the 37-year-old wife has left and the 11-year-old daughter (who is similar in size and shape to the wife, and has developed pubic hair
Huge girl and tiny wife? I suppose this is physically possible. But seems damned unlikely.
I have project managers who work with me. I don't want to become one.
Sure, but, you can take a Waymo if you are I'm a city they service. It works to the point that self driving cars are right now successfully self driving around a few cities.
Also for some reason literally weeping about Vance's speech.
Edit: He was the German guy laughing at Trump when Trump warned them about overreliance on Russian gas. This is now too good. Arrogance followed by grief like a tragic play.
I like it. And I don't even like MGMT's other stuff.
Russia is not a great power. They have an economy rivaling that of Italy and an aging sick population. As of latest reports Europe gets 18% of their natural gas from Russia, so Russia has that hold over some of them.
I saw a homeless beggar in China once. Two Chinese cops were standing over him and very kindly talking to him. Completely blocking his begging attempts. I didn't observe this for long, but I saw no one cross those two cops to give him money.
“Chris Rock had a routine. He said some—too many of our men ..."
Obama almost drops an N-bomb. We were so close. Just kidding.
I've seen similar discussions about Cubans. Someone flees Cuba? That's an enemy of all good leftists.
Weren't most these guys closeted? I don't suppose the government could get most of them in a camp.
Interning Japanese Americans is relatively easy because of their distinct looks and names.
Obama staffers read and evangelized The Emerging Democratic Majority. A book fantasizing that changing demographics would make future national Republican electoral wins impossible. They thought they were approaching an era of total victory. At least in the sense of congressional majorities and winning every presidential election and then those presidents appointing federal judges. Which is a clear path to total federal control.
But it just didn't work. Trump won Hispanic men 3 months ago ago. The more Hispanics are eligible to vote, the more they vote like white people. I see a future in which a significant minority of Americans are Hispanic, and when they fill out government forms they check the "Hispanic (and white)" box, then vote accordingly. And as of 8 years ago, 1/3 of American Hispanics married non-Hispanics. They are assimilating into American white culture in a rather literal sense. Barely behind American Asians in interracial marriage rates.
turfing out the native labor force in favor of foreigners that had fewer legal rights and therefore cost less to work
A common complaint about illegal immigration today. Who will our Caesar be?
Sure, but, India is not asking permission. They get ahold of a new American made drug and cheaply copy it. Once you already know the molecule, making copies is easy. It is discovering and testing potential drugs that is enormously expensive. Europe and India leave that Herculean task to America.
Corporate security at my job keeps referencing "attack surface". How much vulnerable and hypothetically open to malicious action "surface" are we exposing to the world? They go a bit far in fearing this, in my opinion. Saying we shouldn't be handing out business cards on foreign trips, etc. But their larger point is valid. If you go around leaving possible vulnerabilities exposed to the world, then someone is going to exploit some of them.
Millions spent on transgender animal research, millions on Central American gender assessment clinics, etc, etc. They are hanging targets for a Republican Texas sharpshooter to accidentally hit while making broad cuts. The attack surface was massive so even blundering unfocused "attacks" happen to stike it again and again.
I think if Trump supported the LGBT population
He waved a rainbow flag once. Roy Cohn was his mentor. He weirdly petted Peter Thiel's hand in a meeting in 2016. Theil called Trump more recently and asked him to select Vance as VP. No one cares that Trump is fine being friends with gay guys. A journalist asked Trump which restroom a transwoman would need to use in Trump tower and he said he doesn't care.
I'm not sure if Trump "supports" them, but he doesn’t seem to be anti-gay.
I just did a bunch of googling and Google absolutely refused to give me the stats. I smell the stink of filtered search results.
Anyways, gave me this interesting 2016 article.
A total of 3,652 working officers responded.
Out of that population of working officers who plan to vote in the November election, 84% say they support Donald Trump. Hillary was supported by 8%, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson received 5%, and "other" received 3%.
But that's just subscribers to this cop website clicking an option, not a rigorous polling method. On the other hand, geeze that's lopsided. Hillary barely beating out Gary Johnson with single-digit percentage support.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters be impeached and removed from office, OK? It's, like, incredible."
As a notable Yale law grad recently explained:
If a judge tried to tell a general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal.
If a judge tried to command the attorney general in how to use her discretion as a prosecutor, that's also illegal.
Judges aren't allowed to control the executive's legitimate power.
Maybe the real Constitutional crisis is some random judge deciding that the President's powers as described in Article 2 are actually reserved for that particular judge and they personally shall decide how and if the President may exercise them.
Thanks for the links. That's an odd topic to be broken by.
people who advocated for lethal self-defense
In a personal sense like keeping a gun handy?
Historical leftists smeared social democrats as "social fascists".
And every sub-set of leftist in Revolutionary Spain denouncing each other as reactionary counter-revolutionaries.
"I don't support the British, or the Germans - I'm just neutral!"
Switzerland and Spain sat out WW2. Not that Franco was a principled centrist.
personally inconvenient
The alleged claim of political partisans is that letting the other side win will ruin the nation. "Sure, I enabled an act of horrific societal self-destruction. But I was really polite while failing to stop it."
People tend to transform into consequentialists when the consequences become too great.
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Sure, it's possible. Wish I had photos for morbid intrest.
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