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I think much of this is an effort to get out of a loop of analysis paralysis. I have a bad habit of overthinking things and not doing the things. A lot of this was (after getting frustrated of not doing things) just forcing myself to just take the next step. The worst likely outcome that may happen is I waste a pile of wood and time and trade that for experience.

I grew up reading the kinds of novels that are popular with homeschool girls. Ann of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie, George Macdonald, the Bronte Sisters, the kind of novel where the girl's only friend is a horse, and it's not even her own horse. Solitude seems intrinsic to whatever culture it is my family belongs to. It's the class of pastors, teachers, and the kind of farmers who moved to the Western US. When I read novels and hear accounts from older relatives, it sounds like people were mostly reading books in their leisure time. My father recounts playing wall ball with himself in the sweltering summer heat, but mostly reading Tarzan novels that summer. My mother recalls trying to learn to write in Elvish. She didn't have school friends, due to bussing, despite the city not having black kids or ghettos. My grandmother recalls reading Les Miserables in elementary school. Maybe according to the article they weren't alone, because it would be two or three teens and their mother silently reading in the same room.

According to data gathered by the online reservations platform OpenTable, solo dining has increased by 29 percent in just the past two years. The No. 1 reason is the need for more “me time.”

This is interesting. Why do these alienated, lonely people want more "me time?"

Was going to a theater ever actually social? I used to go to movies, and the norm was to sit there quietly, and not engage with anyone, even the people you came with, in a dark room. It's more social to watch TV in my house with my family. We talk to each other and interact.

My grandparents didn't go to restaurants alone because they couldn't go to restaurants more than once a month, and it was an occasion. Take out was an occasion, even when I was a kid. I can't think of anyone I knew in real life who met up in bars.

Because I'm from a long line of bookish but high openness introverts, it's unsurprising that I'm posting on my online culture war club instead of arranging play dates and attending potlucks.

My parents still keep in touch with their five college friends, even though they've all moved to different cities. I just met up with a friend from youth group I haven't seen in four years, and it was nice.

As I write this, my husband has been talking to me about joining a lapidary club, and taking our kids to look for local rocks at a nearby wash. It has taken me most of an hour to write this post, as I made cookies, put the kids to bed, and discussed going to the mineral show.

I'm not saying that there isn't a problem, but perhaps it's a recurrent problem. Or a problem that's always with us.

It's probably not the best way to do it, but it's fun and it's been a learning experience.

Story of my life. Sounds fun!

Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned

nor hell hath any fury like a woman scorned.

-- William Congreve

Tiktok being banned won't solve much, there are 50 other apps ready to jump in and replace it, but maybe, just maybe someone will produce reliable research to measure the impact of these apps and finally get towards some policy proposals aimed at cutting out the most harmful elements while retaining the benefits. I can dream, right?

Jonathan Haidt is trying. But he’s getting the entire academy screaming at him for it. There’s certain forces deeply invested in ensuring teens stay addicted to their phones, and to my eyes it appears to be leftists primarily who desire to keep the status quo, who will try to argue you that it’s “alarmist” to be concerned at all about the massive societal rot and atomization occurring all around you. Phone addiction is politics addiction and a massive opportunity for political brainwashing of young impressionable kids. It’s done wonders for their movement. The moment people stop being addicted to their phones is the moment the trans movement and other adjacent movements wither and die. So it’s not just capital set against you - it’s woke capital.

Netanyahu isn’t particularly religious either. Witkoff likely knew that and realized he was being blown off with an excuse as a power play, hence his reaction.

This is extremely based, although I maintain my preference for public executions for at least the more heinous class of crimes.

I stopped in part because they seemed to be deliberately enshittifying the experience by replacing comfortable furniture with bare wood, and kinda making the overall vibe less inviting.

Why did they think this would work, when one would imagine that homeless people aren't unfamiliar with sleeping on bare concrete?

That's hilarious. It's like paying protection money.

Is there a supportive book you can cite that isn’t by the notorious plagiarist Johann Hari? I think we shouldn't be rehabilitating him.

This is what Turkey has. I found it basically fine, it took about once for me to notice that I needed to carry a certain amount of change.

And I was wondering if I just missed the boats on pay toilets being outlawed-TIL!

Gas chambers got a bad rep. Also it's clownish and unbefitting.

More seriously, executions aren't complicated. It's pre-bronze age social technology. There's nothing in practical terms that makes it difficult or costly, it's a political and social construct to make them slow and expensive. Other people have different social constructs.

See what they do in Taiwan:

Executions are carried out by shooting using a handgun aimed at the heart from the back, or aimed at the brain stem under the ear if the prisoner had consented to organ donation prior to the withdrawal of legal death row organ donation.[27] The execution time used to be 5:00 a.m., but was changed to 9:00 p.m. in 1995 to reduce officials' workload. It was changed again to 7:30 p.m. in 2010.[28] Executions are performed in secret: nobody is informed beforehand, including the condemned. The condemned is brought to the execution range and the officers may pay respect to the statue of Ksitigarbha located outside the range before entering. Before the execution, the prisoner's identity is confirmed by a special court next to the execution range and chooses to record any last words. The prisoner is then brought to the execution range and served a last meal (which usually includes a bottle of kaoliang wine).[28] The condemned prisoner is then injected with strong anaesthetic to cause unconsciousness, laid flat on the ground, face down, and shot. The executioner then burns a votive bank note for the deceased before carrying away the corpse.[28] It is tradition for the condemned to place a NT$500 or 1000 banknote in his leg irons as a tip for the executioners.[28]

I was so disbelieving I checked the wikipedia source, apparently they really do tip the executioner (specifically the guys who take the shackles off the body after the shooting).

I have a MiSTer FPGA with the Jammix card and a JAMMA (Japan Amusement Machine and Marketing Association) harness. So, in theory at least, it should be mostly plug and play. But there's a rats nest of wires so it's a bit intimidating.

It's a pretty standard two joystick and six buttons per side setup so there shouldn't be that much hardship. I do have to add a couple of wires myself since I'm going to wire it up using CHAMMA. (CHinese vs. Japanese -- The Chinese one support six buttons without an added harness)

The whole build was an adventure. I designed the basic outline of the cabinet and cut that. Basically everything else has been a matter of cut-to-fit after that. It's probably not the best way to do it, but it's fun and it's been a learning experience.

I'm on good terms with exactly zero of my exes and I'm trying to imagine what it would be like if I had 10x as many ex-lovers, we were poly, I did BDSM and CNC with them, and I was famous. Ugh.

The convenience store at one of the major public transit hubs in San Diego still has a pay-to-use toilet that works precisely this way.

there is, after all, no practical way to charge for them

These did actually exist in the before-fore time. I can distinctly remember a pay restroom in a convenience store in the middle of Bumfuck when I was a teenager. I forget if it was 50 or 75 cents but it was entirely self-service. The mechanism was similar to the old-school washers and dryers in laundromats, IE, a lever on the door latch with two or three quarter slots that one pushed inwards to operate the latch and allow one to use the restroom. Comparatively speaking, a 16 oz bottle of soda would have been $1.25-$1.50 at the time.

I don't think there exists a human being who will come out clean in a motivated hit piece by an ex lover. We have no evidence except the word of aggrieved ex lovers that any of this happened.

Not that I have any opinion whether it did or didn't, but no one else does either.

I haven't really pressed, but I get the impression that a significant number of them didn't actually go out and vote. They all talked like they didn't want to participate in a Harris win, but assumed it was fait accompli.

Checks out in lubridate, which I'm very confident works back until at least Friday 15 October 1582. I think it might even work before that, but would have to do a bunch of digging to be 100% sure what the first epoch it can check is.

You also picked the golden era where the Gregorian calendar reformations were locked in, but you don't even have to deal with leap seconds, UT1, UTC, ... etc if you want periods down to the second.

If you're not willing to bite that bullet, you're not really in favor of traditional marriage.

I think if wokeness will get a second wind it will look quite different, see Tea Party and MAGA. If I had to take a swipe at how it might be different I could see there being a luddite/anti-tech angle. I think you can already see some seeds with phrases like 'tech bro'. Plus it's fertile ground for anyone with grievances or misgivings about the negative cultural impacts of social media, as well as the economic impacts of increasing automation.

The other reason they would replace comfortable furniture with wood is that it's cleanable, and much harder for bed bugs to hide in.

I wtf and turtle-up at the thought of fucking in front of one’s own child.

Which is interesting!

While it's obviously taboo today (and for good reason in my mind), that's probably the one most present historically since large families and a lack of space meant that parents had to make do with little boundary from their kids.