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joined 2022 September 04 19:16:56 UTC


User ID: 96



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User ID: 96

As opposed to what? It's not like a ceasefire would result in frontier states not rearming, or sanctions being lifted. All that is gonna happen anyway, and Russia appears to be fine with it.

Except America isn't an empire. Because the nations that you claim are our vassals are not our vassals and will not act like our vassals if pressed to do so.

Well, except Japan. Japan is arguably our vassal. Hence why they're buttering up Trump, because their future existence is actually to some degree predicated on American security guarantees.

Slow writing week, only 4k words.

Got a fair bit of programming in, still ripping parts out of previous projects to build something newer and more tightly scoped. Basically Warframe if it were a slower, more tactical, dungeon crawler. The goal is to build out a very limited multiplayer mission shooter so I can focus heavily on really perfecting combat. Then maybe build it out into a full game as I go. It's been fun revisiting some of my older features. Chat has a much more scalable api backend now, and I'm really looking forward to revisiting active ragdoll + poise. It was already quite fun knocking dudes down, I'm really looking forward to playing with poise breaking crowd control spells. Sending people flying with spikes of earth and gusts of wind should be a very fun playstyle even if I give it minimal damage.

Ok, dropping anything in a 10x leveraged index trade was stupid. But if the money was in gold before? Man, you'll be in the green inside 5 years. Don't sweat it.

For me it's not really about the activities, but the times and places I've left behind. I often miss the easy serendipity of college, where I didn't need to create a partiful and blast reminders in order to get 10 people to show up to an event. Shit, I could get 10 on a tuesday with 1 message to a group chat, now everyone needs a week notice because they have plans and 30 minute drives and on-call at the smoke alarm installer (Not a joke, one friend literally has this job and gets called to drive 2-4 hours to fix the smoke alarms at big corporate campuses).

But we can't live in the past, and tbh I'm not sure I'd want a bunch of college student friends right now even if the age gulf it wouldn't be a little weird. My current guests never clog sinks with vomit and the incidence of awkward friend group damaging breakups is down a solid 50%.

I definitely do miss just being able to walk places and have events going on, but that's a choice I made in exchange for living somewhere I can actually afford a house, so c'est la vie.

Poor writing week, basically got nothing done on that front. But I'm at 116k words now and I have enough for my latest chapter I'm confident I'll finish it sunday, so I don't feel too bad about it. I've been consistently posting 3k words a week for almost two years now, so I'm pretty confident in the rhythm that comes and goes.

Did get some good work done on my current game project. I wrote a MMO chat client a while ago, but it used the same server as the rest of the game to send messages (Unity + Darkrift), so it wouldn't have been remotely scalable. Local chat only basically. I've been lifting the best parts of that project into a new one, and as part of that I rewrote chat to use Server Sent Events on a standard C# api backend. It works pretty well, but mostly it's just a tech trial for a lot of the stuff I'll be using everywhere else on the project. I'm gonna be trying to rework the original game into more of a Warframe-esque session based dungeon explorer/horde fighter, so the API will be taking on much more heavy lifting since there's no way I'll be letting player clients touch the DB. That means the shared DLL needs to be pretty airtight and support: Unity editors, MongoBson, and Json serialization, since the same class will probably be used for all four features because I don't want 4 copies of everything.

Anyway that's kinda all procrastinatey work, because I'm still reworking the game design a fair bit. Will probably start trying to make some devlog videos soon. Want to do a sort of 'building in public' style thing for this project, with tutorials, a discord, and early access keys in very early in alpha for people who follow development. I've realized that ultimately I don't have a ton of enthusiasm for a big single player project, I really just want to build an MMO. And I think starting with a smaller session shooter lets me sidestep some of the more insane networking issues and persistence concerns and just focus on building out good combat.

Yeah, this is the main reason I don't write at coffee shops too much. I find food courts work pretty well, because not only are they less likely to hassle you about not buying anything since there's so much space, but also you can get a real meal if you do wanna spend money. Main downside is they can get loud, so you need headphones or the right one. I write a lot at my local hmart, since on weekdays it's only loud during lunch rushes and after 4 pm.

Everyone's trying to rules lawyer the object level demand but if you stop and think about it for half a second this was obviously a PR move intended to play out in the perceptions of non-employee citizens. I'm not convinced it's a good one, but everyone saying it's useless/illegal/going to be ignored is missing the whole point. It makes federal employees as a group look bad regardless of how they react to it. You respond? The worst responses will be used against you. You ignore it? The low compliance level is spouted off on X for two months as Elon claims federal employees don't think they're accountable to citizens or their democratically elected representative. It whips up support for DOGE's role and potentially for actual action later (Through congress, which has always been the only avenue we were ever gonna get lasting fedgov headcount cuts through).

Oh wow, this sounds exhausting. Did ya'll know about the differing perspectives prior to having a kid or did it come up later?

Text -> Image -> Spritesheet -> 3D Model models are actually already here. They're just pretty bad at giving you usable topology, but you'll probably begin seeing AI generated assets in production games inside a few months. Not big or moving stuff, but static medium poly assets like crates or plants.

There's a few on huggingface, and an integration called BlenderGPT they're working on.

Wow. Those numbers are blowing my mind as an American currently applying for Irish citizenship. I'd have to do some serious tax planning prior to spending a few years over there, lest I end up paying 42% additional tax on capital gains. This must have been how my great uncle felt when I explained you can just purchase rifles at some Walmarts with no class or license, just a digital background check.

Congratulations! I'm glad you're finally finding a set of habits that work for you.

My man you know the answer. You did not put a single positive thing about her in this post.

Yeah, I found that really difficult too back when I was working full time.

There's definitely a way to make it work, but part of actually finishing a game is being ruthlessly realistic about what your scope is. And this one is about combat and progression. I've failed at that enough times before that I'm not gonna fall for it here. The juice just probably isn't worth the squeeze to make it a first class feature. It's a thing I can and probably will do in some conversations, but largely for flavor and without the expectation people will come back around a second time.

I could. Rerunning the direct conversation would feel bad but I could probably do something where I store some conversation outcomes as tags in a dictionary and write further branches in different conversations that check that state. But doing those is lowkey a QA nightmare, since it's a lot of string match checks. I suppose I could write a validator, but even then it'd be real hard to verify that the latter conversation always comes after the former.

Starting to see there are reasons why Hades and it's sequel don't give the player dialogue choices. It's a LOT of state management for a feature that isn't going to be as core to gameplay like it is in say BG3.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking just doesn't fit within the design and 1 person scope. Hah, thinking about this reminds me of how dedicated you and Nathan were to the idea of making your own game after college.

This is pretty much how the existing design works. Characters peak in power at different points in the progression, and you'll want to IE play the necromancer and barbarian a lot early to farm the resouces and build the structures the guy with the mech suit needs to really come online. Whereas their pinnacle upgrades require less grinding and more optional boss kills, so mechanaut maxing out without super-boss drop resources makes him great for grinding difficult bosses in early endgame.

It's more specifically the multiple choice dialogue that doesn't fit into it, because I don't see much player desire to actually start a new save. The central run loop being roguelite means people are almost certain to just keep playing the same save unless I provide a NG+ mode with delineated benefits in exhange for the story (And some level of progression, since that's tied to story) getting reset, or really make chosing dialogue options influential by IE locking out a character depending on your choices. And I don't really want to do either of those, so I'm thinking dialogue options will end up limited, and mostly for flavor. IE no real branching story.

Cause it's actually super hard to get consistently good output doing that. I might be able to get good 'Hey, X killed you last run' conversations, but even then, with perhaps the easiest scenario, the LLM would have no hope of providing advice like 'Kite ghouls, they're slow and do high melee dps', because it has no context for what the enemy in question is. And it's even more tricky for anything story relevant, since the LLM would need to know its role, so to speak. Its one of those ideas a lot of game devs have an eye on, but even if you can run a decent local bot on the player's machine its something the game needs to be built around, not just a plug and play solution to having good dialogue.

Frankly, I'd be way more likely to write all the dialogue myself and then use AI as a solution for voice acting, since that would actually be a huge labor saver and not have big game design implications.

In general, if you want AI to write a character's dialogue, you probably need the whole character to be proc gen and inconsequential anyway. Like a Dragon's Dogma pawn, not a shopkeeper or alternate playable character with a fixed personality.

Note: Meandering post as much to get my thoughts in order as to share.

Been bopping along on my roguelite (Basically the core idea is Hades gameplay meets Path of Exile/DotA style build diversity. You start with 1 character unlocked and the rest as NPCs and unlock more as you progress). Currently working on getting a dialogue system setup, and deciding how much player choice I want to provide. I'm kinda in an awkward spot because the whole point of a story heavy rogue-lite is that you keep playing the same save. You experience the story over the course of a lot of runs, and playing more runs, rather than starting a new save, is where the replayability value comes from. Which is great, and the original intent, but it does mean that it's very unlikely players will ever see the results of a second dialogue choice.

I'm considering ways to get around this, because I really like the idea of fleshing out character relationships and giving people choices for how to roleplay the characters. But it would mean really altering the design of the game and doing something like giving you a permadeath failure condition, or letting you start the game as multiple characters, instead of making them all unlockable over time on one save. But permadeath defeats the purpose of a progression focused roguelite (You'd lose all those unlocked weapons and trinkets!), and playing clean runs as different characters doesn't actually solve the multiple choice dialogue only getting seen once issue, since I'd get to write a fuck-ton of dialogue from everyone's perspective and you still probably only have 1 save per character.

I'm probably gonna add dialogue choice options for normal conversations anyway, but they'll end up being mostly for flavor and largely useless. Maybe a couple for 'makes unlocking character easier/harder depending on if you read their personality right' or 'choose between rewards/different character's favor'. I need dialogue choice as a concept anyway for hub and spoke style 'ask character about things' interactions, and I'm big on choice and customization in general.

Anyway, after I write the integration for that (Using Inkle's Ink and it's simple unity api. Everything else was too big and writing my own fancy GUI looked unfun, so I'm just gonna build features off Ink tags), I'll be working on simplifying my code for melee attacks. They're a slightly awkward feature because I built them within my framework for 'abilities'. That works well for things like attacks where you charge and hold, and one off attacks, but it's kinda weird for attacks that have mechanics like a 3 hit combo (Because mana cost and cast time is configured at the ability level, but I might want different costs or delays per attack in the combo). Also the way I handle animations currently isn't very flexible, so I need to figure out exactly how I'm handling animators and animation clip swapping between enemies/players.

Anyway, once I get all that done I'll be swapping over to art mode for a bit to flesh out the first biome and it's first miniboss. And add some clothes, so I can take screenshots and not have nude humanoid models everywhere.

I think the more realistic take is basically Thor displayed bare minimum competence and saved himself. Which is fine, unlike the other people involved he didn't actually cause the problem. But if he'd utilized the tools in his class perfectly, he probably could have saved them with crowd control. People expect a lot from him because he's spent a great deal of time playing and working on WoW and think he should have played not merely well, but optimally, given the reputation.

The steel man for keeping things as fast as possible is that anything artificial we impose might be worse and fucking up market making would be a pretty big deal. So much money hinges on that a regulator really cannot afford some dumb solution that benefits a single arbitrary party or is open to abuse. It's not an unsolveable problem, but just letting people compete on speed does solve it pretty well, so there's not a ton of incentive to fuck with what currently works.

Crypto is trying a bunch of different things to solve their version of this (They refer to it as MEV, basically the problem of block producers reordering transactions to extract value by front-running), and solving it algorithimically at the protocol level in a way that doesn't have some sort of drawback is currently proving really difficult.

This was a gorgeous read and I enjoyed it greatly. If you're ever back in Texas and passing through Austin, your family is welcome at our place for dinner.

They're not travellers, but fully 20% of my irish relatives are just coming off US travel bans for visa overstays in their twenties (Most of them got 10-15 year bans). It was (probably still is) incredibly common to just take a holiday to the US and not come back home for 4 or 5 years.

Nah. SBF straight up embezzled money. Lots of other crypto exchanges went down because they made dumb decisions, and their executives didn't get jailed. SBF stole customer funds and gambled with them. That's a crime. Making idiotic loans like the CEOs of Voyager and Celsius did isn't. Given the volume of money he stole, 25 years is pretty appropriate.