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It isn't happening, and if it is, it's a bad thing

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joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


User ID: 636


It isn't happening, and if it is, it's a bad thing

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


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User ID: 636

“A Celtic woman is often the equal of any Roman man in hand-to-hand combat. She is as beautiful as she is strong. Her body is comely but fierce. The physiques of our Roman women pale in comparison.”

Where is this from? All I could find was unattributed copypasta with a Google search.

Have a little imagination. People post all kinds of things under their real names online these days.

They positioned themselves as a non-profit to get clout and talent and later reneges.

Based on the talent banking Altman when the board tried to remove him, the talent is more than happy with the reneging.

The text generation in those example images is phenomenal.

It's simple. Put the gym in the garage.

Who said this weapon only works on campus protesters?

It's ridiculous to expect a journalist to publish specific military plans that would probably get him jailed for publishing. The fact that he didn't publish them isn't evidence that he didn't see them.

True, however, at least one person was in this group that really didn't need to be. There were likely others.

I'd bet it's not as secure as an in-person meeting in a SCIF.

Believe it or not, it's a UK based studio.

I've been really enjoying Paradise Killer. It's a detective game in a vaporwave + visual novel style, but you still walk around the world in a regular first person perspective.

The plot is that you are a mildly disgraced immortal member of a satanic (?) murder cult that's trying to resurrect dead cosmic gods and also build a perfect paradisiacal island in a pocket dimension so that you have a place to put all the cool gods you resurrected. Unfortunately, demons keep pouring in to your pocket dimension, so periodically your cult has to slaughter the mere mortals that have been abducted to serve as slave labor on your island and all the cultists move on to the next island in pursuit of perfection.

The game starts at the end of island 24. Tragically, the entire nomenklatura of your cult has been murdered in a locked room just as the island is being wound down. The island gates are shut, none of the remaining cultists can leave, and you are brought back from your three million days of solitary confinement to figure out who killed the nomenklatura. You can't even visit the crime scene at the start, so you have to walk around the island, chat with your old cultist friends, find the clues and find the killer.

Inverse hollow Earth is the best one because, as a simple coordinate transformation, it's 100% correct.

Not sure I buy this. Lack of cryptography doesn't even need to make password based authentication impossible.

Firstly, to compromise a system, even one that's not encrypted, you must be able to execute arbitrary commands. A system that's locked down and limited to a few hardened interfaces with the rest of the world is naturally robust to this. You can try pulling out the memory and read/manipulate it directly, but there are low tech (put the components behind steel plate) and high tech mitigations that don't rely on cryptography. And if you're in a position to circumvent those, you can probably just replace the controller of whatever system you're trying to compromise with your own controller anyway.

Secondly, P=NP would make reversing hashes doable, but when you're trying to break into a system you (usually) don't have the password hash you're trying to guess. So you're stuck trying to guess it (unless you can read it from memory, see point 1), and that's going to take forever regardless of P vs NP.

Passport cards are not offered by the states.

I agree that passport card holders can prove that they are citizens.

However, this has nothing to do with the fact that most people do not carry passport cards with them and so cannot use them to prove their citizenship if stopped on the street.

Okay, sure, if you live in one of the five states that issue EDLs and you opt to receive one, you got me there.

I don't really think it's that difficult, it's just that zero effort has been put into it. I know a guy who has repeatedly found that someone has signed up to receive benefits using his SSN. He's never even received so much as a letter in the mail to inform him that his benefits are being used.

Even people on work visas have SSNs.

The way around the issue is that the cop takes your DL back to the squad car and looks you up in the state database of drivers' licenses. There's no analogous database of citizens.

We should keep in mind that it's basically impossible to roll back government programs rolled out in the name of national security (such as the TSA or the patriot act) and it would be a real shame to turn the US into a state where citizens have to carry their papers and present them on demand to agents of the state.

That proves that you were a citizen (or a legal alien) when it was issued, it doesn't mean you are one now.

That's good for white people but some of my best (citizen) friends are not white and I'd be pretty upset if they got harassed by ICE. It seems that such harassment would be fully within the law.

It's not the illegals that I'm talking about, it's the legals. Are you saying that I, as a citizen, can be detained by ICE if I get stopped, given that I don't carry around my certificate or naturalization or my passport?

ICE has the power to arrest you if you cannot prove you're in the country legally.

Like, on the spot? Nobody carries around proof of citizenship.

I'd expect big box stores to be much less likely to employ illegal immigrants. Home Depot has an HR department and a legal department. Bob's Hardware has neither.

I see plenty of zoomers working cash registers in my area. Fully one third of people in my county are Asian or Indian.