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joined 2024 December 09 15:34:21 UTC


User ID: 3374



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User ID: 3374

For the first time in my life, I am investing money from a trust fund given to me by my parents. I am well aware of all the pitfalls and common advice, but there are some lessons I think I can only learn through experience. The temptation to believe I can beat the market is strong. So, after allocating most of my unearned wealth sensibly, I am gambling the rest(stock picking).

How much money is worth learning the lesson? I already feel pretty uneasy about what I've done. The real danger is that I might make it big and become addicted. Otherwise, it's a win-win situation, right?

Or is this just rationalization? I really didn't feel anything until I spent $1,000 on leveraged trades, so I thought I needed to push myself to get the emotional reaction I wanted from a loss or extreme volatility.

I'm a zoomer and I do not endorse this message. I brag about the great sex I have all the time. Likewise, I used to have bad sex, which I used to humblebrag about. Maybe what you're seeing is younger people having less sex and less experience with sex.

In this context, porn brained alludes to the porn watching habit of trying to find the right video that will be even hotter than the one before, always chasing the highest high. It's putting too much value on this highest high. This can be followed by a huge low (Guilt after cheating), or can never be found at all. It's a fantasy I think many cheaters and Poly people chase.

I probably shoud have rephrased it as "ONLY some sort of shackle". We have no disagreement.

It may well be that long marriages are less sexually fulfilling but that doesn't mean they're not fulfilling the needs of the people involved. Sex is hardly the only need and it's something that generally becomes less important as people age.

Maybe. Its not as clear cut though. There's probably a convincing case that for >65 year olds polyamory/lemon parties is the optimal happiness strategy. They just aren't bothered enough to try.

Good and accurate write up. Love me some motte journalism.

I already mentioned this in my last post, but the moral of the story is to have a stronger cultural immune response against bpd chicks and guys who are "sensitive" and "on a mental health journey". These people should be trusted much less in general and around each other than they are in these communities, no matter how much therapy speak they use.

Also you and other people on here have completely the wrong take on monogamy. Arguing that the temptation to cheat and men's desire for sexual novelty means men shouldnt be monogamous is asenine. Monogamy has many benefits that go well beyond sexual gratification. Its a very pornbrained attitude to life.

Your also conveniently leaving out the fact that daniel and naomi by all accounts had awful sex that they felt immedialtely regretful terrible about.

Acting like monogamy is some sort of shackle that inhibits mens innate drives is wrong. Monogamy serves to put long term interest above short term male impulses. Some men have a much harder time fighting this, and those people probably are in some ways incapable of being fully monogamous. Sucks to be them. This is linked with all sorts of mental disorders.

Edit: Most Humans are naturally serial monogamists. I concede that 30 year+ marriages are probably much less sexually long term fullfilling than switching partners every 5 years past 45.

Do it. We both remain those handful of people. This is a first hand, reading between the lines, account from me. I did find some small skeptiscism towards noami in the reddit post of his response video. I wanted to do a proper breakdown but I had to go to bed. My post is already 50% tired brain garbage.

I'm surprised no one's mentioned the very recent allegations against fantasy book YouTuber Daniel Greene, who ironically covered the Neil Gaiman story on his channel. It's a great case study, in my opinion.

Unlike Gaiman, Daniel had a wholesome, "shucks," good-boy image. Ostensibly, he cares hugely about his appearance but gives himself the title “disheveled goblin host” in his videos.

More on the man himself:


He claims to be a strong #ally, but definitely more in the Disney-safe way. He was never aggressive or went on a moral crusade, just signaled frequently that he's aware of the shibboleths and in touch with the Gen Z LGBTQ zeitgeist. He makes the right noises in response to controversies but never starts one himself. His whole brand is non-toxic but woke enough that the online fantasy fandom won't tear into him, which is a high bar.

He came out as bisexual while engaged to his fiancée, now wife (more on that later).

In a review, he would say: “The protagonist is an interracial trans man. That's really neat. We need more perspectives from non-cis voices.”

But never: “This book was too white and male.”

And I think he actually believes what he says! I think he's sincerely trying to avoid the disapproval of his peer group because he thinks they're right.


It turns out he cheated on his fiancée with an affair in a cringe way. He allegedly also sexually assaulted the affair partner, also in a pathetic way (SA is always pathetic, of course).

I have so much to say about that woman who made the video in the link. Judge her exactly by what you think she is purely based on her other recent video thumbnails and titles (cluster B attention seeker, man-eater).

Daniel Greene has denied the sexual assault but not the affair and will respond in depth soon.

I have so much more to say.

Ultimately, what I'm trying to get at is this: Since mental health issues are accepted in communities like these, both the victims and the perpetrators are not stigmatized. A sane community would be extremely wary of a woman like Naomi and a man like Daniel.

It would recognize the vulnerability of the BPD girl and the danger a smooth-talking, insecure, and unmanly boy poses to her and she to him.

Instead, she's bravely rediscovering herself every week, and he's battling his depression and mental health struggles.

And this is how i think it went down and how sexual assault in cases like these go down 90% of the time.

He talks and begs her into unenjoyable/painful sex she's unsure if she wants, with false promises which she will regret later. The rest is history.

I still think, despite verbal consent, and even if they had sex before and sex after and still hung out for a few days, that this is rape and the woman is not at fault. But I have a feeling people here will disagree.

That seems like a fairly strong argument. Out of curiosity I hopped over to the r/de subreddit. The vibe shift in regards to immigrants has definitely happened there. Not /r/canada but discussing issues caused by immigration is no longer verboten.

The economy though? Im a doomer when it comes to the economic zoning, as you put it, i think its an inevitable future. The only shot i have is being able to afford to live in a nice gated community with legal schnitzel and weißwurst.

Forget the actual leftists, among even my most intelligent thoughtful and moderate peers at my uni, they all pray to moloch. "Just a few more regulations and better allocated welfare subsidies, if only deutsche bahn wasnt so underfunded and we need to put more taxpayer money in critical government approved research and tech investment!"

The fdp suffers from this knob fiddling approach to governence too. And if you have a state full of german cog workers that probably works. The german mind cannot comprehend the permanent dysfunction of what weve imported.

I just dont see an actual way out. In the anglo countries at least they have a some ideological tools to discuss productivity and immigration.

Germans are so hyperfocused on the small in absolute terms amounts of violence that some groups generate and not on how were crafting a parallel society for a resentful underclass. Huge ethnic Differences between mittelschule and gymnasium attendance of groups will cause huge problems.

Who are you voting for this election? I'm having a really hard time deciding. Usually I go for the fringe pseudo libertarian loser parties like bündnis deutschland or partei der vernunft for vote signalling purposes.

I'm fairly ignorant of the day to day political discourse and shit slingings. I dont know of a single good german non-midwit political analysis source. Mrwissen2go only gets me so far. Which party would scott alexander endorse?

Its not fully out yet so i dont know what the monetisation model will be, but right now the only unlockable things are cosmetics.

Another The Motte exclusive give away! Dm me for a free closed beta the Bazaar invitation code. First come first serve. Those who know know (;

Would be nice if you used my referal code aswell: https://playthebazaar.com/signup?referral=d07d3d9c-b5d9-4e59-a399-1edb837e66fb

Dont really care about the ingame rewards so whatever. I just needed to play for my own sanity after watching too many northernlion missplays.

Edit: sent to @TheDag

I have a friend who personally knew the United Healthcare CEO's killer a few years ago. I asked the motte for some questions to ask him, and what I learned from them was surprising enough that I think the Motte will appreciate the inside scoop as a top-level post.

I am merely relaying the opinion of a high-achieving, apolitical normie.

Q: Was he popular with the ladies already, or was it literally the murder that did it? A: No, as my friend put it: He had no "rizz."

Q: Was he outspoken politically? In what way? A: He did not like that my friend was a bit of a tech bro "capitalist."

Q: Did he have any chronic health conditions? A: Not that my friend knew of.

Q: Did any friends of his have chronic health conditions? A: It did not come up.

Q: Was he social, or a loner? A: Not very social but he tried to be.

Here's where it got interesting:

Q: Was he 'weird' in any way?

A: Yes. My friend and others found his behavior awkward and forced. He "tried to be macho" but couldn't pull it off. He also used a position of authority he had over my friend (who is pretty unassuming and unconfrontational) to make life hard for him due to the supposed political differences.

The last one surprises me a lot; his social media did not paint that picture. This made me update a lot on what kind of person he was back then(1-5 years ago).

Overall i do not care for the politics analysis discourse when it comes to this guy, but the personality profile of a "rational" killer is a lot more fascinating imo. (There were a lot more details but my friend insisted on anonimity. He also strongly condems the killers actions)

Hope the Motte appreciates a bit of original Journalism ;)

"He did not have rizz"

AMA My best friend was University coursemates with this guy. Im hopping on a call with my him later, write if you want me to ask something. (Its probably going to be disappointing). Il make a separate post if theres something interesting.

Same experience i had at an expensive private school in a western german city