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Tinker Tuesday for March 11, 2025

This thread is for anyone working on personal projects to share their progress, and hold themselves somewhat accountable to a group of peers.

Post your project, your progress from last week, and what you hope to accomplish this week.

If you want to be pinged with a reminder asking about your project, let me know, and I'll harass you each week until you cancel the service

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Poor writing week, basically got nothing done on that front. But I'm at 116k words now and I have enough for my latest chapter I'm confident I'll finish it sunday, so I don't feel too bad about it. I've been consistently posting 3k words a week for almost two years now, so I'm pretty confident in the rhythm that comes and goes.

Did get some good work done on my current game project. I wrote a MMO chat client a while ago, but it used the same server as the rest of the game to send messages (Unity + Darkrift), so it wouldn't have been remotely scalable. Local chat only basically. I've been lifting the best parts of that project into a new one, and as part of that I rewrote chat to use Server Sent Events on a standard C# api backend. It works pretty well, but mostly it's just a tech trial for a lot of the stuff I'll be using everywhere else on the project. I'm gonna be trying to rework the original game into more of a Warframe-esque session based dungeon explorer/horde fighter, so the API will be taking on much more heavy lifting since there's no way I'll be letting player clients touch the DB. That means the shared DLL needs to be pretty airtight and support: Unity editors, MongoBson, and Json serialization, since the same class will probably be used for all four features because I don't want 4 copies of everything.

Anyway that's kinda all procrastinatey work, because I'm still reworking the game design a fair bit. Will probably start trying to make some devlog videos soon. Want to do a sort of 'building in public' style thing for this project, with tutorials, a discord, and early access keys in very early in alpha for people who follow development. I've realized that ultimately I don't have a ton of enthusiasm for a big single player project, I really just want to build an MMO. And I think starting with a smaller session shooter lets me sidestep some of the more insane networking issues and persistence concerns and just focus on building out good combat.

Carving some spoons and maybe a ladle from manzanita. Would go a lot faster if I could rough out the blanks with a power tool but I'm not sure what would work, a reciprocating saw surely won't, for the ripping cuts. Maybe a little top handle chainsaw, at least for the ladle.

Also learning to climb trees this week, hell yeah.

I use a table saw or a hand saw to rough out the shape on spoons. A good rip saw will quickly go through straight grain, I've never worked with manzanita but I'm guessing it's got some wild grain patterns, so a rip hand saw might be pretty slow.

Maybe a small band saw?

For the last two months I've driven down to the coffee shop every day and write for an hour and a half on loose leaf paper with a variety of pens to finish the my personal fictional multi-chapter story. I'm so far at the ninth chapter with close to two hundred pages. I've already written a complete story outline. Currently, I'm working on the draft, which I do on paper so that I don't have to worry about battery time limits. After the draft, I intend to go back with a highlighter and red pen to make edits, then translate the whole thing into the second draft on Google Docs. Then I will be done and will post it on the nonprofit open source repository I like to frequent.

The only drawback so far is that I keep getting excited about ideas in-between the story beats on the outline, which extends the story, and that's added like a lot of extra pages, so it's just taking a lot longer than expected. Also, the coffee shop I go to doesn't let you use the study room in the back unless you buy something and they have a $5 minimum on cards. I'm thinking of changing my location from the coffee shop to a secluded parking spot and using the backseat of my car and some pillows to write with my legs as support, although I worry it'll affect my speed. Hopefully whatever I do will result in getting closer to the climax of the story. I refuse to get excited about the project until I've got the draft done.

Yeah, this is the main reason I don't write at coffee shops too much. I find food courts work pretty well, because not only are they less likely to hassle you about not buying anything since there's so much space, but also you can get a real meal if you do wanna spend money. Main downside is they can get loud, so you need headphones or the right one. I write a lot at my local hmart, since on weekdays it's only loud during lunch rushes and after 4 pm.

How have you been doing @Southkraut?

Managed to finally push to my repo. The key was to not name the .gitignore file anything other than “.gitignore”. Luckily I already had it configured correctly otherwise, so that one fix did the trick.

Trundled along with the current tutorial. Not much to report.

Worked on my first-person control concept. I try to strike a balance between traditional FPS controls and a certain amount of contextual automation that allows for a wider range of actions than normal without forcing the player to memorize two hundred keybinds. It’s probably overambitious and not usually done for good reasons, but I always wanted to try this.

Week three of rewriting my bespoke Twitter -> Nitter -> Miniflux solution. I spent it on handling videos and images, again in a generic enough way to handle Twitter but also other sorts of feeds, but also not to overcomplicate it. That went well and now I'm working on these fancy link previews.

Originally I thought of being able to reproduce he whole Nitter+Miniflux stack (which can cover anything from Twitter through Substack and Youtube), but I decided to set Twitter as my first milestone, since that's like 90% of the usage of the current version of the project.

Only up about 2.5k words on my NaNoWriMo project since this time last week. Can't believe I was consistently knocking out 1,700 words a day in November, and now I'm struggling to make 1,000 every day. The weekend was a write-off for reasons largely outside of my control.