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User ID: 3097



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User ID: 3097

The question is whether this is something specific to Islam.

I didn't claim that false flags and deception were specific to Islam, only that they were tactics that radical Islam has been known to engage in and endorse.

I don't know if any Daesh clerics have issued some tortured interpretation of "Taqqiyah" to convince their agents to go deep cover as an infidel, but if so, I've never heard of it.

One of the core tenets of Wahhabism, the subset of Islam from which pretty much all modern radical Sunni movements trace thier roots, is that anything is acceptable in the pursuit of god's enemies. Or to put it in more familiar/secular terms, there are no bad tactics only bad targets. Deash clerics don't need to make the argument explicitly because the argument is already implicit in the Deash worldview.

if there's evidence that he's actually a jihadist and the media is covering it up, that would be pretty dumb since we're already seeing years of his Twitter rantings being dug up.

Is your argument really that the media and assorted twitter personalities couldn't possibly be decieved and would never just lie to our faces? Because if so i have a bridge in London to sell you.

I still think "woke right" is a pretty incoherent concept

And again, i disagree because it seems pretty coherent to me.

As i have argued in prior discussions there seems to be a distinct subset of the extremely-online "right" that is far more "woke" and identitarian than they are right-wing. One of the unifying themes of this subset is a seething resentment of Christians/Normies/Anyone who isn't as black-pilled miserable or cynical as they are.

I think that says more about the grading metrics than anything else.

Also is this the "Dreaded Jim" from the LessWrong/SSC days?

Heartily endorsed.

I'm the lead algorithms developer for a large tech company (im not going to say wich one to avoid doxxing myself, but i can assure you that you have heard of us) and i find that i tend to be more "bearish" on the practical applications of Machine Learning/AI than a lot of the guys on the marketing and VC sides of the house or on Substack because I know what is behind the proverbial curtain and am accutely aware of its limitations. A sort of psuedo Dunning Krueger effect if you will.

If we're looking at strictly Quaranic examples/interpretations yes, but as i said, it has also been used by radical Sunnis historically to justify tactics like attacking under a false flag.

It seems true that Islam allows adherents to hit defect a lot more than Christianity does

Agreed, and perhapse this is why Christianity has consistently outperformed its rivals despite being "weak", "cucked", "a slave morality", etc...

Not skulls, hands (or kneecaps if you want to be "white" about it)

I agree, I still think that the most likely explanation is that the media/internet is lying and that this guy was just a conventional Jihadi.

Something being annoying or inconvenient doesn't make it untrue. The use of false flags and lying about one's intentions/beliefs are something that radical Sunni groups have historically engaged in and endorsed.

My reply to there being no mainstream Islamic sects that you know of who endorse that, is "No shit Sherlock". We are not talking about mainstream Muslims, we are talking about Deash, and the sort of guy who would Abracadabra Snackbar his way into a Christmas market.

That said i still think that the most likely explanation is that the media is simply lying. And that even if they are not lying, his alleged views are not some weird "mix", they are to all appearances fairly typical amongst the more woke elements of the online right. Herr Doktor is simply acting on a spicier verson of the sentiment occasionally expressed by multiple users here, IE that "the normies" are contemptable/subhuman and deserve to be punished.

It seems to me that there are three distinct options...

the first (and in my opinion most likely option) is that the media is simply lying about the perp being "anti-muslim" or "aligned with the alt-right". They are desperate to deflect blame and acting acordingingly. You don't really believe that they are above fabricacating evidence do you?

The second is that this is all "Taqiyya", and the perp was a genuine Jihadi.

The third is that there there is a distinct subset of the extremly online ("Woke") Right who no matter how much they might claim to hate immigrants and people of color, they will always hate "Normies" and "Christians" and the "Grill-Pilled" more because the former is the far-group and the latter is the out-group.

Also what is this " car rammed into people" bullshit, the car didn’t do anything, the driver did.

What do you think about the whole question of austim rates?

I have a theory but i don't think you're going to like it. My theory is that members of the professional class (and to an even greater extent their children) are simply less developed than baseline human beings.

The URLs are literally different.

Correct, because the link to the article is not the link to the judgment described in said article.

The last hundred years of psychology, sociology and neurology have chipped away at the idea of human agency, attributing more and more of our decisions and outcomes to fact ors outside of our individual control.

While i agree with and endores the overall thrust of your post, i would like to break out this specific claim as i do not think it is true at all. I think that this is the "big lie" that the left tells itself to avoid grappling with the manifest contradictions of thier ideology and so that they continue looking down thier nose at all those "things conservatives have been saying for decades" (and in some cases centuries). In the meantime, the material truth is that the only thing that any individual will ever have complete control over is thier own decisions.

Is cracking down on 4chan supposed to be a bad thing?

Because he glows in the dark.

To elaborate: When viewed within the cultural context of the wider US right, pretty much everything about Fuentes' presentation screams either Troll or Woke Leftist Psy-Op.

Sure Fuentes may identify as Right Wing, Catholic, and Latino, but anyone can do that. He is Right Wing, Latino, Catholic in the same way that Lia Thomas and Chelsea Manning are both female. Fact is that he remains to all appearances a Queer (or at the very least Queer-adjacent) Democrat-voting Gringo who's online presence consists largely of signal boosting woke commentors and talking points, and this is all in addition to the issues raised by @tricycle3778.

Nick Fuentes just had an assassination attempt happen

Who cares? Knowing what we know about Fuentes and the crowd he hangs out with this could easily be either a lover's tiff or Juicey Sommelier type attention-seeking.

That the evidence presented is a doorbell video and not a police report (or the perforated corpse of a would-be assassin) feels relevant here. I'd advise waiting until an arrest has been made to read anything into it.

More Daniel Pennys or Kyle Rittenhouses can't magic up a high trust society.

I disagree, the thing that makes a society "high trust" is the understanding that bad actors will not be tolerated.

The people of New York City have collectively chosen to tolerate bad actors and punish those who do not tolerate them. Thus the people of New York City have chosen to be a low trust society and the only way that will ever change is for people to choose differently.

if anything, it’s more common in blue cities in red states.

This probably deserves some exploration in itself, but annecdotally there seems to be a flow of bad actors towards places where they will be tolerated, and this is most visible in places where you have an island of "tolerance" in otherwise "intolerant" territory.

Much ink can be spilled about general observations, but the simple fact is that if you don't live near blacks, crime will be a much lower problem

Proximity to black people is not the issue. My reasonably affluent suburban nieghborhood is easily 20% black and im not worried about my nieghbors.

Crime rates are geographically constrained, but that constraint is to the above-mentioned subset of urban areas where the Democratic Party has managed to impose one-party rule. IE places like Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, and Seattle.

I'm pretty sure you are trolling at this point.

You linked this article.


If you click the "Judgment" link in that article it takes you to this document.



You shouldn't believe everything you read in the New York Times. In fact i would argue that you shouldn't believe anything you read in the New York Times. Semantics or not, the truth remains.

There is a slow convergent point in most criminal justice studies is that law enforcement works by true arrest rate

I think that there is a very real sense in which surety of consequences is a more effective deterrent than severity. IME lots of people who might roll the dice on a 5% chance of something very bad happening become an order of magnitude more careful/conservative/cooperative when presented with a 50% chance of something moderately bad happening.

The ROI of fare enforcement is the higher utilization rate of commuters when criminal vagrants are no longer an everpresent concern. The ROI of fare enforcement is the lower maintenance costs for repairs and cleanup when mentally ill homeless no longer defecate and trash the public space with the full expectation of someone else cleaning up their mess. The ROI of fare enforcement is the higher communal trust that the MTA will enjoy when it looks to be an organization that can steward its received resources with competence and clarity.

I believe that you, I, and the NYP are all in broad agreement here.

I'm not sure what you read but...

I read it in the same blog you just linked, The US Supreme Court seperated the cases and remanded the UNC portion of the case back to the lower courts.

Thats why despite the aricle being titled Students for Fair Admissions vs North Carolina, the title of the actual decision featured in the link reads "STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS, INC. v. PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE".

there's no other way, you have to just trust the experts

Who told you that? An expert?

There is another option, and that is to not trust the experts. And that is arguably the option we as a society have already embraced.

See @WhiningCoil above...

our President Elect was convicted of 34 felonies, and our nation collectively went "We all know that shit ain't real" and elected him President anyways.

Like, @The_Nybbler (apologies for pinging you twice in rapid succession) i dont care what your glorified markov chain has to say. And even if i did, i would dispute the assertion that it is "The United States" that is lacking and not "a distinct subset of urban areas where the Democratic Party have managed to impose one-party rule".

America is not fucked up, Chicago is fucked up, Oakland is fucked up, and Baltimore is... well... Baltimore.

What is actually the ROI on fare enforcement?

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.

I enjoyed this article by Manhattan Contrarian that criticizes the New York Post for completely ignoring race when discussing this issue, and pretending that lack of enforcement is the source of our woes.

I have to say that disagree with Manhattan Contrarian and am prepared to defend the New York Post's take.

If you start from the supposition that humans are (for the most part at least) individuals who exercise personal agency it doesn't really matter to the transportation agency what color the free-rider is or how they justify thier actions. The motives of the finance bro who can't be bothered to pay, the edgy teen jumping turnstiles for a thrill, and the homeless bum who just doesn't give a shit about your rules (but will shit on your floor), all ultimately boil down to the same thing. They do it because they beleive they'll get away with it. Thus the clear solution to fair-evasion/free-riders (a solution so obvious that only someone very educated or deep in the terminal stages of woke brain-rot could fail to see it) is don't let them get away with it.

As I was telling @The_Nybbler a couple weeks back, the reason for unchecked crime is that people have chosen to allow crime to go unchecked.

Or to riff off of your own post from down-thread, I think the reason New York has these sort of problems is that woke Democrats, and the people who elect them, are getting the system they deserve.

Want to live in a safe, well-ordered, high-trust society? Try prosecuting trouble-makers and promoting men like Daniel Penney instead of the reciprocal.

That's news to me. I remember them being ranked much higher than that and catching a lot of hate from the media for cracking down on disruptive activists back in 2020 but i also haven't paying close attention the last couple years.

Shit happens i guess.