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User ID: 82



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User ID: 82

You're not going to scam sell valuable business opportunities to any VCs with that attitude!

To be clear I think the whole idea is kind of dumb -- but how else would you do it? Somebody needs to decide -- you could hire freelancers I guess?

"In the past several years there has been a lot of discussion about how people are increasingly feeling unsafe on public transit. What do you think about that?"

"IDK, maybe -- I haven't really noticed anything, myself"

there's an algorithm to decide whether it's legitimate and how much money it should pay out

Maybe something like 'jury duty' for pool members? 12 random members get a claim package to look at from time to time, and vote on it?

This is actually not an unheard of Anglo boy name -- I've worked with one, anyways. I presumed it was some kind of family tradition.

That particular guy did have a bit of a violent insecurity complex though (and you could bully him at any time just by saying his name with the right inflection!), so maybe the song is true?

Torch it man -- a big unit that goes on your BBQ tank is about 30 bucks.

It's not like, a final solution -- stuff comes back. But less and less every time, and so long as your driveway isn't yuge (or weed infested) it's like half an hour spring and fall?

Is there any indication that Biden would actually, like, do this? I don't really see what his motivation would be, even if it's not the case that he's preemptively pissed at the Democratic establishment for pushing him out. (which may well be the case!)

Trump is Nixon in the "only Nixon can go to China" sense, on many many issues -- the Democrats habit of casting their Nixons into the outer darkness works against them here.

Birth Certificate, perfect! They won't really work if people can change them all the time though -- teenagers would change them so they could buy beer, and foreigners might take advantage of the opportunity to apply for a passport or run for President. I think these Birth Certificates would need to be written in ink, on paper at or around the time of birth -- that way people wouldn't be able to use them to defraud others.

If people are issuing other sorts of certificates that muddy the waters and track 'gender' rather than 'sex' -- you should ask yourself why those people would do that, and further why they would then proceed to complain ('complain' i guess -- AOC is not actually complaining here) that it's impossible to keep track of what sex people are without subjecting them to genital inspections.

He probably does, but talking about them too much could also be a career limiting move...

neither Mace nor Mike Johnson could tell you how they planned on enforcing such a rule, unless they planned on posting a guard who would check the genitals of anyone who looked suspicious.

Indeed this problem seems almost intractable -- I have an idea though!

What if the government were to issue some sort of document confirming the sex of an individual? A certificate or something. Obviously it wouldn't be practical to check all the time, but at least there'd be some kind of ground truth, and complaints could be quickly and easily resolved without anyone needing to check AOC or Nancy Mace's genitals.

Having government officials observe peoples' genitalia in order to produce this document in the first place, I admit has privacy implications and would be open to abuse -- but hear me out -- babies don't really care about being seen naked, and doctors see naked babies all the time. Maybe the doctor attending a baby's birth could note this information, and provide it to the government? He/she could even note as well the date and location of birth, which could be useful down the road for proving age and/or citizenship.

I think with the proper marketing this idea could really catch on -- thing is I can't think of a catchy name for such a document! Does anyone have any ideas as to what we might call it?

Anyone with half a brain

I think the intended audience is the other segment of the population...

Why'd you expect a single interception?

I don't -- I think the point Putin is making here is that he can put missiles anywhere in Europe and nobody will intercept them?

We over-regulated general aviation and so froze it in time.

I was amused to discover that the only source of new parts for caveman-carburetor attached to the 500lb cast steel straight-six lump powering some farm equipment I was working on over the summer is FAA-approved general aviation parts suppliers -- this stuff is still in production even though it was considered inefficient at powering tractors circa 1965, because many of the approved engine designs for commercial light planes date back to the 1950s.

The bad news is that a new carb from these suppliers would be in the same price range as a whole tractor, due to government enforced certification monopolies stringent manufacturing tolerences; the good news is that it's a fucking caveman carb without even any jets to clean, so I scraped the goo out of it as best I could and made a new gasket from a Cheerios box; now it runs just fine.

Yeah in some ways it's just that hunting is way easier here -- Easterners talk about hunt camps, deer drives, tree stands and I'm like WTF dude, just go drive around at sunrise +/- a couple of hours.

Doesn't really explain the gender difference though -- women I know (and these are in some cases literal partners in crime growing up; no way they are making up stories about shooting moose to impress me) are solidly either 'why can't you just leave the animals alone' or pretty bloodthirsty themselves -- the middle ground is not there. Cultural I guess.

I could see that happening, but yeah, out west we don't do the 'hunt camp' thing as much -- or if we do it's in addition to 'go sit in a good spot (and/or cruise some cutblocks in the truck) for a few hours before/after work'. Nice to have some company for this, but it's also nice to be alone in the woods sometimes.

To be clear the people I'm talking about are ones that I hunt with personally and have observed shooting deer, so you can take that observation with whatever credibility you associate with internet randos (ie. me) -- the one girl who does go by herself is not quite as keen as her husband, but will take a couple horses out for a week ~once a year and come back with meat, so I'm pretty confident she's not secretly meeting up with her husband afterwards to throw his deer in the truck. (although in this case it would also not surprise me in the least if they also engaged in legally ambiguous activities in the event that all the tags aren't filled at the end of the season)

Which is why we have laws against it.

Laws which in practice aren't really enforced when a man is perceived to have gotten himself in over his head -- that's the point.

We have a system for establishing a policy of "Do not do $THING or There Will Be Consequences."

Where $THING <> "force other people to pretend that you've changed your gender" I guess -- y'know, the topic of this thread? Then it's the opposite, right?

People have spent thousands of years moving us up the entropy-slope

No, people have spent about 20 years convincing people like you that resort to violence is not a part of the masculine story -- to the extent that anything's actually changed if you step outside of your coddled environment, it's been at the earliest since after I went to high school.

In which case one approaches the problem by degrees -- prosecute the man who becomes violent over a tiny slight before the man responding to a more serious insult; prosecute the man who attacks someone smaller than himself before the man who picks on someone his own size, &c.

Who's this 'one'? Nobody does that.

Tim Walz' Golden Rule.

What does Tim Walz being a huge hypocrite have to do with anything?

Not so sure about that -- I know three couples like this, and in all cases the women are right there on the trigger.

Only one that will go out on her own though (not a tranny, but possibly naturally a bit high-T), so maybe switch it to 'hunts alone'?

which includes any instance in which the aggressor is substantially stronger, or arranges to have a half-dozen friends when the victim is alone.

Sure doesn't -- first-hand observation here. I'm talking about 'kicking a guy in the head just a cop happens to round the corner' or something -- I've seen both of your examples happen IRL (first one way more than once) and if anything there's even less sympathy for the 'victim' who did something (non-violent) that everyone knew would spiral into a fight with somebody way way bigger and tougher than him.

You moron. Why would you do that?

is the approximate response of everyone from bouncers to cops.

The principle¹ that Alex should not be obligated to follow the demands of Bob the Random Nobody merely because Bob happens to be stronger than Alex

That's not what we're talking about here though -- we're talking about Alex doing something dumb, which he knows will insult or otherwise rouse Bob's personal ire. And doing so in a masculine environment.

This has consequences -- every man knows it, whether or not he will admit it and/or try to hide behind other dudes with guns.

(interesting principle though -- does it also apply to the actions of crybullies who are much weaker than their victims, and yet still issue demands expecting compliance?)

A principle originally dating back to at least the Bronze Age, even if inconsistently applied.

I doubt it, actually -- men fight each other over slights real and imaginary, whether you like it or not -- it dates well before and after the Bronze Age, and up until very recently if they punished everyone guilty of that there'd be nobody left to bring the grain in and whatnot.

if the 'consequences of a bad decision' include extralegal violence, protecting people from it is one of the most fundamental functions of society, and protects you from somebody else deciding that some aspect of your life-style is a 'bad decision' that they are entitled to assault people over.

Donno man, there are a million 'bad decisions' a guy can make in a bar that will 100% get him beat up -- wearing a dress probably isn't even top 50.

And yet somehow society, while it will sometimes intervene if the aggressor is too hard to ignore -- mostly treats barfights over dumb shit as plus-or-minus consentual, and the response trends in the direction of 'even less than if you report your bike stolen'.

That seems incompatible with 'fundamental function of society' -- maybe you meant to say 'protecting women from extralegal violence?'

Well I wouldn't say that it's 'just' a fetish -- it's a fetish in addition to a bunch of social confusion and weird medical enablement.

What were all these people tormented to the point of suicide by their birth-bodies doing about it prior to the invention of current-day medical/hormonal interventions?

communal showers i’m pretty sure went out of style due to increasing wealth making individual stalls more affordable.

Don't think so Tim -- at my high school the girls changeroom had separate stalls, while the boys' was prison-style. (but with nicer tile-work)

Fairly sure it wouldn't have killed the school budget to build the male changeroom to the same specs -- this is just what locker rooms were supposed to be like. (for bonding or something? IDK)

It certainly dropped an impressive array of fireworks, with no apparent defensive response...

Maybe -- but this is the same thing as saying 'men who commit to physical transition don't do so for AGP reasons'. Which I'm pretty skeptical of, given the prominent examples. I'd be surprised if Bruce Jenner didn't have at least aspects of this for instance.

the ones who do are generally disturbed and disregulated enough that they'll get themselves into trouble with undeniably inappropriate behavior pretty quickly.

Either that or they reshape society such that people who complain about their inappropriate behaviour are the ones who get into trouble!

if he's actually on hormones for 10 years, and made permanent changes to his body, I don't think that's very likely.

What's so unlikely about it? Implants are usually... pretty permanent as well, it's not like he's swapping them in and out.

I agree that the 'wearing' addition is an odd turn of phrase, but 'fake breasts' to me applies equally well to ones produced by hormonal as surgical intervention.