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joined 2022 September 04 21:37:31 UTC
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User ID: 168



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:37:31 UTC


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User ID: 168

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I don't see how this ban is warranted.

We'll see.

After the last disaster (GoT), my policy is to not start TV shows that haven't ended yet.

I don't think you can judge shows like that until they're done. Mystery box shows have a tendency to devolve into utter shit.

Maybe in the heady carefree days of youth you can manage a separate diet from your significant other, but adding kids sucks away your time and increases the stress of even the best relationships. I think it's not sustainable for you to marry and have kids with somebody who is not mostly on the same diet as you. Plus, if it's for ethical reasons, why would you want to marry someone who is unethical by the standards you hold yourself to? It doesn't feel good to be on the other end of that equation, either.

I'll add my voice to the chorus of people telling you to break up right this instant. It wasn't a terrible mistake to sleep with her the first time, but what were you thinking moving in with her? Good lord your self-esteem must be in the toilet. Try to see if fucking the next girl will fix your problems.

How can you have oneitis for a girl you're not attracted to? Makes no sense.

Why are you vegan? Are you open to changing this?

It's frankly too much work to prepare multiple meals regularly. I don't think I could ever date or marry someone who doesn't mostly overlap me in diet, though varying preference rankings are fine.

A) There are obese women everywhere in the US. Alaska is just a strictly worse situation. B) Eligible dudes are cycling through the obese Alaskan women, too. Ain't no underserved market. C) You would advocate hitching your life to a person with those medical issues? D) Ew

I'm guessing @jkf is implying he should turn gay, which doesn't even pass as a joke, because jokes are funny.

Great comment.

I think one of the things that makes this place so great is lack of sorting and visibility by upvotes, which on places like reddit selects for the most easily-digested confirmation-bias-reinforcing pablum. The lack of inline images is a welcome salve to the rest of the internet for the same reason.

I also am partial to the forums in the private tracker community, where there is a pretty strong guarantee of no sock puppets and real consequences to be had from bad behavior, since bans are real and follow the person.

Buddy, this is just distorted thinking. Unless you have some known terminal illness, you're only halfway through your life. 40-50 more years is a tremendous amount of time to develop skills and reap dividends thereby.

Your attitude is more appropriate for a 70-year-old.

I don't know if this statement is true or not, but if you're going to post things this outside the mainstream thinking, you need to bring more evidence than name-calling.

Disregard the old man yelling at clouds.

Well, the best chat app or social network is the one with the people you want to communicate with. I tried to switch all my contacts to my Matrix server to mixed results. The upside is that it's a great filter on the people who really want to communicate with me. ;)

There are still ads and tracking in MacOS and iOS. The only claim is that it's less than Microsoft's and Google's. A difference of degree, not kind. To your other point, GrapheneOS and CalyxOS are options.

People making closed-source software that requires connecting to their server (rather than yours or one you choose) hate you and hold you in contempt. Minimize your contact with these parasites as much as possible because they will always eventually try to fuck you. I've gone through that same process with my Matrix/Element chat app and it works a lot better than what you're describing.

That doesn't match my experiences.

Watchmen (comic book). It was pretty memorable the first time.

How tall are you?

Is it a priori plausible that IQ is so sensitive to a naturally varying element which is sometimes found in much greater concentrations?

You mean like lead? Yea, I think that's plausible.

All Cops are Bastards.

Out of 150 days here, you spent 10% of that waiting in DMVs? Good God man. You'd be incarcerated less time had you been caught driving without a license.

I doubt you'd be able to find any signal like that, because inflation affects everyone similarly.

You're overthinking it. It's the economy, stupid. Inflation was the worst ever under Biden, and when pressed, Kamala couldn't identify a single policy difference between herself and Biden. In the counter-factual where everyone feels richer than 4 years ago, we'd have president Harris.

I don't know what to take away from this other than that you like Trump, written in 10,000 different ways. (I admit I skimmed it after a while.)