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Yes, and in reality fifties houses were below the standard most working class Americans expect today, both in terms of being tiny square footage single floor houses and because they lacked air conditioning and were extremely flimsy even by the standards of modern US single family housing.

In another reality, there's a ton of them in my neighborhood being occupied by working-class to upper-upper-middle class Americans. Many now have had air conditioning added, but flimsy? They're made of wood, not ticky-tacky.

Ah, I believe you're right that it was around that time. Thanks for re-unbanning him.

you have a catch, friendo

my only caution is, as a long distance thing you kind of still are on your best behavior when you're around each other and aren't really experiencing what the other is actually like on an every day basis

so, I might not consider engagement until you've spent 6 months together in the same place

Sure, that's what allying with people you disagree with means. It doesn't mean he has all of a sudden become a Democrat, after 40 some years. I think it's kind of odd that people talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome, but don't seem to want to see that it affected some Republicans too.

If he supports Democrats to win elections and has switched to Democrat positions, how is he not a Democrat?

The union worker is interested in his wages, which are dependent on the health of the company, the quality of his coworkers, and the strength of the union's bargaining position. The union boss's wages are often on a different payscale that rewards expanding his unionbase. He eventually no longer has much interest in any individual company his union operates in, and often was drawn from the ideological subclass interested in union advocacy from the start.

Sure but where does the difference in politics come from? Why would Trump appeal less to a union boss than a union worker and vice versa with Harris?

Can you imagine being a Haitian in Haiti?

In 2023, kidnapping jumped 72% from the first quarter of the previous year.[228] Doctors, lawyers, and other wealthy members of society were kidnapped and held for ransom.[229] Many victims were killed when ransom demands were not met, leading those with the means to do so to flee the country, further hampering efforts to pull the country out of the crisis.[229] It is estimated that amidst the crisis up to 20% of qualified medical staff had left Haiti by the end of 2023.[230]

In March 2024, Ariel Henry was prevented by gangs from returning to Haiti, following a visit to Kenya.[231] Henry agreed to resign once a transitional government had been formed. As of that month, nearly half of Haiti's population was living under acute food insecurity, according to the World Food Programme.[25]

I don't think being treated in a dehumanizing manner is anywhere near as bad as what they fled from. They come from literal starvation to a land where there are pets aplenty and delicious wild geese are running around, why not take advantage of the free meat? If there was an endangered elk or buffalo running around Springfield, they'd carve it into steaks too, there's no question about it.

The question isn't about whether racism is an issue, it's about the Springfield community's ability to absorb these people without suffering any deleterious effects. If they assimilate and go to eating packaged precut chicken breast and cheez-wiz, good for them. But you have to prepare for the eventuality that one of them goes 'wait a second, why would I do that when meat is running around for free'?

Certainly possible but I'm hoping it's some weird drink I haven't heard about for me to try next.

Was she? My own recollection is that the Cheney family accepted her and her lesbian partner, and there were hints that Dick personally would have been fine with legalizing same-sex marriage, but as VP he wasn't willing to publicly disagree with his president or his party on the matter. I guess it depends on your definition of bus-under-throwing.

It happens [cw: images of serious injury to face], but the explosion is pretty characteristic and very different from what we've seen from the pager explosions.

Bunnie Huang has a not-implausible analysis of the difficulty. I think he underestimates some parts of it, which I'm not going to go into detail here around, but it's still absolutely plausible that the difficult part was setting up the front business and getting sales.

Polish supertrawlers were the fleets that first exploited the Peanut Hole (the small stretch of the Sea of Okhotsk that was out of Russia's EEZ until 2013 I believe) and were also pretty active in the Donut Hole (the stretch of the Bering Sea outside of the US and Russia's EEZs) until both ended up being closed. It was kind of surprising to learn about it at first because they kinda get smol beanified due to their history but especially in the post-Soviet era they've been a pretty substantial third party presence in international fisheries (Also, as someone currently taking an imperial Russian history class I fw the Time of Troubles reference heavy)

I want sniper school / ranger school / or other selection stories. I collect these like challenge coins.

Also, please include your favorite memory of a SEAL making an ass of themselves, but thinking they were a total badass in the moment.

The beer, maybe?

Yes, and in reality fifties houses were below the standard most working class Americans expect today, both in terms of being tiny square footage single floor houses and because they lacked air conditioning and were extremely flimsy even by the standards of modern US single family housing.

I know this isn’t the main point of your comment, but I’d like to make a practical suggestion. If you find ads that damaging, just mute the TV during commercial breaks. I always do it on the few occasions I watch TV, and I merely find the ads obnoxious, not damaging to my ability to function.

Not in the vernacular.

the correct metric to measure criminality would be average conviction length per person, not 'number of suspects'. If most of the French suspects are accused of crossing as pedestrians on red, that paints a very different picture from them being accused of aggravated assault.

Doesn't this start having issues if judges have different levels of leniency for different demographics of offenders, or other confounders that vary between demographics (like age or wealth)?

I think you'd want to instead do it by the average sentence length for the crime they were convicted of, regardless of what they were actually sentenced to. That should eliminate the confounders while maintaining a relative scoring that roughly maps to society's view of the crimes' severity.

If you're worried that those numbers don't match up, that there are crimes that carry a sentence of 5 years but no one's ever given more than 6 months, you could instead use the average actually-given sentence length for all people convicted of that crime.

When they say "walkie talkies" i suspect that they're talking about something more like this than the cheap one's that are sold in blister-packs at Wal-Mart.

As the debate kids would say: “cap solves.”

Debate kids no longer say this, they say stupid race bullshit with no relation to the topic at hand and then call you racist for pointing it out.

Can you imagine being a Springfielder already close to poverty who suddenly has to deal with wages dropping and car insurance rising because the government imported tens of thousands of foreigners to your backyard and de facto exempts them from laws?

In 1950, a kid could barely graduate high school and still get a pretty decent job at a factory or something similar. He could expect at least a small house, a car, and to be able to support his wife and kids.

Of course, a key part of this formula was the fifties having a far lower standard of living.

I recognize some of these words.

The Church hierarchy was the original market for printed bibles.

Working here again now after a few hours of "whoopsie you broke reddit uwu" error messages