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Small-Scale Question Sunday for June 23, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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Why have mosquitos that target humans not evolved to be quiet? I will never donate blood to humans, those are overwhelmingly likely to be my political enemies, but I wouldn't mind donating to animals if the disruptions to my sleep didn't fill me with murderous rage.


Are you saying an overwhelming majority of humans are your political enemies? Or that your political enemies have a inordinate disposition to needing blood transfusions? This is a bewildering comment.

Okay, you've been warned repeatedly. While being a misanthrope is not against the rules, posting nothing but low-effort rageposts about how much you hate the world is. A part of me feels sorry for you, because maybe you really are this miserable and just looking for "your people," but then I look at all your other recent posts and they're about trying to get around your sitewide reddit ban and how rapidly you cycle through alts. So I think neither you nor we will lose much by this account being banned.

I will never donate blood to humans, those are overwhelmingly likely to be my political enemies

Hemophiliacs, trauma victims, and people who need surgery?

What's the far-right misogynists to not-that ratio among hemophiliacs, trauma victims, and people who need surgery?

Presumably approaching that of the general population.

And thus, overwhelmingly ‘not-that’.

Seems perfectly reasonable to me that someone with fringe political beliefs would acknowledge that 90% or so of people are on the other side of their culture war. Similar to how a Jewish supremicist could easily acknowledge that the world is overwhelmingly non-Jewish, or an extremist Christian sect could acknowledge that “true believers” are a very small community, and so avoid giving aid in ways that will be, to them, mostly wasted on the oppositional general public.

Frankly I don’t know why people got so caught up in that part of his comment.

(The ban was still reasonable due to broader patterns, but this comment was mostly fine.)

The Anopheles are inaudible. A bunch of the others are inaudible to the elderly. Mosquitoes don't actually suck blood that many times in their lifecycles (only pregnant females suck blood). Also, TTBOMK most aren't humans-only.