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Trump doesn’t have any leverage, because Biden and Zelensky spent the last three years pissing all the leverage away. The Kursk salient just got rolled, probably to the tune of 30,000 Ukrainian casualties. There are multiple Russian breakouts happening on the Pokrovsk, Kupyansk and Zaprozhia axes. Ukraine’s power and transport infrastructure has been destroyed along with much of their air defense. We are probably looking at the complete collapse of eastern Ukraine in the next four months. Belarus is mobilizing for an incursion into Western Ukraine this September. Short of rounding up NATO and sending half a million troops to directly enter the war, what exactly can Trump do here? Putin has zero incentive to agree to any kind of real ceasefire, because he’s about to win the war.
Il take a three to one bet that you're wrong on both counts by the time specified + 2 months. For a what counts as "complete collapse" of eastern ukraine; a thread on the culture war roundup that has at least three known posters stating it as something close enough (with no more than half of those posters changing their mind within one week)
I highly doubt you will agree to these very favourable terms. Hopefully the end result will inspire you to be more critical of your information sources anyway.
Collapse by it's nature is impossible to time right. The USSR caught by surprise everyone. So did Arab spring. It came to Assad after he had won ... Ukraine collapsing or Russia is both in the cards in any moment. Or even Turkey.
Erdogan was democratically elected.
So was Putin.
Still my sense is that Turkey is substantially more democratic than Russia (I haven't heard of Erdogan's opponents being thrown out of windows). I'm no expert though, so will defer to those who are.
We had a university annul Erdogan's main rival's diploma, so by turkish law he can't run in the upcoming elections, also he got him elected. Also erdogan has had constant purges of the judicary, military since he came to power and threw around 30000 people in jail after the coup.
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Yeah, sure. That's why I'm not betting 100% on it. I give it 5% odds of it happening personally.
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Might want to specify which claims you're counting as counts, since there are more than two involved.
Would recommend a followup in 4 months regardless, though I don't think we have an iRemindMe feature here.
Big fan of your Ukraine posts! Reddit and here.
Appreciated, though it was something of a new year's resolution to try and post less about it this year.
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Let's assume that your rosy picture of Russian armed forces is accurate.
Just stay the course, few more months of grind to flatten the Ukraine and it is done. Ukraine army is broken, Zelensky dead or in Florida, Russian flags fly over Kiev and Odessa. It is over.
Now what? The sactions last, new Russian territory is not recognized by the "international community", frontier states are frantically rearming, including nuclear weapons. Hundreds of billions of Russian funds are never going back. Russia won ... patch of devastated land where anyone who could fled and only the elderly pensioners are left.
Putin can present it in TV to Z audience as glorious victory, but that's all.
As opposed to what? It's not like a ceasefire would result in frontier states not rearming, or sanctions being lifted. All that is gonna happen anyway, and Russia appears to be fine with it.
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Israel's settlements aren't recognized by the international community, yet they persist and expand. This war is about facts on the ground, not words on a page. Sanctions are a perfect example: Russian oil just goes via India off to Europe. The demand for luxury European cars has risen enormously in Azerbaijan...
Besides Ukraine, Europe is also a clear loser, even if they're brave enough to seize Russian assets. Apparently the war already cost Europe some 700 billion Euros by mid-2023:
Because Israel has the demographics to get make settler colonialism work. Russia uh… doesn’t.
Seriously when your core demographic has a tfr of like 5(and zionists/likud supporters have a higher fertility rate than already high Israeli general fertility) you can do things to conquered territory that would make no sense if your core demographic(and ethnic Russians have a lower fertility than Russia in general) has an Eastern European fertility rate and your population density is already one of the lowest in the world.
Israel’s fertility is terrible with the exception of the Haredim, who refuse to hold productive jobs or serve in the military.
That is not true. Secular Israeli Jews have a fertility rate of 2, and that’s the lowest Israeli Jewish fertility gets.
And if their adversary and neighbor was North Korea that would be pretty good. But they have the misfortune of being in conflict with one of the few remaining fertile groups on the planet.
This isn’t 2005. Islamic fertility isn’t sub-Saharan Africa level. Israel’s TFR is generally higher than it’s neighbors.
It is not, thoughbeit. The fertility rate of the Palestinian territories is 3.44. Gaza is 3.88. While that’s down from a whopping 7 in 1990 that’s still almost double of Israel’s. Egypt is 2.88. Syria, despite being in the middle of a horrific civil war, is 2.70. Iraq is 3.88. The only country Israel is keeping up with is Lebanon. Unfortunately it seems western culture has a more deleterious effect on fertility rates than several million smart bombs do.
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Most of the people in Donbass, Crimea and so on are Russian. They speak Russian, many of them are fighting for Russia.
Russians seizing a part of the world with cities founded by Catherine the Great, literally named Novorossiya, isn't settler colonialism.
Is Israel (ie the Jewish seizure of Judea) settler colonialism? I would argue it is (And That’s A Good Thing), you seem to be suggesting otherwise.
I have nothing against settler colonialism in general and it wasn't even part of my main point, nearly everyone has done it at some time or another.
To a certain extent Russia is gaining Russians by invading Ukraine, Israel isn't gaining Jews by annexing various parts of Palestine, they're just securing land. That's relevant to hydro's point.
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eh, they're still better off than Europe. Ethnic German tfr isn't any higher than ethnic Russian. The Europeans have inflated their numbers by importing foreigners, but this is actually a long term detriment. Currently in modern countries you need around a 70iq to at least function, but with ai and multi function robots around the corner this is increasing. Wouldn't be surprising if around 85 is needed to function by 2040-50. Assuming we aren't all obsoleted by some kinda singularity level event.
Majority of immigrant populations are maybe 85 iq. So about half of them will be societal deadweight, at the same time the productive population is declining. It's worse in some places, somalis are maybe 70 IQ, and they have a TFR of 5 or so in Sweden.
Really only east asia is looking good these days. US might just avoid Europe's fate if populism can kick out the globalists. Oceania despite their best efforts might be saved by geography. It's east asia's century though.
Russia has the second largest illegal immigration problem in the world, behind only the USA, and its youth population is increasingly Muslim steppe peasants with IQ’s suppressed by generations of cousin marriage. The idea that it’s ‘resisting demographic change’ in a way Germany isn’t is risible.
No doubt Russia in 2100 will speak Russian and have ethnic Russians occupying top spots. But that’s because it’s an empire. How many Puerto Ricans are there in the senate? Descendants of illegals?
wouldn't that mean that IQ gets leap back in just 1 generation after?
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