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To be clear, I'm not in particularly bad shape. I walk like to work and back 2 miles every day plus miscellaneous walking, I'm not obese, and I've been training 32 kg kettlebell swings, but this is a whole other level.

25 years ago.

Maybe you have scurvy.

I've been taking the stairs up to the 17th floor, and it's so much harder than I expected. I thought I'd be able to run up, like I normally do with stairs, but after 3-4 floors I just can't, and after 10 I can barely walk up. My heart rate gets up to like 170 and just stays there until I get to the top.

17/17, would power through it again.

studies cited that showed about 60% of people dependent on street drugs (from someone else's prescription to black tar heroin) started out on prescription pain killers like oxycontin.

Note that this does not mean that they started with painkillers prescribed to them for legitimate pain issues. It's likely that many (most?) started with opioids that were stolen, diverted, or obtained for recreational purposes through doctor-shopping.

The new editors-in-chief have been named, Crémieux is tentatively optimistic, but that has to be weighed against the suspicious selection process and the reaction of the other editors.

so why not use the cost of fare enforcement in Tokyo as a baseline for our cost comparison?

Because New York isn't full of Japanese people.

Fun fact: Subway gates don't even have turnstiles in Japan. You can just walk right through without paying. I think they beep or something if you don't pay, but I've never seen anyone just keep on walking, so I don't know if they keep beeping.

And meat. A little in ruminants; more in fish, pork, fowl, and eggs.

Canola oil is unusually low in LA for a seed oil. Also, it has about the same LA content as almond oil, and considerably more than whole almonds, which are only about 50% fat by weight.

Sure, but they're talking about killing the leadership, not nuking the whole island.

Why would China nuke Taiwan? From their perspective it would be nuking their own people.

I don't pretend to be an expert on foreign policy in general or China-Taiwan relations in particular, so maybe I'm wrong, but that sounds unlikely to me.

And it's almost certainly disallowed by the Constitution.

There's nothing in the Constitution that bars corporal punishment. There's a prohibition on "cruel and unusual" punishment, but we know this doesn't mean all corporal punishment, because it was widely practiced at the time and not ended until long after the ratification of the Bill of Rights.

Certainly it's plausible that a Supreme Court containing at least five left-leaning Justices who take a somewhat cavalier attitude towards their oath to uphold the Constitution might rule that the Eighth Amendment bans corporal punishment, but that would be them, not the Constitution.

Quote laundering. If you want to say something that's not, strictly speaking, true, you can just quote somebody else saying it.

There are different kinds of sunflower oil, high-oleic, high-linoleic, and I guess maybe some in between.

Linoleic acid. I wouldn't say it's unusual, but you wouldn't normally get it in the concentrations you get in processed foods cooked in seed oil.

The users of Bluesky, a platform that promotes itself as X/Twitter but without hate speech

Without hate speech, or with the right kind of hate speech?

My friend Fred says that median real wages for doctors have been going up since 2000 at least. Although $2700/week seems pretty low. What's your source for the claim that they're going down?

Anyway, I don't think we should cut doctors' salaries as such. We should allow more people to become doctors and let the market sort it out.

If it pays the bills...

Oh no! It's contāgious!

which given usage statistics means middle class Americans are relatively redistributing more of their wealth to the old and poor in healthcare costs than many Europeans are.

Not the middle class. The professional and upper classes. The Medicare tax only covers about a third of Medicare expenditures, and because it's uncapped and progressive, it's disproportionally paid by high earners. The main source of revenue for Medicare is general revenue, which is wildly disproportionately funded by high-income households.

Medicare is a really good deal for the average person, who doesn't come close to paying the net present value of future Medicare benefits in Medicare payroll taxes. The American middle class is carried by high-income taxpayers to a much greater extent than the European middle class is.

I'm sure they do seem like a lovely person

I'm not picking on you in particular, but I see this all the time and genuinely wonder why people do this. The person in question is clearly identified as a "girl," and OP consistently refers to her with the appropriate female pronouns. Why the "they/them?"

That confidence interval must be a misprint. If the lower bound is not 1.08, but -1.08, it makes perfect sense, since 0.58 is the midpoint between -1.08 and 2.24.

However I think the issue with insurance is when it becomes mandatory or defacto mandatory, because then you lose proper economic controls on the price via supply and demand.

Failure to consume food is much more quickly and reliably fatal than failure to buy health insurance, and that market works fine. It just isn't true that supply and demand don't apply to necessities. I may have to buy food, but as long as I don't have to buy from you, you're not going to have much luck selling me potatoes for $10/pound.

The bigger problem is just that health care is really expensive. Supply constraints may play an important role here: The US just doesn't have enough doctors. Coverage mandates may be another issue. The government mandates coverage for treatment x, which adds $y to the premium. How many consumers, when fully informed, would a priori actually be willing to pay an extra $y per year for x to be covered?

Lack of price transparency is another issue. Lack of competition among insurers may be an issue, but insurer profit margins are pretty small, so it's likely a minor issue.

Not even a personal grievance, just terminal Reddit-brain?

Selecting an unpopular target?

This is obviously it, isn't it? The media don't want to prevent copycat attacks.