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joined 2023 January 20 00:05:32 UTC
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User ID: 2112



1 follower   follows 17 users   joined 2023 January 20 00:05:32 UTC


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User ID: 2112

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What is an American, in your book?

I liked it. The sequel is a little more lesbian, but still alright.

The only one I've read that you haven't listed is Unsong. But I'm trying to stay away from internet serials for the time being, because they can suck enormous amounts of time.

The username now redirects to retired_user, I believe.

I'd be surprised if the Nobel people would be willing to give him a peace prize.

For me, the NYT article doxxing Scott->SSC->themotte. But I also read through a ton of LessWrong stuff along the way, and then HPMOR and Unsong.

6: "This part of Twitter," where postrationalists like eigenrobot hang out.

9.I think this has something to do with a system of government that operates using market-based predictions of the future in some way, but I don't remember exactly.

18: Read Unsong. I mean, read it all, but just the page linked should suffice to understand 18.

For me: Understand: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Have heard, but don't remember exact meaning (but maybe approximate): 9, 11, 20.

Except Ra****y_An***m?

(Name partially removed lest there's some reason they can't be spoken about)

Thanks, glad you noticed! Yeah, I was pretty happy with it.

Eh, I don't think that's always true, more words can make things clearer. For example, using examples is often helpful.

And more simply, the suppression of true religion is opposition to God himself. That is bad.

Atheistically, if you care about modern liberalism, that would suffice as a reason, what with tolerance being worthwhile and all.

Not permitting a population to hold political office is very different from attempting to eliminate a population by force.

What does "force their morality" mean? What is your morality? I don't like all the imprecision of the language here.

the people you try to repress

What does "repress" mean?

before trying to force their religious morality on secular people

What does "religious morality" mean here? What are the bounds of "religious morality" vs. "definitely-not-religious-totally-universal morality"? If Raskolnikov says that he thinks that killing people is just fine, would you say that society as a whole is obligated to listen to him?

You think they're demonic

Where did I say this?

the demonic people don't feel like giving you medical treatment.

I have no problem with freedom of association, provided that we exist in a society with available alternatives.

I'm trying to avoid debating the entirety of conservatism, but that's obviously a No True Christian fallacy.

What's the sample that you're drawing from? Since I mostly have experience from churches and similar, and those tend to have pretty good families as far as I can tell.

The conservative project relies on an idyllic view of the past and of conservative families, which can be hard to maintain when you’ve seen it from the inside. My grandparents ‘s generation were all very religious, and so it was common for spouses to hate each other all their life.

But certainly not all families are like that. I was raised in a happy family, and, to my knowledge, have mostly encountered happy families at church and so forth.

Do conservatives usually say that these things just happen by default? I'm more used to conceptualizing things as natural tendencies or roles, which we then have a responsibility and a duty to actually carry out.

Why is IVF more important than every other part of being a productive citizen? Especially given that it's not like Christians are being at all successful in getting rid of it.

The fact that you seem to be sincerely arguing for this makes me considerably more positive towards the times when being a Christian was a prerequisite for holding public office.

But is there a principled reason why they shouldn't do those things?

Yes. My religion is correct. Accordingly, doing any of that is evil.

But ignoring that, as hydroacetylene says, a classical liberal might think that it would be morally wrong to do that. Further, it's not like everyone will stop if you just ask nicely. You're going to have to kill a bunch of people. What benefit do you have that's worth killing a bunch of productive citizens?

Body positivity has normalized obesity.

Has it actually, or do people just pretend that?

Keep in mind, as you're trying to beat the market, that short and long term trades may be taxed differently, and adjust what your meaning of "beat" is accordingly.

Regarding Lord of the Rings: if she's expecting it to be more hobbit, she will be surprised, what with it being slower and more epic (grander, more serious) in feel.

They elsewhere clarified that that was a typo, I believe.

Why word count and not syllable count?

And ancestrally there's also a pretty large share of German and French (Huguenot) ancestry, and a small sliver of various other races (the Khoekhoe peoples native to the Cape, who are the largest portion of the ancestry of the Coloured population (Coloured≠Black), as well as from various slave populations from elsewhere in Africa or Asia). It's not like Afrikaners are pureblooded Dutchmen.

Do you have much of a sense of what the college of cardinals are like? If he were to die, what might the next pope look like?