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User ID: 583



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User ID: 583

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Aren't they making $500k-1m/y total comp? Set for life even if they do get ground up after ten years.

despite how online I am, I somehow didn't know what "make fetch happen" means

From the 2004 film Mean Girls, in which the character Gretchen Wieners repeatedly uses fetch as a synonym for cool, leading another character to tell her to "stop trying to make fetch happen."


Surely when the online left calls people Nazis they mean "white supremacist" and not "anti-Semitic" (not that the hypocrisy of the statement isn't absurd)

I don't understand. Let's say I'm a biologist and applied for a $100k grant to study some kind of esoteric ligand discovery method and that was awarded. My university can then go to the NIH and say "yooo we need an extra $55k for indirect costs" and the NIH is like "bet, here's $155k"? But if it was awarded to a more prestigious university they might have said "yooo $70k extra actually" and the NIH would be like "say less, here's $170k"

A system like this seems like it would incentive administrative bloat. Is this really how it works?

The acceleration and handling feels much more responsive in an EV. I never realized how jerky ICE cars are until I had an EV to compare them to.

Much less maintenance involved since the cars are so much simpler. I've had one for 3 years and don't miss oil changes or other annual service bullshit. Your actual brakes last longer as well because of regenerative braking.

Regenerative braking is nice because it enables "one pedal driving" most of the time: if you're not pressing pressing the accelerator the car slows down -- nice in stop and go traffic.

A lot of people will say they hate this, especially if they're too cool, but I find the app integration really convenient. EVs don't need the motor running to have power, so it's actually a computer that's always available to take commands over their cell data connection, like warm the car up, or tell me your location, close the trunk now that I'm inside the house with all of the groceries, etc

As a software engineer I find all of the software in cars borderline retarded. In Teslas it's actually relatively good (though still sometimes retarded).

In the summer time you can tell the car to never let it get above 100 degrees while parked, so you don't have to burn your balls off when you get in. Uses power but not that much. And power is cheap.

Never have to visit a gas station again. Ended up buying a portable tire inflator that connects to the cigarette lighter port since I'm not going to gas stations anymore but still need to inflate tires once in awhile.

They're awesome. But I now can't stand driving ICE vehicles after owning an EV.

Let's not forget that Ukraine had inherited a ton of the USSR's nuclear stockpile when it had collapsed and they were pressured to give them up and transfer them to Russia in exchange for security guarantees. Oops!

It's time to build baby

Isn't that because most of the land in Nevada is desert with no water access though? The rare bits of it that I've seen for sale are practically free and not being developed any time soon.

That said I would love to see ten more cities like Vegas get built that aren't dedicated strictly to gambling, with lots of indoor public spaces suitable for biking and running.

As any hunter will tell you, a lot of public land has no public access. It's land locked entirely by private land owners and there's no implied easement to allow access. You are trespassing if you cross private land to get to public land, even if there's no other way to get to it.

Unless you have a helicopter, a lot of public lands are de facto private extended gardens for their neighbors.

So, the public land stats are somewhat fake.

I'm open to reforming this but a lot of private land owners will go to war.

... what are you working on?

I find it kind of hard to work on software projects for fun knowing AGI will make it significantly easier to work on if I wait a year before starting. In fact this might always be true.

Labor done in 2025 will be so much less leveraged than labor done in 2026, and so on.

Curious. What gave you the impression that Trump had principled beliefs in the integrity of the US's legal system and upholding political norms? Why did you think he couldn't cross these lines?

I am 0% surprised he could tweet something like that.

Whether he actually has the cajones to lead a revolution is dubious. He's fairly shy when it comes to bloodshed, going by his last presidency. In fact the only durable principle he seems to have is an unwillingness to get US troops killed, which I find commendable even though I'm more of a neocon myself.

I think he loves to troll though, especially for political edge, but also knows when it stops being fun and games.

Yeah I dunno man. After UK NHS told my (then) wife it would be a year wait to see a psychiatrist (to continue her mood meds she was on in the US), we found some Covent Garden psychiatrist that charged £300 for her once monthly sessions and it was all no problem and reimbursed at 100%

I don't think it's normal for a health insurance plan to let you just see any specialist with zero triaging and cover 100%

I really have no idea what their limits were. I went to a private GP to get a health certificate to run the Paris marathon, and it cost £100, and that was reimbursed. A years worth of sports physical therapy was also reimbursed 100%

I could only conclude the cohort was so healthy that even our splurging didn't matter.

The only thing that's better is the Cigna Expat plan. The properties are as follows

  • You must be domiciled in the US
  • Your US based employer must be having you work abroad
  • The premiums are low, like $500/mo
  • You pay out of pocket
  • You submit expenses and they reimburse you 100%

Turns out if you're high value and healthy enough to send abroad, insuring you is really cheap

I use a high deductible Sedera plan. They're not legally allowed to be called insurance even though they're more like the textbook definition of the word.

Basically I pay out of pocket for everything but if I have a medical "event" that costs more than $5,000 they'll cover the overage. Premiums for my family of 4 are about $4800/y instead of like $22k for normalfag insurance (which also has high deductibles).

My waifu and I are in our 40s though and don't have too many events. Might be different if we had chronic illnesses.

's so expensive and I've seen contrarian takes to the effect that you can get a better deal on basically everything by not being insured

Yes. This part has been eye opening. You can basically pay 20-40% of billed prices if you shop around.

Can't the judiciary hold members of the Treasury in contempt for not unfreezing the funds?

What crisis?

Isn't "constitutional crisis" a general term where the branches contradict each other and it's not clear what to do to resolve it?

I am 100% certain Trump would be impeached and removed if he was caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.

Besides that, I'm less sure.

The Democrats in Congress don't have the votes to impeach him though, so that indeed creates the crisis.

The Republicans in Congress may have the votes to ratify the freeze though. That resolves the issue.

Alternatively there could just be escalating contempt of court proceedings against underlings and disregard for the judiciary.

here's an argument for shutting it down from the CFPB director during Trump's first term


"Dead Internet Theory" wasn't an instruction manual! 😭

what's the bull case for Elon's plan to delete the CFPB?

(aside from "infuriate Elizabeth Warren" which I can sympathize with)

I consider it bad that some section of the population is too stupid not to wind up paying all of their future income to banks in the form of interest and fees and good that one agency exists to push back on them a little

Is there any information Trump is or has shaken the FAA up over this? At the minimum the ATCs who cheated should be identified and fired, the candidates who were denied because they failed should be awarded money damages with the option to apply again, and everyone at the FAA who was involved in this bullshit BA test should be fired and lose their pension. Surely whether or not it's actual DEI, everyone can agree it was misconduct and this is the appropriate remedy?

I don't really understand the procedural issue. The president is the chief executive. Among other things, can view all classified material in the nation, can he not? The treasury is part of his branch of government, isn't it?

Why is his delegate not allowed to audit the treasury? Why do the procedures that he's not following actually matter? He has to appoint several people in various places and file the proper forms to do it, instead? What's the effective difference, other to frustrate the effort?

x.com/DOGE is their official brag