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User ID: 2917



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User ID: 2917

Fauci did a lot of bad things and some of them were criminal (eg perjury, attempt to get around FOIA, conspiracy to do the same). We can’t stop the next one if we can’t agree on what caused the first.

I don’t know — Fauci having to spend a large chunk of his limited time left in jail would’ve seemed like justice.

I think the delta between the two is quite small

No reasonable physician is a very broad standard. If you can’t get another doctor or two to agree, then it probably wasn’t reasonable. If you get a couple of doctors, then it would be hard for a physician to say otherwise.

Why not take less cash but give away a smaller amount of your start up?

The poster also has posted some (unintentionally) facts about himself that make him come across as smug. I recall the story where he and his friends made fun of a girl (to this day) because she was horrified at the idea that OP routinely committed crime (he doesn’t but he was fucking with her because culturally she was from the wrong set of people in the Burgh).

Maybe people picked up on his smugness and fucked with him but he didn’t realize he was the being trolled and just thought “these guys are idiots.”

Older people often have assets. Assets did pretty great between 2021-2024. So maybe they weren’t as harmed as others by inflation etc.

Yeah which leads me to believe the simplistic explanation is that OP is exaggerating. Not saying the clerks weren’t dumb but…I think he is exaggerating

I’m not really sure how exaggerated the story is. I’ve been through WV a few times. It was fine. I wouldn’t want to live there but it wasn’t full of morons wherein nothing worked.

Latin America has a couple of really good leaders right now. I’m long on El Salvador and Argentina.

Yet that wasn’t the deal a month or so in. That is, sometimes paying the mafia can make sense.

Yet Kipling is unfamiliar with his own country’s history. King Alfred literally paid the Danegeld. He used the time to establish his defenses and actually grew the Saxon power.

Nope. But there was western discussion of who would be the leader of Ukraine

Was t he at MIT?

Edit: Penn

They probably travel there…. Ok I will show myself the way out

That is also a very rare coupling suggesting there is strong affinity between the two parties.

Why is this cool?

I’m curious if survival rates are similar? That is, if the margin for error is much smaller when operating on humans it makes sense to me the cost may be orders of magnitude higher

I think it looks cool.

Perhaps that’s a different take on The Beginnings by Kipling.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Pretty sure it says you have to make reasonable accommodations.

That sucks for them but you can’t let a small minority dictate to the vast majority

They did? That’s disappointing. It’s been a long time since I took the LSAT.

Logic games involve some non verbal thinking. I miss the lsats.