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"There's no point providing evidence for my factual claims, because even if I do you people won't believe me anyway" seems profoundly out of keeping with the ethos of this space.

Maybe, but that doesn't make it false.

My claim was that celebrity mania in adults was nothing new. You responded with the very specific and hard to verify claim that no over-30, unmarried, childless women were fainting at Elvis Presley concerts in the 1970s. Having been around in the 1970s, I'm fairly certain that's not true; I know for certain that many of Presley's earlier, older, fans were still going to those concerts, but I can't verify that they included unmarried childless women nor that any of the latter fainted. Probably a search of newspapers at the time would either verify this or fail to do so, but that would be considerable work. But if I found such a report, I feel the chances are good the goalposts would move again.

I’ve played it!! I also like it hah. It’s very simple and I enjoy that.

I love you for this. Wow. I forgive all our previous arguments and even your comment about humans being machines. ;P

Was this man actively “treating” patients while saying all this?

Good Lord.

Never heard of it either, sounds interesting.

Agreed. That was my first thought as well.

Psychotherapy is just… criminal at this point, imo. They have so much power and authority in society yet clearly do not have any idea what they’re doing.

What's wrong with coming up with new goalposts if our understanding of AI at the time of stating the original ones was clearly incomplete?

Some commentators, such as Keith Woods, are taking the position that this proves that all Arab immigration to Europe should be cut off, because even the apparently liberal/assimilated ones are still ticking time bombs of potential violence; this seems fairly tendentious even to me, given what we know about the guy so far.

My position is not quite that, but not too far from it. If we take the story that this is about his anti-Islam grievances at face value, it seems to me that it's an example of how importing people from places that have ethnic and religious conflicts that Westerners don't even understand results in importing their conflicts along with them. See also, the disputes with Sikh violence that have stirred up India-Canada tensions. I don't want Muslim immigrants from Saudi Arabia and I don't want anti-Muslim immigrants from Saudi Arabia in my country. I don't want to think about Saudi Islam anymore than strictly necessary for international relations. There are enough domestic tensions without needing to add Saudi conflicts to Germany.

The idea that consciousness arises out of information processing has always seemed like hand-waving to me. I'm about as much of a hardcore materialist as you can get when it comes to most things, but it is clear to me that there is nothing even close to a materialist explanation of consciousness right now, and I think that it might be possible that such an explanation simply cannot exist. I often feel that people who are committed to a materialist explanation of consciousness are being religious in the sense that they are allowing ideology to override the facts of the matter. Some people are ideologically, emotionally committed to the idea that physicalist science can in principle explain absolutely everything about reality. But the fact is that there is no reason to think that is actually true. Physicalist science does an amazing job of explaining many things about reality, but to believe that it must be able to explain everything about reality is not scientific, it is wishful thinking, it is ideology. It is logically possible that certain aspects of the universe are just fundamentally beyond the reach of science. Indeed, it seems likely to me that this is the case. I cannot even begin to imagine any possible materialist theory that would explain consciousness.

This makes no sense logically. LLMs being able to be human-mind-like is not proof that human minds are LLMs.

The actual reality is that we have no way to know whether some artificial intelligence that humans create is conscious or not. There is no test for consciousness, and I think that probably no such test is in principle possible. There is no way to even determine whether another human being is conscious or not, we just have a bunch of heuristics to use to try to give rather unscientific statistical probabilities as an answer based on humans' self-reported experiences of when they are conscious and when they are not. With artificial intelligence, such heuristics would be largely useless and we would have basically no way to know whether they are conscious or not.

And my experience with "citation needed" is no citation will be accepted anyway.

That was needlessly rude. "There's no point providing evidence for my factual claims, because even if I do you people won't believe me anyway" seems profoundly out of keeping with the ethos of this space.

OK, I agree that the nations of the earth are indeed the powers that be (at least to a very extensive degree). So your argument is that one would like to be able to set up a new country, but all the land on Earth is already spoken for? That is indeed an considerable difficulty, and plausibly a motivation for planetary exploration.

Consciousness may be orthogonal to intelligence. That's the whole point of the "philosophical zombie" argument. It is easy to imagine a being that has human-level intelligence but no subjective experience. Which is not to say that such a being could exist, but there is also no reason to think that such a being could not exist. I see no reason to think that it is impossible for a being that has human-level intelligence but no subjective experience to exist. And if such a being could exist, then human-level intelligence and consciousness are orthogonal, meaning that either could exist without the other.

The terrorist has claimed in December 2023 that he will make the German nation pay the price for the crimes committed by its goverment against Saudi refugees. He also said in the quoted post that Woods Therefore this looks like a leftist terrorist attack of a Saudi Arab who sympathizes so much with Saudi Arabians that he wants to harm the nation of Germany.

So it would be exactly the opposite as the anti immigration narrative and really this should had been the more likely theory rather than him playing 5 dimensional chess.

What I really mean are the united nations (lowercase) that comprise the United Nations (uppercase). The UN is impotent. The united nations that comprise the UN are the powers that be.

He attacked a Christmas market, does it matter if he secretly supports AFD? If he wasn't brought to Germany he wouldn't have committed this act. It really is easy for the right to portray it favorable terms. It is also gives leftists the opportunity to frame this of course in a manner that tries to deflect from it. I have seen both.

According to Keith woods he was a zionist leftist who wanted more muslim migration that commited this act because Germany is not doing enough to give asylum from Saudi Arabia.

If that is correct then this is a leftist but not Islamic, pro migration terrorism act. Exactly the opposite that is claimed bellow. If of course it is true.

Edit: Woods quotes the terrorist in 2023 saying that he will make the German nation pay the price of the crimes committed by the goverment against Saudi refugees. He also says that he will take revenge even if it costs him his life.

It is certainly correct to limit people like this guy from coming to one's country.

Moreover, it seems almost everyone forgets that the biggest genocide commited by Muslims against Christians was not commited by the biggest muslim fanatics even though Islamism has been an element of this. I am talking about the genocide of Christians Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians, by the Muslim populations of Turkey. Of which secular Kemalists who also called for Jihad had been a core component as has been Turkish nationalism. The ethnic resentments of people like this, and not just any human capital problems is something that has been way too understated. A secular muslim might still carry both ethnic resentments related to his homeland or even the general Muslim population. Just like with other groups who aren't particularly religious but still are hostile foreigners.

It's bizarre to me that De Boer here can't recognize his own massive blindspots, and realize that he's written an article not about America but about the dynamics of white Blue Tribers. He writes extensively about music, and never mentions Country, only Pop (which he despises) and 90s Punk or Indie (which he valorizes). He writes extensively about the concept of Selling Out in the year of our Lord 2024, and never mentions Donald Trump, the dominant figure of American (and by extension, world) politics for a decade now, who is the embodied avatar of Selling Out. He skips talking about the current kerfuffle in Congress, in which a rich man is openly threatening to fund primary challengers against sitting politicians who go against him. When he discusses celebrities, they are exclusively the celebrities he cares about, not the ones that have dominated other branches of American culture.

He writes about culture become a series of fakes, without talking about the physical manifestations of this: licensing deals. Professional sports jerseys used to be made in the USA, largely for a while in Pennsylvania by Majestic. It used to be possible when I was a kid to go to the Majestic Factory Outlet here, and actually buy factory seconds or overruns of jerseys. Now, Majestic is just a license owned by a corporation, Fanatics, who manufactures all of the jerseys and gear through contracts with other companies, which actually make the jerseys in China or El Salvador or Vietnam. The question of whether Fanatics or Nike or Under Armor or Reebok gets the uniform contract is purely one of which logo is placed on the jersey, the actual manufacturing will be bid out largely to the same foreign manufacturers regardless. Yet the price of an "authentic" jersey is the same, or higher, than it ever was. What does authenticity mean in that case? It's mostly a legal concept, this jersey is authentic because some money was paid to the team and the league. But it no longer really signifies quality, no longer really signifies particular skill in its creation, or even that it was made in the same way or in the same factory as the professional jerseys. Everybody knows that the item is being made by contract factories.

And this is true for virtually every fashion brand, even most high end fashion brands outside of Hermes and a few others don't have their own factories and craftsmen. Even bags that brag that they are "made in Italy" are often made by Chinese workers who have been imported to Tuscany so that the label can be applied.

where he started working as a doctor and psychotherapist.

This is why Szasz is undefeated. What the fuck use is a field of medicine that purports to help nutters but the doctor himself, and his colleagues who interacted with him, can't spot that he's the type of nutter who is going to ram a car into a Christkindlmart?

Yeah, surely not. You can say that many early immigration proponents like Hart, Cellar and Ted Kennedy didn’t fully realize what the consequences of their actions would be, but surely the same is true for the architects of the one child policy.

China's One Child Policy is the worst, most destructive government (social) policy in history

That's quite the statement. Worse than Western immigration policies of the last 50 years?

I dunno, a lot of the filler in non brilliant non fiction books is serving the role of making space for you to think about something a lot, and trying multiple ways to teach something to up the odds of it lodging in the reader's mind. You can read a one page version of Atomic Habits and get all the actual informational content, but you won't have marinaded in it and spent time applying the advice to your own life in the way that you will if you read the whole thing. The ideas won't come across as so throwaway.

I'm truly not citing Atomic Habits as some example of genius! It's just I really don't think it's only status considerations that are driving book length works with relatively little informational content.

I just gave it a cryptic crossword clue and it completely blew it. Both wrong and a mistake no human would make (it ignored most of the clue, saying it was misdirection).

Not to say it's not incredibly impressive but it reveals itself as a computer in a Bladerunner situation really quite easily.

I don't know about all flavors of communism, but Soviet Union ideal was that everyone eat at canteens.

I'm hearing that he was apparently angry about not enough being done for (presumably anti-Islamic) refugees:

Too soon to be sure of course, there's no community notes or anything on this post. It does seem plausible, he was complaining about Sweden expelling this refugee.

He retweets: Sweden wants to extradite me to Iraq to carry out the death sentence there and I will be killed in the most horrific ways.

He retweets: Civil Youth Gathering Meeting in Umayyad Square to Demand Civil System and Women’s Involvement in Public Life

Other people have been going on about him retweeting Israeli military posts, apparently he has Zionist sympathies. There's truly something for everyone with this guy. He seems like a nut.