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Lacks all conviction

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joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC

Fruck is just this guy, you know?

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User ID: 889


Lacks all conviction

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC


Fruck is just this guy, you know?


User ID: 889

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o3 will probably still be stumbling over "how many 'rs' in strawberrry"

On the side, I reckon this is a perfectly reasonable thing for llms to stumble over. If someone walked up and asked me "How do you speak English?" I'd be flummoxed too.

Yeah that only works for a limited population, it's too slow to handle the volume buses get in new york.

Ping me when you do post that budget, it sounds like quite a feat.

Yeah tricycle wasn't specific enough, it's not the bad things that upsets them, it's the follow up hit of 'you paid for protection against bad things but oops it didn't work, so sorry but also we're keeping that money you paid us for the service of giving you a false peace of mind before pulling the rug out from under you right when you need it most' that really infuriates people.

I can't talk for deeply red or blue people, but I can talk for myself, as a big fan of the truth. I felt like I was lied to so much over the past decade that I barely know what truth is any longer. And it turned out I was right, the people in charge of information at every level were lying to everyone about almost everything. They lied about covid, about the economy, about Jan 6, about the laptop, about Biden's health, about immigration, about Kamala's chances of winning. How exactly do you find the truth when the people in charge of collecting data refuse to give it to you?

At least the lies Trump told uncovered an inconvenient truth being hidden by the democrat government, and yes, that is a better lie. When Trump starts lying to cover things up, I will be disappointed but unsurprised, I am a pessimist at heart and as everyone knows, politicians always lie. But all this talk about transparency and accountability gives me some hope we can course correct. It is at the very least better than the previous administration's open disdain for transparency and accountability.

It also begs the question that even if the spider behavior studies were valid, what useful information would we glean? Similarly, pulled from recent news, why would anyone spend a million dollars on studying if cocaine makes Japanese quail more sexually active?

Conversely why shouldn't someone with a million dollars fund research into whether cocaine makes Japanese quail more sexually active? How can we know what we will learn from quail or spider behaviour if we don't research it?

I think this new plan in New Zealand is a good idea - we shouldn't get rid of those studies, we should just stop funding them. If they can secure private funding they should be able to study whatever they like.

I wasn't thinking of parents, I was thinking of when I was 7 and made to go to bed while the sun was up. I would lie in bed, wide awake, until after the sun went down. So I wouldn't actually get to sleep until hours after my 'bedtime' (7 at 7) and then be utterly wrecked when I woke up the next morning. And then everyone would wonder why I was so tired. It was perverse.

Hey at least it wasn't a nice hat

To those early birds who think that it getting light a 4 is just as good as it staying light until 9, you either do not have a job, a family, or other real-world obligations.

Can I ask how you put a 7 year old to bed when the sun is still up? As a hobo the only thing that matters to me is getting up super early so I can get all of my nothing done for the day. Here's my usual schedule.

3:00 to 4:00 - get up, tie up my bindle and dodge the bulls.

4:00 to 5:00 - tell a sympathetic McDonald's worker an amusingly circuitous anecdote in exchange for the dead nuggets in the frier

5:00 to 6:00 arrange my collection of bark and strings by aesthetic preference.

6:00 to 8:30 gather all of my cans and garbage bags into a discarded shopping trolley and take it down to the nearest major road so I can laugh at the wage apes stuck in their daily commute and waggle my genitals at anyone in a lexus

8:30 to 2:30 chase sunbeams in the park and if I manage to catch any torture them for their secrets

2:30 to 4:30 dupe widows out of their savings

4:30 to 6:00 on to public transport to take up far too much space and recruit agents in my war against the sun by angrily staring at strangers

6:00 to 8:00 where is the sun? Has it retreated yet? What about the moon? Remember, it also can't be trusted! The moon beams are just secret sun beams, find out what they know!

8:00 to 10:00 find tonight's boxcar

10:00 to 3:00 methylated spirits/sleep

The only reason anyone I know is an early riser is real world obligations. Maybe you need to hang out with classier people.

We need two systems, one for you sun lovers and one for us creatures of the night. We could call you guys the enthusiastic lovers of illumination and my guys the mostly only really lovers of climate kontrol systems and my guys will solve our problem by moving underground. What could go wrong?

I'm a noon is noon early bird. Although I don't think I'm really opposed to dst so much as I am opposed to summer in general, living in Queensland I just want to see as little sun as I can. The air is thick, everything is sticky, it feels like I live in god damned soup for four months a year.

but this was easily the best film of the year, ahead of the likes of the Substance, Challengers, and Mad Max.

Have you seen Heretic yet? Because that's my winner this year, it's great. I am looking forward to Megalopolis though, although less now than I was five minutes ago lol.

It does, but it's about the attitude. Necessity is the mother of invention you know? Behave as if you have no choice but to find a solution and you will likely find solutions that never occurred to anyone before. Ai might kill us in 15 years, or solve everything or hit a cap we didn't previously understand or anticipate. Elon wants to go to Mars now though, so that means throwing everything he can now at it.

Yeah but based on the past two hundred years of human history, you will always have an easier time doing anything if you wait fifteen years. In fifteen years time the ai will be good at getting us to Mars, but if we wait another fifteen years on top of that the ai will be even better at getting to Mars! You can always find a reason to wait, the 'any delay is death' philosophy allows Musk to do things we didn't think possible.

Hmm. My first assumption is that if it were in the minority there would be orgies absolutely everywhere, as opposed to just everywhere furries gather. Although the proclivity for orgies of furries suggests it's personal shame and body image issues that hold a lot of people back, so maybe we are in the minority.

Fine by me bud, but I'll just let you know you can easily prove me wrong by answering those questions I asked.

Are those views that it's great and sweet and opposition to it is Everything Wrong With The World These Days? Because if not you should start a new op so we can discuss it.

Yes I understand how people work. That's why, when someone angrily implies I'm being a naive simp for suggesting forgiving this woman to the point that you can view her as another person deserving of love, reads an obligation to marry her in a post that explicitly says the opposite and adds a pre-arranged excuse to get him out of viewing her as marriage material, I assume he has already made up his mind.

Maybe you just meant to signal your strong disbelief currently and you would be happy to marry her if you got to know her and discovered she wasn't too psychologically scarred? I apologise if that is the case. Where would you get married? How many kids would you have together and what would you name the first one if it was a girl?

My assumption was it was to get us comfortable with sterilising the proles.

whether she's 'really' sorry or not.

Can I ask what you mean by quoting really there? Because I'll tell you what I assume - you don't believe she's really sorry* and there actually isn't anything short of the clouds opening up and a ray of sunshine beaming "no dude she is totes for real" into your head that would change your mind. It is that thought pattern that is unchristian as I understand the faith. I didn't say you were expected to marry her, I said if you maintained the belief that she was a soiled bowl of cheerios you point blank refuse to date after getting to know her and embracing the concept of forgiveness you would be in the wrong.

One of the first steps in embracing the concept of forgiveness is accepting how much of a fuck up you are. It changes your worldview, as does getting to know someone, especially on a spiritual level. Still, only God can judge, if after all those deep and meaningfuls and tears and sleepless nights you still believed she wasn't really remorseful, it would be acceptable to refuse to date her. (But I would bet some people in your community would believe you didn't 'really' forgive her.)

Deciding up front that a woman is a roastie who could never truly accept Jesus because she's banged too many dudes you see, is a similar sin to banging a hundred dudes then saying sorry because then you have to be forgiven. You are trying to put one over on God. God doesn't expect you to get everything right, or even anything right, but he expects you to try and to think it through.

*For clarity, I don't think this Lily is genuinely remorseful, it sounds like she's getting ready to bang another thousand guys? She would have a very high bar to vault to convince me she was sincere. I would talk to her and give her a chance to change my mind though.

Would you marry/date a bowl of corn flakes? Or fruit loops, I don't mean to assume.

It would be wrong of you, according to the Christianity I was raised with, to insist upon that decision even in the face of genuine remorse. If you got to know this woman and had long deeply spiritual conversations with her and came to the conclusion that she was genuinely sorry for it and still refused to date her for that reason, that would not be Christian.

But like @urquan says, only God can truly judge you, because only God and you know what is truly in your heart. On top of that, no one will be judged before judgement day and no one knows when that will be. In our predicament we can only evaluate the evidence - has she stopped doing it, does she visibly feel bad about it, and so on. It would be acceptable if you didn't believe she was truly sorry after getting to know her, although it would still be necessary to be polite to her.

To roll in what @mrvanillasky asked about the guy nuking the planet and then repenting, yes God would forgive that guy, because he would know that guy was legit, because he can see his thoughts and because it was part of his plan. The idea of nuking the planet and then being truly remorseful about it seems strictly impossible to me though - how do you even conceptualise the death and suffering of 10 billion people?

Yeah true lol, nowadays everyone would probably stand in the queue asking gemini to tell them what to order.

It is sacrilegious my brother, listen to your heart. Maybe just keep the ps5 controller handy for the boxing ring bit, that's the only place I found it impossible to manage.

I am not dead. I think.

I'm playing it kb/m, but it was definitely built for a controller and then lazily ported to kb/m - rmb is right fist if you are unarmed but aim if you have a weapon, which is especially dumb since the combat is built around picking up and using disposable weapons mid fight. And you can lean (pressing z and c, not q and e because while the game has context specific controls they're shit - if Indy is looking at something and you open the map, pressing e won't tab to your notes it will exit the map and pick up the object) but only if you have a weapon.

But it's certainly a lot of fun.