My impression is that its new as of only a year ago.
And yet when people from other similar regions emigrated in similar numbers during largely the same time period, due to the same incentives, the population iq remained more or less completely unchanged? Only in Sicily did it go down by 10 whole IQ points?
If there is some kind of emigration driven selection effects happening it's been going on for far longer, considering Italian cultural and economic development. Southern Italy and Sicily have been backwards since literally the Roman times.
What country map are you talking about? One can't average the whole of Italy due to it effectively being two countries stitched together. The differences are very big.
Lots of studies show Sicily having an average IQ of about 90 with northern Italy having slightly above 100, with the GDP per capita difference being over 100%
On the other hand, Italy had higher urbanization than Great Britain during the Middle Ages. Cities, then as now, acted as IQ shredders. Smart people moved to the city where, due to pestilence, they had sub-replacement fertility.
Except, northern Italy, where the big attractive cities are and have been for at least a thousand years, have a higher average iq than Britain and England.
If you don't already: have kids. It's a new sort journey and one that doesn't end when you die.
Getting a legitimate business needing ammonium nitrate was exactly what Breivik did though and that strategy worked just fine. You don't need to be rich or a genius to do this, but not being a moron seems like an almost impossible bar to clear for terrorists.
There is no way you can tell me that you can't reshape a society of just 40 million people when you're there for 20 years, you spend $2.3 trillion, and you have overwhelming military force. Societies have been forcefully reshaped in the past and they will be in the future. Take Germany or Japan for example.
Yes you can. There is a pretty big difference between forcing a country to change it's foreign policy (and in Germany's case roll back internal politics by 15 years) and changing pretty fundamental parts of 1400+ of years of culture.
Could America have changed Afghan culture in 20 years anyway? Sure, but that would probably have required heavy-handedness to the point of genocide, which i doubt Pakistan would have agreed to act as a staging ground for.
Consider how long it took for islam to really take hold in the middle east.
Claude thought i was an American or British academic (neither of which is true) and only when I said i wasn't from an Anglosphere country did it guess that I was either from the Nordics or the Netherlands, mostly based on the reasoning that these countries have the highest English proficiency of non-anglosphere countries. This doesn't seem like a very advanced guess and given the low quality of the writing I submitted I'm surprised Claude didn't pick up on me not being a native speaker.
I wouldn't be surprised if the model didn't actually pick up on your ethnicity from your writing style but from something else either related to your prompt or information contained in your writing (like mentioning being a doctor moving to the UK) and then reasoned backwards to create a plausible sounding explanation for your being Indian as it related to the prompt.
From my experience in professional and semiprofessional basketball I'd say the differences are pretty big.
My amateur/semi-professional team where no-one had any illusions of truly going pro (I hope) took our exercise much more seriously than literally professional female basketball teams. It was ridiculous. The same thing seemed to be true for soccer, but I have less intimate personal experience there.
On the other hand, the women I've known that have engaged in high level solo sports like swimming, running and tennis seemed to have taken things very seriously, sometimes too seriously.
On one hand I sympathise with not wanting to upgrade one's computer but that's due to how there aren't new AAA games I want to play, not the cost. The cost is negligble for a once in decade expense if one actually uses the computer.
The feds thrown off his trail once again..
Something not mentioned in this thread that we considered fairly important, that we see some other people not do, was to choose a name that works both as a name for a child and as an adult. Some people pick names for their children that only really work for young children. They're more like a pet names than real names.
This is not necessarily a wholly modern phenomenon and some older names are like this as well.
While I think you greatly underestimate the pros of living in northern Europe, even if there was to be an exodus of people from here I doubt they'd go to India. There are plenty of places with better weather that are overall better places to live and that have better long-term prospects.
Have you ever been to India? Have you ever worked there?
To an extent. As you've probably already noticed the levels change as you clear the local boss of the level and once you "finish" the game they are populated with more moons and challenges and is completely open.
It's also an economical and political problem. How are we funding the (technological) solution and who should bear the cost?
with a (literally) puritanical association (even causation) between hard work and salvation.
The irony here being of course that they themselves are doing the opposite. They support changes that aren't effective at solving the issues at hand but are in line with their aesthical preferences, gives pork to their friends, hurts their outgroup and paints themselves as saviours. This is obviously one of the easy ways.
Couldn't some automatic system erroneously detected it as a drone?
No vegetables but I always have some water kefir going.
Religion isn't the only thing that matters but it is important. Would people have been happier if Syrian Maronites or Sunnis came when the civil war started? Or what about Christian Zimbabweans or Muslim Mozambicans?
Everything about it is fantastic. The only thing I would have wanted is a more expanded multiplayer functionality. The hide and seek game some modder hacked together seems fun and shows the potential of what could have been done.
Yes they would have. They wouldn't have been perfectly happy but they certainly would have been happier. Islam obviously isn't the only issue but it is a fairly major one.
You're absolutely right, although one could argue that the business case would change if TSMC would go under due to geopolitics. Also legacy nodes account for some 30-40% of TSMC revenue.
That is true but to me it has felt less like goalpost moving in service of protecting our egos and more like a consequence of our poor understanding of what intelligence is and how to design tests for it.
Development of LLMs has led both to an incentive for developing better tests and showing the shortcoming of our tests. What works as a proxy for human intelligence doesn't for LLMs.
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I hope you realise that catching this fraud entails a massive expansion of the state. America likely has plenty of low-hanging fruit to pick here given how undersized the relevant governmental bodies are but it's hardly free and the benefits won't necessarily be quick, while the PR downsides will be.
Catching and preventing this fraud will be a hard long-term project with both up- and downsides.
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