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insufferable blowhard

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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC

The things you lean on / are things that don't last

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User ID: 107


insufferable blowhard

1 follower   follows 13 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC


The things you lean on / are things that don't last


User ID: 107

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What would you imagine drives that demand for boob jobs, if women's wants are indeed the driving force (maybe they are, I'll take your word for it)? Women imagining this is what men want them to look like? Personal self-consciousness before the judgment of other women? Or something else?

I would suggest if he's serious it's not an unreasonable point. Straw(wo) manning a view isn't a compelling argument for any but the already devout. There are, as well, a gamut of feminist views, from the pathological (Andrea Dworkin) to the clear minded but currently criticized (Germaine Greer) to Ms. Male Gaze herself (Laura Mulvey). He didn't need to write a treatise but not even naming any of these people suggests he just has an idea of what Womyn TM think. I agree the author should read a few books of Camille Paglia's.

I enjoyed the first few paragraphs as I leapfrogged the weird AI pics mixed with what looked like Flashman illustrations. Then he started using lovedolls as evidence for what all men want, then wouldn't stop with the lovedolls already. By the time he got to the picture of I think peak Tyra Banks along with a few other supermodels in their prime wearing lingerie and his caption was "Not really what men want" I felt certain either I am an extreme outlier (because I want) or he was blinded by his own biases for thicc. Admittedly I have not finished reading, and probably will later

Any game My boys play some in the PS5 and sometimes I think "That would be fun to play." I used to play WoW probably oh 15 years or so ago until I realized it was making my wife hate me. Also I believe suddenly pandas became part of gameplay and that really brought me out of it. These days I don't have the time to devote to a proper game where you learn kits and builds and lore and all that. Sometimes we all play Catan but not really since COVID, when had many game nights.

but did they feed you?

In Japan the word ジュース or juice means anything not tea, coffee, or booze. So yeah, any fizzy drink (boom!) It's annoying.

I grew up saying Coke because Coke was what we drank. My relatives--good, country people--used to say "Co-cola."

Yes, I think legally it has to be investigated anyway. Thank you for the link, apparently I am much further delayed in my news stream than I suspected.

Starship exploded. I'd link to some Twitter video but the X posts run from "This is actually a win!" to "Embarrassing disaster, must be investigated now!" Musk seems to be on X silence, at least as of this writing.

I read this site and often have a tentative familiarity with the topic at the beginning of a set of comments, then get to the point slowly, as I keep reading, where I am just seeing words, stories and events that seem to have occurred somewhere outside my ken, like big events that everybody dreamed the same night except me. Odd, isn't it, really, in the end, these forums--like listening to people behind you on a bus.

I wish that clip actually went on. I'm going to search for the entire interview. It's true Harris looks bad here, but he's not wrong about Trump necessarily, he's wrong about everything else. In other words, he isn't wrong that Trump has a laundry list of obvious cashgrabs and scams--which should give anyone pause --he's wrong that he and the big brains should do any and everything to impede Trump's election. He also doesn't seem, when he says "but that's not conspiracy," to realize that he is perfectly describing conspiracy.

I feel like you're the healthiest most badass motherfucker on here.

Jesus H Christ. Headaches yeah, fine, we all get them, but blue balls without the aching hour of unrealized foreplay, that seems like the curse of an angry god. Sorry to hear it.

If it takes the edge off what is already a blunt non-edge, I'm way past 33, not nearly retirement ready, feel like probably my whole life I've been depressed-ish but just lived it (no jibes meant against the truly nonfunctional depressives out there) and I just pre-ordered a tuxedo for a shit ton of money from my Sikh tailor. But my wife and I laughed at the dinner table tonight (lemon chicken pepperonccino pasta my recipe) my oldest son cut up a big pomelo fruit and ate it on tissue paper, and my youngest sang the melody to an old George Benson song (turn your love around) without prompting. What I'm saying is life, in the words of Anne Sexton, is a trick. Life is a kitten in a sack.

Edit: past, not passed

Are you suggesting that surviving relatives of a murder victim are legally required to view the murderer's execution? Because I would be surprised if that were the case. If you're simply questioning why these people would be granted the choice to view an execution, I think you've answered that by suggesting the right to be granted "closure," or, if not that, a sense of finality, or justice served--something they can see with their own eyes.

The tempurpedic eye mask. It's dark in the mornings Northern hemisphere this time of year but in July when that summer sun hits at 4:30, this thing is a godsend. Comfortable, blocks light, you can even open your eyes while wearing it. Good for planes, as well.

The mind reels (again).

King's prose was always wasted on me. The Stand, for all its admittedly gripping story and plotting, was unnecessarily vulgar in parts. Not even the story, just the metaphors. That probably sounds prissy of me but I remember thinking damn dude, did you have to use that image there? Exceptions for me are his early story collections, and maybe Salem's Lot. He's a great yarn-spinner though, and certainly prolific.

Read it, enjoyed it, bought a copy for the daughter of a friend of mine who was leaving Japan for university on the east coast of the US. She left it on the shelf. But apparently her uncle in the US also got her a copy. No idea if she ever read it.

Notably for those responding doubtfully, de Becker by no means limits his focus to females. I found it a good read, and its basic message of "be aware of your surroundings/trust your instincts" invaluable.

Non alcohol beers I also tried, but soda water wins. The 0 alc beers in Japan have a bizarre taste (I tried about 4 different brands), and maybe it was just my mind but I got a weird, non-buzz but definitely weird feeling after drinking a couple. As if my body were telling me "This is not something you should be drinking."

(taps calculator) Ah, so it's the prenatal beatings keeping them smart!

(this is intended as a joke)

If you google Bryan Johnson, you'll discover a very wealthy guy who turns his whole life into a mission. The goal of the mission is extending the mission. He eats seeds, berries, and protein compounds, all before like midday, then nothing, injects himself with various substances, sleeps a lot, takes various supplements (until he stops taking them), has weird waxy skin, and declares that he isn't going to die. I'd rather be me.

True about our timing, very true. I asked about local perspectives because other than one or two sources the focus in the mainstream news media is typically on multimillion dollar homes of the well-heeled. I don't mean to be callous but I don't care so much if a celebrity's third home in malibu was torched.

I am given pause by stories of people being caught actually lighting fires for whatever nefarious psychotic reasons of their own, right in the middle of the worst of it.

In any case, glad to hear you've been relatively insulated!

Anyone on the ground in LA? I remember when I asked about going there @Being , @Lazuli , @waffles answered. Anyone have the perpsective of a resident?

Not sure where the "house slave" comment came from; that's surprisingly uncharitable from you, but maybe he (or I) wound you up.

Your either/or argument here doesn't move me, actually, nor do your analogies, but it's an interesting perspective.

I wonder who GW was giving the thumbs up to.

Got it now, thanks