who harbours animus against gay people ought not be the CEO of a company, as they cannot be trusted to take sufficient action should gay employees face discrimination from their supervisors or harassment from their colleagues. (The same applies to the head of the HR department.)
- However, such animus ought not be dis-qualifying for other positions; had Mr Eich been dismissed as CTO, CFO, EIEIO, Assistant Regional Manager, Assistant To The Regional Manager, or Deputy Assistant Head Of Purchasing For Custom-Colour Office Supplies Such As Red Staplers, despite not having acted on his animus while on the job, one could reasonably argue said dismissal to be an act of injustice.
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...like Winnie-ther-Pooh hunting Woozles. (He was following his own footprints around a grove of larch-trees.)
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