Brown-skinned Fascist MAGA boot-licker
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User ID: 3097
Because the specific documents that set the whole email-server scandal in motion were classified intelligence reports from the Department of Defense. Hillary was the Secretary of State.
For 1, the screenshots have born the theories of more skeptical users from the previous threads like @Dean and @Setulla out. If anything they were being generous
For 2, it demonstrates that the demand for rigor is isolated. The media is niether good nor honest, CMV.
The "Hoax" is two-fold.
It is now clear that the original claim about "Administration officials leaking classified war-plans" was (at a minimum) grossly overstated if not outright false.
In addition, we (the general public) are being asked to believe that the same people who voted for Clinton in 2016 and who supported keeping the nuclear football in the hands of a dementia patient for the last 3+ years, are now "genuinely and deeply concerned" about operational and national security. NOT just reaching for anything they can use to attack the outgroup because Orange Man Bad.
You mean '61 don't you?
what is it that makes Israel worthy of the friendship of the US whereas NATO is worthy of relegation
I understand that users here tend to be particularly stupid when it comes to anything involving jews, but the simple answer is that unlike the Germans, the Isrealis pay thier bills and have actually managed to win a war in the last century.
We will see
Ian was always a Bill Maher/James Carville type "left wing", not a pink-haired tumblr thot left wing, and CalBear is a ArfCom-style angry Vet conservative.
Does the OP count?
The issue as i understand it is that someone in the White House allegedly logged in to a work-station using the president's credentials at a time when Biden was demontrably not in DC, and started issuing orders as the president.
In a sane organization comprised of reasonable and competent people the resolution would be a simple matter of asking Mr Biden, who else had access to his username/passwords etc... and if he had specifically authorized any of them to issue this order on or about that date.
If Biden's response is anything other than "Oh yes that was so-and-so, we discussed the order over the phone and I approved it" the order is invalid and someone is clearly guilty of falsifying an official document.
This is the version i heard as well.
Even if we develop proper reasoning engines within the next 5-10 years, there is still a big leap to be made between basic reason and a truly general intelligence, much less general intelligence to super intelligence, and an even bigger jump from "super intelligence" to "omniscience".
And that's without considering Yudowsky and Altman's wider body of quasi-religious pronouncements.
I wouldn't describe AH.com as "woke" so much as belligerently normie/grill-pilled.
You describe "urban youth culture" as a disease to be eradicated and people will either argue or agree with you but you start talking about the inherent biological superiority (or victim status) of one race over another and you'll be out on your ass in short order.
I was recently listening to something on the early days of the airline industry and was struck by how much their description of Donald Douglas was giving me Elon Musk vibes.
A sort of "you need to be at least this mad to truly revolutionize an industry", reasonable men need not apply.
the widely-held prediction that AI is going to become essentially omniscient.
Held by whom?
As someone directly involved in the design and development of ML algorithms, Yudkowsky's blind faith in the inevitability of omniscient/super-intelligent AI has always felt like the rationalist equivalent of "and then a miracle occurs". Sure, if A through E then possibly F, but that's all in theory, and even if we get to E, F is by no means a given.
The "epistemic commons" have not been "burned down" because they never existed in the first place as a "commons" that excludes a plurality or more of the population is nothing of the sort.
What has been badly damaged is the Blue/Grey tribe's ability to dictate the rules of engagement and maintain the structural integrity of thier information bubbles.
There is no "sense making crisis" there is only a subset of people who are the intellectual equivalent of flightless birds on an isolated island who hadn't had to worry about predatory rodents until a bunch of jerks showed up in a boat and now its the fucking apocalypse.
then where are all of them today?
In the recycling bin, or at the back of a drawer unused. Displaced in everyday use by phone cameras, just as physical prints have largley been replaced by Facebook and instagram.
The only people who use a seperate (non-phone) camera these day are professional photographers and high-end hobbiests who are looking for quality over price. This (not the ultimate shift to digital) is the shift that kodak failed to anticipate.
Will it? What exactly do you think those goals are?
I think that the truth is perhaps much simpler. Musk has not "deteriorated" intellectually so much as he has transitioned from being a darling of progressives and blue/grey-tribe technocrats due to his elecric cars, to being an enemy due to his politics.
Elon has always been erratic and eccentric, (just look at his kids' names) but nobody really cared until he aligned himself with the Tea-Party/Maga right.
There is no Anti-Memetics Division is a completed sci-fi/horror series written by some former mottizens inspired by the idea of a "sense making crisis", and "memetic warfare".
It's a reasonably quick read and probably one of the more well-written and well-known series on the SCP Wiki offering some interesting alternative takes on a bunch of core sci-fi and psychological horror tropes. If you like Philip K Dick and Ray Bradbury in his darker moods i recommend checking it out.
Not in my experience no.
You, @AlexanderTurok, and others are talking about a hypothetical 170 pound women as if you are imagining some barely mobile walmart scooter jockey when the reality is much closer to the picture i just linked.
"Post Childbirth" also implies, children and all that entails which renders all the concerns about incel-dom, finding a mate, fertility, etc... moot.
Aside from the other criticisms of your posts (which are substantial) something that i find consciously absent from this discussion is the discussion of height.
170 lbs on somone who is 4 foot 6, is very different from 170 lbs on somone who is 5 foot 8. Maybe the the whole being-an-incel problem would resolve itself if you were just willing to ask a woman like Brooke, Annsley, or Marinna here out, instead of pining after Twitch thots and OnlyFans Starlets while bitching about having to live in a society.
Is it really "drift" though?
Even in the 1800s, communism tended to be more popular amongst students, intellectuals, and the idle rich than it was amongst farmers and factory workers.
Lenin (yes that Lenin) laments this in his own writing and cites it as one of the reasons that a vanguard party is neccesary. You see, the problem with giving power directly to the working class is that they will use it to persue thier own interests rather than those of the revolution. The implications of the interests of the proletariat differing from those of the revolution appearing to have been either lost upon or intentionally side-stepped by Lenin and subsequent communist thinkers.
You (and many orhers in this thread) are acting like an MBA from Harvard or Yale is the seed corn of civilization, not the actual corn.
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And yet the FBI also found that classified information was routinely emailed from that server to staffers personal (ie non-government) email accounts and devices without encryption.
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