Lacks all conviction
Fruck is just this guy, you know?
User ID: 889
Lmao and he's totally right to boot.
You make a good and interesting point, but I think it was a bit of a misstep, because like @Folamh3 says there is a typical format that everyone is used to, and so we naturally try to fit your scheme into it and end up confused, and it even feels a bit judgemental. Next time you do a survey like this maybe just explain what you are going for - instead of "I see myself as" go with something like "How do you align with these obverse emotions? It's not nearly as punchy like that but you get the idea.
Maybe the inconsistency was just the time you had free the other day vs now, but there is definitely an inconsistency man. You have a dozen plus posts in this thread vs zero in that one! I do apologise if you are trying to be centrist, but centrism on a tilted game board promotes the status quo. And the status quo these past few years has meant political persecution for one side. Most of the Jan 6ers would never have been imprisoned without it.
The people turning on them if they throw their weight around like they used to.
You say that, but I don't see you down thread tearing your hair out about Fauci and Milley, and at least one of them is definitely a criminal whose actions had much worse effects on society than any j6er.
Oh sorry man, I was typical minding. I've had a piercing headache now for two days, it's destroying my concentration. I'm talking about shame as a verb though, the expression of displeasure when someone fails to live up to their values.
Society is better off imo when as many emotions as possible can be expressed. We need guardrails of course, so anything that escalates to violence is no good, but anything short of that is good, because it allows others to empathically model their behaviour better, which everyone does all the time without thinking. Without that we drift apart, because we can't connect as well as we might, and like Mr Plinkett used to say we might not notice that but our brain does.
To be fair it was probably the weakest of my points lol.
The people locked up for political reasons sure gained a lot.
He did shave it off pretty quickly but I was amazed at how long he stuck with it. It was so baffling, not only was it a Hitler moustache it just looked totally ridiculous.
So I think of the love is God cult, the "everyone be nice, love is everything" mindset as pretty much working like the way we used to think an antidepressant worked. We all have a range of emotions going from high to low, but the cult of niceness restricts the height and depth to a comfortable middle range. This is not noticeably different to how it always was for a lot of people, and indeed they mostly only notice that they aren't sinking to the depths they had previously, but they also can't reach the heights they used to.
Yeah chum, exactly that. Please don't pretend you sincerely believed Trump made America great in 2016 or that he is going to do so this time. It was bantz.
Good gravy I never expected to see the adl call for grace, they must be utterly terrified.
Did you mean to post this in reply to someone else? I didn't say anything about Yarvin or Trump, I was talking about the way you bemoaned our lack of unity in the midst of your sniping at Trump and his supporters. It seems very gauche to me, but I am used to it courtesy of the former administration.
I think anger needs to be carefully directed to be useful, but my real issue is the addition of shame there. That's the part that accrues it the label thought terminating cliche in my eyes. All cliches are thought terminating in a way - they are like stereotypes, a useful heuristic that applies most of the time, so you can reference it and go about your day instead of having to constantly interrogate your thoughts and feelings on the subject. So if you had just said the old version of this - revenge is unproductive - I would have agreed with you, revenge is just gratification and should never be a goal - maybe a nice side benefit, at best.
But shame is a very useful tool for social cohesion - it promotes following the law without involving the law, it strengthens group identity and harmony, it encourages empathy by allowing for a wider range of expressed emotions and most importantly it fosters accountability - so if you are going to say it's unproductive you need a good reason. Just adding it alongside revenge skips right past the reasoning.
Eta: I agree constructing a media ecosystem out of spite would not go well, but I also agree with dag - the old media is being replaced by the new media, and without any form of accountability they are not going to be any better than the old media (Tucker Carlson excepted of course).
"oh lordy we need goodwill and unity!" I cry, before returning to making snippy comments about my outgroup. How Democratic.
I wanted to add another song with that music to the list, but Johnny Rebel apparently has an exclusive contract with Apple music.
I think the urge to revenge or shame is understandable, but unproductive.
Please explain why, because that feels like a thought terminating cliche to me. A journalist who can't be shamed is a short story writer.
That's a weird thing to worry about.
Yeah that's my assumption, the only reassurance I get from this is in my belief that the deep state tried to kill Trump. Oh oh now you're going to be president we'll do our jobs properly, look at all these very serious things we are doing! We didn't put a bunch of counter-snipers in your protection and tell them they were on crowd control, we didn't put a twenty year old who was so green he forgot his flipping radio in charge of them, hell we actually brought enough radios for everyone, so we also won't be partnering with local law enforcement then cutting them out of comms and putting them in charge of buildings they can't see! Don't just fire the lot of us and salt the earth behind you, we are actually capable of doing what we were hired to do!
I salute your flag! Although I do enjoy it when the shoe wearing carmullites draw out the r so it sounds like the a is there, they're just not saying it.
I think this proves sax is only appropriate in moderation.
Note what the primary difference is between this and qanon, birthers, pizzagaters etc - media coverage.
Nice, plus the added benefit of the Kiwis usually following the Aussies means I'd get to also enjoy hearing large Maoris saying "D'yuh wunna huv uh fuzzy bruh?" to each other.
It's a bit of a catch all for any water based sweet drink, I've heard people refer to cordial that way too and I assume that's where it comes from - cordial used to be really popular in Australia. But yeah that was years ago, these days lolly water is mostly used to refer to soda in that traditional Aussie joke format of belittling something so you can laugh at the person who gets upset at your belittling.
It's way less guilty than the horizon games, although you have brought up an interesting point - I wonder if I found got more palatable because despite the playing it safe (the most obvious example being the fact that your partner Yuna is very obviously not Japanese or attractive, but it's littered with other indignities) the overall story is a fundamentally conservative one about the value of protecting your home from foreign invaders even when it comes at a terrible price.
But add in unskippable cutscenes and it's almost impossible to recommend you stick with it. I mean, if you could appreciate the pacing of rdr2 you can probably get into it - I spent a lot of time in that game just walking around playing the flute for people and things - but you have to keep playing the story at some point and then you'll get another slap in the face.
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Sorry, text based conversation is not my wheelhouse. I used misstep to imply that I thought it was good but not perfect - not mistaken, but there is room for improvement. I would also be proud of the construction of this survey, I did it before I engaged the thread and I think you did a great job, but there have been people who bounced off it because they didn't understand what you were going for in that question. So I thought back to when I did it and what I was thinking, and my thinking was "these are unusual modifiers, how do they change my response from when they are by themselves", but I am hugely attracted to novelty in general. I then thought back to why I initially thought it was unusual and came to the conclusions I mentioned - it looks like it follows the typical structure but doesn't, and a tinge of judgement.
I think if the people who bounced off it understood what you were going for, they probably would have done the survey (I know the terms you used aren't exactly obverse, but it at least conveys the idea that you don't think these things are necessarily tied) and while I understand you are cool with people not doing it if it makes them uncomfortable, I figured a change to the structure of the question would be a simple way to get a few more respondents in the future that wouldn't impact the results.
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