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User ID: 347


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User ID: 347

Most workplaces don’t prohibit coworkers from dating, true

As if you would be privy to this information

How hot were these women? Maybe we can make allowances for fuglies to work with men

I think those relationships at least warrant extra scrutiny but I wouldn't be opposed to a general prohibition

So you are in favour of segregation of men and women in society writ large? Thats the only Way such a prohibition would function

Women demonstrate more agency than men when it comes to getting romance or finance scammed, abusing drugs and alcohol, or murdering people.

How much sympathy do men get for being romance scammed? Or being murderers?

Now, ask yourself the same question for a college aged woman who reports being sexually assaulted at a party?

Not that I’m aware of. I have ADHD, hyper mobile joints but that’s about it. Google tells me Gilbert’s is genetic and often asymptomatic, so I’ll have to check my 23andMe data later to know for sure…if it comes up I’ll get back to you

Yeah I often feel irritable after workouts instead of euphoric (which used to happen but not anymore or not as much anyway)

We already do have such restrictions on media companies. Cant get RT for instance

Hey I don’t have a solution but just wanted to say for the past two years I’ve had this very same problem. It all started after a very stressful series of events and seems tied to anxiety for me as well (which worsens with exercise). It’s possibly mental health related - I would take that possibility seriously. I haven’t found a fix yet, if you ever do please remember this comment and let me know

I don’t know what reasons are being given but The owners are the CCP, a hostile government. Why would you let communist enemies have data on millions of Americans? They don’t allow it - why should we?

You can argue that it shouldn’t be, but it is. America is currently wedded to Israel, that’s the status quo

Bummer. I miss all the trains!

Sure, I don’t have solid proof but the idea the CCP would intentionally boost anti American content (which anti Israeli content functionally is) is not some grandiose claim requiring any evidence at all, frankly.

This is somewhat tangential but is now a good time to buy Sol then? If the president himself is shilling it, it seems like a good buy

Pointing to the success of certain tags sounds like an iota of evidence to me

The algorithms of TikTok purposefully pumped anti Israeli content though, unlike instagram - the CCP are on the side of Palestinians after all and love love love framing America as the The Real Oppressor for Whataboutism purposes

TikTok has pleeeeenty of soft core porn (a friend told me this)

Will the left laser-focus on the negatives of Big Tech social media now that Twitter and Facebook are staking themselves out as unfriendly territory?

I would love to see it, given how unhealthy social media and tech clearly is for us. So far the left has championed social media apps being able to do as they please and being eager to give kids free access to social media. Shifting these attitudes can only be a good thing

Yes but my understanding is that adolescent mental health is only declining in anglophone countries not western countries generally

Also an interesting side note is that black teen suicide rates have for the first time outpaced white suicide rates

Phone use and anxiety and similar disorders is very strongly correlated in the research, so that's one way to 'produce' your loyal voters.

Is it? My understanding is that the correlations are fairly weak but that there may be methodological limitations

The algorithms give you more of what you like to engage with, so perhaps either everyone likes right wing content (doubtful) or you’re wrong about what the algorithms are doing

Sorry but there’s no way you can convince me that Tumblr or Communist controlled TikTok are making kids more conservative. If they are more conservative (dubious) it’s due to other forces, the media can freak out that they haven’t completely turned every kid into democratic socialists all they want

Tiktok being banned won't solve much, there are 50 other apps ready to jump in and replace it, but maybe, just maybe someone will produce reliable research to measure the impact of these apps and finally get towards some policy proposals aimed at cutting out the most harmful elements while retaining the benefits. I can dream, right?

Jonathan Haidt is trying. But he’s getting the entire academy screaming at him for it. There’s certain forces deeply invested in ensuring teens stay addicted to their phones, and to my eyes it appears to be leftists primarily who desire to keep the status quo, who will try to argue you that it’s “alarmist” to be concerned at all about the massive societal rot and atomization occurring all around you. Phone addiction is politics addiction and a massive opportunity for political brainwashing of young impressionable kids. It’s done wonders for their movement. The moment people stop being addicted to their phones is the moment the trans movement and other adjacent movements wither and die. So it’s not just capital set against you - it’s woke capital.

Have you looked much into NDEs? That’s probably the best proof of an afterlife, science really has a hard time explaining whatever this phenomenon is (there are explanations but in my opinion they are pretty weak)

If Trump had lost the election we would definitely see major self criticism from within republican ranks of trumpism

For both parties it seemed like it should have been an easy win

It was sort of amazing to see Obama get bullied into releasing his long form BC after years of birtherism conspiracy shilling by Trump