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Does not have a yacht

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joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


User ID: 174


Does not have a yacht

9 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


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User ID: 174

Peak oil wasn't. Birth rate collapse will likely solve itself through natural selection (except perhaps in South Korea). Crime is at a bearable level.

The sun is going to expand to beyond Earth's orbit in 7.5 billion years; the only thing we CAN do is kick the can down the road. Doesn't mean we shouldn't do it!

Correct. Voice >> Exit; you can't make your local stabby school much better but you can move to a non-stabby district.

I suspect vaccine uptake and masking would give you two entirely different answers. In the US, blacks had lower vaccine uptake, but at least anecdotally (and in some surveys), were more into masks.

If we accept that premise, it’s a major driver of woke sentiment as well.

The principle of explosion says if we accept a false premise, we can derive anything from it. The bit about "racist and white supremacist power structures" is a boogeyman; if you try to find out what they are you get a combination of real but insignificant examples (e.g. a racist sheriff here and there) and smoke and fog, where things are said to be white supremacist for reasons that don't make sense (and are sometimes outright nuts, like that Smithsonian poster about being on time being white)

If the men are looking for Chad, that's a different problem. But the OKCupid data you were referring to earlier do not indicate it's "men and women".

To the extent that they are succeeding.

This is common in fiction because it's common in real life.

You’re implying there’s no marginal men who who would marry before 30 facing huge tax penalties but don’t when they aren’t facing those penalties?

That is not, in fact, what I am implying. I am implying that the penalties on men would barely move the needle (except perhaps in useless ways such as sham marriages for cash), not that it literally wouldn't move it at all.

That is why I advocate for progressive and extremely high rates of taxation for single men and women approaching 30.

You're still doing it. If men are single because women would prefer not to settle for anyone but Chad, taxing single men is punishing the victim.

You built your claims that Microsoft actually did what Apple is justly famous for doing on a foundation of false facts, and I picked at those; they aren't nits.

First, $2500 was still a heck of a lot of money for a home computer in the 1980s.

You set the goal posts in the first place; leave them where they were. IBMs competition at the time was the PC-XT, introduced 10 months earlier. It cost twice as much.

It didn't actually happen, or at least no one's been able to track it down. IBM (which is presumably biased) thinks it was based on a misintepretation of remarks Thomas J. Watson, Jr made at a 1953 stockholders meeting.


Gates probably didn't make the 640K remark either, though he may have said something similar. Early editions of Inside Macintosh, though, did say that all Macs would always have the same memory and storage configuration (which wasn't even the same as the first released one, since it claimed it would have one 880K floppy drive with the option for one more, and in fact, the Mac came out with a 400K floppy drive).

With the same reasoning, we can conclude that the CIA and other military agencies already routinely assassinate domestic drug dealers.

No. In the DEA and NSAs case we know the NSA shares some data with DEA and the DEA fakes up a chain of evidence to conceal its source. Expecting that the data we know they share isn't all the data they share is not a great leap.

Yes, it's very common, but I wouldn't do it for the same reasons as you (I can't even play Unreal Engine games on a large screen)

There are all sorts of things the NSA does that could conceivably be used in a military operation on foreign soil that have not yet been publicly demonstrated to have been used against domestic drug dealers.

It's the same cite. The claim isn't that they weren't using NSA data, only that they weren't using that particular NSA data. And no, it's not "baseless" speculation. When they've been revealed to having been up to no good in various ways, the prior should be that they've been up to no good in adjacent ways they weren't caught for as well.

"Officials have stressed" that everything the officials were (and are) doing is legal, yes. But they cover it up anyway.

Instead of typing cryptic commands into a terminal, you could just click buttons with a GUI


Yes, I know, Apple also had that in the Lisa and Macintosh. But those cost $10,000 in 1980s money, so no normal person could afford them.

The Mac cost $2500 in 1984 dollars, not $10,000.

Microsoft didn't just sell computers, they came prepackaged with a bunch of useful software so that it would "just work" right out of the box.

Again, LOL. The original Mac came with a word processor and a drawing program.

You're technically correct; this stuff was published by Reuters at the same time as Snowden but it at least purportedly isn't from that source. But the point stands; they do it anyway.

Dealing with the cartels in Mexico using military force is very different from dealing with them here in the United States because in the United States it is illegal to use surveillance aircraft and NSA SIGINT assets to hoover up reams of data and then act without warrants in response.

Sure, but they do it anyway and manufacture chains of evidence, as Snowden revealed. So that's no excuse.

Is the marketplace of ideas dead?

You didn't notice the jackbooted stormtroopers stomping all over said marketplace? Everyone from Reddit powerjannies to the US Government itself?

Liberalism dead?

Again, did you not notice the former liberals decrying "freeze peach", and suppressing confederate flags, politically incorrect children's books, and the like?

This isn't 2009, when Racefail marked the end of the recession of Political Correctness. It isn't even 2014, when this stuff really started ramping up and some high profile events like Gamergate demonstrated it was winning. It's 2024. The battle lines have been apparent for a long time.

Wokism is a totalizing, corrosive ideology which cannot rest until all hierarchies have been leveled.

All but one, it's own (a.k.a the progressive), which makes it not unusual.

That's something that bothers me -- it's pretty much apolitical to submit this framing that he's a Nazi/fascist/whatever and ask if X links can be banned, but to actually discuss the framing is political, so the framing wins by default. It's something we've seen quite a few times by now, but I don't know what the answer is.

The answer was Musk buying Twitter and the US re-electing Trump. That is, it's a conflict that cannot be resolved by reason and compromise, only by one side defeating the other.