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Why do people put any stock in happiness statistics? To me it looks like what it would be if we measured national temperature by feeling before the invention of the thermometer. Is Il Cairo very cold, cold, hot or very hot? In fact, it's even worse, because you have at least the possibility of moving somewhere else and experiencing another climate while you don't have the option of moving into somebody's else's head.

Singapore and Hong Kong. Small, densely populated islands of prosperity.

Maybe also where a huge number of people want to live in the center of a special city, so Washington or London.

Perhaps New York (meaning Manhattan Island) ticks both boxes.

But maybe Washington, London, and New York combine natural housing crises with manufactured housing crises based on rent controls and restrictive planning laws.

You can't quit eating food, but you can quit eating some foods and replace them with others. And some foods are much easier to overeat than others.

It's all in the optics of the president being in control or out of control.

Which, in this case, has the bizarre twist of everyone knowing that the President isn't in control of much of anything, but the VP popping in and out of acting like she's in charge depending on whether it would be electorally helpful or not.

Insuring beach houses that get flooded every couple years to preserve homeowner value after the private insurance market refuses to play there.

This continues to infuriate me. Even if someone thinks it's a public problem, I have no idea why it would be a federal problem. Florida has hurricanes. This is a known aspect of Florida. Florida has a GDP comparable to Spain's, they can price in their local natural disasters without coming to the Midwest demanding handouts. Floridians, in my experience, are often smug about what they view as excellent weather and the lack of income taxes, but also demand that the rest of the country subsidize them because they have dangerous weather.

I wonder if there's a vicious cycle here, where low intelligence or conscientiousness makes people more prone to overeating initially, and obesity leads to further cognitive decline.

Someone who has lost their house is less likely to have all their documentation, and getting new copies will take longer than the time before the election.

Less likely, on the margins, sure. But realistically, what things would you grab on your way out the door if there was a catastrophic weather event? Personally, I'd be grabbing my phone, which has my driver's license in the case. Even in the event that my home was wiped out by a catastrophic flood, I would still almost certainly be able to provide the required identification to vote. If anything, this makes me even less sympathetic to the idea that it's actually totally normal and reasonable for legitimate voters to lack identification.

A War-of-Southern-Treason-era Unitedstatesian being both a leftist and a Democrat would be as incongruous an a current-year Unitedstatesian being both a leftist and a Republican. (Also, Booth was a Know-Nothing, not a Democrat. The Know-Nothings were right-wing on their loudest issue (immigration) but also had some left-wing positions.)

Israel is at war. Am I missing something or shouldn't this be hot-take level shocking?

Israel is winning a war (insofar as shooting fish in a barrel and tampering with Taiwanese pager shipments constitutes a war); what surprise is it that hot-blooded youngsters rejoice in seeing their enemies driven before them, and hearing the lamentations of their women?

I have encountered perennialism, but in the context of woo spirituality and religion. What makes your thesis interesting is that you apply it to social norms and taboos, which I have not seen before. Is there a handy name for this argument, or are there any readings you recommend on it?

The implications of destroying traditions that we, by construction, do not rationally understand, are unclear and can range from entirely inconsequential to catastrophic.

And yet, in adapting to an increasingly rapidly changing world, we have no choice but to remove some of the fences which we have lost all original documentation for. Japan was able to modernize with its Meiji restoration, but Qing dynasty China clung on to its traditions either too hard or in the wrong ways. How can a proper debate about tradition take place when we don’t even understand the purpose of tradition, and yet find ourselves needing to choose some to give up because what we have right now isn’t working out?

Positivism has totally failed even in its mildest incarnations, so now all that is left is raw post-modern games of power.

What was there before, but power games dressed up in the garb of religion or ideology? What difference does it make whether these power games are dressed up or raw?

I’ve not read Durkheim, so I don’t see how his book on different reasons for suicide plays into this.

But consider the advantages of doing this to yourself if you are about that rebel life

I had not considered them, and that is eye opening. The bourgeois framing, whether in support of or against tattoos, is all I’ve known. I want more of this eye-openingness, but don’t know how to ask for it or where to find it.

The former are the staple of traditional institutions, whose phenomenal goal is to compress as much meaning as possible into anodyne symbolism.

What are traditional institutions, the family and the church? What meaning are they compressing other than continually hammering on the same theme of “These are what honest upstanding citizens look like versus no-gooders?”

In the old days in the US, women wearing pants were controversial. In terms of meaning, that particular requirement seems rather redundant even for its time, what with all the other norms needed to remain in good standing with polite society. I don’t see how retaining a no-female-trousers norm would’ve helped save the comprehensibility of modern society, and nowadays the only places where there’s still institutional backing for such a norm are backwater states like Afghanistan.

or that some behavior was so beyond the pale that the best response is to let the guilty walk free to disincentivise similar misconduct in the future.

The exclusionary rule is a mistake, IMO, and not actually mandated by the Constitution. If you want to deter misconduct by police, then punish them personally for it. Letting a person who was clearly guilty go free because the evidence was obtained illegally hurts the Innocent people the 4th Amendment was intended to protect.

Probably—but it can get worse.

The Statista graph you linked doesn't show positive selection on educational attainment. The fact that the small minority of women with graduate degrees have slightly higher TFR than women with associate's or bachelor's degrees does not make up for the fact that they have lower fertility than the majority of women who have no college degree. It's still clearly the case that the majority of children are being born to women with below-average educational attainment.

Looking back, Katrina was politically and electorally brutal for Republicans, while Sandy clinched re-election for Obama. This despite neither storm primarily impacting swing states. It's all in the optics of the president being in control or out of control.

The takes post hurricane are always hilariously stupid, the kind of weird bourgeois socialism that Trump would love. Insuring beach houses that get flooded every couple years to preserve homeowner value after the private insurance market refuses to play there. Hubristic rebuilding of stuff that'll last another few years. This is right in Trump's wheelhouse, so maybe he'll benefit more than average.

North American housing crises are manufactured.

Where (in the industrialised world) are they not?

are there any heuristics

Look where past floods / natural disasters (blizzards, forrest fires, earthquakes) were?

There are services like this:

Good bet would be that insurances have the best models and risk assessments.

What I was told did not correspond to my lying eyes. What should I do? Check myself into an insane asylum?

Check your hyperbole. Think seriously about whether this is a remotely reasonable thing to suggest. Perhaps think about the example of someone trying to make their own semiconductors. If their project fails, and they decide that being told that semiconductor physics works and that semiconductor technology is possible disagrees with their lying eyes, would you suggest that they check into an insane asylum? If not, what might you suggest instead?

Yes, if there is no challenge one can master it often is just a hedonistic treadmill.

There were a few posts last month on Reddit about American Beauty, the 25 year old Oscar movie with Kevin Spacey, and how weird not only the movie but the past time now feels. Together with Office Space and Fight Club artists struggled to find something to rebel against. Cold War was won, war against terror didn’t start yet, economy was great, racism solved, the environment ostensibly protected, peak oil unknown, feminism a joke, and gayness widely accepted by enlightened centrism. So the only way was to attack the mundane boringness of a secure middle class existence.

This is Lester Burnham‘s House in which he lived in 1999 with a wife and daughter and got deeply unhappy:

Sept 2024 the U.S. housing deficit has increased according to Zillow to 4.5 million.

Can I piggyback and have a non culture war sub thread?

I'm interested in learning and pragmatics. I've looked at predictive flood maps before, but it's hard to have any sense of 'how good' they are. I'd also like to know if they are pretty off in some ways, are there any heuristics shy of literally replicating all of the work of coding up a topographic model, a precipitation model, etc., and just turning the dial up, that I could use to more easily get a sense of where is still pretty safe and where might be deceptively dangerous.

One thing that would be helpful is that if anyone knows where I can find recent observational data to compare to the old predictive maps, so preferably maps of the current major flooding with geographic detail that is somewhat close to federal predictive flood maps. Any other reasonable heuristics would be appreciated, though I am open to the answer being that there just aren't any good heuristics that can be generalized beyond detailed knowledge/modeling of a particular geographic area.

This is concerning IMO. Avian flu slowly but surely gets closer to becoming a human pandemic. The CDC and other officals drag their heels and drip-feed information each Friday afternoon. Farmers are reluctant to test their animals. The authorities lack authority to enforce testing.

There has been a human hospital patient with bird flu in Missouri. Why is that interesting? Because he had not been in direct contact with likely animal sources. A household contact of the patient became sick but was not tested. Several of the healthcare workers who cared for the patient have become sick too. It's too soon to declare human to human transmission however. It may be the case that the healthcare workers got covid or something.

The problem as a whole is not taken nearly seriously enough. My only hope is that the vaccines for both animal and human use are developed quickly enough to prevent a pandemic, or to or mitigate it before it starts. It's a race against the clock and the officials don't seem motivated to run.

Do you have RoR experience? I might have something for you.

Mann unprivate ur profile I wanna read ur other comments, always a comedy show

I need a side job.

I am an Eastern European webdev, earning Eastern European webdev wages: good compared to the country median, so-so compared to the devs in the west, especially in the US. For reasons, I do not particularly want to change jobs, but at the moment things are going a little tight so I know that I can't just ask for overtime there if I need some extra money. Which I do because I want to expedite building a house.

So I need something that's either explicitly a small-scope side hustle or a series of odd jobs. What would be the best way to arrange that? Create a profile on upwork or something and trawl for limited-scope offers fitting mu skillset? Pimp my linkedin? Something else entirely?

Speaking of skillset, I'm fullstack-ish, on the backend side primarily Django, on the front I mostly do React and Angular these days, I used to do Vue too but haven't touched it in ~3 years so I'd need some time to get less rusty. Can setup things with Docker. Not ops - I don't know AWS etc.

(Yep, I'm the TS code monkey 120 IQ midwit walking among you ML intellectual titans ;) )

Inb4 "move to the States". It's not completely off the table if things go south enough either in Ukraine or with regulations throttling AI in EU. But it's a rather distant option.

Does every virtuous cycle turns automatically into vicious when conditions reverse? I was thinking that a lot of our society is based on the assumptions of ever growing virtuous cycle - more growth -> higher salaries -> higher consumptions -> more growth for example, that make the whole thing quite fragile when the music slows down or stop.

Your assumptions are wrong. The happiest people I know had a life of struggle, but improved it through their own dedication and competence. Being fortunate makes you less, not more, happy. Not to mention that imo modern-style living makes generally less happy since we are adapted to something else entirely, but that's another discussion.

But also, I think happiness is just not very important, nor do I think suffering is intrinsically bad. Hell, I don't even think they're opposites.

Edit: Also, since it always gets brought: No, putting yourself through pointless suffering/struggle doesn't help, especially if you yourself don't believe in it. It needs to be necessary or at least helpful for a purpose you yourself consider meaningful.

You might as well say that they're not right since they're not trying to restore the monarchy.

Also, as I've explained beforehand, the current state of german abortion law is right if not far-right by american conception, and pretty much already what many moderate american republicans desire.