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joined 2023 January 20 00:05:32 UTC
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User ID: 2112



1 follower   follows 16 users   joined 2023 January 20 00:05:32 UTC


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User ID: 2112

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In theory he could make millions of Teslas wrap themselves around telephone poles at 120 mph

Wow, I had not thought about how much of a security risk that was, I was just impressed by the self-driving capabilities.

I find it pretty funny that it's you, but also, thank you, that was helpful.

I ran across a substack at some point—vectorsofmind.com—whose old posts were saying that the big five had some bad methodology, and that we can do better, and get some different factors, but I don't know enough to assess what it was saying. (Looking now at the titles, the more recent posts seem significantly sketchier.) Anyway, I'd be interested in knowing what you think of the old articles.

Perhaps one cannot stand people who are only moderately educated.

with (extreme) effort

I think one of the harder parts would be getting the search engines to buy in to making some other site the default. That would be a lot of the battle—if google switches, people are definitely going to start editing the new one.

Hopefully, they do well enough that we can elect Vance or another Republican.

It'll have to end eventually, but maybe the overton window will have shifted by then.

It's not at all clear to me how your 2 and 4 fit together. Do you prefer the President to run the federal bureaucracy, or not?

Anyway, there's also the affirmative action order, which is big—among other things, repealing the affirmative action requirements formerly in place for the government and for federal contractors, which were a huge share of the economy.

This isn't what you asked, but some of my favorite poems are:

Ulysses, The Present Crisis, Lepanto, The White Man's Burden, Recessional, various hymns (to be clear, this is not an endorsement of every sentiment found therein),

The sequences on LessWrong are probably also probably fairly big.

(Do be aware, though, that Eliezer definitely isn't infallible.)

Add a captcha?

It's less core, but Unsong is also quite an experience.

Crypto as a currency? Cool. (But most are impractically slow and expensive for that).

Crypto as a tool? Cool. (Whatever Polymarket does)

Crypto as gambling/speculation? Very much a bad thing.

Of course, the whole space will fall apart when quantum computing is achieved, and the cryptograpy is broken. Who knows how long that will be, though.

Now I'm curious: do you think Trump MTG cards would be net-good or net-bad for Hasbro? A lot of MTG players would be quite angry, but it would also definitely attract new people.

Well, it was clearly correct to not be going after sitting presidents, at the very least, and he could pardon himself, so Trump v United States isn't all that relevant to this analysis.

I care about things besides his level of electoral support.

No, it's bad in the sense that it's evil to scam the people who trust you.

Thanks for pointing to the Mankiw, that's a pretty funny idea.

Also, look just how many likes that post got. Clearly a lot of his commenters got the message.

I definitely think he was a factor in me being convinced of HBD. Posing as a within-the-overton-window thinker while talking about views that might direct one to find what's actually true more plausible worked in my case, and surely there were a bunch of others for whom that was true as well.

I think that first one definitely had an influence on me seeing population IQ differences as a reasonable sort of thing to believe in, before I'd even considered wider implications.

Almost all views on con law- especially blue coded ones- are keyfabe eventually.

Right. The progressive-aligned school of constitutional interpretation is living constitutionalism—essentially, if we like it, and we can get away with it, that's what the text means. The conservative-aligned school of constitutional interpretation is originalism, where they attempt to find a justification from the original text, when it's convenient, and find a workaround otherwise, unless you've really got a spine. Originalism is better than living constitutionalism, because they won't drift as far.

Yeah, this is really bad.

Wow, using foreign alphabets really crosses a line, you should ban that guy.

It's so bad. I don't know why Google points to it so willingly.

I'll restrict myself to people who can speak modern English.

How about Henry VIII, Abraham Lincoln, and Friedrich Hayek. (I was also considering Oliver Cromwell or James I/VI in place of Henry.)