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joined 2022 September 04 19:07:26 UTC


User ID: 82



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User ID: 82

Jonathan Yaniv, the guy who was making a cottage industry of discrimination suits against beauticians who only wanted to work on women and therefore wouldn't wax his (feminine) balls.

He also had (has?) some sort of tampon fetish and was spotted on forums messaging young girls about the etiquette on 'helping each other out' with their tampons. So he probably has lots of tampons!

I didn't actually figure out a joke -- maybe just <Jonathan Yaniv has entered the chat>?

Keeping up with the CW ain't easy.

I want to make a Yaniv joke, but it's probably against the rules somehow -- so let's just say that on the modern internet, not only does nobody know that you're a dog, but nobody can be sure that you aren't a dog either.


with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight they made the right call to fight.

How do you mean? I think they could have gotten out early giving up just the disputed Donbass areas plus land access to Crimea -- it's not great, but now they are in a situation where Russia has little reason to stop nibbling away so 'current lines of control' seems like the most they can get. That + a bunch of dead people and 2 years lost rebuilding time doesn't seem worth the squeeze to me.

Yeah I can second this -- we drove quite a lot of cars in the 'lightly used' and 'new on the lot' categories a couple of years ago, and ended up with a nice Mazda. In some ways nicer that the 'budget' euro models, and something like 20-30k less money. No problems a year in, decent fuel economy, and I kind of like driving it.

Not in places with sane street grids -- even in cases where you might theoretically be able to dig up one side (ie. not any sort of service main, which doesn't reliably stick to a particular part of the street) at a time it's way more efficient to put up a "Detour" sign and get the work done ASAP. Also safer, as you don't have traffic-worker interaction all the time.

11 incidents in 9 years.

Mostly unarmed crazy people with no ability to do actual harm -- you can't brush this off as 'oh bad luck, bound to happen eventually what with so much public speaking and so many attempts on his life' when the very first guy who came to a speech with a gun was able to get multiple shots in the near vicinity of Trump's brainstem.

They didn't eventually fuck up -- they fucked up on the first try.

The Millennial generation was so named (in the 90s) because the Millennium was expected to be the defining event of the generation -- turned out that was a pretty lame event, but the overturning of American hegemony by a gang of religious fanatics came just after and has shaped life since.

Most people put the first millennials at around 1980 -- which makes the bulk of the generation at least aware of what was going on, and the oldest of them 21. The last Boomers were 4-9 y.o. during the Summer of Love (depending where you want to draw that line), and the first ~24. This does not seem like a big difference to me, unless you are arguing that the defining event of the Boomer generation wasn't until sometime in the late 70s when all of them were grown up?

Digging up the road to fix a water/gas/sewer main or something is the usual reason -- roads also need to be repaved from time to time.

You know where the name "millenial" comes from, right?

About the assassination attempt: look, it's just clear to me that there is nothing necessarily surprising or conspiratorial about the Secret Service fucking up after successfully protecting one of the most hated figures in US history, who also constantly does outdoor rallies, for 10 years. It would be surprising if they didn't eventually fuck up.


Where are all the other assassination attempts that they caught? If some guy showing up with a rifle at all those rallies were some sort of regular occurrence, and this one retarded dude lucked out and slipped through, what you say would make sense -- but this is not the case.

They have one job, and the first chance they had to do it, they fucked it up. OR -- they've been doing their job OK, then one day they didn't.

I am telling you the truth, which is that until recently I thought Trump was part good and part bad but I felt he would be effectively contained by checks and balances, but I am now worried because I am beginning to see the checks and balances waver. You may agree with me, you may disagree with me

I do not believe you.

That's probably what I was thinking of -- the adult-minor sodomy analysis may have been something as ephemeral as a comment somebody made on here (maybe looking at a specific case amongst the ones Wolf tallied), but it seemed well documented at the time.

I seem to recall somebody looking into some specific cases behind the "N Victorians executed for gayness" statistic and finding that a high percentage would be more aptly framed as "child molestation" than "executed for being gay" -- no source that I can recall at the moment, but I definitely read it somewhere -- and the English are very good about court records...

Well done.

Cool -- I've got an older gen TOF plus a little oled unit and an old (broken) rangefinder box from a press camera (all sitting in a plastic baggie) that I've been meaning to frankenstein together into a focus assist hybrid display for large-format cameras. Time is short, but I'll get round to it.

Curious how it looks for accuracy once you dig in -- probably less important in your application, but I need <5cm on the near end; much less demanding as distances get larger tho.

Rangefinder glasses?

There's a good SBF joke I'm reaching for, but I don't think it's quite there; something like:

"Hey guys, I've got this great Ponzi scheme going on -- check it out! Can I get some hookers & blow now?"

"Sorry Sam, nerd-schemes don't really count -- best we can do is some Adderall and a freaky math chick"

I see -- I struggle to ascribe enough competence to something like the CFPB to think that they'd actually be doing anything useful, but... maybe I guess.

Anyways, can't concerned parties just, like -- not put their money in the SV/hookers/blow banks, and prefer the normal stodgy banks (that steal your money less directly, by being TBTF and F'ing every so often) -- if they are concerned?

For every "boring and annoying" antisemitic post on here, there are 10 NPC-level rebuttals that add no substance.

This is why boring and annoying antisemitic posts are strongly discouraged -- maybe the antisemites should try posting something interesting?

Like, SS is not my favourite poster (and I hate to encourage him), but his holocaust denial posts do bring in some interesting history at times -- I don't believe that a meticulously researched post about the connections these two Powerful Jews have to the International Zionist Conspiracy, and the specific actions they took to broker this ridiculous deal; maybe wrapping up with the was in which the ridiculous deal makes these Jews more Powerful and will enable the IZC to take over the UK -- would face mod sanctions.

It would probably still get a lot of pushback, but steel sharpens steel, right? Have at 'er.

a pantomime of cost savings* as a cover for re-legalizing banking scams.

Sorry, what banking scams are being legalized? (asking for a friend)

As I recall they are pretty specific there -- I think something like 5-10 cigars per year was still considered "non-smoker" for life insurance purposes, last I renewed.

Not sure their stance on pouches and vapes nowadays -- but I've heard that the main purpose of the blood/urine test that life insurance providers (sometimes?) do is checking for nicotine so people can't just lie about smoking, so I could imagine some issues there. (do they do tests for health insurance in the US? if not, "non-smoker" is accurate, and there's no tobacco in Zyn, so even "no tobacco products" seems defensible)

I don't believe for a second that the number of unambiguously violent protesters was 0 or 14, given that 140 law enforcement officers were injured and 15 were hospitalized.

You need to be looking at the subset of unambiguously violent protestors within the set of those convicted -- it seems quite unlikely that everyone guilty of violence was identified and arrested.

Which makes '14' at least plausible -- what criteria do you suppose Trump was using in deciding whom to pardon and who's sentence to commute?

An electric Honda Del Sol would be pretty fun!

Can't we just... not?

Using AI as a (lazy) reference (eg. "ChatGPT says the GDP of Elbonia is $1.5B") is bad -- because nobody can be sure that GPT is correct in this, and therefore if you want to engage with the point you need to look up the number yourself first and make sure it's not a hallucination.

Using AI as a source of argument (eg. "ChatGPT says that Roko's Basilisk is baloney: <insert long AI argument> I think this is wrong because...") is bad for all the reasons many have pointed out (boring, low effort...), and putting it in spoiler tags, quotes, offsite links, smoke signals, whatever -- doesn't change this.

Quoting AI output as an example in a discussion about AI quality (eg. "Look what ChatGPT can do; the singularity is surely nigh!") or similar is probably OK -- but in most cases might be off-topic in the CW thread, and better placed in "Tinker Tuesday" or something.

So how about:

"No use of AI output in posts, with the distinction between 'use' and 'mention' subject to mod judgement -- keeping in mind that relevance and 'don't be annoying' rules still apply".

Could we hear from a mod who wants an AI policy even as permissive as "quoted just like any other speaker"?

I imagine it's @self_made_human

Toronto is not particularly Canadian anymore -- I'm OK with taking refugees so long as they don't mind moving to Thunder Bay or something.

Looking at the map, 49 degrees loses us some places I'd rather keep though -- I maintain that we are better off without Southern Ontario.

Draw a straight line from Sault St Marie to Kingston or so and we're good.