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Friday Fun Thread for September 13, 2024

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Currently playing Diablo 4 and this cutscene genuinely stunned me in the sense of how it unintentionally conveys perspective of religious reactionaries so well(maybe I wrong here of course, can't read creators' minds). There is plenty of modern mainstream woke stuff in the game. racially diverse cast with good roles for minority characters, angel that was mostly good in lore previously was made into a selfish coward, et cetera. But here we have demonic figure offering freedom from religious obligations and societal constraints, freedom that leads to the brutal killing of a priest who was the one man who resisted the temptation, freedom to be beautiful in sin. That could have been short story told in a tweet by an anon with 5k followers, instead it's a main plot point in AAA game. And normies don't see it, because idk, priest was mean. I am not in any way religious or conservative, but it's interesting to see their views being represented even most likely without them being involved in production.

Currently playing Diablo 4 and this cutscene genuinely stunned me in the sense of how it unintentionally conveys perspective of religious reactionaries so well

I'm not sure how far you've gotten, but it's entirely intentional.

Please explain.

The demonic figure in the trailer is not good. This trailer, and the rest of the game, portrays her and her followers as evil and wrong. The perspective the OP gets from the trailer is the perspective the game intends to convey.

That being said, the church, like the trailer, is also quite harsh. In Diablo, pretty much everybody sucks.

I am not saying that they didn't intend for her to be evil, with the notes of gray but still clearly a villian. I am more poiting out radical political reading on this which is I think clearly wasn't intended. Most likely they just wanted to make a cool scene and make Lilith more sympathetic by putting word about freedom in her mouth and making the opposition be bigoted church which worships another asshole.

I think you are letting your preconceptions about modern media get to you. The reading is entirely intended. Making the church seem bigoted is the fakeout. Lilith seducing the congregation with words of freedom leading to horrors is the intended portrayal.

Did they bring back Zoltun Kul from D3? I loved that character so much.

Smuggest mofo in the underworld, right about absolutely everything, yet ignored and eventually killed by the good guys because they were too dumb to see it.

Then is resurrected by his own foresight to continue his smugmogging.

Absolute vibemaster.

There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Faible, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Just because something isn’t conventional doesn’t make it woke, and just because it is conventional doesn’t mean it’s reactionary.

told by an anon with 5k followers

What sort of surreal standard of notoriety is this?

I think you misunderstood my point. I am talking about AAA game with fairly standard(and quite good) modern narrative complete with mainstream liberal norms, which in the process of making story more complex and gray most likely unintentionally opens itself to the radical interpretation. Similar thing often happens with villains that do something "to save the planet" or "destroy oppressive society", which are points that far-leftist generally agree with. I am not saying that it is intended or correct reading. And I don't get what you mean by "my philosophy".

What sort of surreal standard of notoriety is this?

5k followers is not much especially on twitter, I have that many on one of the platforms with almost no effort invested and I think most of the people here either can do the same or already done it.

And I don't get what you mean by "my philosophy".

It's a quote from Hamlet.

Ah. I still think it's a bit silly to flag everything that Subverts Expectations as woke, or even liberal.

The "philosophy" bit is just the end of a quote.