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insufferable blowhard

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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC

The things you lean on / are things that don't last

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User ID: 107


insufferable blowhard

1 follower   follows 13 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC


The things you lean on / are things that don't last


User ID: 107

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Interesting that I've never even heard of it. Will look for it.

I don't necessarily say it's easy. It requires a bit of effort, even good fortune, as well as timing, and yes, game. My incredulity is mainly directed at the "I'm willing to spend $50,000 in an evening." That blows my mind. And I suspect if this weren't hyperbole and he did spend, say, a tenth of that much, and did meet a woman and did have sex, he'd regret having gone to such financial lengths.

To put it another way: There's no reason it has to be that hard. (Pun accidental but I'm leaving it )

I haven't been to a club in about two decades. Women do ignore, or feign ignoring, but that's not necessarily real ignoring. A guy who dresses well, is reasonably fit, and doesn't have particularly odd mannerisms or something weird that would put someone off can talk to almost anyone. Of course some degree of Japanese proficiency helps, but it isn't essential (though this obviously will depend on the woman.) The first women I spent any time with here spoke next to no English and we communicated by passing across the table one of those electronic dictionaries (now replaced by phones.)

How would I do it, well I once went to a bar and saw two tables: One full of young guys sitting chatting with each other, the other full of young attractive women doing the same. Unwilling to let this stand, I walked over, first introduced myself to the women, started chatting, got some of their names, then turned, without walking anywhere, and talked to the guys, got their names, and then did the obvious and introduced the two tables. Before I was done with my evening they had all bounced as a group elsewhere. Sometimes all anyone needs is an introduction, and I'm not bad at facilitating that kind of thing. Although it helps if you yourself are a fun person, or at least not paralyzed by social interaction (though even that needn't be a dealbreaker). And of course it helps if you are at a place that is essentially a meat market, and it's past last train.

I don't know OP's age, obviously, and I imagine I am probably twice that. It doesn't matter that much. There is an age between graduating university and beginning a job when Japanese women are looking to asobu (play, hang out, party) and not necessarily searching for soulmates or marriage partners--due to the uncertainty of their career trajectories meeting Mr. Very Possibly would be an unwelcome complication. They want to be wild a bit before joining society. At this time such women are open to much, in particular if they live in Osaka but are about to go work in Tokyo or somewhere else far afield. (This is just my experience. I have been out of the game for some time as an active player.)

When were you in Osaka? I agree that since the end of the COVID era, coupled with the weak yen, some places (Namba, in particular) are, as you say, overrun by foreign tourists (many Chinese and Koreans, but bars usually by westerners). Some bars more than most, of course. I do go to Namba from time to time but only with locals.

Shinsaibashi is largely the same, depending on how deep you go down the side streets. Generally Umeda contains more Japanese in the 20-30 something realm than foreigners, and there are bars there that I used to frequent. I think maybe as a married man there is the possibility that I have gained a certain confidence that I did not have when there seemed to be more at stake, and thus I do not have the paralyzing nervousness that many single men have.

I am not a pimp even in the metaphorical sense but I don't think a guy with tens of thousands in pocket money would have any trouble getting laid, and not just by a call-girl but by a normal(ish) woman. I could be wrong.

I will say that unless we're talking SkookumTree levels of self-loathing (and, if his self-descriptions are to believed, unattractiveness) there shouldn't be any great problem.

Is this too vague? Probably. I don't actually have a plan mapped out; I just sense this is not a great conundrum.

I would definitely be willing to spend ~$50,000 in a single night if it would guarantee me sex

Holy shit. Jesus. Did you type three too many zeros? What the fuck. Is it that hard to get laid in the US now? Buy a ticket, come to Japan, I'll get you laid in one night out in Osaka for a fraction of that cost. Hell, maybe even a long-term partner.

Anusol. What a name. But yeah, that. Also increase your fiber to avoid recurrence.

If it's not a health problem, I'd say just let her be. Terms like "skeletal" are loaded and subjective, I can't tell if this is your taste talking or something else. The rough descriptors of weight and height don't sound dramatic to me, although you don't say her age or much else. I live in Japan though, so I am always jarred by what passes for normal weight in for example the US (where 9/10 women I consider at least slightly overweight).

I have heard tourists (here n Japan) remark on how surprised they are that the iPhones in the shops are just sitting there for you to look at and aren't locked up. The reason is that if you steal one you'll be summarily caught and sent to jail. This seems like a blindingly obvious policy.

Having written that I admit sometimes the catching takes time. Last Saturday in Kyushu some asshole stabbed two teenagers in a McDonald's, killing the girl, and is still at large.

While there may be rule of law here, when it does go south there are very few Daniel Pennys.

Edit: Found him

That's...not too high. The average is 60-100 bpm. Over 100 bpm at rest is tachycardia but what you're describing isn't high. Maybe I'm misunderstanding?

True story. At age 22 I lived in the Kgalagadi. As it happened, on the grounds of a junior secondary school with a science lab, to which I had the key. I spent a hell of a lot of time alone. I blame this solitude for what happened next.

I was curious if one could actually see human sperm using the microscopes there in the science lab, and one weekend when no one was around I managed (somehow) to acquire a sample of my own.

The answer is yes, the sperm are visible, if tiny. They also wriggle and move wildly, enough to have made me really realize the humbling wonder of conception and birth.

I am not making a suggestion, just relating a brief story. I've only ever told this to one other person, so let's keep this our little secret.

The shelf life of refrigerated mayo is about 3 months, fwiw

Exercise and type of exercise, genetics, and age are all important factors in the degree of body fat, and in the case of genetics, its distribution. I'd agree, however, that sorting out one's diet is key. Unfortunately I think that can only be done from intrinsic (i.e. personal) motivation.

When you click it has an important-looking warning banner that "This Account Has Been Suspended!"

Well I meant specifically on this site, but also I didn't realize furries were big into orgies. I learn more every day.

Really? I take it as a given. Of course I seem out of step in disagreeing with the rather large generalization that began this comment chain (that all performers are degenerates). So maybe my strongly held conviction that orgies aren't so good for the psyche (especially if you are the only girl involved) is in the minority here.

Aella's gangbang

I am disappointed that I actually do remember this occurred at some point.

Did you see it in a theater or is it on a streaming platform? We have a big TV and soundbar which is an approximation of a theater, if not quite there.

For whom? I feel like a girl advertising for sex wanting only a photo of your face and you holding up an email address (or whatever it was) is not particularly cautious. I could be wrong, of course.

That's debatable. But your comment makes me wonder if there were any sort of screening of these men for STIs, beyond simply "Hey do you have any?" I somehow doubt it.

The circuitous way you're making your point is flying by me. I don't agree with the quoted worldview, but I'm also not saying practicalromantic has that view.

a cum infested e celeb.

I suppose if this revolting term applies to anyone it applies to the girl in question. I'd like to think, however, that we'd avoid such wording (I originally thought this was a quote but I see it's your term.) Why? Because it's pointless and smacks of a chodey kind of schadenfreude.

Everyone else has covered the best advice, so let me ask: Do you ever have a strange, difficult-to-describe sensation in and above your perineum, that comes and goes, and/or difficulty getting started when you urinate? You may have heard of BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia). It's basically a periodic inflammation of the prostate, of varying degrees. By the age of 70 about 80% of men will have this to some degree. There are treatments and you will note the word benign because it is not cancerous (though cancer of the prostate can present with similar symptoms.) Erectile dysfunction can have all sorts of psychological reasons, though--I think in some ways as men we would prefer it to be a physical ailment. Maybe not.

I'd agree with ask your urologist (get a urologist, not a GP, for this.) Be as frank as possible, this is his job (or her job). Personally the veil has been lifted for me regarding Andrew Huberman and I can't take him seriously, but that doesn't mean his vid on this topic with Attia (who I like a bit better) isn't worth watching. It might well be.

Maybe check to see if any of those substacks (or Motte posters) suddenly go silent.

You're on a roll here.

I think he meant @netstack. First post on it is here.

I think you're right, yes, but I have declared my taste thus.