I don't have a lot of air-fryer experience, but a "real" (home) deepfryer is much easier to maintain than usually represented. Mine cost something like fifty bucks decades ago, and I just change the oil when it gets dark and stick it in the pantry when not in use.
(@2rafa's approach does sound more delicious, but "chop potatoes into french-fry shaped objects and throw in fryer" also happens to be about the laziest/fastest way to make pretty good fries -- I do have some tricks to crisp them up more, but for regular family meals the results from my (simple) approach are pretty damn good. One easy thing that helps (originating with Kenji Lopez I think) is to pull the basket when the fries are about half done, then give them a second plunge to finish just before serving. The (small) oil reservoir has heated back up again by then, and you get a nice crisp product without having to faff about par-boiling etc)
Do we know how much of this coin Trump himself (or his company I guess) holds?
Assuming it is indeed a substantial money maker for him, and Trump-supporting "investors" do indeed end up losing whatever they put into it -- they might not care? Think of it as a "thank you" to the guy for breaking the previous (very bad) system. I guess it end-runs political fundraising law, but that seems kind of unconstitutional to me anyways -- so why fret? Democrats will seethe, of course -- but I don't think this is actually illegal?
There was a similar dynamic with the Canadian Convoy fundraising; Left Inc. promulgated a bunch of (probably fake) stories about how the main organizer was spending the funds (and later her legal defense donations) on designer dresses and whatnot, which they felt was some sort of knockout punch -- but the common response from actual donors was more like "So what? She fucking won, I don't care what she spends her money on."
The fact that refrigerators were in a thing prior to the 1970s seems to indicate that it wasn't that valuable?
"Proportional Representation: Literally Hitler"!
I also find these chairs comfortable (well 'found'; I haven't seen any since the 80s probably) -- the ones we had were underengineered on the tubing though, and eventually would get metal fatigue and bust at the curve.
Probably NGM with modern user weights and Chinese steel...
At some point in North American history they cost ten cents, so my guess would be this goes back quite a ways.
Here I sit, broken-hearted,
paid my dime and only farted
Next time when I take a chance,
save a dime and shit my pants
The reason I think it's still going to be October is just because that's the optimal game theoretic strategy for every interested party.
Eh, the NDP's run down the clock about as much as they can -- at a certain point propping up the Liberals will cost them more votes than it's worth. (and it's already costing them some)
The Bloc I suppose is always a wildcard, but it doesn't seem that they had much success with issuing ultimatums and they are poised to make out very very well in QC for the forseeable future -- so I can't see Trudeau's successor turning them.
Throne speech is a confidence vote; I predict an election declaration soon afterwards. (although at the maximum period, not the minimum -- for just the reasons you mention)
do it in a BDSM community so you know that they have the necessary skills to protect their own safety
This may well be a good idea (or maybe not), but I find the article's (and this comment's, implicitly) assertion that "the BDSM community" is some sort of authority to which BDSM practitioners must submit pretty weird -- the BDSM community's approval of various sexual activities does not feature in any legal codes that I'm aware of, and I see no reason why anybody should be expected to pay any more heed to the BDSM community's opinions about their sex life than (say) the BDSM community would pay to those of the Christian community.
In short, who died and made the BDSMC the sex cops? (although clearly they would the goto if one were looking for sex cop uniforms)
"'roids are not for the lazy" is how it's been put to me by... guys who do a lot of 'roids.
Not much room for the Asian numbers to go up at Meta in particular, frankly.
I would give long, looong odds that CSIS is not doing this and never will -- basic functionality as an intelligence service seems pretty far beyond them, there's just no way that they are worried about somebody going CSI on the PM.
Modern UX design is all about placing the most-used options in the most-accessible places so that new users can find them as quickly as possible.
Have you, uh -- used much modern UI lately? My impression (unless by 'modern' you mean MacOS circa 2002) is that modern UX design is all about hiding useful options in locations that are not only obscure but literally invisible (see 'mystery meat', scroll bars, etc ad infinitum) to all users, if not (always) going so far as requiring users to learn undocumented 'gestures' to invoke frequently used things. (see iOS since its inception, but steadily escalating and spreading to other previously functional incarnations of various touch interfaces)
YesChad.jpg to all -- if you want kids, finding a chubby girl who is tired of being cycled through by dudes who just want to get laid until they can find somebody hotter is an excellent approach, both in Alaska and elsewhere.
No dude -- there are fewer women in alaska, meaning that there are even fewer hot women in alaska -- so all the eligible dudes are busy cycling through them. Leaving an underserved (Large Ladies) market for somebody who's life-goal is having kids. (which was the original topic of discussion; going gay won't help with that)
There's usually lawns and such in between that and the houses though. (or should be, if you have a town somewhere that can also get wildfires.
The safe zone for human survivability if overrun is much smaller than you might think, for reasonable fuel loads -- nevermind the inside of a building.
The burned out neighbourhoods you see in wildfire footage almost always got that way by the houses themselves catching fire one at a time -- in the Kelowna fires aftermath you'd often see the odd house where the builder decided to spring for a tile roof untouched right in the middle of a burnt out street.
It doesn't really work that way, again unless the house is literally surrounded by/within a bunch of big trees. Houses usually burn in wildfire due to brands/embers falling on flammable bits that are exposed, or grassfires burning right up to flammable siding and catching that on fire.
Even just wood-frame with the exposed bits clad in non-combustibles gets you most of the way there, provided your house is not literally in the middle of untouched forest. (which is a difficult position, in the worst-case scenario, and really needs firebreaks)
Steel/clay/concrete roof is priority #1, and stucco (or similar) siding helps some too -- we struggle to implement these in Canada for labour cost/expertise and style reasons, but I don't really see how either of these are an obstacle in California? (Earthquake-proof concrete OTOH gets pretty expensive I think?)
Russia has them, and if America does not wish to pay for Ukraine's guarantees isn't this the better option for thrifty US isolationist nationalists without a dog in the fight?
Only if they don't care about the (literal) fallout -- this is absolutely a red line for Russia, and I'm not even sure how unreasonable that is.
Even moreso, since it was done (mostly, the handgun stuff was actually legislated and will take longer to roll back; we can still legally use those though, just not buy/sell) in such an easily reversible way and it is now obvious that (barring anything super-weird) there will be a right-wing landslide federally at some point this year.
I shouldn't understate it -- most ranges are pretty fuddly and would probably tell you to cut it out if one were seen taking banned guns there. The cops are quite disinterested in enforcement (particularly anything looking like doorknocking) but you never can tell when you will draw some sort of keener -- so given the short projected lifespan of the semi ban most people are playing it pretty cool.
Typically once the US becomes aware of non-nuclear armed country's latency period being actively shrunk, steps to... lengthen it again are harsh and immediate.
I suggest that Russia probably has more-than-adequate intelligence assets in Ukraine to become rapidly aware of such activities (don't they de facto run a lot of the nuke plants?) and has substantial heretofore untapped capabilities that they would bring to bear in such a case. (there's already a pretty big exclusion zone around Chernobyl; what's a few more!?)
My deal gets you Victoria as well -- Portland with less rain, and an average age of about 80, what's not to like?
I'm from out west -- we've never had representation anyways! I'm not sure whether Trump or Trudeau is more actively hostile to the Canadian identity TBH; maybe about equal, just on different axes?
First, plan real hard for a targeted killing of the Minister of National Defense. Sparks massive confusion within the apparatus as to who is in charge.
The grunts in the Canadian military are actually pretty good, and our whole tactical model has been based on autonomous small-unit ops for like a hundred years -- if you assassinated the whole DND you would probably increase effectiveness if anything.
Now would definitely be the time though; you'd need to turn some folks and set up a Vichy thing probably -- maybe Max Bernier is interested in being King of Canada?
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