A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
All alliterations are accidental.
User ID: 83
Managed to add a little to my very basic FPS controls. Namely: Shooting. Baby steps. Most importantly, left clicking makes a vaguely bang-like sound that I found in a free sound pack, not exactly high quality stuff. Need a better source for sounds. I got a few more audio clips from various cost-free sources, and got Audacity and Audiomass as editors, but so far I haven't done anything with that.
I still hate how .cpp files clutter up my IDE. I attempted asking for a solution on the JetBrains discord, but as so often it was about as good as throwing a message in a bottle into the nearest drainhole.
Next step. Spawning a projectile. I actually found some very decent written official documentation that’s up-to-date, comprehensive and highly readable. Not doing anything flashy, but I guess that’s just what I need. It works. Bullet is spawned and flies off and bounces off of terrain as desired.
I wanted to make a custom player and enemy mesh for some basic FPS stuff, got myself Blender, stared at a grey cube for a few minutes and called it a day. Need to wrangle with that a little; right now I don't know where to start. Just some very basic sculpting, rigging and animation would be nice, but I don't know about the workflow yet. It's not strictly necessary; ultimately I'm fine with just using non-animated compounds of geometric primitives, but I'm curious to experiment a little here.
Overall I'm slowly growing to better understand Unreal and its Blueprints. Making progress is nice, however slow.
I was, and I apologize for it.
When we instigate a revolution, it's in support of the people, of democracy and of freedom. When we invade foreign countries, it's to topple dictators and stop warlords. When Russia instigates separatism, it's aggressive hybrid warfare. When Russia invades a country, it's imperialism.
It's not difficult.
Seriously though, given that both sides do questionable things, can't they just all be bad?
To what an extent can a Republican president in general and Trump The Great Adversary specifically actually trust the intelligence agencies, though?
Really, what terrible thing will happen that causes drones to personally hunt us?
I am amazed by how similar the thinking of some of the supposedly smartest people on the planet is to the kind of unchecked nonsense I thought of as a confused teenager (though in my days it was more luxury space communism and none of the gender crap). Completely divorced from reality, synthetic intellectual edifice on a house of cards of teetering make-believe on a foundation of all-encompassing wishful thinking fortified with the most selective perception possible, hasn't touched grass in far too long, but is stone-cold certain that all this is correct not because any practical metric shows it to be but because it has to be, because if it weren't you'd just be ridiculous loon.
To be fair, this is more intuitive. The world is mad, you are sane.
Nah. My wife thought and thinks herself very wise in the way of children since she grew up with more siblings and WORKED AS A KINDERGARDENER (emphasis hers) FOR LESS THAN HALF A YEAR (emphasis mine). Fair enough, overall more experience than me. I for one just thought "we'll figure it out". My opposition to liberal parenting developed over time as I saw the absolute nonsense it devolves into.
how many people think they're happy with X
Dangerous territory. Doubting what people say? We might doubt the ones that make more outlandish claims, too, like the ones who claim to be happy on drugs, happy in polyamory, happy pretending to be a different gender, unhappy because [something]phobia is rampant...the entire edifice of quoting dubious studies to underline some debate point will come crashing down.
To be clear, I think this kind of "people say" statistics are a spook. Might as well read in entrails.
Well, it could be a descriptive statement of fact rather than a prescriptive statement of intent. À la "the purpose of a system is what it does".
So right now all it does where you live is say "that's equal"? That's it?
“women should have the same political, economic, and social rights as men”
This right here. Please specify where it applies. Where and in what way do women not have the same political, economic and social rights as men? What the hell does "feminism" as you define it even do? Or is it simply a maximally slim and slippery definition designed to minimize attack surface?
Where exactly does your society not grant equal rights to men and women, then?
Strange that an ideology of equality would be named after just one of the two parties it purports to equalize. Anyways.
Can you go into more detail on what you mean by equality? Purely equal treatment before the law? Equal outcomes by specific metrics? A complete eradication of the concept of differences between the sexes? Men and women already have the vote, so I guess that's not what you mean.
So what's the current state of the BLR? On hiatus? In Limbo? Gone forever? Might conceivably make a comeback?
Assuming that you are a woman in the first place and that what you said is true, yes, that's what I just said, isn't it?
But I have doubts about those assumptions. You already identified as a feminist, so please do lay out what constitutes the core tenets of this feminism for you. I suspect we will find many elements that are plainly aiming to put men at a disadvantage.
Ooh, now I see it. Yeah, typo. Thanks for pointing it out.
You know how we Germans fixed it? Manöver. There. That's how you appropriate a French word!
@Southkraut: "Outmanoeuver"? A daring synthesis, as the cool kids say.
I'm just a tired old Swabian who pretends to speak english. I don't get it. What are you saying? What has it to do with roads?
I navigate it by doing it my way while the wife does it her way. With all the fallout and obvious failure modes. Unclear rules and expectations, constant arguments, and me often straight-up ignoring her instructions (and telling her so). I'm not even giving her any instructions of my own; she wouldn't follow those either. Instead, she just gets a regular supply of "told you so"s.
The consequence of this is that our daughter (3.5yo by now) likes me better for playing, especially during the daytime, because we do more exciting stuff that my wife would never do because there's more than a minimal risk of phyical injury, but prefers her mother for sleeping in bed with because she can get her way with a long list of demands before sleep where I would just say "nope, sleepytime now, good night" and turn off the lights. Obviously when I and our daughter have an argument about something (making a mess and not helping with the cleanup, not wanting the food she requested, refusing to get dressed before we need to go out), I'll take the hard line and the kid will try to outmanoeuver me by running to her mom, who will make up some excuse for her. But shortly after that, her mom will be exhausted by trying to do paranoid helicopter parenting while also indulging in her smartphone addiction, and it's dad time again for actually doing things during the day.
I try to avoid all those stupid dynamics by just grabbing the kid the moment I come back from work (or right after waking up, on weekends) and proclaiming that damn the torpedoes we are now going to the playground/pool (depending on the weather) and we'll picnic outdoors and we're only coming back home after she's thoroughly exhausted herself. After which I get scolded for exhausting her, can't I see it was too much? Too much what - exercise and fresh air? Modern mothers are crazy. But screw spending any time in the pigsty those two create after just one day of me being away at the office. On rainy days I run another hard line of "no playing until we cleaned up this mess". And given some tasks that she can actually accomplish, it seems she even enjoys being helpful. Then it's puzzles and board games and ball.
So yeah, no second child while the mother is under the delusion that children need uninterrupted supervision 100% of the time, or that it's acceptable to give the child unlimited access to sugar and screen time just because the mother herself is addicted to the same, and that the outdoors is a lethally dangerous place because it triggers your social anxiety and so the child is best kept indoors at all times, and that because raising a child like this is so exhausting and all-consuming, you cannot be expected to not make the household explode as soon as the man is out of the house.
Oh hey, hope you enjoyed by blogpost.
@SkookumTree is back!
I had respectfully joked about you very recently. Welcome back man. How have you fared? Lessons learned?
Good old topic. Authoritarian VS liberal parenting.
I'm on team strict. It seems to work, get results right away and forms beneficial habits, and while it supposedly traumatizes the child, I think that's either untrue or insignificant compared to the obvious advantages for everyone involved.
My wife and her family, of course, are on team OH GOD DO WHATEVER THE CHILD WANTS OR ELSE SHE WILL BE RUINED FOREVER. I think this mode of thinking is obviously wrong in every way (history, incentives, habit-forming, observable effects, the parenting histories of the people saying so), but what do I know.
“non-feminist” woman
A biological woman, since there is no other kind of woman, who does not propagate an anti-men narrative or attempt to benefit from such a narrative.
Frankly, while the p-zombie etc. description seems a little offensive, it also appears accurate for the specific case that sparked the discussion. In how far does it generalize. however? My subpar reading skills don't really let me parse what group exactly @WhiningCoil describes there, which makes it difficult to decide whether a rule has been broken.
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And how, pray tell, will that come about in Europe proper? Will Putin live forever, will Russia suddenly find new strength and if so from where, and then they come to invade the EU?
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