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Did you predict the 2022 special military exercise? What were the visible actions that were not part of the historical pattern of exercises-that-were-not-starts-of-war? There wasn't some big propaganda push afaik, and neither was there a withdrawal of the hundreds of billions in economic funds that subsequently got trapped in western banks.

Trump has had two Presidential elections so far. Even with no bias, you'd expect the error to be the same sign 50% of the time.

Are you sure it just doesn't come down to physical size? Huge things are awe-inspiring. Humans put things in relation to their own body. And especially seeing something so large move so quickly and precisely triggers something in us. Maybe its an ancient fear response, a residual from a time where mammals where small and large things where dangerous.

I've worked with very impressive technology, arguably both more complex and a greater net positive for humanity (chip fab and MRI machines). But one produces things much smaller than a human, and the other only slightly larger than a human. So instead I dream about rockets, airships, space stations and aircraft carriers.

Oh, and I also worked with particle accelerators. Also way more awe-inspiring.

I've never managed to try it, but the literature on palm wine suggests that palm sap will ferment to a nontrivial ABV (4% or so) in just a couple of hours sitting out unrefrigerated at what I assume are tropical temperatures.

The perspective of the policy maker would be more "black men are marginalized from traditional banking institutions and turn to alternative ones instead, so we should promise to protect the alternatives." They amount to the same thing, but the added layer of indirection lets you avoid consciously considering the concrete implications that you explicitly list.

Incest does not typically result in "severe deficiencies" in one generation.

The dark and cynical but not quite CapitalRoom level of cynicism is that the pollsters have to keep the polls showing the possibility of a Harris victory to give the Democrats cover when they "find" enough ballots to put her over the top.

Semicommon idiom. Jews have religious laws against bug eating, and so they were very fastidious about straining out bugs from drinking water. Jesus was contrasting this focus on very small things while letting a big thing (i.e. a hyperbolic camel) get through.

In this case, corporate money allowed by CU is the gnat, while federal spending is the camel.

I may have misunderstood, but it kinda sound like you think that the Democrat staffers who wrote that press release were thinking 'black men use crypto to hide their drug-dealing money and avoid paying for the children they walked out on, we'd better tell them that they have our support'.

Even in politics, I think you'd struggle to find that kind of jet-black cynicism

I'm not actually a programmer, and learning how to work with Windows to build a UI would be a long and annoying process relative to delegating it. On the other hand, I had already set up a script for more complex control of the laser, so creating a stripped down version was easy.

The project took me about three hours between writing my part, delegating the other, and testing them both together.

An effective ad would be to simply show pictures of pregnant women at say 3m, 5m, 7m, 9m. That is a simple, visceral set of images that most people will be immediately familiar with and can instinctively compare.

This oral immunotherapy drug seems to work, based on a 100% success rate in an early clinical trial. It's probably some years away from general availability, but it might be something to look forward to.

There's also a desensitization protocol using only beef and beef extract described here. Seems like DIY might be viable.

Some rounding errors are positive, some are negative. So if you add them all together, in the limit the expected mean error is zero, so this program is effectively free!

Imo it's more correct to say that we have an empire with an international elite that has already mostly supplanted the US, but which still has the strongest overlap with the american elite. For this elite, any and all immigration restrictions are a hassle - they want the freedom to both travel and live anywhere, at the drop of the hat - and they have minimal personal contact with any of the negative repercussions of open borders, either. Due to this, they think that most negative stories are at the very least greatly exaggerated, if not outright fabricated. And they have a whole moral system build up that makes it easier for them to believe this! As well as the money to actively insulate themselves if need be.

Not judging, just curious: Why was this a two-man project?

The justification for allowing immigration for humanitarian reasons is arguably stronger than the justification for the Culture's rampant interference in everyone's business (to often disastrous ends). It certainly fits an individualist ethos better; the individual is choosing to accept the Culture instead of unaccountable Minds enforcing their will on their entire society through often covert means.

It's "in character" in the sense that it's how I expect a utopian leftist who wants to preserve a certain,um, culture to frame things to escape their discomfort with being able to solve everyone's problems but not being willing to sacrifice the specific character of his own society (you see this today with claims of "brain drain").

I'm just uncertain how seriously to take it as a purely principled position.

"You're a black man, right? Vote for me, I'll give you government handouts and weed! You can even use the handout to front money to start dealing!"

I occasionally read groups for Ukrainian refugees in Finland, and they also keep saying that healthcare was better in Ukraine. When looking to it a bit more, they often seem to mean that it's easier to go there with an intention of getting some specific treatment or meds and get those than in Finland, where the system is consciously built on gatekeeping and the avoidance of unnecessary treatments, so as to save in costs (to the taxpayer).

I honestly don't even see how it's in America's interest to enforce this current status quo on Europe. Would America have blinked if Merkel never changed her mind on Syrian refugees? My impression is that most Americans don't really care and even the atlanticists have other concerns.

It doesn't seem that different from the same tangle of laws and ideology that makes solving the homeless problem in the US so intractable, which certainly can't be blamed on America's hegemon.

The cases in which the child’s head is fully destroyed are not even presented to medical examiners, according to the lead author’s tweet linked in my sub-commented update. This means that the doctors are presented with all gunshot wounds precluding those gunshot wounds which have so destroyed the head that medical intervention is obviously impossible.

Per the same update, the NYT presented the photographs and C-Scan images to a number of medical professionals. “multiple, independent experts in gunshot wounds, radiology and pediatric trauma, who attested to the images’ credibility”. I trust that more than you, or “random Twitter user with Ukrainian flag in username claiming to be ballistics expert”.

What percentage of surface area of the body is the head and torso, and how does the movement of the limbs affect their statistical chance of catching stray rounds

We know from shootings in America that stray bullets or inaccurate shots don’t magnetize especially to the head and chest. The lead author previously worked in Flint and Haiti, and he found the proportion of these wounds to be unusual. And, noting the above, the actual proportion of headshots is higher, as the doctors didn’t see the head implosion cases.

as the effect of people poking their heads out to see what's happening

Should the IDF be shooting children who peak out their head in a highly dense urban environment?

Is this calculation well established in the military literature?

Let’s assume it is not well-established in the military literature because it has not been researched. Does this mean we turn off all reasoning and thinking until the military studies it? No. We make the best extrapolation from the best available evidence. If the IDF is shooting a terrorist and a bullet inadvertently pierces a child, the likelihood that it lands as a headshot is low, both due to the surface area of the head and the fact that two humans can’t stand in the same spot at the same time.

tongue bath of it, bespeaks nothing

The Shakespearean language really helps your argument.

With all that said, we can indeed consult some available literature on the site of injury %s in military injuries and stray bullet injuries. 6% and 16.1% of stray bullets wound the head and chest respectively in the context of insurgent military activity (Libyan civil war).

Although the acceptance of "life will be better if I can move myself over there" without necessary direct evidence

What makes you think there isn't direct evidence?

It'd be one thing if we were talking about middle class Indians piling into an inordinately expensive and crowded Toronto apartment and a shitty mall degree. But I think most asylum seekers to Europe are probably right that it's a better deal.

I'm curious, why do you hold CoH2 in such esteem? Me and my friend group used to play both CoH1 and 2, but the main reason we switched was just that 2 had higher player numbers at the time (which is typical for newer games). At least it wasn't worse in gameplay, but imo it also wasn't better, either.

They have a challenge called "Squid Game," right?

I assumed the "pen" was short for "penis."

are they mostly using Tavor's still?

No, most units moved back to M4’s, or an m-16 variant for rear units. You may see an Arad at places, and IIRC the border guard is trying out M7s. I haven’t seen a full-size Tavor in a while. Some reserve units still used micro-Tavors (X95) which is my personal favorite.