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User ID: 441



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User ID: 441

"Headshot your enemy. Doesn't matter how strong he is if his head is broken open."

Timeless wisdom.

That was because of US presence in Saudi Arabia.

We are on a few layers of speculation at this point, but I believe the issue is she may be an illegal maid or nanny. If she admits to past illegal work on a tourist visa then CBP may be skeptical of her story about staying for months with people she never met before and also ""helping"" out around their home.

I get that we don't want law enforcement dragging your European friend to a detention center because they helped clean up after hanging out with you. But we do want them identifying illegal nannies and deporting them. Such as probably this woman.

almost to the point of being a problem for things like FOIA

What a happy coincidence.

Are we damaging our international relations or putting a stop to low-life's trying to come here take 'Murican (comic book) Jerbs

If so, I am fine with this. Working on a visa that doesn't allow it? A few days in detention then deported with a ban on returning. Good riddance.

Overstaying a tourist visa to work and live in America indefinitely is a common method of illegal immigration. She's (presumably) doing the popular illegal activity of violating her visa terms.

Incel violence isn't right coded

That's news to me. I believe it is right coded, in the minds of the kinds of people who dunk on incels.

Also Matthew Shepard's murder had nothing to do with him being gay. People tend to get mad if I say that. Don't drop that fact on reddit.

A popular podcast recently had a four part series on Zizians and rationalists. I enjoyed it. In that Yudkowsky's writings in particular and rationalism in general is silly.

The Zizians are actually deranged and that makes for a good story. And they murdered a bunch of people and are now in jail due to a very special understanding of Timeless Decision Theory. "What if someone took your rhetoric literally and acted on it?" is a valid question in many contexts. I did not think it would particularly strike Yudkowsky, but he wrote that Harry Potter fan fiction and blew up about the basilisk, so here we are.

Perhaps something less extreme than mass executions. Such as institutionalization. Crazy homeless library masterbaters need help we are failing to provide.

I thought the topic of discussion was homeless people who are scary and make formerly good public spaces ruined because regular people now feel unsafe in them. Those people need to be institutionalized.

change how they grant the money

Earmarking is hard. Starving the beast may be more effective

As a father of a young children I recommend Usborne books. They are high quality and lack all that stuff you just mentioned.

I have never in real life discussed Gender Queer. I think people would think I am a crazed conspiracy theorist if I gave a plain description of it. Rather than accept an actual published book available in schools and libraries across America and recommended for 8 year olds has cartoon gay porn in it.

As a child I loved libraries. My family went to the library every week. Its so sad to see their current state in blue areas of two different states.

But then what do we do?

Institutionalize them. Not jail. These people are deeply unwell and need care.

we don't spend enough on homeless shelters

There are localities that spend $60k per homeless person per year. They are overburdened with meth addled street shitters hanging out in libraries. In a better world these people would be institutionalized. But alas we don't live in that happy place.

I don't think that a bare metric of dollars spent is relevant. The homeless industrial complex consumes that money.

Words mean things and you have adopted a non-standard understanding of invasion that lacks common use meanings.

Okay. Strike that one sentence from my post. The rest is true and my position doesn't change.

I recall reading about New York City and Seattle closing advanced schools. Not equitable you see. A quick googling confirms.

The decision to phase out the cohort schools was made to address concerns about racial inequities, as the highly capable programs were perceived as not serving all students equally.

Same as universities implementing racist policies to discriminate against Asians. They worked hard to avoid clearly stating "too Asian so we are ending the advanced programs".

They did not find him in a vacant house. The home owner had security cameras and says he didn't see anyone entering the house the day of the murder. The murderers first saw Arbery on a public street. In a town that's majority black. They assumed Arbery must be a burglar and murdered him.

Some people discussing this years ago added a lot of fictional information to the situation that would justify killing a burglar in self defense. But resisting that urge and sticking to what actually occurred makes this unjustifiable murder. As confirmed by criminal trials.

There's a popular myth that Einstein was bad at school and failed math classes. It is completely false.

He's imagining the sexual revolution will ruin society. But it takes a while for the consequences to set in. Like eating your next year's seed corn will ruin your farm in a few months.

I also decry murdering a jogger. No scare quotes needed on these words.

one of the protests he was involved with allegedly involved a mob forcing their way inside a hotel where a career fair including Boeing and L3Harris was being held (those companies make weapons which Israel uses, which apparently makes them persona non grata), and making the event impossible to continue through the use of "bullhorns, cymbals, pots, and pans" and chanting. He also appears to have been a ringleader in Cornell's SJP encampment.

Student visas have (hypothetically) strict rules. If a student wants to drive drunk or advocate for terrorists then they can do so in their home country. The natural default state is a particular foreigner not being allowed into the US. They have no right to be here, merely a rarely granted conditional privilege.

I understand that enforcement has been lax for quite a while. I remember in college the members of the Muslim Student Union advocating for designated terrorist organizations. A lot were foreign students. As best I know they were not deported for violating the terms of their visas. This was a failure in law enforcement.

Now in the littlest way the rules are being enforced. I say good. We give some few foreign students conditional visas, let's then enforce the rules.

I hope very much that a foreign guest student who disrupts an American career fair with defense companies gets deported. The sooner the better. They have no right to be here and can prosper opposing American defense capability in their home country.

Talk security theater. A blanket defeats that sort of razor fencing. But I suppose they have motion sensors, cameras and a neighborhood armed security team.