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The Warlord's Reading list

Hey gang haven't been crossposting my stuff here as much recently, let me know if you'd like me do that more....

But I thought you guys would be interested in my latest mega-article project. (this one is literally book length)

For those of you that like "The Anarchonomicon Real Banned Books List"

I present "The Warlord's Reading List"

The idea is that its a curriculum for perspective warlord, revolutionaries, Militia Leaders, self defense forces, independent espionage agents, arms traffickers... All the interesting people, with the goal that heaven forbid chaos come to your country there is a pre-curated body of knowledge (with links) that you can quickly and efficiently develop a deep familiarity if not expertise through self directed study.

This this started as just a short list for myself, and then It slowly grew into its current 150+ entry, 22 category, 30,000 word, book length survey of the state of modern warfare complete with oppinions minireviews, and catgirls.

If you're interested in the theory of Marxist Guerilla warfare, Crypto-currency money laundering, special weapons and tacitcs, precision marksmanship and sniper warfare, nuclear weapons survival, effective leadership, operational art and the formation of general staffs, high and low tech logistics, prison economics, digital opsec, high speed mounted warfare, and forming your own blackmail networks... Reconsider you life priorities... But also check out my new booklist!

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Van Creveld's 4th gen Warfare manual is one I'd recommend for this list!

I'll have to look into it... Actually can you you name the work? "Van Creveld 4th Gen Warfare" doesn't turn up much

He made the list twice with Supplying War, and Fighting Power

I goofed the author! It was William S Lind:

Hey gang haven't been crossposting my stuff here as much recently, let me know if you'd like me do that more....


I appreciate the cross-posts. Twitter can feel like I'm walking through the crowds, listening to men preach from a soapbox. This is slightly more like a salon where at least I'm sitting down inside a building instead of walking along the street.


Humble request:

Something like this reading list for dissident right / post-liberalism. Think about "What would Oswald Spengler be reading today if he were still alive"

Thank you, Mottizens.

(Mods: This probably isn't the best place for this, but I don't know where else it would go? Maybe Sunday thread?)

I would recommend some from the nrx and post nrx cannon. The NRx cannon starts off with Moldbug

  • An open letter to an open minded progressive by Mencius Moldbug. My introduction to the world of neoreaction, one can also read a gentle introduction to unquailfied reservations, patchwork on toher works by Moldbug aka Curtis Yarvin but an open letter is perhaps his most influential work. He reads a lot so recommends a ton of books from other writers, including prominent reactionary ones
  • Xenosystems by Nick Land. Nick Land also wrote fanged noumena, the dark enlightenment but xenosystems is a good work to start off from. Nicks work at CCRU is cool too but beyond my pay grade for now.
  • Iq shredding, bioleninism, post mortem on neoreaction and the politics of heredetarianism by Spandrell found on his for now. Spandrell distilled sopme ideas very well, besides iq shredding and bioleninism, his essays on the post mortem of neoreaction and heredatrianism are great reads. He also wrote essays on what he calls sexual deviance that quote Michael Bailey. He is extremely easy to understand and not as verbose as Moldbug.

Now the next two are not as gentle in their tone and are heavily inspired by jim donald of jims blog now on where he blogs. Jims vision of reaction or neoreaction has more pua, catholicism and medieval euro values than those of the first three. These are archives of two blogs of people inspired by him. I would cal this post NRx, though these two perfer the term Rx (reactionary).

  • (use internet archive to read this). This is a great short primer on nrx and rx thinking but heavily influenced by jim but not as explicit. if you go on for the archives of alfs posts, you will find miscellaneious sections on god, family and other things as well. The main thing alf stresses on is what a friend of mine I met here calls cafetaria christianity, I have simialr issues with faith myself, him admitting this publicly was fairly honest.

  • setting the record straight by Aidan Maclear. Aidan now writes on and like alf was a longtime PUA guy who was more on the manosphere spectrum than on the PUA spectrum, so little in terms of technique, mostly psychology. He has no filter and packs a lot in just 100 pages.

All of these people are fiarly interconnected. Spandrell and Jim commented on slatestarcodex alongside heartiste, Curtis wrote a post about scott alexander and why hes wrong too. Alf, Aidan and Yareally were present on Heartiste and the first two are prolific commentors on Jims blog alongside the dividualist.


  • Bronze age mindset by Bronze age pervert. BAM got recognition among the non frogs post yarvins praises for it. BAPs writing are more philsophic and esoteric in nature. His ideas with regards to bodybuilding, embracing atavistic euro values, the aesthetics of europe are fairly popular within many young people my age. BAP is heabily inspired by philoshophers of old, especially neitzche who Spenglar saw as a primary influence.


  • book of yareally by yareally and heartiste on game/his archives. I strongly recommend yareally over heartiste as in case you are a young person, this will give you an honest idea into what human mating looks like and what it can look like if you optimise for it and how to get there. Heartistes archive or his two books titled on game volume 1 and volume 2 in my humble opinion do not cover it as much or as well. Yareallys work offers a complete roadmap on how you can go from being terrible with girls to being a real social magnet who can read people, social situations and get an intuitive understanding of how women think. He recommends great resources along the way like sex god method, tyler digest etc that are not canned PUA routines.

Again, I do not in fact am telling people to believe all that is written here, the first three are foundations of what we would call NRx. Let me know if this would make a suitable blogpost. I always have wanted to make an intro to NRx after all.

Thank you for the detailed response and commentary. Great effortpost.

Let me know if this would make a suitable blogpost.

Probably. With the big "IF" upfront of - I don't think simply cataloging the NRx idea ecosystem is of a ton of interest on its own (outside of the morbidly curious like myself). What would be truly widely appealing, imho, is trying to trace how we got to NRx starting from post WW2 conservative / tradtional thinking (with pit stops in Big-L Liberalism) with a final section on what likely outcomes are.

This is exactly why I asked for recommendations. I'm try to build a deeper understanding of "how we got here" in order to have a stronger confidence in thinking about "where we are headed." It's important not to get too tied up in pure ideology - this was how Big-L liberals failed, how the neocons failed, and how the Progressive of today (Kamala) failed to even get off the launch pad*.

While the re-election of Trump has created a Right Wing honey moon period still very much in full swing, the Right in America / Britain is still very far from coalescing around a reality driven approach to the next 10,20,30 years. Right now, it's a coalition of angry populists (hardcore MAGA'ers), old Reagan style conservatives who have abandoned any idea of calm negotiation and co-existence with the Left, techno-libertarian bros (Thiel, Vance, etc.....frankly I think Yarvin is closer to this bucket that he wants to admit), and the centrist wanderers who have been so turned off by the really weird Left that they, for now, will happy vote against Blue Tribe. Oh, and then, of course, there's like 7-12 million younger men who feel utterly forgotten. This is a strange coalition to try to drive forward and, since 2016, it has been utterly dependent upon the person of Donald J. Trump. That lasts for 4 more years (Trump doesn't have the deep managerial ability nor the personality to existent as shadow emperor of the Republicans after the end of this term).

Sorry not sorry for the tangent. This is something I have a deep interest in. Again, thanks for the effortful response.

ok neoreaction, transhumanism, ea, rationalism and PUA are the most important ideas we have seen so far in terms of their impact, the solutions they offer and number plus quality of arguments. PUA was the best in terms of solutions since it completely solves the entire issue it aims to solve and NRx is the best in terms of understanding the actual problem.

It all starts with Moldbug, he began reading older econ stuff and you go from Mises to Hayek, Friedman, Rothbard and finally Hoppe, each getting slightly more conservative with Hoppe straight up being anti-democratic. After that, he read more reactionary literature and came up with what we now call NRx or neoreaction. A neo-reactionary does want a total retvrn like a reactionary but has similar values, instead, he wants a new way of governance. He would jot this down on his old blog, unqualified reservations and wrote quite a bit up until early 2010s. His primary ideas were that of the cathedral, that we have a church today and it has its sacred cows, its priests. Leftism is decentralised, where one is in a feedback loop, as priests keep purity spiralling, the feedback loop gets stronger. The idea that its "the jews" behind everything gets discarded once you read him. We trace the rot back to Martin Luther who removes the clergy, protestanism happens, puritans come up in England, they get exiled to the US, the French Revolution happens and we get full-fledged communism which is followed by bioleninism. One thing to note is that Moldbug is not good with solutions, no one in NRx is since this is the hardest problem to solve. He does suggest you how having a CEO king but he is NRx marx, great analysis, no good solutions.

Nick Land was a competent British philosophy professor at the famed CCRU and worked on accelerationism, the idea that techno capital will advance to the point where it consumes humanity. "Nothing human makes it out of the near future". He was a Marxist in his early days and slowly had been progressing towards different viewpoints, moldbugs writing kicks off the next part of our cannon in Nick lands work on the dark enlightenment and xenosystems, he fleshes out some ideas better and even talks about urban planning in one of his posts. Land however is always remembered by his accelerationist work, somehow quoted the least in terms of the first three people mentioned. I have not read him much at all so will have a different answer later I presume.

Spandrell is the third, a euro not from the anglosphere, Spandrell is more evo anthropology than history or philosophy. His main idea is bioleninism, how groups that are of lower HBD will bond stronger than higher HBD group, a universal phenomenon traced back to Lenin who gave status exclusively to outcasts as they are inherently more loyal as people who are better off genetically or socially will never have the same incentives. The cat lady at the DNC who is obese, single and has mental issues will be far more loyal than Handsome McSmarty pants with a loving family as the latter will do well in any world but former needs leftism to stay in power to be high-status. Spandrells main concern is Human Bio Capital, the last two essays I mentioned give you a good idea as to why we need a schelling point to pay lip service to but how unstable that ultimately is.

You also had fosetti and plenty of other people, they are mentioned by Alf below.

Post NRx. They can also be called simply reactionaries or Rx people, simply put their ideal world indeed goes back to the past and the main node here is a man named Jim Donald. Jim came up during the PUA heyday and talked about how women should be property, how every scripture and culture on the planet says so and how spandrell is right to point out that every sine place that is not poor and has female emancipation witnesses collapsing birth rates. Yarvin would want a CEO King whereas these people actually want a real king of sorts. Not better in terms of solutions, they cover other areas that the above three did not. Jim blog ( is quite vast, he has been blogging actively for decades so his memes are better understood by two different guys who came up during similar times though Alf is older than Aidan.

Alfs motive is to give you a crash course in NRx and post-NRx thought. For him, Jim being a christian and acknowledging what people call the WQ or the woman question are two important factors. Alf offers no explicit insight of his own and his work titled truthinaworldoflies is an afternoons reading that anyone who is a dissident can pick up to get a good idea of the reactionary ideas around at this time.

Aidans work is more spiritual, a 101 to Rx instead of just NRx, whilst Alf is a reluctant Christian who wants people to be religious so that they cooperate, Aidan is more sincere in his faith as hid understanding of the world and things around him is more spiritual and liberal artsy. Aidans work is in the same line as Alf but more expansive, easier to read and just as dense. His solutions again surprise surprise are wait for Ceaser or become Ceaser or now to help trump out. His new blog is and twitter under the name chevaucheen. Aidan is an amerikaner, unlike Alf who is likely Dutch. Aidan has great posts about why nationalism is bad, why romantic love is not a correct ideal and most importantly how the warrior caste needs to rise up and get people to cooperate or else the priestly caste will keep purity spiralling even in a reactionary utopia. Aidan offers far more insight than I expected him to. He even gives a good writeup against abortion.

How to start

  • if you are a total normie progressive, start with Moldbug, anyone else will put the progressive in question off. So an open letter to an open minded progressive is the most recommended book in this sphere for a reason, not just because it establishes the issues we have of having a decentralised leftist world where they have won in broad strokes since the beginning of the reforms
  • if you are a normie con who is slightly redpilled on some issues but lacks time then you should start off with Alfs archive truthinaworldoflies which is a good reading of where we are and how we got here
  • for anyone who is into HBD already, spandrell is the default for very obvious reasons. Spandrell btw also gives a reason as to why just being aware of HBD is not enough in the essays I mentioned.
  • groypers, yes I am making a recommendation for the fans of Nick Fuentes too, I would suggest Aidan.


  • people are unequal, the church needs you to believe in the opposite of this as much as a catholic needs you to believe in the divinity of christ. Establishing HBD is the bare minimum.
  • democracy won't work because people are not stupid about entryism. Nick Fuentes grand plan was entryism and it is a real-time demonstration of it failing. Vance is not your CEO King, in fact most people in tech are not and will not be given the likelihood of them having deep ties with intelligence agencies. Thiel or Musk are less likely than Vance too and that is saying a lot
  • you need people to cooperate on a societal level, this is a big idea, it explains religion, why feudal federal structures work and why centralisation of power is a lefty force, something Aidan expands upon
  • everything popular is religious, just not the religion you like, consume as little as possible and stay away from people who suggest violence as a solution, they are feds in 100 percent cases, especially in the US

what to do

  • redpill yourself and others with actual memes, not culture war hot takes, steve johnson or curtis yarvin spoke in a manner that was very polite, it worked for a reason. yarvin is the ideal starting point.
  • git gud, git rich, be high status. this is normie advice but super important. Yarvin was CS prodigy, Land was top tier academic. If you are not a priest, at least you can survive and help others, more importantly yourself out. Thiel to his credit has funded plenty.
  • cold approach girls, select for good genes, don't fall for "love" unless you are in high school
  • do not play the villain. People want you to, there is nothing based about screaming profanities and attacking sacred cows if you are weak and attract attention
  • on the git gud part, you can start more internet communities like themotte and just keep them honest. The main issue with hestia and NRx from the mid 2010s was that the original ideas got exhausted, having a rationalist space that is tolerant of hbd is far more effective than having an out and out dissident space.
  • live in a big city. Do not retreat to small towns or suburbia, I am stuck here due to my own stupidity and have to move out. The advice given out by many is to move to the country which is just hilarious.

Alfs archive is a 101 to how we got here but to build a rock solid understanding, you would need to supplement this with actual courses in logic, epistemology, ethics, basic econ for starters. I lack all these and am not as confident, so laying out stuff I will need. Having a good understanding of reality, why others get it wrong is very hard, to go beyond that for solutions is even harder but this is a good enough cannon to start off with.

We are in a mini thermidor and the world will only move leftwards. The only way forward is with a new religion, it can be progressivism but with HBD and embryo selection or it can be Vedic Hinduism where the Swiss Alps are seen as the divine abode of Shiva, but the current lefty worldview cannot survive without an alternative. The priestly caste needs ideas for the warrior caste to come fight for and then later justify everything. MAGA is not it, it never was it and it won't be it. Even MAGAs detractors on the right are not far off from what VDARE and co said 20 years ago.

The only real solution besides entryism is to have an even better understanding of the world and finally find a direction, none of these people mentioned ever found a way out that worked, in fact none of the ideas I mentioned ever found a true solution besides PUA.

Short Tangent (optional)

PUA inside a small subset solved the WQ. The only real solution to the WQ according to reactionaries is arranged marriages or shotgun marriages but we cannot have that since we on the right are losers, objectively. If we are already low status, how can we at least in the meantime ensure that we can fix some parts of our lives so that our genes get breathing time, enter cold approach. PUA solved what it set out to solve. You are an above-average guy fed up of not getting the girl/girls you want, that is how we all started. Women want status, but how do you become "alpha", the answer is by getting status from pickup. Having other girls like you is a very strong signal of status, a man who has nothing but just does will do just fine mating-wise. Once you go out enough, you figure out the terrain of what mating looks like and the pointers given to you act like checkmarks that represent the actual behavior of a world-class lothario. It gives a real time understanding of social dynamics and having people like you for who you are is always fun. I learnt about PUA because of themotte which now hates PUA for reasons that I don't think are super well thought out.

It's funny to me that Moldbug opposes the Reformation and the puritans, whereas Carlyle was a fan of them both. I haven't read enough of either to have opinions on why that might be, given Moldbug's high esteem for Carlyle, but it's funny.

Neither have I but off the top of my head I think it's because Carlyle is a Great Persons guy and appreciates anyone with grit and zeal, while Moldbug is a systems guy and is mostly interested in the direction that society is moving rather than the individuals who think they are moving it..

That's definitely a part of it.

Check out "Democracy the God That Failed" by Hoppe, "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War" by Buchanan, and "Freedom Betrayed" by former President Herbert Hoover. Those are the good high level back to the source ones...

Also Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak (it's short... Pete Quinones did a podcast Audio version also)


200 Years together by Alexander Solzenhitzen

Those are the hot ones right now related to current events.

I find Buchanan to be so rife with basic historical errors and internal contradictions that it's difficult to take him (or anyone who would quote him positively) seriously. Is Churchill supposed to be an inveterate fuck-up, or a Xanatos-esque supervillain who played everyone in the world like a fiddle? The answer seems to change from chapter to chapter.

I also find it somewhat surprising and ironic to see 200 Years together cited here given Solzenhitzen's ultimate conclusions. I feel like a lot of people see (or hear about) Solzenhitzen's claim that the Jews share at least some blaim for the holocaust and various progroms and stop there without ever engaging with Solzenhitzen's arguments why.

Jordan B Peterson is a competent clinical psychologist and a middling public intellectual. He describes Sozenhitzens work on the USSR as a must-read but has acted pretty badly whenever people bring up 200 years together lol.

Best I can do is some /lit/ charts. Sadly the wiki they were originally on got nuked a few months back but you can dig around in the mega for stuff. Schizo but a starting point, at least.

General Reactionary, right wing charts

Evola, Guenon & Friends


  • -10

I am not sure if this is a comment you deleted or if the "..." is supposed to be the comment, but please don't do this.

Last April, you said:

Israel cannot survive unless Iran is destroyed now. There’s basically no scenario where the tit for tat won’t escalate into an unending front of infinite Iranian resources in Lebanon, Gaza, and/or the Golan Heights,as well as constant back and forth air and rocket fire.

And Iran can't be destroyed unless the US implements a draft of millions of Americans which would start a civil war and end the US.


So after this move, basically the only thing that can save them from a death spiral is a major US invasion, which the US would lose militarily without a draft...

Such A draft that would cause a violent revolution/civil war in the US... A civil war that would quickly become ww3 as Chinese and Russian Assets egged on the US collapse and the US military tried to reply in kind.


This is probably WW3 Friends. stock up now. End of the age.

Do you think this was wrong? If so, how did you learn/update from the last 7 months?

You have also repeatedly predicted WWIII as well as a major civil war with >1,000,000 dead in the United States following the election. While you still have 50 odd days left for some assassination scenario or Biden to nuke Moscow, do you think the lack of violent protests (or serious protests at all, really) or the general acceptance of Trump's victory mean this was also a bad prediction? Is the point to be edgy clickbait you genuinely believe the things you write?

Israel has seen it's fronts multiply and its geopolitical situation decaying as we speak as it fights mutliple iran backed enemies and has had major blow for blow exchanges with Iran, If Israel makes it to 2030 I'll say that they beat the odds. And I did not predict "as well as" I predicted a major conflict INVOLVING the US would continue, start, or conclude in that period... that could be civil war, that could be cartel war, that could be nuclear exchange with russia, but that could also just be Ukraine or Israel escalating to kill 1 million since the US is already involved in both. At the time of that writing 2 wars involving the US were already active Ukraine and Israel, and BOTH are creeping up through the hundreds of thousands dead right now.

My predictions have been VERY SPECIFIC. And the things I write are true, full stop.

Are you taking bets on any of this?

why would I? The headache and logistics of making a low dollar bet with someone from another country is way more effort than the expected return value I'm likely to get. Not to mention counterparty risk when they try to welch.

Transaction costs are a thing.

Why? If you actually believed the things you were saying, you'd do it to make free money. It would also greatly increase your intellectual credibility.

I would go over your objections one by one to demonstrate that they're just excuses (I'll make a high dollar bet with you, trustworthy escrow agents exist, etc), but obviously they are just excuses and there's no way you would actually put skin in the game to back up your bloviating.

And I did not predict "as well as" I predicted a major conflict INVOLVING the US would continue, start, or conclude in that period

Well, you gave an actual civil war almost 50% likelihood:

Civil War or “Troubles” is still slightly below a 50% likelihood


After [the election] either Trump wins, in which case they are incentivized to reverse entirely and wield all those new migrants and existing problem ethnicities to riot and act as shock Troops against Trump supporters. That way House Democrats and Regime Republicans can try to prevent a Trump confirmation, Something they have openly discussed and plan to do.

And in the event of a Trump or Vance election mass rioting will begin, in American cities, and probably widespread rape and murder by the millions of violent foreign migrants imported and strategically shipped across the country to strategic regions and municipalities.

(There’s probably no way to prevent that even if the Regime cared to, the people they imported are from countries where rioting, and killing people in riots is simply not the hard distinction Americans perceive it to be, you’d have a hard time explaining to many Haitian and central American illegals why looting and burning shops would be fine but killing the shop owners and raping their wives and daughters wouldn’t be)

Yes, which means I gave "NOT a civil war" MORE than 50%, which given there were mutliple assassniation attempts on the lead candidate one of which came an inch from killing him, that sounds right or even conservative .

In reply to the "then" please read the introduction to my immediate previous piece on the topic and civil war preparedness.

The predictions for which I give probabilities are the predictions.... The long elaborate descriptions of scenarios to be prepared for NECESSARILY CANNOT BE, because everytime you describe something additional happening the overall likelihood of all of it happening lowers.

I described about 20 different possible dynamics and scenarios in that piece as preparedness exercise. NECESSARILY the value and detail of a scenario for planning and preparedness is ANTI-CORRELATED with its overall total likelihood since each additional piece of information or dynamic, which is valuable for preparedness, is another thing that may or may not happen.

In short I give probability predictions in keeping with the norms of Less-Wrong rationalism because that is valuable for declaring your priors, then I give the elaborate scenario planning, because that is how militaries and serious organizations wargame.

Specifically the mass rioting if Trump won, I expect that would have 100% happened if he had won the electoral college but lost the popular vote (which strikes me as a vastly more likely scenario than what happened given his track record) then there would have been a cause to argue Trump's win was a result of systemic white supremacy and the American system favouring white rural voters over urban voters... which could have been ginned up by media like the summer of Floyd... Trump's total electoral victory was very unlikely given available information (most odds had him 40-45% to lose and presumably another 20-30 to only win closely)

His incredibly decisive victory (contrary to his previous 2 elections) was an surprising factor... though there's still a fair amount that can go wrong between here and inauguration, or in his first year... not least 2 very unstable wars right now.

The predictions for which I give probabilities are the predictions.... The long elaborate descriptions of scenarios to be prepared for NECESSARILY CANNOT BE, because everytime you describe something additional happening the overall likelihood of all of it happening lowers.

It's a little confusing to say that it's not a prediction when you say that sometimes is going to happen. It did not seem to me that this part of the essay was hedged as one possibility, rather, you seemed fairly confident that it would happen.

I described about 20 different possible dynamics and scenarios in that piece as preparedness exercise.

Indeed, but there were two plausible scenarios listed for the outcome of the election based on who won, so I think it's fair to evaluate one conditional now that we know the outcome. After all, one of the two cases should have come true, if they are so confidently stated.

Specifically the mass rioting if Trump won, I expect that would have 100% happened if he had won the electoral college but lost the popular vote

I don't believe this was hedged like this in the original article, although I may have missed it. If not, this seems like post-hoc cope to me.

My predictions have been VERY SPECIFIC. And the things I write are true, full stop.

That has yet to be the case, ever.

The things you write are what you want and hope will happen. Whether you really believe they will happen or are just trying to manifest them into being, I'm genuinely unsure.

I predicted a major conflict INVOLVING the US would continue, start, or conclude in that period

A bold prediction to make considering it exhaustively covers literally every possibility

1 Million people dead, in a conflict involving the US, overlapping with a 3 month window is "literally every possibility"

I mean I agree the US is a violent unstable regime, but I don't think it's quite at the point of INEVITABILITY that it will always be involved in a mass die off.