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Scott Greer has an article about "simping" where he says this about abortion:
I would ask Greer whether pro-lifers were "simps" throughout America's history, when state laws almost exclusively targeted abortion doctors rather than women:
On the abortion issue, I bet there are a lot of people out there who don't really care about abortion but figure that pro-life is just going back to the situation in 1973. People like Trump, who remembers America in 1973, and figure that the illegality of abortion wasn't a big problem back then and won't be a big problem now. But pro-life in 2025 is not the same as pro-life in 1973. The thing about making hyperbolic, propagandistic statements (abortion is murder!) that are intended to be taken metaphorically is that some among your followers may take them literally. Radical feminists who proclaimed that "gender is a social construct" helped create the transgender movement that would later turn on them. What happens in twenty years when men who today read Scott Greer are sitting in state legislatures and writing bills that would punish women who get abortions with the death penalty?
I think what he's missing is that 'it's not the woman's fault' is a rhetorical strategy designed to get around the 'you just want to control women' accusations. Any big movement has to figure out how not to scare the hoes because a) they vote b) they make their boyfriends/husbands vote, and c) they still do most of the political organising. A movement which women perceive as anti-woman is generally going to do badly.
Yes, there's a reason people "simp" and it isn't just a chance with a particular woman. But they're simping.
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This does not match the attitudes of conservatives I know at all.
If this is how the Conservative party has trended, that would be an interesting growing disconnect.
There’s definitely an attitude of ‘the woman as victim’ even if it isn’t universal.
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I don't know where he picks up that the conservatives think the women are blameless. I think the reason the laws tend to target doctors rather than pregnant women is that the latter are in a situation where they are unlikely to be receptive to the disincentive of punishment, as they would usually percieve being forced to carry to term as an event on the same scale as the end of their current life, as enslavement to a burden they didn't want, etc... As such if you want the laws to actually dissuade the act, targetting the doctors seem like a more efficient path. The doctor has less to gain and more to lose.
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I think most firm opponents of abortion would reject the idea that their claim that abortion is murder is meant to be hyperbolic. You could argue that they don't truly believe it because if they did they'd also treat those seeking abortions as they would someone attempting a murder, but that's just arguing that they're insincere or inconsistent, not hyperbolic.
Radical Feminists believe that the transgender concept of 'changing gender' reinforces the socially constructed gender norms they seek to destroy. A trans woman, from a rad fem perspective, is a man putting on an overt, almost offensive stereotype of what society believes a woman to be. One does not follow from the other, they are actually incompatible ideas.
I think most women seeking abortion lack the mens rea to properly call it murder, they've been told all their lives that abortion is "healthcare," "just a clump of cells," and many other slogans that distract from the reality that abortion is ending a human life.
The doctors can be presumed to know better.
Were I writing the laws I would make a distinction between someone in this mental state and someone who knows full well that they're taking actions with the express purpose of killing another human. You'd have to default to treating all offenders as ignorant, letting quite a few off with punishments less than what they deserve, but the "shout your abortion" types could be justly punished as willing murderers.
You are assuming here that doctors share your peculiar (and in my opinion, quite absurd) metaphysical beliefs. I am quite certain that a strong majority of them do not.
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This is a very weird argument because it's unacceptable in any other circumstance.
Nobody argues that slavers or concentration camp guards were irresponsible because they had been taught by their entire society to not see their victims as human. Well I mean some people try it, but it's not very successful.
Whatever one's stance on abortion is, you're really not going to get anywhere morally with "I was just following orders". Not in the West anyhow. In this civilization we believe that the moral impetus is on the individual to do good even if one's entire society is pledged to evil.
Slavers who engaged in trade that was legal when they did it were generally not prosecuted; lawful slave-owners also were not prosecuted. And the prosecution of camp guards was, indeed, rather controversial and is better seen as vae victis than anything else.
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In practice, most bills to treat abortion-seeking women as murderers are not written by greerheads.
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