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I mean its the same need that drives communists to insist the modern CCP is definitely a legitimate extension of the socialist project. People who believe in failed ideologies need something to cling to.
Is it failed? Is SA better off today as opposed to in 1990? Is Europe better off today (or in 2021) compared to 2000?
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Most modern western communists hate the CCP for selling out. If they sympathize with China it’s, as with their Russian sympathies, because of anti-western “anti-imperialist” politics more than anything else.
Actual full support for the modern CCP is limited to a subset of Marxist-Leninists, including actual Maoists.
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Look around the falling European Union that’s rapidly islamifying and witnessing a rapid decline in quality of life. I mean, rape gangs are kind of a red pill on the whole thing.
The right simply has to point out that liberalism is brining about a decline in health, safety, freedom, and standards of living. Everywhere. Liberals have to keep coming up with excuses as to why it keeps happening.
So far, in many countries, Liberals can also still simply point out that Liberalism is the law, and you're stepping outside of it by suggesting that Islam, Immigration or Social Progress (TM) is a problem.
Making criticism of liberalism illegal: How liberal is that? Which state first made “hate speech” a crime again?
In much of Europe, the police are more keen to arrest people who criticize Refugees especially Islamic ones, and speak against trans no matter the context. In liberal countries where there’s more protection for free speech, the punishment mostly comes down to being black listed and fired.
I feel like this image sums up European policing pretty well
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I understand neither the preceding comment, nor this one apparently agreeing with it. Thirty years ago wrongthinkers all knew that South Africa was a generation or two away from becoming Just Another African Shithole, and they've been very visibly proven correct on that point.
Where's the need for rehabilitation? Where even is the substantial disagreement? Is anyone out there still hopeful for the future of the Rainbow Nation? I was under the impression that we had long since reached the point where the forces of goodness and tolerance mumble some excuses and look away.
Many of those same wrongthinkers also had very low IQ estimates for places like Malaysia (and, a couple of decades earlier, even China) that genuinely have seen huge economic development and increases in population prosperity since then, though.
There were Asian examples of successful societies at the time, though(at least Japan and probably also Singapore depending on the exact era). Where is the example of a successful black society? AFAIK they all have non-black minorities which perform critical roles in making their society successful.
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Okay, but so what? Is some of that incorrectness going to rub off on South Africa and reverse its inevitable decline into shitholery? All this tells me is that it's possible to refute the wrongthinkers, but some groups just don't seem capable of doing so.
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What are these very low IQ estimates?
I thought the early estimates were something like 85 and we've now moved to something like 88-90, which is on par for estimates of Sicilians and some 10 points ahead of India. That does not seem like a massive change, nor constitute an estimate of 'very low IQ'.
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It's probably like HBD that way. The intellectual elite knows its true even if they'll never admit it. But normies are 20 years behind. Know any liberal boomers? Ask them what they think about South Africa. Now keep in mind that America is mostly still run by liberal boomers.
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