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A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

5 followers   follows 5 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC

All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83


A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

5 followers   follows 5 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC


All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83

Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West, by Cormac McCarthy.

Context: It's a graffity that shows up after our protagonists succesfully hunted down a large group of indians, took their scalps and arrived as heroes in Chihuahaha, which had offered a bounty for this purpose. They then proceed to party so hard that the townspeople end up wishing for the Indians instead of the Gringos.

I find it hilarious.

Air Fryers work, and seemingly make less of a mess.

I'm no gourmet though, so ignore my opinion if you actually know what you're doing.

"Mejor los indios".

I'm convinced. Will look into getting 1-day lenses. Thanks.

I'm not sure what over the counter allergy meds there are in Germany, but have you tried all the available ones for at least a few weeks? I took fexofenadine and found it didn't work well, then I took loratidine and it worked, but my eyes, nose, and throat were constantly dry, so I was chugging water and peeing all the time, which was annoying, and my contacts would hurt my eyes due to the dryness. I eventually switched to ceterizine and have had no problems, it Just Works™ for me.

Yep. Tried all the ones the pharmacy offers. Found none that worked reliably. They all seem to kinda maybe do something for the first week or so but it might also just be the placebo effect and and then the allergenes just win.

Aren't there allergy medicines you could use to keep your eyes from itching too much?

I wish.

Have you considered contact lenses?

I have. I was told they're unsuitable for those who enjoy seasonal allergies in two seasons out of four. But given your very positive opinion, I should probably reconsider. So far, I do find glasses fairly annoying.

You don't have to renew it. Unless you lose it somehow. But if you do need to get a new license, then yes, you also need to do the vision test again, and my optometrist did tell me that I probably wouldn't pass muster without glasses (which also means that I would get such a note on my driver's license). Whether that's true, who knows, maybe she just really wanted to make another sale that day, but it's technically possible.

Well that went over my head.

The part of me that believes in people wants to tell you that surely they were just bantering.

Frankly, they strike me as just as insane. But everything here is expensive. Labor, energy, goods, rent. Life. Earn 3k€/M, feed a family of three, have 0€ left over at the end of the month.

My glasses don't fall off easily, but of course they're new. I hope it stays that way, though. I'm mostly annoyed by how they jump around on my nose when I make any sort of quick movement; but around the ears they seem solid enough.

You forgot "utterly unexpectable".

a bottle of kaoliang wine

How big a bottle?

According to mine, even if you have vision problems, it's only a necessity to deal with it either if it seriously hinders you in your daily life, or if you're still fairly young (younger than about 20, IIRC) so that your brain doesn't grow up wrong. If you already made it to middle age and you can live with your eyes as they are, then you can pass on glasses.

I for one was mostly just annoyed by the blurriness at a distance. I recalled seeing sharper when I was younger. But it wasn't a hindrance in any way.

My headcanon about this is that there's a secret agreement between Bibi and the Don about how the Israelis can play nice until they get their people back (or whatever's left of them), and immediately following that they have America's blessing to glass gaza entirely.

Obviously not going to happen.

Don't have much to add.

So I'll just vent. It aggravates me more than a little how the youngsters are seemingly living life with their phones glued to their faces. Conversations are absent-minded, distracted, superficial, shallow and insincere, nervous distractions from the real meat of life that is having a direct pipeline from social media to one's head. Try making eye contact with those creatures. Try talking to them when you are a stranger, and see how they squirm. But hah, wait, youngsters? Older people also fall into this behavior - they just have some internalized aversion to engaging in it in public. But see as they relax, and the phones come out, and only when they are reminded of the presence of flesh and blood people do they hurriedly put them away again. Of course, still better than the young ones who apparently assume that everyone around them is the same as themselves...which is probably true most of the time.

Yes, I'm working on my Old Man Yelling At Clouds.

It has come to this: Halfway through life, I must don glasses.

Please give me your best, least obvious or highest benefit-cost-ratio tips and advice for the newly bespectacled.

Edit: Context: Apparently I'm nearsighted and have Astigmatism. I already got a first pair of glasses; plastic lenses in a very simple frame. Not the sturdiest (I wanted it to be fairly light), but not exactly wireframe either. Cost me around 250€. My parents regularly shell out 1000€-2500€ for glasses, so this seemed an acceptable price. No extra features though.

Minimally better. I did more-or-less finish up on the tutorial series I had followed. I'll admit I skipped some parts at the end because I felt I had gotten all out of it that I wanted for now. After that I experimented a little with various basic player interactions, but ended up making a bunch of mistakes in the C++ and Blueprints integration and had to scrap it again. No big deal; something to learn from.

Then I had a whole day, free and to myself. I told myself I'd use most of it for tinkering, witch just a bare minimum of other activities. So I tidied up the apartment, rearranged furniture, cleaned the kitchen, went for a long walk and visited the cemetary, and by the time I was done with all that the sun had set and I was pretty much ready to turn in.

I did do a little more writing, but it's mostly gibberish. Fun to write, not fun to read.

And I formulated a plan to get a little distance from my usual proc-gen madness and instead make a bit of a visual prototype. A mock-up, if you will, to later work towards via proc-gen again. It'll help me familiarise myself with Unreal's feature, and having some visible results is always motivating, in my experience, even if they don't do a lot.

Wishful thinking. All of it.

Numbers. How old exactly?

Trundled along with the tutorials. Nothing really interesting so far; got basic first-person controls set up and picked up some odds and ends about Unreal on the way.

I've also switched to the JetBrains Rider IDE instead of Visual Studio, since it came heavily recommended by the tutorials and also went free for non-commercial use very recently. I've tried it in the past, but it didn't leave an impression back then. Presently it seems perfectly adequate. Additionally I have had the idea that I could avoid having to look at seprate .h and .cpp files by simply hiding the .cpp ones, but sadly Rider does not actually offer this functionality.

Other than that, did a lot of worldbuilding writing. Mostly just rehashing older stuff of mine from memory. It'll be a fun exercise to compare what I wrote back when and how I wrote it now and how much my writing abilities have degraded since. I'd guess the new stuff is better structured, but the older one probably contains many more actually interesting ideas. But so far I haven't opened up my archives, so I'll facepalm another day.

And Yiddish is just German with https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XtremeKoolLetterz.

A joke. I do agree with your statement.

Where appropriate is usually somewhere in between prohibitive and practically impossible.

I don't really believe that gravity can just be beaten. I'm pretty sure this is a hoax, psy-op, misunderstanding or such.

And with that said - why can't those mystery drones just use boring old rotors, jets or rocket thrusters to fly? What exactly makes people believe in some fantastical negation of gravity here?

And yes, this is me asking for a spoonfeed because I don't want to wade through a million words of crazy talk.

Happy new year!

Managed to get in a few more hours of tutorials. Got a handle on using Blueprints to display narrative text, though so far it only runs through a limited number of hard-wired stages and cannot recursively pull and display new narrative objects. I'm currently writing a HUD class to handle that in code, because frankly no matter how well-done the Blueprints system is visual scripting has always been ass and this is no different. I'd rather do in code what can reasonably be done in code.

As for getting first-person controls set up, I've decided against just taking the default and am going through a fairly long-winded tutorial that covers this topic among various others. I find that I have a lot to learn about Unreal, and getting additional information beyond what I strictly need is helping me make sense of the engine.

I've also cracked open the Unreal documentation and some other text resources on C++ scripting for Unreal, and am leisurely leafing through those.

So it's a relaxed learning experience right now. I'd like to accelerate and get something done faster, but I also know that if I get stuck in some technical rabbit hole again I'll probably never see the light of day again, so I'll continue to take it easy for now.

Vacation is over now, so I'm also back to trying to find a way to establish some concentration time in my schedule.

Doc, by Mary Doria Russel.

Not bad at all. I have some nitpicks with it. "Is not Cormac McCarthy" might be one of them. Overall I'm enjoying it though.