I’m Bernie Sanders’ personal gimp
Once upon a time I was a Republican and then I went to college and turned into the leftist liberal progressive Democrat that hides under your bed and no I am not a man and yes I’m addicted to downvotes every time I get one it’s like a bump of that sweet smoking gun and yes I’m into BDSM let me get into my St. Andrew’s real quick and then you can call me a troll until your throat hurts. Oh yeah baby. Also I do 99% of this on mobile in my bathtub so if I don’t respond to you it’s because my screen is too tiny or I got out of the bath.
User ID: 2254
Contrapoints and PhilosophyTube are great places to start.
I read the Harry Potter fanfiction, I looked up the author and got to LessWrong, I read a lot of LessWrong, found Scott Alexander who mentioned Jordan Peterson. Looked up Jordan Peterson and found RationalWiki. RationalWiki led to SneerClub, which led to the Motte on reddit, and then I followed the Motte off reddit. Motte and Bailey, Bayesian and Embryo selection are the only three I know.
I wish I could carry on like that, but for me, it's like a bunch of people in the geography debate club became flat earthers overnight. I just can't get the taste out of my mouth.
That's not my problem. My problem is I think Russian propaganda is a pretty boring topic to debate about and I can't take it seriously. I don't know how else to say it without accidentally coasting into "boo outgroup" territory.
taps sign
Your perception is so wrong it's a bit comical, pardon me saying. I don't participate on other debate forums and I certainly have never typed that sentence anywhere on the internet.
I read that famous Harry Potter fanfiction by Yud and slippery sloped all the way here.
Ahh, thank you for the clarification.
For me, discussion here became stale when Russian propaganda began to be seriously debated. I just can't take it seriously; it's like being at a pool party where someone poured that mythical urine-indicator dye and seeing exactly how many people are pissing in the proverbial water.
I have no idea what Ethiopia, Realpolitik and Wilsonian's views are, sorry lol.
Well, see, Russian propaganda at it's core is just straight up lies, in my opinion, and that's just not fun to argue with. There's no winning to be had, alas.
My reaction is the total opposite of yours. I don’t find it interesting; actually I find it quite boring, and I’m afraid all I’ve got left in the tank is disregard.
I really appreciate you informing me of this. Pardon the newb, but what is an LLM? And how would I execute the javascript?
In my perspective there’s a lot of Russian propaganda talking points popping up in the Culture War chat and it’s kinda made the whole thing boring for me now. I’d like to keep my personal syntax on the internet down to sites I actively use.
Hello! How do I go about deleting my account and everything I ever posted? Is that possible? I’m done with the Motte and want to wipe my account.
I had the same thing. I got COVID three times, and by the end of all of that my stamina was at an all time nonexistent.
Elon Musk’s biography. Honestly, the first page elicited a ton of pity from me for the poor guy. His insane behavior is quite easy to understand when you learn he was beaten by other boys in school as a pecking rank thing to the point his nose broke and his asshole father condoned all of it.
No, I don’t spend time on reactionary Twitter lol.
I bring up my infertility not because I want your sympathy but because when you’re talking about women raising surrogate babies you’re talking about me, and there’s this rule where you have write like everyone is reading and you want them to be included in the discussion.
Huh? What Handmaiden’s Tale talk has there been where?
I’m not exactly bothered by it and I like the idea of having children related to me.
Say it again, that made me tickle.
I am not saying that, I’m saying statements such as “the relationship between a mother and her child is one of the most ancient and holy things that we as humans do” are not by default true, because there are atheist mothers who do not believe in the concept of holiness”. The rest of your argument is not considered in my initial reply; I was focusing on that specific part.
I appreciate your sympathy, but I will not appreciate the sentiment that it “is what it is” and one of my options is a moral stain on society and I should go to jail or something. The sentiment of this “sanctity” between a birth mother and child is completely lost on me. My mother gave birth to me, I suckled on her breasts and came out of her womb blah, blah, blah, and there was not a single maternal aspect about her and no amount of biological relation did anything to help that or my proceeding siblings; if anything, I had a better shot of being raised not like a dog with literally anyone else. And observing this pattern repeatedly among my friends and even my boyfriend makes the notion of biological motherhood being superior above all else a joke to me. I’ve seen enough mothers give birth to children they have as much maternal attachment to as a toddler does to their toy to be rid of the notion there’s something special made between a biological mother and her children that can’t be replicated in any other parenting situation.
I feel like just saying “atheists are wrong, God exists” isn’t much of an argument for anyone who isn’t religious, and I’m failing to find the connection between legalizing child sex and…the existence of atheist mothers?
stands awkwardly in infertility
Ancient and holy things? What about atheist mothers? That’s not true for them then, so your assertion “it’s true” is false.
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No, I don’t like hearing obvious Russian propaganda talking points. I agree it’s been a topic discussed before, but there’s talking about the Ukraine war and there’s regurgitating Russian propaganda and I think the latter is happening and it is just a huge intellectual turn-off for me. I don’t think you can have discussions about it; it’s like debating at a geography debate club and suddenly the topic changed from the relevance of tectonic shifts to if the Earth is flat. Even if the conversation changes topic, the shock is still resounding for me.
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