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Culture War Roundup for the week of July 15, 2024

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Your suggestion that a consensus among political and cultural elites indicates a topic is unimportant or uninteresting

That's not what I'm suggesting at all -- I'm suggesting that the consensus amongst virtually everyone in North America, with the exception of yourself an perhaps a not-quite-enough-to-fill-an-average-high-school-gym contingent of fellow travellers, is that this question is not only uninteresting and unimportant -- but profoundly silly and/or boring.

A total nullity.

That's not what I'm suggesting at all -- I'm suggesting that the consensus amongst virtually everyone in North America, with the exception of yourself an perhaps a not-quite-enough-to-fill-an-average-high-school-gym contingent of fellow travellers, is that this question is not only uninteresting and unimportant -- but profoundly silly and/or boring.

A total nullity.

There's not exactly a consensus on that. There are a lot of anti-Zionists on the progressive side of the aisle. The thing is, though, to get to full Nazi you need to be an anti-Zionist and a particular flavour of HBDer; if you're not an HBDer, or think that Ashkenazi Jews are mostly just smarter white people, then all you really want is to destroy Zionism the cultural phenomenon and assimilate Jews a bit better - no gas chambers here.

to get to full Nazi you need to be an anti-Zionist and a particular flavour of HBDer

This might be naive, but I don't understand how HBD would lead someone to be anti-jewish. I'd expect the total opposite, in fact.

Like I said, HBD doesn't necessarily lead there, but there's a particular flavour of HBD that does. HBD isn't solely about intelligence, after all, much as that tends to hog the limelight.

The Nazi position is that Jews are genetically predisposed to exploitativity and conspiracy, which is an obvious deal-breaker for anyone who doesn't think he can get in on the conspiracy. Genius is not prosocial if it's evil genius.

(NB: I'm explaining a position I disagree with, here.)

The thing is, though, to get to full Nazi you need to be an anti-Zionist and a particular flavour of HBDer;

To get to full Nazi you need to believe in all sorts of superstitious mystic babble and stay away from all science, logic, facts and reason.

Real unironic hard core Hitler heiling Nazis are either barely literate tattooed thugs or deranged occultists.

Evolutionary HBDIQ science does not lead to NSDAP politics, it leads to old time Swedish social democratic politics.

Evolutionary HBDIQ science does not lead to NSDAP politics, it leads to old time Swedish social democratic politics.

Can you explain more about this?

Can you explain more about this?

NAZI: We must return to our noble and glorious ancestors.

SCIENCE: Our ancestors were savage beasts, we must move forward.

NAZI: We need living space to provide food for our people.

SCIENCE: We barely started to use scientific methods of plant and animal breeding and we alredy improved crop and livestock yields manyfold over limits previously thought "natural" and "unbreakable".

NAZI: The lowly mob should not rule. We need Great Leader chosen by Destiny to unify our people.

SCIENCE: The mob indeed should not rule, and neither should any man alone. Relying on one man is single point of failure (especially when the man is drug addicted failed artist with no education), the best and the brightest need to be in charge.

NAZI: The Leader must command and everyone must obey without questions. There will be no place for such treason as criticism, especially criticism of The Leader.

SCIENCE: No one and nothing should be above criticism, free exchange of ideas among smart and educated people is necessary for progress and advancement. No one's word should be trusted all alone.

NAZI: War is glorious, war is noble, there is nothing greater than war. War considered awesome.

SCIENCE: War is pointless destruction of capital both physical and human - the best people die first and cannot be replaced. War was beneficial for human evolution during Stone Age, but these times are long gone. Especially in industrial age there is nothing more dysgenic than war.

War considered harmful.

NAZI: We need eugenics to purify our race from sickness and degeneracy.

SCIENCE: Yes, and we must start with hereditary psychopaths like you.

Appealing to public consensus is weak here, because obviously the differential between public consensus and reality is what makes the issue important. True, the public cannot in their wildist dreams imagine even mild criticism of Jewish influence in American political and cultural life. Does that mean the issue is not important for Culture War, or does it mean it's the single most important issue?

I've already stated the issue is important because the consensus actively ignores it.

Average Joe grew up watching Schindler's List and reading Anne Frank, so criticism of Jewish influence for him is silly at best and beyond-the-pale at worst. That doesn't mean the issue is unimportant, it means the issue is culture-defining.

As I said several posts ago, the odds are typically on the former -- it's certainly not indicative of the latter! (unless you are also suggesting that we should be imagining Flat Earthery to be intrinsically important since more-or-less nobody thinks it's even worth talking about?)

If you want to make the case for why your brave fringe is right and everybody else is wrong, then make it -- but 'check it out, nobody is talking about this!' is a really weak case.

If you want to make the case for why your brave fringe is right and everybody else is wrong, then make it

Yes, that is what I am doing. People who think that critique of Jewish influence in American political and cultural life is silly and immoral are wrong- all of them. That perception is just an artifact of the prevailing Culture, it's not based on reality. I'm interested in challenging that Culture, and my prediction is that J D Vance is going to be a manifestation for how easily NRx is subsumed by the prevailing Culture.

You aren't doing it though -- European anti-semitism is kind of lindy I guess, but it doesn't exactly stand on its own. What's exactly your issue with the jews? Like, what's wrong with them?

European anti-semitism is kind of lindy I guess, but it doesn't exactly stand on its own.

By their own account it's the most ancient prejudice in world history- with an uncanny commonality among enormously wide swathes of historical time and space. It certainly stands on its own, and suppressing it requires an enormous amount of effort, using all the levers of cultural influence and political power. Even that appears to be failing with every passing day.

By their own account it's the most ancient prejudice in world history- with an uncanny commonality among enormously wide swathes of historical time and space. It certainly stands on its own, and suppressing it requires an enormous amount of effort, using all the levers of cultural influence and political power. Even that appears to be failing with every passing day.

I'd like to second @jkf - why don't you just come out and say what's so bad about Jews? "They are powerful and exert enormous cultural influence." And? "People have hated them for thousands of years, it can't be a coincidence, there must be a reason." What reason?

In the past, you've just waved vaguely at assertions that they are waging war against "us" (how?) and that Jewish tribalism is inimical to everyone else (how?) and somehow different from everyone else who has a strong inter-ethnic identity (how?), and maybe someone else will mumble something about Jews being responsible for immigration and no-fault divorce and pornography, which even you say is not really the issue, so - why don't you just take the mask off in this place, one of the few places you can do that, and tell us what makes Jews so terrible that we must fight them?

Jews coordinate their actions to engage in Culture War with gentiles, for the benefit of themselves and at the detriment of their outgroup.

This takes various forms, like the ADL manufacturing a national panic to successfully lobby for hundreds of millions of dollars of handouts from DHS to Jewish NGOS, or it takes the form of cultural and intellectual movements that pathologize white ethnocentrism and elevate Jewish ethnocentrism as a moral imperative, or it takes the form of comic-book heroes that esoterically elevate Jewish moral standing and direct American cultural values in ways that benefit Jews, or it takes the form of Jews in the American government subversively directing America to wage as disastrous war on Iraq for the benefit of Israel, and is now agitating for war with Iran, or it takes the form of direct political action from hundreds of Jewish NGOS which promote immigration and demographic change in the United States and Europe while intensely advocating for Zionism, or it takes the form of Jewish lobbying groups spearheading influential campaigns to systematically censor criticism of themselves and their own behavior across social media. It takes the form of promoting anti-white cultural consciousness in all areas of public life while mobilizing enormous amounts of political and cultural power to suppress any criticism of Jewish behavior. It takes the form of the Holocaust narrative which serves as the founding myth for the entire post-war moral universe we live under today, a moral universe which is propagandized to children every which way and through an enormous catalogue of Holocaust movies which elevates Jewish suffering, using fake atrocity propaganda, as the most important thing in the universe.

Your demand is silly because my posts are collectively criticizing the Jewish engagement in Culture War with Gentiles. Why are you asking this question when you can just read my posts outlining the criticisms I have of Jewish behavior with respect to Culture War? You can accuse me of a lot of things, but accusing me of masking my "true problem" is absurd, I lay it out directly in my posts. My problem is they organize against me, they pathologize ethnocentrism among white people while demanding an intense fealty and commitment of blood and treasure to their own wildly ethnocentric behavior.

So basically (if you can forgive what might be a slightly crude summary) it's that they're successfully engaged in ethnic organization and politics, and you see that political action as being detrimental to your own ethnic block?

Is your objection that the jews are doing these things at the detriment to your ingroup, or is your objection to doing these things at all? Would you feel the same way about gentile whites organizing to their own benefit?

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So that's what you're going to go with? "Nothing has changed since the Middle Ages, Jews are bad m'kay"? This is not a convincing platform.

My platform is explained in my commentary, which ranges from issues of history to foreign policy, media, pop-culture, etc. Culture War is not about the latest trans fad, it's about the collective consciousness that orients us in the world. You cannot understand the collective consciousness without understanding this issue.

Your commentary is mostly quibbles about the mechanics of various Nazi policies AFAIR -- maybe the odd other historical digression?

What is bad about the Jews in the here and now? Why should I be concerned?