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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 10, 2025

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Yesterday you said you weren't here to passive aggressively side talk about all these low quality populists.

That doesn't sound like me.

smears against anyone who questions the neoliberal consensus

This has got squat to do with "neoliberalism." Musk is basically a neoliberal. The problem is saying false things like the 4% approval rating stat and then doubling down when it's pointed out. It's not like he cited a real poll that, unbeknownst to him, had methodological flaws. The poll was completely made up.

Ok so conspiracists includes Elon Musk now and you don't like neoliberalism. You've fixated on Musk, despite not mentioning him at all in the previous post, but at least there's an argument to deal with. Next time say all that in the first place instead of whining about everyone you dislike.

you don't like neoliberalism

Poor reading comprehension.

Whoa whoa that's interpretation pal. I'm trying to determine a coherent worldview out of a temper tantrum, it's not easy. You could always explain yourself better, but we both know why you won't.

That doesn't sound like me.

He's referring to this comment, which on my reading does straightforwardly say that you're here for "work(ing) with them to explain your arguments and defeat(ing) theirs" as opposed to "sulk(ing) quietly to yourself and then passive aggressively side talk(ing) about all these low quality populists".

This has got squat to do with "neoliberalism." Musk is basically a neoliberal.

You're not making sense. I'm possibly the biggest Musk critic on this forum (even our resident progressives claim he's good at managing Tesla, SpaceX, etc - I don't), and you're taking swipes at people like me ("They don't come from "anti-establishment" conspiracy theorists..."), as you're trying to refocus the conversation on how wrong Musk is. Make it make sense.

I’m very confused. I feel like we’re all arguing and/or moderating past each other.

To which of the following do you object?

  • the “fake news account” Elon quoted was “anti-establishment conspiracy theorists”
  • AECTs don’t generate valuable anti-establishment takes as often as Hanania
  • Populists (Trump red tribers?) are AECTs

I don’t think Alex actually said the last one. I read his comments as a pure complaint about Elon Musk’s susceptibility to AECTs like this particular account. But you and @Fruck are taking it as a personal or at least tribal attack? What am I missing?

the “fake news account” Elon quoted was “anti-establishment conspiracy theorists”

I didn't get the impression that he was limiting his criticism to that particular Twitter account, rather it feels like a sweeping condemnation of all AECT's.

AECTs don’t generate valuable anti-establishment takes as often as Hanania

That would be a pretty big point of disagreement as well, but it's open to civil debate.

I read his comments as a pure complaint about Elon Musk’s susceptibility to AECTs like this particular account. But you and @Fruck are taking it as a personal or at least tribal attack? What am I missing?

The missing piece might be that I unironically consider myselfban AECT, so I don't know how to read that as anything other than an attack. I'm aware that there are people in my group that have a few screws loose, but a sweeping condemnation of the entire group based on that feels more extremely unfair, and I was under the impression that it's even against the rules.

How is what he doing different from condemning the entirety of, say, Critical Race Theory, based on the conduct of the students of the Evergreen State College?