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Small-Scale Question Sunday for June 9, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

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Mid thirties is probably your last chance before finding a mail order bride, assuming you want a woman who’s A) young enough to have children the natural way and B) doesn’t already have kids.

Early-mid 40s for a relatively attractive man with a high (but not extreme) income is certainly possible, provided he is willing to marry a woman in the 29-33 range looking to settle down (and in the PMC, almost all of those women will be childless). Rare for a woman in the 21-25 range to marry a 35+ year old unless he’s very handsome and she’s on the plainer side ime.

But looks are an under appreciated part of this calculation. I’ve known quite a few uglyish 28-30 year old women marry much older men, but no very pretty ones unless he’s Don Draper handsome and wealthy, famous or actually megarich.

but no very pretty ones unless he’s Don Draper handsome and wealthy

So what's the modal match for "Walton Goggins 'handsome' and permanent Delta Diamond status"

I tend to assume internet strangers asking romantic advice will never be above average in looks, no matter how much cosmetics, gym time, fashion upgrading, etc.

The Motte is, of course, peopled entirely by beautiful sophisticates with impeccable taste.

Not to hijack, but, with apologies to all the aphantasia folks, I am always visualizing, and have clearish mental images of most Mottizens (probably inaccurate, spooky if they were accurate.)

Tag the motteizeans with beards, let’s see how accurate you are.

Full beards or scruffy Hollywood shadow meant to drive the women wild?

Full beards, goatees, moustaches, etc, but none of that scruff. Something a teenaged boy can’t grow.

I imagine @2rafa has one of those long full beards and the flappy Orthodox side locks. How close am I? I keed!

Since you mentioned beards, I'll tag you, @hydroacetylene. Also you're probably not as blonde as you used to be, North of 30, big boned, some kind of engineer maybe, not unaccustomed to physical labor when necessary. You live in a suburb of Dallas, which is hot as a motherfuck, although you're not native (I would guess New Orleans originally.) You never mention your wife so probably not married or maybe just very discreet, upstanding Catholic dude that you are. Speak passable Spanish and French, maybe some German, maybe some Dutch. All of the above could be wrong. I do this to everybody btw. It's a bad habit.

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