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joined 2024 March 06 04:28:27 UTC


User ID: 2917



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User ID: 2917

It really is funny. As a lawyer, I laugh when people try to write something formal and start throwing around “big words.”

Who cares? New CEO. You start saying “the estimates are too rich we are going to lower.” Rio the band aide off at the start. As a result you start off with only upside.

But reading law isn’t the same as reading say a book. You need to stare at the language. Look to see “is there surplusage.” “Is there an inference due to language somewhere else.”

Most SPAs are long because you want to force the other side to disclose so you make them rep to certain things.

There is also some legalese.

I agree you need human capital. But compare say Hong Kong with Beijing over the last hundred years.

I crept the whole enterprise is dubious. Who gets to decide what is true or not (god knows a lot of info turned out to be misinformation and a lot of misinformation turned out to be information)?

But even if we get that point, who gets to decide what is helpful info and what is hurtful true info? And what if the very process of deciding what is helpful info and hurtful info is hurtful? Also is disinformation against malinformation good?

The whole concept is designed simply for one side to censor the other side. It isn’t an honest inquiry but rotten from top to bottom.

Our infants really struggled with it. I guess ymmv

The point is that there are about 1.8 times degrees in Fahrenheit between freezing and boiling as there are in Celsius meaning there can be a bit more specificity.

How is that different Fahrenheit? We too show blue for freezing temperatures.

Do you have small kids?

Fahrenheit has more reasonable degrees within human comfort zones to accurately describe the temperature so I think it is superior to Celsius.

Maybe if the goal is solely survival. But there is something romantic about trying to expand the aim of humanity and to raise it to heights it dreamt but never could achieve. Colonizing Mars may not per se by smart but it is human and I hope to see it in my life time.

I think with movies it has gotten bad. Look at best pictures today. Largely unappealing to the masses. But in the 90s Braveheart won best picture.

I found many doctors to be dull. They clearly “learned” a lot of material but they don’t seem to have any interesting thoughts or creativity. Maybe the medical field selects for those kinds of people.

I wonder if there has been a flattening of wages since now doctors are effectively all employees and few are owners.

My guess is it says Mcgregor engages in more trysts. I’m unwilling to say he is a rapist based solely off of accusations.

I’m not saying all famous people Will have these claims but I’m saying they are less reliable indicator of guilt compared to non famous people.

Isn’t it a bit more complicated compared to looking at just murder rates? Let’s say Population X worldwide commits crime at rate of 2/100. Population Y 1/100.

Country A has a tough on crime policy that lowers both rates by 10%. Country B has a lax on crime policy that increases both rates by 10%. But Country A has a materially higher rate of Population X compared to Country B whereas B has a higher rate of Population Y.

Country B will have a lower crime rate but it won’t be because of policy and indeed the more the demographics shifted the higher the crime rate of B will climb.

I’m not saying that describes Ireland or Romania. To be honest, I don’t know either well enough to make this claim. But the concept seems reasonable.

Apples and oranges. When someone is accusing the company of fraud, it isn’t a relative free ride. They ca. easily be sued for defamation. If it is a hedge fund, they lose reputation if there isn’t fraud. If it is an insider, they have a lot to lose.

That is, there is significant skin in the game. But accusations of rape against celebrities? He’ll look at the Bauer situation. Dude was summarily kicked out of baseball over a claim where due to discovery it was determined the whole thing was a made up exhortation scheme and the AP still refuses to name the perp’s name because it is their policy not to release the name of accusers when it comes to sexual assault. The power these women wield is enormous and the downsides are relatively narrow — especially if they don’t leave obvious incriminating evidence like the claimant in the Bauer situation.

I guess what I’m saying is I wouldn’t simply take the word of Samsun that Sony TVs are bad.

Not really. If mcgregor was a nobody, then yeah absolutely. But all things equal I would expect a famous person to have more accusations against them since the cost of making the accusations are low (even the accusers name is shielded) and the upsides are there (payout, excuse for cheating etc).

Not saying these are false but count doesn’t really do it for me.

Mcgregor is an ass. But he is right on immigration and he is right on how evil the Irish government is on trying to use to force to shut up its critics.

Mcgregor would in a vacuum be an awful presidential pick. But it isn’t a vacuum.

Perhaps but in a material way? Is he really worse compared to the new regime?

That isn’t a steelman. That’s basically “the US is dumb” which I agree but trying to see the other side.

What’s the steelman for why the US historically was against Assad?

Car insurance is actual insurance; health insurance is by and large prepayment.

You seem to be sleeping on the Steelers. They too beat the Ravens. Philly is obviously a good team but so are the Steelers and maybe the Ravens are slightly overrated (I certainly think Lamar Jackson is the most overrated QB in a long time).