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In 1950, a kid could barely graduate high school and still get a pretty decent job at a factory or something similar. He could expect at least a small house, a car, and to be able to support his wife and kids.

Of course, a key part of this formula was the fifties having a far lower standard of living.

I recognize some of these words.

The Church hierarchy was the original market for printed bibles.

Working here again now after a few hours of "whoopsie you broke reddit uwu" error messages

Unfortunately for Mao, the sparrows that he had killed were really important. I think there's a perception effect where the species that come to your attention are usually important in one way or another. Prominence correlates with importance. So you assume that everything is important - but the species that are lost are mostly unimportant and never came to your attention because they were unimportant.

In the same way, I think we romanticize nature and don't realize the impact of what we've done. I've walked through the English countryside, it's quite pleasant. Completely unnatural. It was all forested, then the forests were cut down, marshes were drained, fences and grassland installed and maintained...

"Kefir, Kvass, Tiger."

What's Tiger?

In Northern Ireland when the British Army shot into crowds it wasn't stopped by other people with guns (in fact it was soldiers fear of that which often presaged such events), it was stopped by a largely unarmed populaces horror.

The chances of the US nation descending into tyranny in the next say 50 years is in my opinion, very close to zero, no matter which side wins elections.

Magical (or advanced tech indistinguishable from it) aside, the problem with removing guns through banning them, isn't that I think it would make the government more likely to be tyrannical, privately owned guns have a negligible impact on that in my view. Its that criminals would still have them, and that even the attempt of a ban would create (understandable!) widespread instability and violence among legal gun owners which is I think is much more of a risk than government tyranny to long term civilizational stability.

So pragmatically the 2A should remain, at least in my view.

DM me if you're curious

Sure, I think but don't have evidence for that Kamala's gains vs Trump have been overwhelmingly among professional-class voters. I think Biden as an old-school democrat had some ability to hold onto traditionally democrat constituencies that most are losing and that without Biden(and the huge backlash against Biden in the early-mid summer can't have helped) the DNC is probably just up a creek with these voters.

My mental image of the story is that the teamsters shifted from mildly favoring Biden, to way favoring Trump when his evident late stage dementia became impossible to ignore, and just haven't shifted back towards Kamala.

I am a bit amazed by Italians and French, there, with crime rates 4.75 and 5.91 times the German citizens ones.

From a US perspective, we are all close neighbors, it would be like if people from Utah committed crimes in California at five times the rate of the natives.

France is a close economic ally and Germany has a few big joint ventures with them, so I would expect most of the French in Germany are not drug mules or the like. Heck, they are more over-represented than Russians.

For immigrants from European countries much poorer than Germany, my priors would be that higher prosperity attracts a lot of small-time criminals. Breaking and entering is likely more lucrative in Germany than in Romania. I would also assume that Switzerland has more small-time German criminals than their native base rate for exactly the same reasons.

A general caveat with police statistics is that they generally tell you about the activities of the police, not the criminals. Especially with crimes where no party has an incentive to report them, like the drug trade, police reports are only the tip of the iceberg. If you want to know how much people are using, analyzing the wastewater is much more reliable. Murder is a good tracer, by comparison, because most murders get detected (unless they get misclassified as a natural death or stuck at the level of disappearance because no corpse surfaces) and solved.

Another caveat is that while offenses against the foreigners' law (which Germans can mostly not commit) are excluded, that law might still be the initial reason for investigation of non-EU nationals.

Oh, and the correct metric to measure criminality would be average conviction length per person, not 'number of suspects'. If most of the French suspects are accused of crossing as pedestrians on red, that paints a very different picture from them being accused of aggravated assault. Of course, IT-shy justice system is likely utterly incapable of aggregating the convictions for crimes committed in 2015 by nationality.

Probably a combination of some of them preferring Biden to Trump, but Trump to Harris, and the earlier poll being subject to social pressure.

What would be required to dehumanize somebody?

The classic example is calling them "vermin". Or literally "subhuman".

I feel that trying to paint someone as a pet snatcher and eater because of their ethnicity is pretty close.

It is not.

And they were wrong that such chaos wasn't worth it, and indeed that it could even potentially be avoided in any case.

Is it possible to be weighing engagement vs breaking up at the same time ?

That's the only way to be. You should always, after maybe a month, be considering marriage, and if there's not a realistic path to marriage breaking up.

Certainly when you're at the point where you're ring shopping, if you're not gonna pull the trigger you should break up.

The alternative is weighing engagement versus wasting her time.

could also prevent any government agent from having a successful shooting of an innocent, that might work.

Rittenhouse is killed by government agents without the gun; they beat him to death with the skateboard. The problem with "gunless utopia" is that it makes mob violence a lot more difficult to resist.

For instance, if you have 30 KKK members coming to drag you off, or 30 Hutus coming to chop you into pieces for shits and giggles, a man with a gun can kill every single one of them given sufficient aim and time. The fact that a potential victim can not only resist, but resist in a way that makes him 30 times as strong on defense (but don't actually make him that much more powerful when attacking), is actually kind of a big deal.

/conspiracy theory

every time i post on 4chan i get a captcha that is almost impossible to solve

i wrote a pro-jewish post in a 4chan thread about hezbollah and didn't receive a captcha

is it possible 4chan has a LLM that rates posts according to some hidden criteria and requests a captcha based on this

it could also be a weird coincidence and maybe 4chan has completely disabled their captcha because the 4chan captcha is very use hostile

God. I hate that. I can't function in the presence of promoters like that. I think it's fairly obvious that many people can't. If the advertiser is succeeding at getting people to go inside who otherwise wouldn't, and those people end up disappointed, then he's committing attention fraud against those people. Maybe that's fine and marginal for most people. But williams syndrome-adj ADHDs like moi don't have the spoons or filters to cope with this.

We've taken to pointing at the screen and yelling "Consume product!" every time an advertisement comes on TV in my household to counteract the damage it does to our brains. It's awful. The other scenario is no better to be clear. I have to distance myself from both of those things to function.

You could be describing my wife there. I am very happy to be married to her.

Did you know that, roughly speaking, Lebanon has 3 major ethnic/religious groups that aren’t super-friendly with each other?

Yes. I just don't believe that will convince any Lebanese people who aren't already Israel supporters that the dying children are to blame rather than the nation which is currently bombing them as we speak.

Did western media not show you the Syrian opposition groups giving out candy in the streets after the pager attacks? Where do you think that comes from? Or did you not hear of the Sabra and Shatila massacre- blamed on Israel, but perpetrated by Lebanese?

I don't recall ever claiming that Lebanon was some kind of land of milk and honey where all men lived together in harmony, but I don't see how this really matters. If those distinct subpopulations were already murdering and massacring each other, it isn't like being targeted by Israel is going to change that all that much.

There is a case to be made that few if any people treat anything Trump says as being on simulacrum level 1. This may be the typical mind fallacy, but if Trump makes noises which sound like a factual statement of the world (i.e. level 1, 'Haitians are eating our pets'), I just don't parse it that way. Likely it is not even level 2 ('I want you to believe that they are eating pets (irrespective if it is true) so that you will vote for me') because that would assume that a significant fraction of listeners will mistake it for a level 1 statement. It is either level 3 ('I am anti-immigrant. Nobody is as anti-immigrant as me!') or level 4 ('I make sounds which I think will help me get elected').

If I am running through the streets saying "The sky is green, plants are orange, Elvis is alive, I am Elvis, 4 is prime, ...", then I an telling a lot of lies, but I will not deceive anyone, because most people will conclude 'based on past statements, that person is so unreliable a source of information that I should not update on their claims'.

Weren’t they also responsible for translating and publish “Always With Honor” in the west?

One of my favorite books. A short memoir of Pyotyr Wrangel, the most famous and successful general in the white army during the Russian civil war.

I am thinking of Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman. I never read it, but I have heard perhaps 50% of it. None of the anecdotes start with Mr Feynman trying to make an elevator pitch, "I am an interesting character, you should read this book about my super interesting adventures". Like JTarrou's comments, they get to point right in the beginning.

My recommendation: red-team the sales strategy.

I think an in-depth examination of this topic would demand its own thread. But to surmise, I believe the left is the political expression of intellectualism, and this is a secular pattern, not limited to any particular culture or nation.

One might even say the dogma lives loudly in them.

One of the early motives / aspirations of the printing press, for example, was framed not in terms of 'think of what it could do for newspapers' but 'think of how many more Bibles the world could had.'

This thought had extremely different valences depending on your opinion of the commonfolk; the Church hierarchy was corrupt, yes. But they were also right that proliferation of the sacred text in the vernacular would cause an absolute riot of absolutely uncontrollable radicalism, with not-infrequently horrifying consequences.