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User ID: 594



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User ID: 594

(I suspect that it's not a coincidence that these successes were both sequels to hugely popular games that built on a strong base).

Probably not coincidence that both are also substantially weaker than their part ones.

Because CITIZENS will be forced to fight, and illegal migrants will not.

And there will be populist leader that will say - we send the illegals first and he wins the election.

And that's because US foreign policy decisions seemingly being driven not by wider strategic objectives

The strategic objective is the war to end. The US doesn't give a fuck if Putin will take 30-40-50 percent of ukraine as long as there is a thin sliver of land left between poland and russia as a buffer. US has bigger leverage over Zelensky than Putin, so this is where they push.

You know US is getting serious when they cut off starlink, not missiles.

I have no idea what Ethiopia, Realpolitik and Wilsonian's views are, sorry lol.

Invasion of Ethiopia - when the league of nations bickered, so the realistic realpolitik plan - Italy to get the plains and Haile Selasie to keep the mountains never got traction since the LON was brainchild of then president Woodrow Wilson so Italy got all of it.

Realpolitik is the notion that nations should chase their own interests, be indifferent towards the internal structure of the other players and that morality moves to second place.

And well Woodrow Wilson thought that we should sing kumbaya and if we create a league of all nation and outlaw war then all the world will be at peace forever.

So from Realpolitik view invasion of Ukraine from Russia makes sense. How much support should US provide depends on US interests and it is irrelevant what Ukraine wants of needs. And Trump sees probably Ukraine as a chip to gain some favors from Russia or a proxy that just needs enough support to lose the war slowly as to bleed Russia dry.

So saying that Ukraine should take a bad deal now to avoid taking worse one tomorrow is grounded in reality. This could also be said about Palestinians after the US firmly backed Israel during the 20th century. It is Russian propaganda I guess, but it is not a complete lie the way the war is going.

I would offer you a different viewpoint. This is just Ethiopia all over again. A clash between Realpolitik and Wilsonian's views.

Realpolitk says that Putin is entitled to half of Ukraine, because saving it whole is not worth it.

Wilsonian's says it's immoral so we should go all in.

Russian propaganda in its core is closer to Realpolitk so a lot of opinions may be viewed by this lens.

Also the European equivalent of woke have put so much of their capital and emotions into Ukraine side. And their foaming at the mouth alone is making the loss of Ukraine worth it.

I don't want Putin to win. I want Brussels to lose badly.

Article 5 is only if Russia attacks the mainland. foreign soldiers in Ukraine are fair game.

Go to Ukraine, get your troops killed, and then invoke Article 5?

Dead troops on foreign soil doesn't trigger Article 5.

I think that

  1. He thinks that what he does is in Ukraine best interest
  2. He is corrupt as fuck (being eastern european politician is proof of corruption, just like being politician from Chicago)
  3. The adoration and adulation he has been getting from the EU has gotten to his head. They threat him like he is above them, like the leader of Europe, yada yada.
  4. He is weak - he doesn't have the strength to sign the best realistically possible deal for Ukraine even if it is bad.
  5. He cares about political survival.


How to open a doughball into a phyllo sheet ... it is always a pleasure to watch skilled person work.

And Indonesia is more than happy to infringe the rights of wanna be asylum seekers to Australia if they are politely asked by the Australian government. And they rule Western New Guinea with an iron fist.

Indonesian government thinks of human rights as nonbinding mild recommendations when it suits them.

To had the greatest Ukraine hawk to ask for your resignation is rarely a symptom of success. Trump is just to early in his term for such games.

“why don’t you wear a suit? Do you even own a suit?”

Probably because it was hinted in their last meeting that Zelensky should wear a suit next time he is meeting Trump. Being underdressed means you are the most powerful person in the room or you have no business being there. Zelensky decided he was the former.

Habsburg Spain, Great Britain in the twentieth century, Bourbon France. All countries that, according to Ferguson, failed to keep their defense spending high enough

None of those had debt denominated in fiat currency they could print at will. So this time it is different.

US can always pay their debts at the price of inflation and whining. And even if they decide not to pay and say - suck it up buttercup - what is the rest of the world going to do? Invade the lower 48 states?

I don't buy it. if you see a mistake in policy you reverse it or stop it.

What the hell is going on with Ukraine? Zelensky seems to be in Washington to sign something, but there are very scant details. What is US getting, what is Ukraine getting?

90s were indeed the golden age of the west.

It can't go this far since she is only selling 9 months in the womb for someone else's kid.

You hang the sheep, make e small hole near one hoof then take an auto tire pump and pump air inside till the skin cleancly separates.

One of those things everyone who writes the history books doesn't want to talk about.

This is what makes the most interesting topics. But that explains the existence of tankies.

Anyone with knowlege about the UK food shortages post WWII. The rationing was almost 10 years in peacetime. It is absurd. How did this clusterfuck happened?

Then we must invest in artificial wombs. This is a case where technology can clearly solve a moral problem.

It is eastern europe. That is evidence enough. Source - eastern european whose country has been busy misappropriating eurofunds for the better part of three decades.

Story of corruption on every level of the war effort - from people bribing their way out of the military service, p out of country, procurement or whatnot are many. The idea that the western aid will be exempt is naïve.


but here is a random link. Ukrainians themselves think that corruption is barely below the ongoing war as a country problem. That says a lot.

It is as if the two men just somehow had a child, as if that is the most natural thing in the world, and there should be no questioning of it by anyone for to do so would be, I don't know, wrong or backward-ass.

Old joke - a question to radio Yerevan - Can a man get pregnant? No, but in Turkey they keep trying.

I am all for surrogating pregnancy. It is not a big deal. But equalizing same sex couples with infertile straight ones irks me. It really requires some exceptional doublethink from all participants.

This teams looks diverse and inclusive to me. Hope they have enough equity in the project too.

On a more serious note - this is like rediscovering the wheel. This formula has proven track record. And I am willing to bet that they will be quite accepting of women if they manage to survive the initial hazing period.