My personal favorite:
The comical part is they try to act like this is some minor compiler bug that can be fixed and not a core problem with the type theory (or lack thereof) itself.
Unsoundness of this sort would be fine if Rust portrayed the type checker as a mere tool to assist a well-intentioned author in reasoning; but it’s portrayed as an authority capable of guaranteeing memory safety, and you’re expected to submit yourself to it.
It’s not probable, but still, President of the United States is by far the most lethal job you can legally have.
Statistically, there’s a nearly 10% chance you’ll be killed (not merely die; be killed!)
Trump would be safer working as a RedBull stuntman than working his current job.
Inbuilt disdain of "computer says no because reasons" not enough?
What exactly are you arguing against here? Error messages at compile time? There’s plenty of interpreted languages that crash at runtime if that floats your boat.
Presumably, such people enjoy removing the annoying "check engine" light and just waiting for their engine to start smoking.
that "shipping product that works well enough" is more important than "mathematically correct, but your competition beat you to market by a month"
I don’t believe this is even a real dichotomy, at least in the Rust vs mainstream language sense. (Obviously if you’re formalising something in Lean4, that’s going to be comically inefficient compared to just building it, but that’s so far from the Rust vs C++ land it’s not even relevant.) The reason companies are fond of mainstream languages has nothing to do with engineering, it has to do with the availability of replacement labor. It doesn’t matter what technical properties the mainstream language has; what matters is that it’s mainstream.
which is why everyone tends to bitch about the borrow checker
I’m going to out myself as much crazier than anyone may have expected, but: the borrow checker is the least-inspired part of Rust and the language would be better without it entirely. The reasons Rust is good are because it actually has sane primitive types, non-ambiguous syntax, algebraic data types, parametric polymorphism, a non-busted standard library, and perhaps most importantly: cargo.
The borrow checker paradigm is basically a half-baked bastardization of linear types, and the way it’s done has some serious theoretical deficiencies that basically mandate leaky abstractions. But I’m not going to babble about that here.
I mean, the person reverse-engineering the Mac M1 GPU and building a Linux driver for it is doing so in Rust. I don’t know how much more bare-metal you can get than that.
Rust isn’t about gaining safety by being far from the hardware, the way memory managed languages with runtimes are; it’s about giving the systems programmer a mental model that actually has some degree of engineering sense behind it. You seem to have the impression that C++’s danger is what makes it an appealing tool, but the danger is to the user not accomplishing their intended goal, not to an enemy: it’s a kitchen knife which is all blade and no handle. Moar blaDe doesn’t make the knife better at cutting food into sizes and shapes you want for your sandwich.
And disdain for C++ long predates Rust. If you need to copy your opinions from someone high-status, I’ll defer to Linus Torvalds on the matter.
While I do find the fanaticism around Rust offputting, especially considering how gay it is, the language itself is actually grounded in a better theoretical foundation than its legacy competitors.
It disagrees with all my sensibilities about "talking computer", and thus far I find it's constructs around "borrowing" references silly and contrived, especially in light of being able to assign unsafe sections of code that ignore it's memory safety rules. I guess it assumes you'll be responsible with that, but it feels like a half measure to me, and no replacement for actual skill.
lol, I'll put this in hardcore WoW terms: many imagine skill as being able to stylishly finesse your way out of thorny situations; anyone who's ever succeeded at this game mode knows the real skill is not getting yourself into bad situations in the first place. For example, Xaryu -- professional WoW streamer and many-time rank-1 PVP gladiator -- died in the harpy cave in an extremely stylish way. In his next run, did he learn how to super-skill the harpy cave even betterer? Well, yes, in the truly high-IQ way: he decided going in there was a terrible decision in the first place and he wouldn't do so this time. He hit 60 on that character.
This is the difference between a C++ developer mindset and a Rust developer mindset. It is the humility to accept that you are, in fact, not skilled enough to get it right all the time, so you should stop playing with fire in the first place.
PMC is less ill-fitting than priestly, although it still doesn’t quite capture my sentiment.
A priestly class actually has the respect of the other classes, and takes its mission in shepherding them seriously. The noisemakers the West has today fit neither of these criteria.
If anything, I’d say the primary characteristic of this class is being annoying in rhetorically-compelling (but not epistemically- or aesthetically-compelling!) ways. Think "Team Building Exercises" or other such nonsense. What are you gonna do, argue that team building and camaraderie is bad, hmm? Yet everyone who’s ever been subjected to this has the same thought in their mind: "this is such bullshit."
Dumbledore vs Umbrage is a good example of the contrast between the actual priestly class and the rhetorically-motivated class that fancies itself priestly.
I’d like to point out that nobody who doesn’t self-identify as part of this "caste" has ever referred to it as a priestly caste.
I’m sure they view themselves as Napoleon placing the crown on his own head, but to everyone else it looks more like Gavin McInnes putting something else somewhere else.
Hey now, they fund zstd. Is that not worth the rotting cerebral cortices of 30 million boomers?
Gatsby 1: I’ll have a pop!
Gatsby 2: I’ll have a cola!
Gatsby 3: I’ll have a soda!
Gatsby 4: I’ll have a carbonated beverage!
Gatsby’s nightmare: I’ll have a glass of water.
Did the US even try over there? Was the whole thing just an excuse to put taxpayer money into rich people's pockets?
Morally, no; de facto, yes.
See, the way to make a great business in #currentyear isn’t to sell a product to consumers. That’s hard, and risky, and requires a lot of work. Instead, make a moral crisis and sell it to the government via social activism! Now, your endeavor is freed from annoying constraints like grounding in economic reality.
Note that it is entirely possible—and perhaps even optimal!—for participants in this myopic charade to not realize they are just engaging in parasitism with extra steps.
That attempting to really super duper try hard mmf at something ends up looking a lot like gooning.
Even modulo selection effects, this doesn’t really solve anything: it’s just rearranging the pregnancy chairs on the Titanic.
To be fair, this sort of on-its-face won’t work. It’s just basic high school thermodynamics.
The carbon dioxide ratio in the atmosphere is increasing precisely because creating that carbon dioxide produced usable energy for us. You can’t un-make that carbon dioxide without spending at least as much energy as you put in (and in fact, substantially more).
So either you’re going to produce even more CO2 than you’re eradicating, or you’re simply pursuing non-fossil-fuel energy sources entirely—which would simply have not produced the CO2 in the first place if you’d just done that from the start.
The only way any of this makes any "sense" is if you get the government to write you a check to perform what ultimately amounts to fake work, in the most fundamental sense. Which probably means that’s exactly what will happen.
It's complicated because of the perverse incentives created by bad regulations. The people running the insurance companies don't have a choice.
See, this works unless you think the people writing the bad-incentive regulation and the people running the megacorps as the same people.
Same as the subprime mortgage crisis. "The government made me do it 😩," howls the voice with more influence over government policy than your family tree could ever dream of.
I mean, there was a recent fiasco with a guy shooting his gun with the scope on backwards. And it wasn’t some low-ranking cannon fodder recruited for Operation Human Shield; he was captain of a big ship! And he wasn’t a diversity hire, either—he’s a white male!
Like, just ponder for a moment the level of smoothbrain it takes to do this: looking through the scope backwards would make your target smaller.
I would not trust these people to run a lemonade stand.
This tension is noted in the gospels as well. See Matthew 9:
And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
Believers go through all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince themselves that actually they are indeed super evil and thus deserving of the title "publicans and sinners", as satirized in this Matt & Trey parody of Mormonism where the main character envisions his damnation in hell with Hitler and all the other Bad People because he stole a donut when he was 5.
Of course, actual Protestant theology is even better: you’re condemned not because you ate the donut, but because Adam ate the donut. Err, apple. Well, okay, we don’t know it was an apple, it could have been any fruit (but was probably a fig since Adam and Eve used fig leaves to hide their nakedness). So, let’s say a Fig Newton. Anyway, the point is you inherited this Original Sin by your birth: you were born fallen.
Now that we’ve successfully self-flagellated, we can take our place at the table with the publicans and sinners and Jesus.
You can see why actual publicans and sinners find these people a bit insufferable at times.
Speaking of which, can someone turn this water into wine? I’m not a drinker, but I hear it makes these people go away, so that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Did they bring back Zoltun Kul from D3? I loved that character so much.
Smuggest mofo in the underworld, right about absolutely everything, yet ignored and eventually killed by the good guys because they were too dumb to see it.
Then is resurrected by his own foresight to continue his smugmogging.
Absolute vibemaster.
Who knows. YT shows me content I can’t watch all the time—I’ll click on result and get “you can’t watch this bc copyright.” Well then why did you fn recommend it to me, YT?
Anyway, I have other examples that I’m pretty sure have no relation to copyright. I think their system is just so laden with schizophrenic, contradictory rules that it ceases to function entirely for all but the daily slop from Approved Producers.
I have direct links to several YT videos that I can no longer find via search, even by typing the exact title of the video. Many of them aren’t even political, like Yundi Li’s performance of Beethoven sonatas.
I think it’s mostly because search today doesn’t even bother to do a search, it just spits back to you whatever slop Google feels like feeding you.
It’s sorta like how the thermostat in the office isn’t connected to anything; it’s just there to give the employees some illusion of control.
EDIT: in case anyone wants to try, here’s the Yundi Li performance I’m talking about. Nothing I type in search will bring up that video in the results.
It's really weird that this happened by letter posted to twitter rather than an appearance in front of cameras.
Indeed. There’s a reason world leaders take more pics than a thirsty Instagram model on her first trip to Verona.
As much as we mock them, press conferences are as essential to the current political paradigm as PoW is to the Bitcoin blockchain. They are the mechanism by which consensus is demonstrated.
There’s a reasonable case to be made that CrowdStrike isn’t a "real" company anyway: it’s a DeepState actor, worming its way into systems by enabling managers to check a box that satisfies regulatory compliance while giving wholesale control of their system to this opaque third-party.
Exactly, they watch too much TV instead of looking at the actual data. The reason assassinations like Kennedy and Lincoln were unsuccessful were because the assassin went for the head, whereas in successful attempts like Roosevelt and Reagan, they aimed for the body.
The establishment understands this, and is thus why they attack him with a wholly unparalleled ferocity
It’s less mindblowing than what happened to JFK.
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